It's nearly impossible to succeed in isolation. That principle is fundamentally true when it comes to real estate investing. This week you'll hear some brilliant tips on making the right connections, as well as a simple technique to make every minute of every day count big.
Watch now and post your feedback on the question I ask. Have a great week!
Rename Week's blog
How about CONNECTED WISDOM MONDAY. Hey Dean, my bed looks like a tornado went by every night going thruough all papers and notes that I have, I think it's taking longer for me but I know I'll be in a better place soon. Take care
I lived in Dallas for 40 years - a big part of my life. In 2003 I moved to Lampasas, Tx, in the Austin area. I would love to partner with someone in Dallas or interested in that area.
Good Blog! And your enthusiasm is indeed infectious! I look forward to my "up" Monday mornings every week. Dean, you are so right about the isolation; I could not do this alone.
I would go with UP Monday or Weekly Encouragement from Dean. I am so glad that we are back on schedule with our community blog!
Blog Name
How about "Kick Start Mondays"? That's what everyone needs!
Thanks As Always, Dean!
How about naming Monday Blog (Monday REI Wiki)?
You are so right about your comment. If I'm presently, physically working on something, my mind at the same time will be working on 4 other things in the future. Thanks for bringing it up! That needs to go, and be dealt with.
I'm also in pursue of 4 or 5 great partners with cash,time & experience. I can provide deals on daily bases.
Always looking out for your blog every Monday.
Have a great week!
Reaching out
My name is Jon. I live in vero beach fl. I live with my parents at age of 26. Lifes pretty much not going anywhere for me right now. I started the program in May and started to read the books and in June after I lost my job I spent everything I have to try and get into the success academy. I studied everyday for 8-10 hours, reading, calling, faxing, making a buyers list, going to meetings..ect. I did it all in just the first month hoping that I can get a job soon to pay for the school. I got a job at a new store but they pay every two weeks and with parents on the brink of kicking me out I didnt have much of a choice but to hand over my paycheck. Cut week is this week so im praying that I still have a job. Hopefully more than 10 hours a week I can get up to date with my payments.
Only thing thats stopping me is creating estimates for house repairs. I dont know how to do it or what to price. I dont want to price low and the buyers think im trying to get a big profit and not buy or price too high to where the seller says no either. Im reaching out to anyone at all that lives near me, Im not looking for someone to do the work for me but just to help me get this stone wheel moving. I need to change my life. Truth is, I dont have one. I dont know where Im going to be in 2012 and I will do anything to change that.
Blog name...
Deans Monday Montage
By definition it is to :present compressed narrative information:
I think this will be an appriate name for the blog because as you stated in this most recent post,they could cover several topics. As a follower of this blog I know this to be true.
Great blog again, Thanks Dean
Blog name/partner
I don't know if anyone has come up with this name . How does"New day Monday" sound ! I would love to partner with someone here.
Hi Dean,
I am new to bloging but experienced in real estate investing haveing done well over 200 deals in the late 90's up to 2007 when the real estate market it's down turn. I am using your "MESSAGE MONDAY'S to regain that inspiration/modivation.
I had to rejoin the hourly workforce, working 3 times as much for 1/3 the money as a PI in North Carolina. I am constantly on the road and with every assignment I see potential real estate investment opportunities. I am also starting to look at foreclosures again to create assignment opportunities, but need interested financial partners. Hope "GRAZIOSI'S GET-IT GOING AGAIN" Blogs can help.
Raleigh NC
Monday Motivation
Hey Dean,
Thanks for another great blog as always. How about Monday Motivation for the new blog title?
No matter what topic your talk about, it always motivates the DG family and adds important information to our arsenal.
Great Blog
How about "Dean's Fresh Dose"?..
Great Blog
How about "Dean's Fresh Dose"?..
"Motivational Mondays"
These weekly blogs keep reminding us of why we do this and/or have little tips or strategies that make us excited about real estate all over again. I think Motivational Mondays is a good name that emcompasses all you do in these nlogs! Thanks Dean!
Looking For That Elusive First Deal
I think the Blog and it's info is enough! No need to go "fancy". Stick to what "brung" us here! Nuts and Bolts and good ol' fashion truth telling! I am not against change, but if it "aint" broke, dont fix it!
Monday Montage
Deans Monday Montage
By definition it is to :present compressed narrative information: associated with movies or video. I think this will be an appropriate name for the blog because as you stated in this most recent post, your blogs could cover several topics. As a follower of this blog I know this to be true. Great blog again, Thanks Dean
My 1st post!! LOL! Thanks for ALL you've done & what I am learning!!
hopefully it sounds motivating?
Hey Dino
First off, how bout ...Mondays Future
second...you REALLY need to rip out that tile on your fire place, and put up some nice stone.
Weekly Blog
"Deans" Kauphy House
How about Dean's Diamonds ?
Because you give such great motivation & content that it's more valuable than Diamonds!!!
Thanks for ALL you do !
I look forward to your blogs. They inspire me, they keep me going when I haven't even started, they are encouraging. I admire your constant work towards getting better yourself and your desire for US to improve is so obvious. You are a REAL guy and I hope that never changes! What I see stands you apart from so many others who teach people financial freedom is that you are DOING it and not just trying to sell some material. These things keep me coming back to your blog. So my idea is FREEDOM THROUGH REAL ESTATE. And that communicates all you are doing for yourself and others. But whatever the name is - I'll be here listening and hanging on every word you say! Oh and by the way - I realized as something to get me started is that if I DID have a partner - it would help so much! So your blog today is RIGHT ON TARGET for where I'm at. So THANK YOU DEAN!
blog title
Hi Dean, great blog,here are smoe name for the blog. DG family info line. A new beginning starts here. Wake up DG family Deans speaking. Energy booster. The world according to invetors.
I am ejoying RBBP. I have learned so much That I have had two real estate agents tell me that they can teel I've been investing for years. Thank you Dean and Matt I did what you said and it works. Matt you know your stuff for sure.
Thank you Laura
" FAST TRACT " if the Monday Blog isn't the Fastest, Safest, Educational and Motivatioal way to get people to take action turn OFF your computer there is no better way. Next time you turn on the computer get on " THE FAST TRACT "
-Rise & Shine-
What ever title you decide is great. I will continue reading it every week no matter what the name is.
I have been working on this over 2 years and still haven't made it work, but I am on this site at least 2 times a day reading and rereading your blogs. I hope someone will partner up and/or be my mentor. But now that you have put this blog out they will. I will not give up!
Anyone available to help me, I need help, please, please!!
Karen in Hampton Roads, VA
Blog Name
Thanks so much for the encouragement you always give. The blog is a great place to really be successful so my idea for a new name is "Everyday Success".
Thanks Dean,
Pamela Harper
Monday's Blog
How about "DG's Device Blog"
In your books and online you have several different techniques for people to profit in RE. Those techniques are fantastic but if you don't use them they won't work. So treat the techniques like a device and turn them on.
Good Blog
Maybe Starting The week Right? I love the idea people working to partner and help one another. Good idea and enjoy all the blogs.
Partner in Utah
A couple of weeks ago I asked my coach about partnering up with some one in Utah and he said he could not set me up but I should post it and see what happens. Well...Mr Negativism and Mr No Self-confidence set in and I did not post. See, I do have good ideas. Let you know how it turns out.
Love the Blog. Does the name really matter, as long as it come every Monday to get my day started? Someone said MONDAY MOTIVATOR How true!!! Thanks for being there for ME.
Have a great day
Need Help In NW Arkasas
Need Help In NW Arkansas.Any one interested?... www.trainingadogvideos.com
How about...
Monday Musings! Magnificent Mondays! Mantra Mondays! Monday Mantra! Ok, I think that's enough
Thanks Dean, like everyone else we love the blog. Whatever you name it is fine by me. I like "Knowlege is Power" for your blog as it seems each day if you pick up one new piece of knowledge you give you are already better off that day.
Thank you Dean! Hi DG Family
Thank you Dean!
Hi DG Family I need help ! I bought a 2br 1b houes in New York, on the market for 3 month can not get it sell .