Weekly Video Blog #47 - Important Update On SuccessFest!


In this week’s Blog Dean delivers a CRUCIAL MESSAGE and as only he can do, he tells you that if you have NOT yet jumped in and gotten involved in this month’s DG "Success Fest 2009" why you better do it now... right now today before it’s too late.

Watch and listen to find out why right now.

If you haven’t got a clue what he's talking about after watching, then fill out the form below.

Once you once you enter your name and email address you’ll be able to download EVERYTHING Dean has sent out so far - AND you'll get PART 3 of the mini-book which will be available Tuesday Morning, Oct 20th. But more importantly, you will be in the special database of folks who will get an exclusive announcement about the awesome new tool he's making available.

UPDATE!!! Chapter 3 has been released! Get Chapter 3 Here!

Since my credit is good...

EricVan's picture

Joe and Stacy all the way!!!!!!

Which one

Hey Dean

Indiana Joe & Stacy.


I Want Both

Hi Dean,

Thanks so much for all the great information you provide me with. I am new and Im catching on surely but slowly. My focus has been shortsales. I was just wondering were can I get more information bout shortsales and how to expediate them quickly?
I would love to have both the credit repair speaker and the realestate agent information

Thanks Again


I pick Joe and Stacy

ericward888's picture

I would love to hear Joe and Stacy!!

my vote

Cris's picture

I can't wait to see both but vote for Joe first.

Thanks for all you do,

Great Blog!

cfish32's picture

Dean, Great Blog! I pick Joe and Stacey.

My Vote - Joe & Stacey

bwraleigh's picture

In my opinion if I am doing deals with no money out of my pocket it doesn't really matter what my credit is. If I'm closing deals and making money my credit score will take care of itself.

What I really want to know is how Joe & Stacey went from where they were in May to where they are today. I plan to follow their example and get out there and get it done!

I vote for Joe and Stacey

GR Investor's picture


Thank you so much for all you do. I pick the interview with Joe and Stacey because I would love to see first hand how they did it and so I can follow in their footsteps.



Which one

Joe and Stacy, please....

Better Credit...

John A's picture

Joe & Stacy, you guys are awesome. If I had 2-choices I would pick both, but since I would have one choice right now I would have to go with CREDIT, that way I can get up to $700,000 they way you guys are today. I'm sure you guys understand & I know you guys are looking out for us as well to succeed the way you guys have. DEAN, please let us see the interview about getting a better Credit Score on Thursday, thank you very much Smiling

Everyone Can Make A Difference!
John A.

Indiana Joe

barbara2000's picture

Thanks Dean again for your powerful messages and # 3 on the mini book!!

My vote is Indiana Joe...

joe and stacy

joe and stacy please

Indy Joe and Stacy is my vote!!!!!

Dean and staff,

Thanks for all you have done to share information with others so that they/we can build a better life. I have been trying to fill in the blanks of REI for years, I read your book once and had my answers! Thanks so much. Still waiting to break into that first deal but I'm on the hunt, and after #1 I'm going to be dangerous I promise!

Would love to hear Joe and Stacy first please, I can repair my credit when there is actually enough income to make repairs.

Thanks so much! Jeff McCaskey - FOMAC Properties.

Indiana Joe Please!

amberk's picture

Love to here from people just like me!

Team Indiana

Hi everybody,
Joe and Stacy!!!

I vote

rg6626's picture

Joe n Stacy

My Vote....

Joe and Stacy.


Kool's picture

Hey Dean ,I was wondering if you can make a video were people can see exact details on getting through a realestate deal...for intance you going through the papers,seeing you make the calls and also seeing contracts get signed.Just so people can get the feeling of doing it.

My Choice is....

Credit repair! Joe and Stacey, please take no offense, I just need to get my credit right so I can buy-hold-flip house to build wealth. So, yes, all the free stuff is building a great foundation and this would add to it!

Thanks again for all this great info, Dean!

Hard decision..

I think that i would benifit most from the information that Joe and Stacey are offering. Hey Dean, thanks so much for all your hard work,and continuing to show us how much you care, Mike.

Joe and Stacy

jcuilty's picture


Thanks for all your hard work and words of wisdom. Since I'm new to the investing world I would love to hear from Joe and Stacey.


Which One?

I would have to go with Joe & Stacey

Joe and Stacey Or Jeremy

Hey DG,
I believe I would rather here from Jeremy, Due to the fact the real estate market is different all over the US. And the credit would make it easier for the real estate all over the US.
David W Sell

hey there

mikeay2's picture

Joe Joe Joe

Boy how to pick....

magpc's picture

I want it all.....


Joe and Stacey

Dean -

Again, thanks so much for all you are doing. Repetition is essential when you are making such a big leap and trying to change your life and old habits. Please don't give up on us. Seeing how others are becoming successful is really essential. Can't wait to see how Joe and Stacey made it happen for themselves.


Joe and Stacey

Magarahan's picture

Joe and Stacey

JOe and STacey

JOE and STAcey



Joe and Stacey

I would like to here from Joe and Stacy. I have followed them on here and am in amazement as to what they have achieved. I have thought about the things they have done just was not sure how to go about doing it. They have inspired me to take the leap and to just do it.

I vote for...

showtime951's picture

indiana joe & stacy! Thanx Dean once again Eye-wink

It's a go with Joe!

Dean! I would like to see some of what Joe did. Both are great ideas so either is good, but I think Joe's story is better for me right now!


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