Dean Graziosi Weekly Wisdom #151 - Why My Weaknesses Are An Asset

In this issue of Weekly Wisdom you'll get to hear Dean's secret to boundless enthusiasm, gaining confidence and a three sentence technique to add dozens of buyers to your buyers list. And, Dean reveals why "being intelligent" has very little to do with being smart - or getting rich...

Get Dean's New Book "30 DAYS TO REAL ESTATE CASH" Right Now


I want to put my big girl panties on and pull some enthuscasm. Thank for another great blog Dean, I'll see what I can do.

That's so me...

Lume702's picture

Thanks Dean,

It seemed like that message was directly sent to me. I am that guy with the mellow voice and scared to be enthusiastic. It is a major problem that I need to work on but it's getting better. I do admire your energy and enthusiasm and will strive to show mine Smiling. Thanks for the continual support.


Comment on Deans words of wisdom

I really don't have a lot to say, but i do listen to your words of wisdom every week and i do agree with the others and you with your personality it does help others to go along with you, example i'm here and have been here along time, and this month i will do a deal, mark my words this is in writing so i guess i have too;;; Thanks for all your support Dean...

Dean's latest blog

dgadmin wrote:

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Dean Your personality is wonderful, full of life and rejuvernating.
You are not only an investor but a wonderful public speaker. Could you please stop beating upon yourself talking about your education, It has nothing to do with it. There is a saying which says, "studyration beats education". God made you just the way he wants you. Maybe if you have had a college degree you would not be the person you are, trying to help others because you have trodden the path you did. Keep up the god works.
Be bless and highly favored in Christ.

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In this issue of Weekly Wisdom you'll get to hear Dean's secret to boundless enthusiasm, gaining confidence and a three sentence technique to add dozens of buyers to your buyers list. And, Dean reveals why "being intelligent" has very little to do with being smart - or getting rich...

Get Dean's New Book "30 DAYS TO REAL ESTATE CASH" Right Now

Dean the exceptional blogger

Thanks Dean. For a moment you have me worried. I thought you were about to cry. Then I realized that it was like a father concerned for the welfare of his childred.
You are not only a REI, you are also a wonderful, public, motivated speaker with sincerity. Could you please stop beating upon yourself about your education. There are a lot of college degree(s) people out there who only wanted a tail to be a complete donkey. Education has nothing to do with it. There is a saying that says, "Studyration beats educaation." Maybe if you were highly educated, you would not have been the people person you are today. You have tread the path, walk in the shoe, so you are able to relate to others along the way.
God have made you His way for this way. People may try to copy you, but there is only one Dean Graziosi, and there will never be another. God does not make duplicate, everyone is individually made.
Keep up the good work. Be blest and highly favored in Christ Jesus



dreamitdoit's picture

I knew that was not you.You just don't have that in you.I got the message,though.Your ENERGY,ATTITUDE,ENTHUSIASM,AND SO MANY OTHER GREAT QUALITIES YOU HAVE keep me coming back for more.You are the REAL DEAL.Thanks for more great WEEKLY WISDOM.

May GOD continue to Bless you & your family.

Corpus Christi,Texas,USA

Thanks for showing the contrast

prevac's picture

Thanks for reminding me that there can be a different view or perception to what can be communicated. Love the great example of being in an auction. "Who me? Why would I waste my time & even make myself feel inferior because I'm not buying in cash."

Aha! But Dean's put a twist in your posture in building our buyer's list. Just a short "amazing" complement to the auction winner, and it's just the matter of clearing all the ambient or background noise & the negative stuff from my head: listening! There you go, start the mental recorder for this buyer's preferences & resource! Bada-boom-bada-bing! Hammer time - can't touch this!!! For the RE Investor, it's 'posture, posture, posture.'

So true! How you present

bahney's picture

So true! How you present yourself makes a huge difference. Thank you!

Very awakening!

carolynd's picture

Most of the time we don't stop to think how we actually come across to other people. I know I concentrate more on what I am going to say than how I say it. Your blog made me realize that enthusiasm really is a key element when talking with potential buyers, sellers and everyone else. Thanks for another great tip!


Dear Dean, I've never been very good with a computer and i'm even worse at spelling there are times like this comment when I can't use the spell check, but you are so right just getting the confidence to speake to people meanse allot. What I do is copy word for word things that you and Mat say and practice and practice and practice and use it, makes me look like a rock star. THANKS EDGAR


fnyzep4749's picture

Great blog, again. And your right, enthusiasm and tone is everything. Thank you for this lesson. Very important.


go dean

thanks dean i will try your way. going to hit auctions and see how i do. hope to grab those buyers.


Well that's sounds like us timid and trembling but have hope to over come and succeed. Finding the words to say as usual.

Awesome Reminder

Thank you! Great reminder to each of us not to allow fear of our supposed shortcomings to keep us from succeeding in our goals. Looking forward to your next nugget of wisdom.

Today's Blog

alfdalsr's picture

Hey Dean,

Thank you for that boost. I am working hard to get there.

Thanks again


Blog # 151


When I first saw the video, I thought something was seriously wrong with you. I thought that maybe your doctor diagnosed you with the worst thing in life and you had two days to live! I was shocked! Then you started explaining. I laughed!

The last three weeks were very hectic and trying for me. First of all, I felt weak; not tired, but weak. I am a very strong person and this was the first time in years I have felt like this. I had to take it easy a bit. So many things went wrong. I will not repeat them. I persevered, though. Nearing the election time, I had no money, no means of transportation. I had $8;00 to my name. I took a taxi as far as the $8:00 would take me, and I walked the rest (about 40 minutes). Then I picked up my ballot box and all the stuff. I had to walk back one and a half hours. I was tired and I then asked a bus driver to take me home. I told him I had no money today, but the next day, I would have money and would pay for today, and buy my pass. I am not saying that for anyone to pity me. He agreed and I got home. On election day, I had to take my son to a friend's house and then go on. I walked all the way. It was not very far. When I got there, I was told a lady canceled that morning because she had no transport. I told my boss that I also had no transport, but walked! I got there on time. I also paid the bus driver the following day, and got my pass too.

So you see, I used to be shy. I'm not anymore. I just need a bit of $$ to really start off. I can talk to all kinds of people. People respond very well to me. I will make it, Dean, you'll see!

It shows the kind of person I am and what I am willing to do to get somewhere in life.

Enjoy your day,

You had me going there, you

You had me going there, you looked down and sad; but, like always, you had me laughing with enthusiasm. It's all about attitude. Thanks Dean.

Just one word can describe you Dean

myhandscanhelp's picture

and you may be expecting me to say something like Awesome, great, inspirational, or motivating witch are most defiantly all very true... but my word for you would have to be "Honest"

And Thanks So Much For That!

your future partner

That was funny!

That was one of my favorite weekly blog's yet.
Like everyone else-you got me too! Even funnier, I have a Real Estate club/meeting to go to tonight-So lets put it to the test!!!

Best Regards

that was scary

I thought you were a zombie! I am going to an auction 21 or 22 this month

huntington bch ca.


Lately I have been practicing enthusiasm on everybody I meet. I hear myself and I like what I hear. I called a list of real estate clubs and got someone to tell me on the phone what he wanted and said get me this house and you got your $5,000. Contracts stopped me. But this gentleman took my telephone number and email address. When I talked to people, I don't "see" me, I see them and pretend that I am at an interview for a job. I get relaxed and don't accept no for an answer. Dean you are right, they talk and talk. Now I have decided to head out in person instead of using the telephone. I found FSBO, and this person was out talking me to buy, but again contracts stopped me. I wanted to get my feet wet knowing nothing. Now I am buried in books from you, Dean. I plan not to think too much when I meet people in real estate in person. Just go for it and see what happens? If they say, no then I will move on. It's not courage so much as not thinking so much. I found that not seeing yourself helps.


MarcLuke's picture

I wish I heard this last week when I was at my 1st sheriff sale because I was fumbling for words and what to say. Next month I'll do it again but the right way.
With enthusiasm and to the point!

Comments on weekly blog #115

westerwayne's picture

No surprise, another spectacular message in this week’s video blog. I’ve been watching you since I first got started with your program in June or July of 2009. I realized something as I watched this blog; All this time, I’ve been spinning my wheels and not understanding why. As you delivered your message about real estate success and how to achieve it, I noticed myself paying as much if not more attention to your delivery as to the message itself. I finally understood why this has been so difficult for me. I watch you and am spellbound by your ease of delivery as well as awed by your knowledge and how it has brought you the success you have sought and achieved since your wrecker days. Perhaps for a while I will split the two and focus on the real estate message and put off trying to learn how you spread the word so easily, completely and accurately. If it works, I should be able to speak about the subject more easily and the two should complement each other nicely.

Thanks again Dean for your predictable guidance, motivation and encouragement.

As always, may God watch over you and your beautiful family and keep you all safe and well.

Terry & Susan


skytrolly's picture

LOL.. Spell check! sometimes does me in too. Lets say, "It's his sole mate" ooops.. that would be soul Not the bottom of a shoe.. Yes.. my weak point too. Fake it tell you make it! Yep my niece gives me these words of wisdom many times. Well went to a county land auction the other day and only 7 out of 30 parcels sold by the end of the second offering. So county retained these parcels aval for offers.. Good for some, but me, only there for the experience and maybe meet a few buyers.. Only no one really there. So I figure ok. time to go interview banks. Yah I was a little scared, I don't have a business degree, simply used my enthesim (how do you spell that anyhow and why don't we have spell check here?). Say whats the answer to projections?? when you are just staring and don't have a deal yet?.... This weeks wisdom speaks to me.. Thanks

Dean, this is so funny. This

Dean, this is so funny. This is not really you but I could see myself like that in certain situations.
The beginning of this video really made me laugh. Ivanka.

What's up with the green screen background, btw?

prevac's picture


Surprising enough, you didn't have your typical 'in-home/living room' setting. Was this something to give a subliminal effect?


Just What Was Needed Today

Dean, you reflect the enthusiasm of Winston Churchill during the World War II bombing of England: "Never, never give up!" During our bleakest moments when we wonder where the money is coming from for necessities today and during the next two weeks, we should never give up! You gave me a renewed enthusiasm for today in getting that loan to tide me through the next few months in getting my first deal. Thank you for that.


When I am tired and down, I need to come back to this #151 again and again! Your energy is infectious. Another thing that is good is to look in the mirror; if we can see what others see when we are talking to them, we will automatically smile. And when we smile, it can not only change someone elses day, but it comes across as enthusiastic about life in general, warm to others, happy with what we know.

Weekly Wisdom #151

Hi Dean,

Thank you so much for this message. I am working this week on my buyers list and I will definitely attend an auction and use this strategy. I have been hesitant to communicate with buyers at the auction, but now I am so encouraged and ready to go. I look forward to the next blog.

Weekly Wisdom

Great tidbits of inspiration and information. Love the "ask a question" when I am at a loss for words. Thanks again for your upbeat attitude to lift my spirits when I am feeling overwhelmed.