Dean Graziosi Weekly Wisdom #164 - Do You Know Who Holds You Back?

Dean Graziosi Weekly Video Blog

If you've been watching these video blogs for any length of time, you know Dean is frequently reminding you to avoid the negative people and negative news whenever possible. Yet, there's another culprit lurking in the shadows. One who can be even more destructive.

This week you'll to see how to identify and deal with this liar. You'll also have a chance to ask some questions about improving your credit score and maybe "throw your name in the hat" as a beta-tester for our improved website. Watch now and post your questions and comments below.

The Big Villian!!

jeannieo's picture

Thanks Dean for reminding me of that Big Villian inside of me that's keeping me from success!! I so want this business to work, but have had so many doubts and naysayers around me that it's been really hard to push those doubts back. I really appreciate all your encouragement you give to each of us every week. I don't always comment on your Weekly Wisdom videos, but I sure do watch them!!

Thanks again,

Thanks Dean

Thanks for the blog, was what I need to hear. Been trying to work on real estate for a while now but nothing good yet and a lot of people tell me to give up. I watch you blogs every week and they alway help me want to keep going. So thanks Dean and keep working out, your looking buff.


Flooding my brain

This villian that you speak of has been flooding my brain for some time now. He has plagued me and I'm ashamed that I have let it go on for so long. It will stop, today!


Regina's picture

Thanks so much, this was for me this week.


Hey Dean

Great advise as usual and that neg' inner voice is the worst enemy that anyone can have! Thanks!


Will our new website contain ALL of the old information that exists here now? And I do mean ALL...... If not, I can start backing up info' that I take for granted will always be there.

Thanks Dean,


Lookin forward to tues. nite in Alcoa!!!

Great post Dean

rcmfunding's picture

I find that the villian returns when I'm about to make progress, but by consistently taking action I win each time. Thanks for the encouragement.


It's amazing

matlock31's picture

I'm glad you talked about this because i fill just that when I purchase homes. I dont fill this way all the time but something inside my brain feeds me negative felling and I have to shack it off just so I can move forward. It only happen when I call seller with homes which are upside down and cant do much for them but to subject to there property and not to mention there behind on mortgage payment.I know there are other who fill the same think.I have to talk to myself about how great this would be for me if someone were able to help me save my home from foreclosure and my credit til life offers me better things to come.If I can get a smile after i say this to myself i make the call. I'm at pease with my offer. Thanks Dean if only you knew what to say at a perfect time for some of us.

Credit Boost

Hi Dean,

I could really use some help getting my credit repaired. I went through a short sale and I need to get my credit repaired. I loved your blog this week about the inner Villain. It is so true and we have to tell the Villain we are in charge not them. Thanks for the encouragement Dean to keep us all focused and on track with our success in Real Estate. You are doing great thinks so please keep it up. Thanks so much for all you do!

positive attitude

A positive attitude helps me survive. It is a challenge every day, but thinking and living that way is the best. I contact the "Villain" just about every day. 2012 is going to be a history year. A positive history year!
I would like to put in my name for a chance as a beta-tester. I already like what we have.

Thanks for all you do

Would love to see the new website and be a beta tester. Funny how you mentioned being victorious. One of my 3 words that I picked to work towards for 2012 is being victorious!!! And I wholeheartedly agree that our inner voice and self confidence are the worst villains of them all!!!!!



the civil war inside plays on.consideder an asset where ever I worked at.But to step out at my age or what other excuse I can image ha ha.maybe have to be on the bottom to force ourselfs into new adventures, lifesytles etc... thank you once again for true lifes by DEan, You are good. Until

Another Great One Deal

cbrindamour's picture

Yup that villain, he is always lurking around the corner! A solid dream will always put out the fire of the villain!

Phil Tirell is awesome I have his program! Lot forward to his new program.

Also look forward to the new! Not sure how you can improve it.

Great blog, Dean. My

Great blog, Dean. My villain isn't negativity, but I have come to the conclusion it is fear. I am so close to making an offer and yet I haven't done it. I am afraid I won't know what to do next. And then I am afraid I won't find a buyer(I'm wholesaling) and won't know how to get out of the deal. Thanks for all you do for us and all the encouragement you give.


You weren't just bumping your gums their Dean! I have one of those guys. He followes me around wherever I go, and when he speaks, I seem to listen. But I think today I have found, through you, a better way to handle this dastardly demon.
Thanks for everything! and have a great day!


Dean, I've been harboring this villain for about 3 yrs now. I'm thinking some karate kicks are needed to knock this villain out of my system. Any experts out there?
Really, I know I am the only one who can truly overcome my villain (the fear of being laughed at), but I could never do it without the support and wisdom of you and the DG family.
Thanks're the BEST!


villian inside & web site

I really need to squash my villian inside. I missed great deal a month ago because i got scarred. I would like to try new website.

credit repair

mikec0346's picture

hey Dean, michael i want to know that once you pay off a tax lein that is in the public record section of your credit report is it best to call or write to the IRS? cause this is one of the problems i have and i am paying it off only wish sooner than later i just like to know how to go about it once it is paid off thanks Dean michael from queens new york

The Box that Hold's you back

armendariz5's picture

it is so True what your saying, about that little voice.I am so tired of that box that i fill stuck in. For years i been wanting to get out of that box.I start working on a project, and start making some money, then i need to find something else, so i slow down with that business and start something new. I just keep jumping on a new wheel, that is at a stop, and get it going, then there i go again.a new wheel. I really want to be a real-estate investor. I have order your books, read them, i got blue print, and for some reason can't finish it. I started on 30days to Real Estate, haven't finish it. Is there someone out there that has gone threw what i keep going threw and has change there life, and found the reason why.I ask my self "WHY" do i want to do this and i have great reasons WHY.I need to find something that could help me with all the clutter in my life.You know the crazy thing is that when i was out of work, and i need to pay my mortgage, and my bill's, i had to do a lot of thing's to get that money every month and I did it, I was the Happy in my life, because i had freedom. Thank u for your time every Monday Dean

Credit question

armendariz5's picture

i bought a house a year ago on the Jan,18,11, and paid all my bills on time, and made a hiup, on one of my credit cards, and payed late, and as soon i found out i made a payment to catch up, then made another small payment to the card again, and will make two payments each month after this.i set up auto pay, it didn't set up, so that's why i got the late payment.
My question to you is i would like to refinance my loan on my house, so that i could lower the interest, on my loan. do you think this will effect the loan, or the refinance?

Thank U

Been on the sidelines

JoshV's picture

Great video Dean.. I've been sitting on the sidelines for too long watching everyone play in the game.. waiting for something to fall in my lap.. The "Enemy", "IN ME", telling myself I don't deserve to be in the game.. Facing obstacles and giving up.. these past 2 weeks I have done some serious self-evaluation.. It's time to for me to be All-In.. say no to doubt, excuses, fear and negativity.. its too easy to give up and slip back into the routine.. Ambrose Redmoon said, "Courage is not the absence of fear, but rather the judgement that something else is more important than fear". Its time to get back in the trenches and stay persistent.. To press on toward a higher calling.. Thanks for reminding me Dean..

great blog

Hi Dean: this was another excellent blog. Negative, that word, you explain it to a tea. There are oh so many folks out there. thefy have no knowledge, abt real estate.thanks for all the help you share with us. cant wait for new Carol in Texas


TomAndJeri's picture

Dean this is so true! We have to keep people with bad energy away, it doesnt help. It just destroy what you want to do. We look forward to the upgraded website! Thanks again, Tom and Jeri

The Villians Will Not Win

Thanks again Dean for the infomation. Yes I was fighting with the villian these last three months and will be able to shake it off and continue my journey and make some money. At this point I have no choice:) I am so glad that you have these weekly blogs because I need to get off my butt and make it happen. One good thing happen that showed me in a dream my time will be here soon. Keep the encouraging words coming I know my hard times will pass soon.


New Dean Graziosi site

I can't imagine you improving any part of DG.Com
but I shall welcome all the great new things you have for all the DG family of students and devotees.
Dean I thank you from the bottom of my heart for your candor and sincerity when you talk to us all on the weekly wisdom help bridge the gap and keeps us connected to what you share with us each week. Thanks for all your great hard work...please keep the teriffic content coming.
My best to all there at Phil Lully

Perfect Topic.. and looking forward to the new!

MCArmel1's picture

It never ceases to amaze me how things show up perfectly! Thanks for your "Weekly Wisdom".. timing was great!!!

Looking forward to the new as well.. and am so hopeful that I can start getting your emails again. It's been since October and we ( myself and support ) can't seem to figure out why. I miss em!!!

Take care.. and hope to see you again soon..

Again.. thank you!


Held Back

John Trivett's picture

I experienced that Villan for awhile in my life a few years ago and it taught me a huge lesson... Thanks for the reminder to keep pushing forward and to not let the naysayers & negative influences hold me back..

Ps. I took Phillip Tirones lesson 4 months ago and took my credit score from a 640 to a 710 currently,I found so many errors that I am in the process of disputing now so I assume within the next 2 months I will be above 720!!!

Thanks Dean.. You continue to help us in more than just Real Estate Investing!!

Great Wisdom Comments

As always, thanks Dean for the words of encouragement... things we probably knew, but pushed way back there somewhere in our minds.


Remember, the skys the only limit.

you are what you tell yourself! !!

Jay Sthilaire's picture

Yes that little guy on your shouldertries to steer you in many directions....esp when you r on the right track!! How do you know you are on it??? The little guy I don't know if you can do this????....and you get that FEELING and ask yourself man...can I????
YOU MUST ASK yourself the RIGHT HOW CAN I DO THIS...and your mind will ******BOOT******* that little guy off your shoulder.....DEVELOP this HABIT and that VILLIAN will be on someone elses shoulder! !!

The Villian

Thank you Dean for this week Weekly Wisdom, I haven't been able to do anything and I know it, but it has been one thing after another. I hope this year 2012 is going to be better for me and for some other people just like me. Thank you anyway for all your advice and some of the DGFamily and just waiting for my husband's last surgery next Wed. and hopefully everything will be ok. Thank you again for all the advice and will talk to you all soon. Ada.............