This Weekly Wisdom is all about helping the folks whose lives have been affected or even devastated by Hurricane Sandy. Post an encouraging message to those on the East Coast and we will donate $5 bucks for every comment left.
Again, everyone who watches this video and leaves a message of support will help raise money for the good people affected by Hurricane Sandy. So please, watch listen and pass it on. In less than 5 minutes, together we can raise thousands to help restore hope to hurting people. Thank you.
PS- If you haven't already, you can still test drive Insider Elite for just $1!
Here in Lancaster,PA. we got hit by Sandy pretty good too with a lot of heavy winds and rain but luckily we were not hit as hard as New York and Jersey.
I personally did not lose power and was fortunate,we all feel terrible about what happened on the coast and hope and pray for all who were affected and wish them a speedy recovery from this terrible ordeal.
Thanks Dean for all your help,we just helped by sending a truck of water and food stuffs to help and are planning a clothes drive for this weekend.
Thanks Dean for reaching out to help others. After having seen the destruction of Katrina, it is hard to imagine the damage along with the cold weather. I see now that we were blessed not to have snow and ice with destruction.
My thoughts and prayers are
My thoughts and prayers are with those effected by Sandy . Espically those who lost family and or loved ones.I can only imagine what you are going through.My heart goes out to you , and I pray for your speedy emotional and physical recovery. God Bless
hurricane sandy
nice blog dean, and thank you for donating on our behalf the victims of hurrican sandy needs all of our support. Joe.
Like many others have posted, I too have family and friends affected by the storm. I know that God surrounds all the people on the east coast, lifting them up in his loving embrace and surrounding them with peace and love as the details of their lives are sorted out.God Bless and know that God is there.
Here is a prayer for you and your family from Boise, Idaho! Hoping you find the strength and courage and HOPE to make it through this difficult time! May the Lord help you through and ease your suffering very soon! Take care, and lean on those who give YOU strength! God bless! Pam Humphreys
Thoughts and prayers for you
My heart is breaking for you. I can't even wrap my mind around what you all are going through - first superstorm Sandy and now winter storm Athena. I have and will continue to pray for your immediate needs to be met and for your lives to return to normal quickly. May God bless each of you.
Thanks Dean for your Thoughtfulness
Hold out for the silver lining. Everything happens for a reason...strive to get past this huge DIP in your lives and God has great things awaiting you on the otherside. Keep the Faith.
Hurricane wishes
Hi Dean,
Your thoughts are so warm, it is now my turn to show my support too. May the dear Creator continue to show his thoughtfulness towards the human life and help us to help each other.
Keep up the good works!
Our hearts go out to all
Our hearts go out to all those who lost so much! Thank you Dean for giving us all the opportunity to do something to help those that find themselves in need in the wake of Sandy.
Families in the Northeast
Wishing you well,turn to your family & neigbhors in your time of need. We are part of a community.
To everybody affected by Sandy, living in Texas I was here for Ike and have seen first hand the Devastation a storm can bring.
You all are in my thoughts and I wish you a short road to recovery.
Prayers and well wishes
I want to let everyone affected by Sandy that they are in my thoughts. I know the last few weeks have been tough but I also know that the people out east are sturdy and resilient. I'm sure you have weathered many things in your lives and while times look bleak know that you will not be left or forgotten. You will come back and be even stronger. So take solace in knowing that people believe in you and are working to bring life back to a normal state.
God Bless and stay Safe & Strong
Dear New York, You are in my
Dear New York,
You are in my thoughts and prayers.
I whole heartedly believe that this tremendous
hardship will make you all stronger people.
Be conscious of of our support (tangible support and spiritual).
I pray that your struggle will be over very soon.
God bless you.
I have been praying for you!
I'm so sorry to hear of the devastation that has happened in your lives. Please know all of you are in my prayers! Kathy
Praying for you
Praying that the Lord bring you comfort and quick recovery to all of you.
Thoughts and Prayers
thoughts and prayers to those affected by the hurricane. Wish there was more that I oculd do.
The Darkest Part Of Night Is Just Before Sunrise
At times like theses mere words are simply hollow and empty. Our challenge is to take these circumstances, when our world has been turned upside down as an oppurtunity for cleansing our spirit. Knowing always that these earthly possessions are only things and have no meaning anywhere else in the universe. And that we understand that we will soon leave all theses things behind one day and become one with the Spirit of the Creator God.
Peace & Love
Frank Williams
Our thoughts and prayers are
Our thoughts and prayers are also with you. I can't imagine what it would be like to go through everything you are going and have gone through over there. I only wish there was more I could do. I hope our prayers will suffice. God bless you all.
Prayers for Sandy victims.
My Family thoughts and prayers are with you all, hoping everything will be restored soon.
God bless you all.
Hurricane Sandy Victims
Continue to compete! Although I have never experienced this type of devastation in Portland,OR, gather your fortitude and resolve and carry on. Our thoughts and prayers are with you every day as we watch the news. When I broke my neck in Florida 17 years ago, someone gave me a banner to hang in the hospital that simply said, "Tough times never last, but tough people do!" One step at a time and remember you have many many people thinking of and helping you daily. Best wishes, and chin up!
Rick Snell
well wishes for everyone affected by Superstorm Sandy
What a wonderful and generous offer DG! I just logged in and saw the video, its a couple days later and I know things are still very difficult for many people on the East Coast. We're praying that you get some power real soon if you havent already. That you are safe and warm and that the rebuilding of your lives can start soon. Praying that your insurance policy and the company it is acts swiftly helping restore your lives. Have Faith, stay strong, and know that we are here praying for everyone!
Almost all my family is in the area most damaged. All escaped serious ill-effects. Thank you Dean for your generous gifts.
To the people affected by Sandy
To the people affected by Sandy my thoughts and prayers are with you and know the Lord is with you especially during this rough times. Thanks Dean for this opportunity to share.
Thanks Dean!
My thoughts and prayers go out to everyone affected by Hurricane Sandy. Thanks for giving back Dean!!
Renae & Tyrone
A prayer for you in this time of need
May the God of all comfort,comfort you in your time of need and may His grace be sufficient.I am from Rhode Island, we were very fortunate but my neighboring towns were hit hard.My church has volunteered for relief effort
So many losses
I've read only a few of these posts but it seems nothing more or new can be said except perhaps in a different way. As with any loss, grieving is normal and must be allowed in order to be able to continue. So, everyone, allow yourselves and others to grieve. My hope and prayer for you is that through it all you will learn to trust in God, depend on Him and His Word (the Bible).
God Bless
Wishing you all stay strong through it all and know that there is light ahead.
Also thank you Dean for doing this kind deed.
God Bless you. Please keep
God Bless you. Please keep the faith and be stong. Thank you Dean for your kind and thoughtful idea to donate money to those damaged by Hurricane Sandy.