Dean has mentioned it before, but the number of his successful female students just keeps increasing. This is especially encouraging for the other ladies out there and perhaps even a bit of a challenge to the guys to step up their game!
So in this blog, along with some great advice and tips from Dean, you’re going to get a peek into the live and story of one of these successful ladies.
This will surely be music to your ears... pun intended.
Thats because...
Thats because... wait for it. Gena is a Big Deal! I am glad we have become partners and even more-so-friends.
We love you Gena. Keep rockin it. Oh yea -thanks to Dean who made this all happen;)
John Wakefield
Love todays post
Loved today's post with the Gena playing piano. I also liked that Dean got a women's perspective on real estate investing. Would like to see more women helping women
Such an inspiration!Loved her story on the Edge event!You go Gena!I want to be one of your baby-boomer successes too!I get discouraged and then listen to one of your amazing people like Gena, Carol and Jen and they keep me motivated along with your great weekly wisdoms.Keep up the good work. You'll make a success of all of us yet!
I like listening to Gena as at takes work to do anything like her playing the piano, it wasn't her just sitting down and playing to took time. Just like she real estate career. I look forward to learning from all of the teachers and Dean.
Thanks for everything
The Gena Blog
Dean, thank you so very much for allowing Gena to tell her story from a young, older investor. I am a bit older then you Gena, and have been a little involved in the DG site for some time now, yet still have not done much. Maybe this is my time to step up! I live in Gig Harbor a place you may of heard of Gena and after i get my first deal done we could meet sometime. Anyhow thank you for your words of wisdom, and may God bless you. Best Fran
Gena's Great!!
Loved Gina ..Thanks for the video. My daughter lives in Seattle!!
Gena's Great!!
Loved Gena... Thanks for the video. My daughter lives in Seattle!!
Gena Congratulations and thank you for sharing !! :-)
Just love Gena she is transparent !!!
Thank you Dean for all you do for all of us,
we appreciate it.
Very inspirational !
Thanks for sharing Gena's story Dean. She is such an inspiration!
Gena was one of the first people we met, and it has been fun getting to know her (and Nick), and taking this journey along side her as a partner and a friend. Which, by the way, would not have happened if not for the opportunity you provide for like minded people to connect. So Thank you!
I wanted to hear more!!
That was very inspiring! I could have kept on listening...
I have been on the fence (because of lack of funds) in regards to the "education" as Gena referred to it. I truly know that it is necessary for me and I will make the adjustments in order to get my business where I want it to be. 3&1/2 years is so quick! Thank you for sharing this video with us.
Thanks Gena!
Dean, thanks for sharing Gena's inspiring story.
We fell short on our monthly goal in May of 1 offer a day - but like what Dean shared before in chasing the horizon - we realized that we did a lot better in the month of May than the past four months. so we'll keep moving in June - one offer at a time.
Jeff & Lilian
Congratulations on your Success:
You made the choice and stuck to it!
Just keep going!
Come on Ladies! We can all do this! Thank you, Gena.
Thank you, Dean for your time and inspiration!
Kathy Wensel - Media, PA.
That was so motivating. I loved hearing the part about what her friends are doing. People have told me I should do some of those things, go back to school, swallow your pride and take a minimum wage job. I know that at my age, that minimum wage job will end and I may not be able to work. I too will take action this week. First step find 5 to 10 Real Estate Offices and make that call.
Encouragment from Gena
Thanks Dean for sharing Gena's video. She showed that the determination to win is everything. She had her "WHY" that got her to move forward with her goal. I appreciate you for your continued encouragement for your students.
Gena You do inspire me
First ... I am a Veteran and thank you ... Glad to have done my duty for this country and its citizens.... Then there are special ones like Gena ... She inspires me ... after I finished my time in the service I spent a short time working on the Space coast in construction as an Inspector... Then I went overseas to Asia... I ended up doing something I never thought I would ever do ... Teaching English to foriegn college students ...I really liked it and wanted to get back over there and do it again... but after working in the American system again I found it really hard to get back up to a level where i could save enough to get back over there. I have been to a few of these seminars Dean offers in certain Localities ... You know the really beginer ones that get you off the ground in a 3-4 day class ... and I have seen and talked to some of these instructors... I thought to my self and this last one really got to me and now Gena's Video This is the way I would like to teach in The U.S. and this is what I would love to teach.... what a great subject that could really help people of all ages and if I could do it with the support of a great woman like the one I will have from the Philppines (She is a ball of Fire in groups like DG)It would be a life's Dream for me ... But I have got to get off the ground first and get a deal done... Hopefully with the support of and the great people in it this is what I will DO ... Teach people how to succeed... Chek out my Bio and you will see what I have to rise above... Thank you for inspiring me Gena
Way to go Gena
Love it when women show what they can do. So many times our society looks down on the "stay at home mom"--not realizing this probably takes more skill and more talent than anything else out there. So hooray for Gena for reminding women that we can do this!
Hi Dean. Thank you for sharing this video with us.
I agree with Gena this business is what you make of it. We just need to follow the p[an. Thanks again!
Always love haering these storys Gena is great
Heard Gena's story before but it's like everything else you can go back for more Thanks Dean & Gena Keep up the good work
Wow, this is amazing inspiration and encouragement. Thanks so much for giving us motivation every week. I can do this and change my financial environment.
Gena, Thanks for your sharing your life changing story and helping us build belief in ourselves. Dean your were right, this is an absolute classic video clip. It helped me stay positive and motivates me to change my life like Gena.
I think I need to join a DG coaching program to guide me and hold my feet to the fire.
Thank you!!!
Dean your positive image has change the way I am today, it's not easy to change from saving/counting each penny to how to manage/planning how to think big picture and enjoy present. I don't know how to say it but I am feeling change toward positive little by little in the time.
Gina thank you for share your journal with us.
Gena is awesome!
I could really learn from Gena. I live in the Seattle area and would love to meet her! You Rock Gena!
Thank you Dean for sharing one of many success stories.Eduaction and how much time you spend in the real estate is what makes you gain success in the future .God bless you.
Re: weekly wisdom #239 -88 keys
I just watched your weekly wisdom #239 -88 keys I love your site, because there is NO ONE that I know personally that have like minded people around like your site does. Please keep your website going, because it keeps me going.
Thank you,
Weekly wisdom #239 - 88 keys
Gena's video was very up lifting and I love your site too. Please keep your site going, because it keeps me going.
Thanks you!,
Could be Dean's education applied in France?
Could be Dean's education applied in France?
I'm really inspired by Gena's story,I lost my full-time job after over 4 years of service with a company in Houston,TX due to uncontrollable circumstances. I need help immediately to be a part of this real estate success stories so I can get back on my feet financially ASAP before I fall behind on my financial responsibilities and so I can also be an inspiration to other people who will eventually read my success story.I appreciate your help and consideration.Thanks
Congrats on being the featured success story! You are amazing! So genuine and so open! You represent the DG women and make us proud! <3
Dean has opened this up to ALL of us. It is just that not everyone has accepted the invitation and SERIOUSLY gone for it!
Someone here asked to be shown the path to follow. Have you read Dean's books? Right there is the path, complete with glow in the dark breadcrumbs! But the path must be followed. Sorry, it is not one of those rolling sidewalks like they have in the airport, you actually have to walk the walk! And it is SO EXCITING to see that it can work for regular, normal every day you and me kinda people!
Go follow your paths guys and gals! Gena is playing our song!
YOU motivate me Gena!!
Such an inspiring woman! Thank YOU!
a Wondrous Story (as Jon Anderson of YES puts it)!
Which POINTS to a story that is poorly-understood both in RE investment circles and in our larger homo sapien family - that of STORYTELLING ITSELF.
It's kinda "biblical" this WORD thingie, but the implications for investing in REAL ESTATE are FORMIDDABLE.
If you READ (a LOT) over the years, and then you WRITE (also a LOT) and then, arguably the HARDEST step - you learn how to COPYwrite (writing to SELL and/or PERSUADE) (and you do that one a LOT), then you get to SPEAK (which, again you need to do a LOT OF if you want to become any damn good at it) and then the LOOP BEGINS ANEW (read-write-copywrite-speak)
At the END OF ALL THAT - especially if one "discovers" the INTERNET and SOCIAL MEDIA MARKETING - you get an ABSURD WAD OF WORKING CAPITAL to invest in whatever your heart desires (anywhere on Planet earth that isn't Syria, or Myanmar or N. Korea, of course) and with a DEVICE YOU RUN UP YOUR SAILBOAT MAST or PILOTHOUSE FLAGPOLE (rendering this meme: PS, I LOVE YOU - as in PERSONAL SOVEREIGNTY device - aka PSD - NO, not the PHOTOSHOP NATIVE FILE FORMAT although that CAN HELP a bit! ROFL - why FLIP houses when you can just COPYWRITE A BUNCH (OWNING yer own digital product biz of course) and HOLD EM FOREVER (FNC-free n clear - loans are STOOOOPID) and create OFFLINE WEALTH to be the naughty CONSORT of your ONLINE (copywriting from a YACHT or PRIVATE (FNC) ISLAND wealth) (wicked badass smile)
Oh, and in case you hadn't NOTICED, it DOES help to be a DPRM (Delta Pattern Recognition Thinker) - the sum total of which are, well, FEW on this 3rd (5th Element) ROCK FROM RA (sun, not son, deity)