Dean Graziosi Weekly Wisdom #245 - Unfair Advantage #2

Dean Graziosi Weekly Video Blog

If you tuned in last week, you know that this entire month, we are going to be flooding you with concise, powerful training. Consider this the month of unfair advantages for investing success. Last week it was a lesson on finding deals with Craigslist. This week, unfair advantage #2 is a formula for finding and profiting on wholesale deals. You might want to take notes. Don't forget to comment below and share!

Also, make sure to check out Dean Graziosi's Real Estate Investing Article on Huffington Post!


Thanks again for your words of wisdom. Great info from Matt, Tks guys.

Thanks again Dean and Matt

This formula makes sense and is very helpful. I do have one question. How or where can I get comps for foreclosures?

Thanks again!

great advice

firefly's picture

Dean and Matt,
You two are amazing!!!! Thank you for sharing your knowledge and encouraging us fellow DGer's

Just what we need

FLAREI's picture

Hey guys,
Great video! SO much comtent. I LOVE IT!!! Keep up the great work.

Response to Video

Thank you for the comments in this weeks video. He mentioned being able to go out and find the Retail Market price as well as the REO market price. I am OK for finding the Retail Market price but I missed the one on REO market price. Can you tell me where to go to find that presentation?


Jeff Walker

Thanks again Dean

I put my first bid in and got a house. Now all I have to do is sell it. Thank you for this helpful information. Comes at a good time for me. Smiling

It Is An Unfair Advantage

BrianNorris01's picture

Dean & Matt Thanks for the Awesome Info.

Unfair advantages

I think all of your weekly wisdoms are unfair advantages for all of us to use and profit from. The support of the DG Family is amazing beyond compare. I took a break from real estate, had several family things happening including my daughter's wedding, her husband's job loss....etc etc. They are relocating out of state. That will be an adjustment. I am ramping up the real estate activity once again. I am more upbeat and inspired than I was before. Please keep up the great work you do.

Great job

Thanks matt and dean for the great information im learning alot i still have questions concerning pay but ill get it eventually keep it coming guys.

great reinforcement training

As always you deliver when it is needed. The training is as always great but the positive attitude is always a blessing


JMango's picture

Thanks Dean for having Matt Larson tell us about wholesaling my goal this week is to do exactly what Matt said and starting making offers on deals and making money. Again thanks.


Mighty1 Real Estate's picture

It's a bit hard to take all at once, but thanks for putting it on video cause now I can go over it and take notes. It's always the same with me when it comes to learning, I do better with videos than reading books or reports.
I appreciate this Matt and Dean.

$20 earnest money deposit

ddelapaz619's picture

Great video. Thanks for the formula,

E week ago, I can't stop talking about a potential property at work. I even showed them photos of the house. The next day, someone handed me a check for 5K. She said she doesn't have money to buy me a house but she is willing to participate in providing the EMD for a small return. The day after that, she said she's considering giving me 15K more. My EMD offer suddenly went up when offering properties in the crazy San Diego, CA area. Who would have thought?


CandC's picture

For sure, watched 3x and will watch some more. And make the offers. Thanks, for sharing. Always looking forward to any unfair advantages.

Running comps

TinaScott's picture

Thanks Dean and Matt for sharing this information. I look forward to the next DW.

Advantage #2

I really needed to hear this one Matt/Dean - thank you.

I am in the middle of my first re-hab and went over budget due to unforseen plumbing and electric. It is 2 months and sure it will be 3 before completion. I thought that I just blew it! by going over budget I would not be able to sell and have profit. I am sure if I hold out for price and am not greedy, I will make a small profit.

And furthermore have learned some valuable lessons!!!!

Thanks guys!

Much appreciated

Thank you Dean. Thank you Matt. We look forward to doing business with you, sooner rather than later.

Thanks Matt and Dean

My biggest question has been; If most homes in the area have been selling at REO prices and those are the comparables that I am looking at, then how can I raise the price for profit in the home I choose to invest in from that area. I learned that it is by using the REO comps to average them out and find the REO average price. Then price the home below that for the offer and just a little below for the wholesale price. Understood. Thanks again. It has really helped.

Well Said

Great explanation about purchase and resale of REOs and the profit margin.

Matt Mentioned Comps

How can find his video or instruction for running comps...more interested in the REO comp running

thanks so much

It is a simple formula, yes

but, do we get IT? The secret to the success of the formula is in Matt's words "it is a different way of thinking". In other words there are many ways to look at something. So if we change the way we look at things then things change. Do you think I am getting IT?

Unfair Advantage #2

J.B. Sierra Holdings's picture

Thank you Dean & Matt!


Unfair Advantage #2

ButchK1's picture

Just keep hitting out of the park Dean & Matt great stuff THANKS

REO Comps

I watched the latest Weekly Wisdom which Matt did for us. Great job, by the way. However, I don't understand how or where to get comps for REO property. Would you be so kind as to answer my question. I bet others are asking themselves the same thing.

Thank you for the great

bahney's picture

Thank you for the great info!

Great info!

Valuni's picture

Thank you Dean and Matt for sharing your knowledge! This is such valuable information! I just can't believe you're giving this all away for free!!! Just awesome...


Great info! Thanks for

bahney's picture

Great info! Thanks for sharing!

*Great Snapshot Perspective*

Great snapshot perspective of
how to look at the market,
find the bottom and make offers
that have a spread built in.

Also, your 4 main channels
of getting deals:
2)Bandit Signs
4)Other Wholesalers

I'll have to remember that ~ Thx!

Thanks Matt and Dean

You have answered many questions by sharing this wisdom and your formula. Although I know this video was created some time ago, I am still hoping someone can get back to it and explain how "transactional funding" is added to figure out the offer price without having any out of pocket money. Also, how do we figure out what the bottom of the market prices are in the area also? Thanks again.


this video is fantastic. watch it several times if you have to. It is great.