Weekly Wisdom #250 - 5 Second Mindset Fixer

When something goes wrong in your life, do you have tendency to lose heart or even “freak-out” and get stuck? Well, here’s a simple little- kid strategy Dean figured out, (while working to be a better dad) that can work for us grownups too. You’ll also find out how to win a brand new phone and have a chance to join the rally to “wake up” the sleeping. There’s a lot to enjoy in this episode, so click that little triangle and get to enjoying!

Post your deals here and get an entry for the phone for each post you make


kmd's picture

thanks Dean,ypu always say something to make us dig deep within us.now its time to take action!

5 second rule - I need to apply this in my life

yolaurel626's picture

Hi Dean! Thanks, this is very uplifting and something I must apply to my life. Whenever I face a difficult situation, I brood for days, weeks, months or even longer. Frankly, I never focus on solutions, so I get stuck to my situation. I may eventually get out of a situation, however the longer it takes for me to obtain the solution to my problem, the longer I or we (my husband) suffer. I really appreciate this 5 second rule and hope to make good use of it.

Take 5 Seconds

You're the best:).
Now I will remember to just stop and breath. There is ALWAYS another solution. Thanks goodness.

What should I Do Now Dean?

OneReallionaire's picture

I have been reading your book "Be A Real Estate Millionaire" and as I read I wonder to myself what should I do after all the reading? I have done a little real Estate investing before but was tricked on my very first deal in Baltimore Md. by a guy who's integrity was nothing to exalt to say the least. But after I PURCHASED your book and began to read I began to think about my first real estate investment deal that I had done back in 1998 in Baltimore Md. It was a nightmare and I remembered since of loss that I had experienced at that time. But Dean something in me kept telling me that real estate investing was where I should have stayed then.But I decided it was not for me because of the bad taste that was left in my mouth because of the pass. Well, I'm he to stay this time Dean because of you and what I have observed in you.

I used to slip all the time.

Cbardy43's picture

I used to slip all the time. Now I'm older and much more calmer. That 5 minute rule !! I will pass this on to all my children I will also use it. It's so easy to forget how we can make a complicated things so hard on ourselves.
Thanks Dean Once again.

5 sec rule

So perfect and applicable. Thank you very much for the wonderful message...

Contract assignment / wholesale concept in CA

jnminvestors's picture

I repeatly am told by persons involved in RE in CA, whether as an agent/broker, lender, and even investor, that contract assignments do not work in California. I live in North County San Diego and have been looking for opportunity's to wholesale using the assignment contract. Can someone please confirm it can indeed be done here and now?

Thanks & best regards-

George Alves Jr / JNM Investors

An upgrade to the count to 10 rule

Remember your grandparents telling you. When you get upset or angry, or frustrated.
Stop .. count to 10 ... before you do or say anything.

This is a great upgrade or add-on.
I don't have a deal yet. But I am on week 2 of the "Cash in 30Day" plan. So it's coming.

On the Edge event. What about expanding to 500 for year 1 (with a little price reduction), then expand a little further for year 2. Kinda like a family reunion that grows. Gives you a chance to make corrections without revamping the whole event.
Just a thought.


I use the 5 second rule about every couple of hours!!!

pearl4u713's picture

Well DG'ers. Refi'ing my own home to absorb 1 of the rentals I bought at a Summit last year. Can't go private $ or banks as it's non-performing, (yes, there's prop. mgmt. in place!), was just told they get the judgement 9/3/13 but I'm 3 months out no rent. So I sucked it up & am adding it to my home mortgage for the least cost funding. That's a solution! I have 2 more to refi, 1 also non-performing. If I hadn't overpaid to begin with, all would be MUCH easier! At least 1 I bought was overpriced $14K! I have no spouse or parents & basically am trying to do all of this while working to pay the living expenses, help my sister & "catch up" on past taxes for an s-corp after a horrific motorcycle accident in 2008. Yes Dean, I LIVE by this rule. Some of my friends say I just can't catch a break. They also say I work harder than anyone they know... Well, today I just realized prop. taxes are due in MI, where 2 rentals are. Through God's grace I found out in time & was able to make installment pymts. instead of the full amt. Ugh. $1150 was a "hit" for me but I did it. No penalty & no $2K+ due right now. My hands & mind are full. What I ask is, after 5 & even 10 seconds, what do I do??? Some days I do get down & wonder what to do. I just want to get all of this turned around so I can have a life while I'm working so hard... Thx for keeping it real.

0 Yea!

Solutions are where it's at Smiling

Success academy is good

Success academy is good. They will walk with you step by step and answer any questions you may have but you HAVE to be ready to TAKE ACTION for it to pay off. I have not done Insider.

5 second rule

I have been off the site for awhile due to alot of working to make amends. I have forgotten how every blog i hear and read is so inspiring and I need to fing time to jump in again. Thanks Dean
