Real Estate Investing Weekly Wisdom #279 - What are you afraid of?

Could something so seemingly unrelated to real estate like FEAR be holding you back from the life you deserve? This week, Dean shares an exercise that'll help you look at things from a different prospective.

Take the fear test right now and see what could be holding you back. It's time to stop focusing on your fear, find the leverage you need and change your life forever.

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Most of our fears are laughable once we figure them out!

steinway024's picture

Wow Dean,
You just never cease to impress. Your caring just oozes from your pores! I unburied a fear at Tony's event that was so deeply hidden from my consciousness, that it took the type of safe and penetrating environment Tony creates for me to unbury it. When it came to the surface along with my torrent of tears, it was instantly healed and gone. Now, when I think of it, I can actually laugh, because it was so utterly ridiculous. And that's the truth about the fears that the devil plant's in our souls. They are absurd lies.

Fears stop my progress

john.hervan's picture

Thanks Dean For your Weekly Wisdom. It's Funny (odd) that you know something and you never remember to use it until you have been reminded by someone else. It is like always having advice for everyone but you won't listen to your own advice... I did the 7 levels down and Looked my fear in the face. Growing up I had GREAT parents. They always told me I can do anything that I put my mind to. That the world is my Oyster Go and get your pearl, and many more. I was also told that fear and faith cannot be together. You either have FEAR or FAITH. I examined my past and opportunities I had (business wise) and realized that I had put much more into them than I thought,more than $40,000). I found the common thread in all. I have been afraid of not being taken seriously, as not being professional. I realized at that point that (for me) if I went to school to be a Real Estate Agent, I would still have to do the same things you are asking us to do. TALK to PEOPLE!!! MAKE OFFERS!! Just be myself. I told by a friend that the biggest failure I could experience is to never try. Because of my ear I had a problem that cost me a Family, Friends, A house, love and dignity. I have beaten that problem for the last ten Years. It's time to beat this one. BTW I did that 3 times around your head and with finger in nose "Mickey doesn't sound professional either.
Thanks for everything,
John in Lemon Grove, CA.


Hi Dean,
My FEAR is not knowing what to say and do in real estate, after listening to your advice , Im changing the way I am thinking NO MORE FEAR HERE !!!! Get out FEAR No More Obstacles !! My mind is programmed for VICTORY !!
So Im going to pick up the book again and read it and take action !
Thank you so much Dean, my online mentor yayyyy !!

Smiling Smiling Smiling

weekly wisdom #279 What are you afraid of?

Well well wow! Dean this blog is a really good one!

Thank you so much as always!!

I love real estate! and this twitchen site!

A Weekly Everyone should make an effort to Watch!

Valuni's picture


this is an amazing Weekly Wisdom! This will help us get in the right mindset and get rid of our fears that are holding us back in every aspect of our lives!
It's plain and simple, but we must do it! We need to get rid of our fears if we want to succeed!

Thank you so much for sharing some of Tony's amazing tools to overcome our fears!


Hi Dean: What is my fear? Although I have been moving forward by leaps and bounds (ridding some of that stickin thickin) over this past year and a half, I still have a fear that is deeply embedded of losing everything and living on the street!! I got this from child hood / when I left home I had no money and I knew that I could not move back home if things did not work out (my mother was and is very strict) so I took any job and entered the rat race always having another ace in my pocket in case I needed it. I have perservered through my journey through life with the many trials and Research / Development and I am thankful for that and my parents , but I do need to get rid of that Fear regarding losing everything since it is holding me back in my personal and real estate life. I am working on this fear everyday by investing in real estate / and making offers there by affecting my personal life in a positive way so that I can do those things that others are only dreaming about!!
I still will always have that ace in my pocket or an alternative plan or avenue to take (I think this is very important, it is like having your inspection period as an out in the real estate contract)!! Thanks Again Dean and DG Fam. for always believing in me / those Weekly Wisdoms..
Make it an awesome week!

Great Weekly Wisdom on Fear

Hi Dean, thanks always for the weekly wisdom, facing fear head on is the way to handle it.

Thank Ray

video 279

bdnelson's picture

Thanks Dean


firefly's picture

Great blog Dean!!! So true how we let other Ppl or things hold us back from our true potential. At my JOB a supervisor tells me "you are not allowed to take initiative to do someone else's job. That is not your responsibility!" Dean I have a hard time with that statement Bc I'm not one to stand around and wait for things to happen magically especially in the operating room. I have seen the good and bad for 20+ years in the O.R. now. So I'm ready to see the good and bad of real estate. I really don't know what my true fear is. Hopefully i will figure it out soon so I can move forward.




HomeRoots's picture

Looked at this video for the 2nd time and I'm not totally sure what you meant by "leverage". Do you mean education?
Anyway I did the 7 level deep on fear again and realized that it has cost me dearly on so many levels.
I read a quote the other day: Once you get out of your comfort zone, and then look back you realize that it never was that comfortable in the first place.

Weekly Wisdom # 279 - What are you afraid of?

FEAR - False Evidence Appearing Real can really hold people back because of the effect it has on one's ability to do or not do something. But with persistency, courage and faith,FEAR can be defeated. In order to overcome our fears, we have to face and conquer them.


Dean, as usual you know exactly what we need to hear. Thank you for all you do. I recently got a book that speaks to getting rid of limiting beliefs. Thought everyone might be interested in reading it. It's called "The Tapping Solution", by Nick Ortner. He also uses the tree as an anology of the fears, beliefs, and symptoms of those fears and beliefs. I've just started trying his process and I feel it is starting to make a difference for me. It's not an overnight fix, but if practiced, can eliminate those limiting beliefs.



I dont know why but Im paralzed? This weekly wisdom hit me and very hard.... I am exploring as to why. Deep inside I know I can do anything so why am I not..its feels like Im at the Apex, could go one way or the other, stay like I am or move forward-- just vegging and sitting around. The fear I guess of the unknown? Help!

Tony C..

From NH

weekly wisdom 279 Fear

Dean, This is such a very good! video.
How come the date when you made the video blog does not show any longer?

Its my way of keeping track and saying to myself hey wow I saw that such and such date.

I have learn so much from you. THANK YOU!!


James B. Browne's picture

I have to admit that fear has held me back and still does, because after I retired in 2002. I started to build and rehab homes. this all came to an horrible end in 2008 when the real estate market crashed. I had 6 unsold properties and no money to continue with. I lost my own home, and have just recently been able to purchase a home in Surprise AZ. To which we moved from California. I'd still like to do real estate, I need to basically start over. But I must put the fear of failure out of my mind, because if I don't I know that failure will be the result. I will spend more time listening to Dean and on the website


Hello Dean,

Great Daily Wisdom! Fear is the obstacle to a lot of us but you are right like you say in the exercise. I just have to stack my ground and focus on my goal and TAKE ACTION! Thank you Dean!


weekly wisdom #279

bdnelson's picture

Dean thank you, today I sent this out: (If you buy property and/or looking to grow your money contact me. Contact me by: e-mail with your property preference informtion that you are interested in buying to grow your money. I have a lot of awesome DEALS.)

Just a quick note Dean

I watched this ww 3 or 4 times after it first posted and then on Thursday I rec'd a 2nd e-mail asking me to please watch it and I have watched at least 2 more times. I have to tell you that you are my rock and you are very important in my life. I love it when you share on a personal level. It really helps me to stay afloat. I am learning a lot from you and I am growing and making progress. Here lately I have been fighting a dip in my spirits but I have your books and I am in them moving forward. One fear I have is that you will be thinking Ah! she is never gonna do it. And then I banish the thought. I look forward to every Sunday afternoon with you. No one knows the future but mine just has to be better.

Thank you. Will face our

bahney's picture

Thank you. Will face our fears and focus more on what to fear if don't take action! Thanks!