This week Dean read The Alchemist and spent a day with Tony Robbins, so you may imagine his head is spinning with Success Secrets he needs to deliver to you right away.
This video may be one of Dean's very best this year delivering you practical strategies to catapult your life, your success, and your income...
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PLEASE Share with us MAtt. Many of us are struggling!
Thank you, Shawnda
Hey Dean and Matt!
Thank you Dean!!! Tony Robbins event was AMAZING!!! It was awesome to see many of the DG family and also to share this experience with my family! Our lives will never be the same and life is changing, we are so blessed!
Gena's post above said it all. This ww was packed with incredible nuggets! We will be getting audios of the alchemist!
Matt it was great to see you at Tony Robbins and please share some more secret strategies!
Change your state and change your future!!
Make your move! Make your move!!! Yes!!! Yes!!! Yeesss!!!
Thank you Both for all you do!!!
Make it a great week!
Do it Matt!
I wasn't able to go to the Tony Robbins event but have been reading Re-Awaken the Giant Within, so good! You can get it for free too...
Matt, please do a live cast with your new strategies and SOON!
Thank you Dean for your continual care and training on DG. I own 16 rental units and will be closing on deal #5 here soon! I'm raising my standards to 50 rental units and six figures in my bank account before my 30th bday (1 year and 5 months away). Your training has provided me the confidence and knowledge to change my life in a dramatic and positive way.
Oh, and nice pool in the background
God Bless,
Matt, come on it could make the difference for someone. Oh and the book Dean suggested is fantastic!
Matt you have to share with the DG family
Hey Dean Great video!! Your right about raising your standards, doing that alone you will see a new change in your life. Also, I read the book The Alchemist and I will have to say this book is very inspiring. Tell Mat her better please hurry and do the live cast for the DG family.
Wow! You are on fire Dean
and only one little blister. That's good. Raise our standards? Yes, I agree because we have to see ourselves at a whole new higher level.
Absolutely! Get that man Matt Larson on a live call. He is a major influence on all of us and a phenomenal example for us to follow. I will be looking for an e-mail with the time and date.
Matt Larson - new secrets
Matt PLEASEEEEEEEEEE humanity is waiting for you!!!!!
Seriously - really looking forward to this. I also just started my remote business and can't wait to next week
Yes Matt You Have to Share With The DG Family!!!
I always look forward to listening to Matt's New Secrets... You have to Share...
Dean & Matt for everything you do for all of Us!!
matt wee need you!
Please share matt!! I live in tucson az and ready lock and load!!!
Dear Matt,
Bring it! I need it right now!
Matt, please share
I'm trying to get in the game Matt. No money is the key start for me. Overcoming my fears because I believe I can do this too.
Matt, please share
Thanks for the update Dean. I'll make sure to read The Alchemist.
Keep making it happen.
Matt Share your ideas
Yes Matt, share your knowledge....
Thanks again for a good weekly wisdom. Come on Matt please share with us all
Dean I like the segment you spoke about raising our standards in life.This is definitely a must for advancing in life.Dean I hope Matt does his best to give us some of his best secrets in Real Estate Investing.I will be attuned for the event.Thanks.
Raising our Standards.
Dean another great week of wisdom. I hope Matt gives us some secrets.Thanks guys.
Matt, you the man!
Please share, Matt......
Of course we want Matt to share, we need all the help we can get! Thank you Dean for being who you are and all you do for us!!
Thanks Again Dean!!
Thanks again Dean for all that you do to try to help us, and thank you Matt for what you do. God bless you all!!
Thanks Dean and Matt!
Sharing is caring.
OK Matt Give It UP
C'mon Matt just look at all these posts, ya gotta give it up man.
Matt Please Share!!
Thanks Dean for that motivational speech.
" Please Matt I really need your help."
Deliver it, Matt, PLEASE
We are on the ground hitting so many obstacles, having to raise our offering prices and do other crazy things just to get acceptances. I'm doing 25 to 1 and haven't gotten anything after 48 offers!!!!! The numbers aren't working. The beuracracy is great. Please tell us what you know. I so badly want to do a deal!!!!
Thanks so much.
Matt Please Share!!
Thanks Dean for the motivational speech. You are so encouraging every time I hear you. Please Matt I need all of the help I can get. thanks, Barbara
Dean and Matt
Thanks Dean You always bring me back to the FOCUS I need . I have stopped all my et hand. extracurricular activities (Work) and focusing on the job at hand... Getting into the game and winning.
Matt I have listened to you in the past and I am hoping you will show us your new wisdom.
Matts New Strategy
Matt....I know your new strategy will help me and my Investment Group push on to success
Matt....looking forward to
Matt....looking forward to your sharing
the new strategies....I know they will
help our group push on to success
Matts new Strategies
Matt....we are looking forward to your new
strategies that I am sure will help us
push on to success
Who is the author for the alchemist?
Matt....looking forward to
Matt....looking forward to you sharing
your new no-money down strategies