Weekly Wisdom #335 - Do You Want My Personal iPad?

Do you want to win my personal iPad Mini and learn how you can overcome any obstacle in your life in 4 minutes?

Better watch this week's Weekly Wisdom before the offer is gone!

Can of Worms

I think Dean opened a can of worms. The comments are not encouraging, there seems to be too much daze and confusion. For instance, some are labeling wholesaling as investing, but in reality wholesaling is not investing, it's more like a job. Investing is when you improve or hold on to property for future gain. It's as erroneous as saying real estate agents are investors because they are in the real estate industry!

My obstacle and fear

brianp_sf's picture

I am my only obstacle. I fear that if I leave the comfort and safety of a job that I am not passionate about I will not be able to cover my cost of living. I need to stop creating excuses.


The VILLIAN within --- and family, church, so called friends. I'm working on it. Will never give up.


My biggest obstacle is procrastination. I have learned a lot of things in life. I feel like I have even mastered some. However, I get bored, distracted, & uninterested in things after a while. Whether it is a relationship, business project, or anything else I find myself in time thinking about something else. Perhaps my situation is undiagnosed case of A.D.D. Whatever the case I know I have the ability & the determination to rid myself of these demons. I'm very excited about what you are about to unleash to one your biggest fans.


My fears

TinaScott's picture

Hey Dean, I actually have 2 major fears. First one is my weight, I hate looking at me in the mirror and the weight I have gained in the past couple of years. My fear is that my little girls will say "it's ok mom I understand you can't play." I had back surgery and I have hypothyroid and have been medicated for 4 years now. I had back surgery a year and a half ago and I am very limited to alot of things. I have been so busy I haven't been taking care of me. Bo and I have gone on the NO Sugar for 30 days you recommened at The Edge and we are on day 2 now. I want to have the energy and live life to the fullest. Honestly my weight has always been a struggle since a kid, I have to exercise to lose the weight. I know I can lose it but I am going to make the time!

My next fear is speaking in front of people. I have gotten better through the years, but I still get very nervous and sometimes can't keep my thoughts straight because of eyeballs looking back at me. My thoughts are during this time... are they even hearing me, understanding me, am I delivering the right message. I am having to speak more and more in front of people and I am joining a Toastmasters Club to help me overcome it.

Thank you for caring about us and trying to help us with our fears.

Tina Scott

Biggest Fear

My biggest fear is not being able to say what I actually am feeling. I don't want to be critical but if I see a better way to do something I'm afraid it will be taken as criticism. I have tried to say something but the other person always seems to get angry. I don't want to start a fight just to help. Thanks Dean for the chance to express myself.


Biggest obstacle

My biggest obstacle is unburdening myself from my mistakes of the past

My BIGGEST obstacle: Two Words

marykucharczyk's picture


Dean, I've done well following your strategies, but not well enough because I am all over the place. I NEED a daily schedule of consistency to achieve my goals.

Biggest Fear

GoGreenCottage's picture

My biggest fear is that of venturing out onto a new path of creating success and instead making big damaging mistakes. I fear "blowing it" very badly and ending up worse off than when I started.
Wow Dean, Until now I've never fully articulated these exact thoughts so plainly.

Thank You for sharing this open forum.


Lawrence Shine

Biggest Fear

My biggest fear is losing my house because my husband is laid off from his job and its up to me to make real estate work. I am used to him being the bread winner. I guess I am afraid to fail and not make my family proud. The weekly wisdom helps me think positive.

Fear of the Unknown

Dean:I hate to say this to you, but I know I am the one holding back myself.When I look in the mirrow,who do I see? just myself, so I know I am the one responsible for my action, and the result I get. FEAR OF THE UNKNOWN, that's what holding me back,so I just have to get my momentum going, that's what I am working on now.Anyway dean I am waiting on those training videos you promise, I know I will pick up some nuggets from these videos. THANK YOU DEAN

My biggest obstacle is

My biggest obstacle is being able to maintain my expenses and provide for my family while creating the life/living the dream I desire.

Fear or Fear not

MiracleMan's picture

It all comes down to following through. I can talk until I'm blue in the face but if I don't follow through with what I want to do, then I'm not going anywhere. That's action. Also, it is really helpful to know what you want to do and where you want to go. Going, aimlessly, trying to figure out what it is I want to do. So fear is not the problem. Go! Get up and Go!

Quite Possibly My Biggest Obstacle...

FutureIsNow's picture

Ok, I'm here... Smiling I've been self-analyzing for quite some time, and sometimes I think I've 'changed' in a major way, and somehow 'escaped' the things that seem to hinder me, but yet I manged to be hindered, still... Not by others, but by myself.
I have a tendency to want to be 'alone', because that's when I feel that I am more productive and happier- as if 'others' take the ability for those away from me- but I've realized why I feel that way... I've always been a 'giver' and found it difficult to 'receive', because I want others to 'have', essentially putting all others first. Sometimes I give so much of myself, giving away material things, my time, my ear, my skills (pc repair, editing, etc), that I'm left feeling drained or empty after interacting... My biggest obstacle is that I, subconsciously, don't *feel* that I deserve to have things while another has 'less'... As soon as I obtain something that I love, I feel like I should give it to someone- someone I care about, or someone who doesn't have what I've obtained, or just has less in general. It might seem like a 'good deed', but the cosmic message it 'sends out'says that I don't want to 'receive'. :/ Basically, I end up with less. But more importantly and troubling, I just keep putting myself last, because I want others to be happy, and oddly enough, I feel guilty about 'having more' or 'succeeding'... Like I have to keep my joys a secret- hence, why I'm happier alone (and with my cat Smiling ) It's really strange, and hard to understand why and how to stop essentially neglecting myself, but I'm fairly certain that it may be my biggest obstacle. I'm too *nice*, or something. :/ Anyway, haha, there it is. Smiling xo Smiling

My biggest obstacle is

rhtaxlady's picture

My biggest obstacle is overcoming debt that has existed since before my husband died 10+ years ago. I keep trying but the income I receive is barely enough for me to exist on. You and all the other real estate entrepreneurs talk about doing deals with no money and, I guess, I just don't understand how. I realize and accept that money can be made this way but, my mind just won't wrap itself around the how. It's too busy trying to figure out how to pay the next bill. I recently lost what I felt was an ideal job that would have allowed me to finally overcome that worry so,now, I'm back at the bottom of the well and it looks very bleak! If you could help me to overcome this roadblock, I would be extremely grateful!
Christine Hall

Biggest fear

I tried different types of online businesses.I was not successful in any of them dumping money into the pit. Not gaining any head way in the internet money making world. My wife and myself went to your training, the three day seminar, boost on the ground, the three day in Vegas. For starters with support from my wife in the beginning. Then I was left with doing real estate investing on my own. Needing help I started with getting investor's had a few I was trying to get the right realtor.
I really appreciate your weekly wisdom video's
Now back to square one having to start over.

Moved from California to Washington state back in September.

Thank You

Biggest Obstacle

marak's picture

Dean - Made SIX (6) calls to realtors. Mostly left messages: one was thoroughly confused, one very discouraging. But TWO (2) were right on board. Excited by the potential, offered ideas themselves, not afraid to make lowball offers.


Persistence, persistence.

As the great Eleanor Roosevelt said"

You must do the thing you are afraid to do.

In doing THAT, the thing you are afraid to do, lies your biggest strength and also your biggest obstacle.

Excited, Encouraged to move on !!!!

My biggest fear

Hi Dean,

My biggest fear is a couple of things. Lack of time and probably the bigger of the two is a fear of failure. I am so fearful of failing myself, and failing my family that I don't do anything even though I realize that my inaction is a failure. I beat myself up over and over again, year after year and I think that one day I'll be gone and that I really let my family down. I never reached the dreams or things in life that I wanted to do for my family and for others.
Please help me out of this cycle. Thanks,


My barrier

It's not very obvious for me but I feel instead of myself there are few more problems that don't let me to totaly fulfill myself. The problem is people around me are not always thinking the same way. I'd say it rarely happens. It's good but sometimes when I get the negative signals everyday it's not easy to keep going my way. They say: "it's impossible.." "It's Poland, not the States" etc. The problem is, that even though I know they are usually wrong I happen to lose the energy. The second obstacle is don't know yet what I want. It may seem funny but I saw I am sometimes more afraid of success than lose.That after winning I will start thinking "I am so awesome I don't need anyone, counting God" I know that witohut Him I would not be the same, I want to help people but on the other hand I don't want my life on Earth to be the most important for me. Because we are getting used to easy things quickly. The next thing is that here where I live it's not popular to do a lot of things. People usually go to one job and stay there and gaining experiance. I don't want to do thigs I have no idea about but I sometimes feel I know how to do things better than those "experianced". I wolud also like to try many different things, and instead of realising them I stop when lots of people say "You can't take to mny things on you because you will not manage to realize them, but I feel that when I don't have a lot to do I will have much fewer time because I don't have power to do anything because "I have a lot of time".
Finally I feel I see more than most of my friends but on the other hand, because I am thinking differently I feel like I am i some kin of imaginary world which is not true.
I am also not sure how the family would react to what I will do. That's all quite strange bu that's what I felt at this moment.

Sorry for the chaos in my "speech" and for the mistakes, I was not checking it for the second time and I am not native English speaker/writer.

Greetings from Poland Smiling


Biggest Fear

blinscott's picture

After 17 years in real estate and now our 2nd year in investing it all comes back to what I try and teach my 13 and 15 year olds. You never get anything in life unless you ask for it. My biggest fear in not asking for it. I've been in so many situations where I've asked for what I want and I've gotten it! A day later I'll be in a similar situation and something in me makes me hesitate and I don't ask for it and guess what, I' don't get what I want. A few months ago I asked a lady what she really wanted. She wanted to sell her home before Thanksgiving. I asked what she wanted to sell it for and she said $180,000. We bought her house, put 80k into it and just put it under contract this morning for $316,500! If I didn't ask her what she wanted we would of never got the deal. It's a daily battle in sales. If you mess up and don't get the deal you just have to say, next!


Time is my biggest obstacle. You teach us "always be moving forward" but there is only so many hours in the day to achieve that but I seem to fall behind and I'm always trying to catch up.

Biggest Fear

Mike L's picture

Hi Dean,

My biggest fear were the naysayers. People saying you can't do it, it wont work in this market, etc. One of my biggest naysayers were my parents, they said real estate is bad, why did you waste money on this course. I was scared of the thought that they may be right. I'm very grateful that you not only teach the best real estate techniques in the world but you also teach us on how to grow as a person and have the right mind set. 45 + deals later all the Naysayers just disappeared Smiling

Thank you


My biggest fear is not to be able to finish the process of wholesaling, I go out and get the information but when it comes to dealing with the unknown it is a scary situation for me. I don't want to get in trouble in the sense that going to the the attorney or the title company, or not having the right forms will get me in trouble with the law. Probably everybody is thinking that I am wrong but I live in Texas and there are a lot of laws to follow in reference to RE and REI. I hope that I can conquer these fears because right now I need more than ever income; my husband passed away at the end of January ( and I am not saying this for somebody to feel sorry for me) no I am saying this because it is a very bad situation that I am going through. I am going to stick to my guns and get all the information and training that I can get my hands on and keep going.

Biggest Fear

Like so many countless others, life has beating me up pretty good...so much so that it has become crippling difficult to dust myself off and get back up on the horse. As a result, every area in my life is a grave disappointment.

What holds me back from embracing your program is: limited resources (as in none). I work nearly 40 hours a week and yet still qualify for food stamps! Also, I severely lack confidence and fear that I will botch things up so badly that I will end up homeless. I am barely holding on as it is. From personal experience, I know that the moment that you think that it can't get any worse... that it most definitely can.

The economic downturn really took a toll on my finances and struck my industry hard. Years of paycut after paycut lead to an inevitable layoff. But more than my resources, it robbed me of my good name, pride, confidence, etc.

My biggest obstacle

Eve2011's picture

Is money

Hello I've been following

Hello I've been following you for the last 4-5years get close to a deal but no luck.I'm in the success acamady no money flip etc still just get stuck on a job that's stressing me out family not happy.but not giving up

My Biggest Fear came true

We found a house, got it at the right price using the tools that we learned from Dean's workshops.

We found a hard money lender that was working with us. We provided the down payment, had the inspection, our contractors ready to fix and flip a property and.....

The hard money lender backed out. It was an established company, that we researched and received references, documentation, etc.

We lost a large some of money, which put us at stand still.

We learned that you really need to know who you are working with to make a deal.

Main fear

DBoggs's picture

What I love about you is you try, to the point of frustration, to give away all that you have. You are relentless in that pursuit...and I appreciate that very much. My greatest fear is that I will go into debt and be crippled...honestly. That I will make the wrong deal and lose money. That I won't find my niche.

Biggest obstacle

munishvarma's picture

Hi Dean. My biggest obstacle in building my Real Estate business, which in turn, is the biggest obstacle to reaching my dreams, is Time. After coming back home from a very demanding job, by the time I finish dinner, I have a mere 2-3 hours left before needing to wrap up for the day because I have to get to work the next morning. Now if I can spend 2-3 hours per day into my business, I would be excited, but the reality is that my family is asking for my time also; that leaves me barely 1 hour a night that I can devote to my business. Weekends are a little better, but I really wish I could double my time that I'm investing into my business.


I'm guessing this is where you post..
Ah.. I don't know where to start exactly but I'll just come out with it..
I've had challenges in opening myself and allowing to be vulnerable emotionally...
There are some things that I would take a risk in and then there is my inner self..
I have a beautiful young family and I'd like to keep us together but I don't know how to share my inner deepest thoughts without feeling as if I'm being judged with what I may say.. I can speak freely with others somehow but not in my own house..
Why is that????
I regards to real estate.. I can't seem to connect with lenders for POFs.... and I'm struggling..
I'm in the begin stages of your book so I'll see how that turns out..
I definitely need some way of a kick start to support my loved ones..

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