Weekly Wisdom #386 - Are you taking the RIGHT action...?

How would you like to live the same day over and over again? Sounds kind of boring doesn't it? Sounds almost down right scary to me!

Well I know this to be true... So many people out there are going through life living the same day over and over and over again...

And why? Why is this happening?

Because they aren't taking the RIGHT action on the RIGHT things on a daily basis!

They aren't thinking with the mindset of "I need to do what I need to do to make my life the life I've always dreamed of"! In other words... people get complacent!

So how do you break complacency, change up your routine of living the same day over and over and then find the life of your dreams? I'll show you in this week's Weekly Wisdom!

Watch now!

You are so right. We are all

Darzie's picture

You are so right. We are all at fault for staying in our comfort box. I'm tired of being "stuck like chuck". I'm having a hard time figuring out the comps on rehab. I feel stupid that I'm not getting it. I don't know?


Sounds like "Ground Hog Day" revisited. One of my favorite movies because it makes me laugh but when you put it like this it hit me like a ton of bricks. You are absolutely right! Sometimes I feel that I like coming to my shop, even look forward to it, precisely because it is familiar but it is the one thing in my life that is draining my life of everything good financially and otherwise. And when there I actually do the same things day in and day out with one exception, I have started working through 30 Days to Real Estate Cash and taking steps to be a better person by reading and applying personal improvement techniques. I can feel that I approach problems with a greater awareness. I also am having this burning desire, almost unsettledness inside that I have to take action to improve my life and I can't put it off until tomorrow. Thanks for waking me up from a deep sleep!

RE: You are so right. We are all

GoGreenCottage's picture

Hey there Darzie! Stupid is when you already know exactly what to do, but mess it up by not being responsible. There's nothing stupid about feeling challenged while learning to think in a new way. You ARE LEARNING something new by figuring out rehab comps, and will apply your learning when you are ready.

Stay encouraged and keep on keepin on Smiling



Thing 2 do list r great advice

DebraAnn's picture

I have been thinking of a thing 2 do list alot. 2morrow I will put one 2 gether.

With both parents in & out of the hospital as the only caregiver my parent's have my brain at times feels like it is turning 2 mush.

The things 2 do list would be really helpful. 2 put my life back in2 some kind of order.

While we are going through so many trips 2 the hospital I have switch from real estate 2 the State of Mind course. I am working on my letters of appreciation.

One of the things I need 2 put on my things 2 do list is 2 make a schedule, my question is how do u do that with so many dr appointments & stays in the hospital. I think between both parents 3 times with in 30 days.
I did sneek out 2 an open house the other day on The way 2 the grocery store. It felt like a breath of fresh air.

I need 2 make a schedule how do I make a schedule & keep it when there is so much going on as a caregiver?

Would u please do a weekly wisdom on that one day.

Thanks for the message.

Yes, you are right Dean. That what I have been doing. The easy daily stuff and putting the deals aside. Thank you for getting me back on track.

MITs most important tasks

I have been struggling like crazy with this, I tell myself to do the most important one first, and I don't know what it is, some strange power it seems like, but I automatically jump to the easy one just like you said and I don't get any of my important tasks done. I thought I was going crazy until you explained it in this video. I have watched this 3 times and I am going keep watching it again, watch it on my phone, my I Pad, before I go to sleep,and when I wake up. I am going to embed this into my brain. I really like this video, it fired me right up.
Thanks Dean for the great video!!!!!

Thank you Dean!!!

Valuni's picture

I so needed to hear this... that's all I'm gonna say...
off to take care of some things I've been putting off... Eye-wink

you are awesome Dean

smahdavi's picture

Thank you Dean, i bought a fix/flip in Memphis TN without going there, finished rehab, now hooked up with a property management company, and i am going to rent and make 20% + on my investment return, tx to you

By the way, u are in Del Mar thats where i live, pls give me a call 858 207-8671
Said Mahdavi

Another great one Dean

AndyS's picture

Yep, doing what's easy or easiest is not always doing what's most important. Today, I accomplished something I had been putting off for over a year due to it's most strenuous nature. When it was done, I felt such a relief that it was over and it answered a number of questions I had lingering and now has me on a path to making my business bigger and better.
I stopped during the day and posted on your other site about my A to B to C business and my A today was a short lived success then failure meaning B & C will now have to wait. Sad But instead of crying and getting frustrated about it, I just spent the rest of today figuring out how to make A work another way. THAT has come from years of listening to your WWs and absorbing what you have been saying. I am so grateful I am part of this family and your group.

Enjoy your "vacation" out of the heat and I look forward to your next WW.

Andy Sager
DG's AndyS
CFIC & IE member
2013,2014, 2015 & 2016 EDGE Alumni Laughing out loud


Dean why have you not established a funding operation for your DG family members for at least their first two purchases. I am sure you have contacts that could assist in the establishment of such an organization and meet all of the governmental requirements. I find that the need for funding is paramount and is a major hurdle that you must overcome. To repeat a statement that I recently read "If you wait until you need cash to get cash it is too late." Of course you can eventually push through but you can miss so many purchase opportunities during your search for funding.

Weekly Wisdom #386 - Are you taking the RIGHT action...?

SKL Properties's picture

Hi Dean,

As usual your weekly wisdom makes us wonder....Smiling

It is easy to stay on the same path ( we are all guilty of this)....but it's more of a challenge to choose a more difficult path.......Eye-wink

Thank You for all you do....xo


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