It's true. If you know the rules of this game, you don't need any special skills to win. Just follow the rules and beat the credit card companies and banks at their own game. Hear why you do not need a clean credit report and have a high credit score. Find out why spending thousands on credit repair is unnecessary and wasteful and learn how you can rebuild your credit in a few months by doing the right things. You'll also hear the best way your children to establish credit, without putting yourself at risk! This week's blog can be summed up as "simple steps to skyrocket your credit score."
Dean's Weekly Blog
Dean Graziosi Weekly Wisdom #165 - How to Easily Win the Credit Score Game
January 13th, 2012 | posted by dgadminDean Graziosi Weekly Wisdom #164 - Do You Know Who Holds You Back?
January 9th, 2012 | posted by dgadminIf you've been watching these video blogs for any length of time, you know Dean is frequently reminding you to avoid the negative people and negative news whenever possible. Yet, there's another culprit lurking in the shadows. One who can be even more destructive.
This week you'll to see how to identify and deal with this liar. You'll also have a chance to ask some questions about improving your credit score and maybe "throw your name in the hat" as a beta-tester for our improved website. Watch now and post your questions and comments below.
Dean Graziosi Weekly Wisdom #163 - How to Predict Your Future
December 31st, 2011 | posted by dgadminIn this, the first Weekly Wisdom of 2012, you’re going to see a simple exercise that can predict your future. It’s almost magic! And Dean’s going to show you over 400 gifts he received this week.
Start your week and your new year off right by watching and posting your feedback below.
Dean Graziosi Weekly Wisdom #162 - After Christmas Santa
December 24th, 2011 | posted by dgadminThis Weekly Wisdom is not about making money in real estate. There's no new secret this week that will make your deals come in faster or be more profitable. In fact, for some, this blog may be more important than any of those things. Watch and see...
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Dean Graziosi Weekly Wisdom #161 - It's a Wonderful Life?
December 18th, 2011 | posted by dgadmin
That's the title of the classic movie that comes around every year about this time. It's the story of a man who had a dream that he never realized and how a serious of unfortunate events leads him to the edge of a bridge wanting to end it all on Christmas eve. But then, a miraculous event occurs, transforming his
perspective. He then is able to see how wonderful his life is.
The above blog video is in no way as detailed as that movie, but we think you'll find it impressive and equally impacting. Your wonderful life is right here within reach. Watch now.
Dean Graziosi Weekly Wisdom #160 - You…A Conqueror?
December 11th, 2011 | posted by dgadminI bet you didn’t know what a champion you are? Well I’m about to remind you. See, a sushi date with my five year old daughter and eavesdropping on a game at a local mall, gave me an idea that I believe is going to enable you to make massive progress in your real estate endeavors this week.
You’ll see how to start your own treasure hunt to uncover real estate riches and I’m going to prove to you, you have everything you need to do it. Watch now…
Dean Graziosi Weekly Wisdom #159 - Down Around The Holidays?
December 4th, 2011 | posted by dgadminGuess what? Dean has to put forth effort to be happy. This week he shares a seriously intimate and totally transparent story of his near disastrous Thanksgiving day .
He almost ruined it for himself and his family, but miraculously, was able to flip a mental switch and save the day. If the Holidays get you down or you struggle with sadness ANYTIME of the year, Dean's message this week is good medicine.
Dean Graziosi Weekly Wisdom #158 - Going Back for Seconds...
November 27th, 2011 | posted by dgadminGoing back for seconds is fine this time of year. You may be one of many who've been eating leftovers for 3 days now. But this week, Dean's got a message about a different kind of "leftovers."
As we steam towards the New Year, the resolutions of 2011 may be sitting in your mental-fridge...time to clear them out. Watch this week's message and get your mind right (early) for the year ahead.
Dean Graziosi Weeky Wisdom #158 My Thanks to You!
November 24th, 2011 | posted by dgadminYour support means the world to me. Your stories and perseverance keep me going. They energize me to do what I do. In good times and bad, we can find joy. In this message, I try to pass on my suggestions for finding gratitude no matter what. I hope you enjoy it...Happy Thanksgiving!
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Dean Graziosi Weekly Wisdom #157 - Being A Part vs. Being Apart
November 20th, 2011 | posted by dgadminWhich group do you want to be in? The people who have a bigger future or those who have a bigger past?
One says the "best is yet to come" while the other
longs for the "good old days." You can choose which
path you's up to you.