Going back for seconds is fine this time of year. You may be one of many who've been eating leftovers for 3 days now. But this week, Dean's got a message about a different kind of "leftovers."
As we steam towards the New Year, the resolutions of 2011 may be sitting in your mental-fridge...time to clear them out. Watch this week's message and get your mind right (early) for the year ahead.
Good stuff!
Good stuff!
awesome like always
great advice dean thanx
Thanks Dean!
I hear you loud and clear; I am working my way up one step at a time... it has been a stressful and challenging year, but I have no new resolutions for the new year. I know that since I joined the DG family last year, I had my goal set, and have since been on the path to it; I know I'm on the right track, so I intend to keep climbing in the same direction, following your guidance, all the way to the top!
Thank you for encouraging us the entire year with your blogs. You help me succeed in my mini goals one week at a time.
(sorry about the multiple posts below; there was a bit of an online glitch and then 3 more posts appeared
Fantastic weekly wisdom. Thanks, Dean!
Thanks Dean!
We are working on our 2012 resolutions! Thanks for your motivation and support!
Awesome stuff Dean!
Thanks Dean for another great blog! Awesome stuff!
Yes, I completely agree. I do have 1,2,3,5, 10 year ++ goals. Have found for me, having those 'big pictures/goals' in sight AND take a step further and love your teachings on and have implemented what you have suggested at seeing yourself a year down the road and look at it in reverse as to how you get there. Then also implements Matt's technique as well as breaking those ex: yrly goals down to what it will take each qtr, each month, to what I have to do each week down to what I MUST do DAILY to HIT those goals. Then I personally have added multiple 'self-check points' to access my progress along the way. What's working, what I need to adjust, modify, etc. to insure I'm on target.
Honestly it is a working and progressing list. As things change, move, grow so do my goals. My goals (and I) seem to have a tendency to keep GROWING and GOING!
Appreciate you! May your cup overflow!
God bless,
Jen Gray
Infectious Enthusiasm Dean!
You help to keep me pumped, Dean, and I thank you for that. I am so looking forward to the next month, but the next year, wow, it will be unreal.
My goals have not changed...
I have had the same goals for over 2 years now. They started just before I bought my first Dean Graziosi book and every word I read and program of yours I joined brings me 1 step closer to reaching my goals.
This was the year I stopped wishing for things to get better and started doing things to make things get better. Hit a lot of bumps in the road. A lot, a Lot, a LOt, A LOT!!! Shifted my tactics numerous times this year to get past those obstacles. All that was in preparation for what's to come. I'm either going out of 2011 big or starting 2012 big. Either way, I'm on my way thanks to your advice and teachings.
Thank you Dean!
Andy Sager
DG's AndyS
Awesome "resolutions" reminder. Thank you Dean.
good to be here
im not 4rom the us bat u like your way dean!
hope to change my way of living and have welth
Thank you
Thanks for the encouragement Dean.
Every Monday morning I
Every Monday morning I listen to your wisdom and it gets better and better. I have learned alot from you.
Continuing to strive for success !
Thanks Dean for the message. Will be continuing for success regardless if it is 2011 or 2012.
Gotta love Mondays!!
Hey Dean,
Have a great week Dean
Just wanted to say that I have been telling myself for the past few weeks that 2012 WILL be one of the best years for me in a long time. With the help from your books and the DG family on this site, and the constant motivation that you give every single day, especially on Mondays, I know without a shadow of a doubt, that 2012 will be the turning point in my life and my RE business!! With the help of your book "30 Days to RE Cash", I am currently working on closing my 1st deal here soon and its so exciting. I cant believe that if we just do what you tell us to, every day, and put fear and doubt aside, and just DO IT, it all comes together like magic!! I am looking forward to what you have in store for everyone in the near future!!..in the meantime, I will be making offers, offers, offers!!!
Great info!!
Thanks for the encouragement to start planning now for what we want to accomplish and change for 2012!! Great blog!
Sorry Dean I'm still struggling
Hey Dean. I'm still having difficulty making offers on houses. I would have made alot of offers, but my real estate agents tell me I need at least $1,000 for a down payment. Well, I don't have this. How can I get around this?
One small incremental step at a time
It's been 3 months since I purchased the RockBottomBluePrint, and have since joined the Success Academy. And I can see progress. I didn't make my first deal in the first 30 days, but I haven't quit. I'm still going. I've hit 3 major roadblocks when I thought this is too hard and complicated and almost quit, but I found my inner courage to PUSH through and keep going. Some days I feel like I'm more discouraged than encouraged, but I know that hidden within the discouragement reside the opportunities for me for unleash the real me, and overcome. And your continual devotion to my success through the Weekly Wisdom and all the other methods you communicate to me (books, CDs, etc.) have been the coaching voice I've needed to know that if I just keep moving in the direction of my RE goals, I will make it. Thank you for believing in me. Thank you for not giving up when it was hard for you because if you had, the impact you've made on me (and others, of course) would have not been possible. Thank you for modeling with your actions what you speak. You are my inspiration on the days I feel discouraged. And you're my cheeerleader on the days I'm feeling good. Thank you, Dean!!!
I'm thankful for many things and one of those things is your apparent heart and gift. Because you "choose" to share your experience and heart with others, you are changing lives and making a difference as you well know. Thank you for staying on the front lines and in the trenches with the rest of us. Your sacrifice is honorable and appreciated by so many. You've given hope where there was not. Your weekly exchange with us is SO important, needed and encouraged. Especially to me. Thank you
Being Blessed to be a Blessing,
God gives us all a daily portion of treasure called time. How we spend it determines our journey and dictates our destiny.
Wonderful Reminder
Dean, I have, through your encouragement and others, set those goals and taken the PROPER action now. I am starting to see the results too. Thank you for all you have done and are doing. I am eager to see the new things you have planned for this site too.
Thanks for the wisdom this
Thanks for the wisdom this week. We'll start setting our goals now for next year!
Thank you Dean!!
Any little nugget of wisdom is invaluable!
Happy Holidays.
Hi Dean,
Thanksgiving means so much to all of us... thanks for our families, thanks for our good health, for shelter, food... and did I ever eat this Thanksgiving... and for a good job. But most of us DG'er's want more.... more security to do what we want with our families... and that's what we get each week from you Dean on your Weekly Wisdoms...small steps to reach the goal.
Thanks for your WISDOM too.
Remember, the sky is the limit,
Thanks for the insight Dean
It is time to get a head start on those New Years Res! And for me to adjust my gameplan.
Thanks for the inspiration!
Thanks, Dean for your inspiration and encouragement you give me each week! I am still struggling with getting things going. It is so hard when you literally have no money. I just don't seem to be able to find buyers. The first real estate agent I had fizzled out on me, so I'm back to square one on that! Although I am a bit discouraged, I'm not about to give up! I'm really glad that you do these videos because they help me keep focused and trying.
Thanks again,
Thank you Dean!
Funny, I was just thinking about this very topic when I woke this morning. I kept thinking how I needed to put serious effort into mapping out what I wanted to change in my life and better yet, How I would "FINALLY" make it happen instead of hoping and wishing for the same things again next year, and the year after, and the year after, and....
Thanks Dean for the reality injection!
Right on Dean!!!
You know Dean I have to sadly admit that I tell people I want to do Real Estate and yet I haven't made one offer and I have been saying this for about 3 years now. This year I took a little step by calling on a distressed property that one failed cause I told the guy I was a beginner investor. But with your new book cash in 30 days I think by the end of next month or sooner I should be well on my way to 1 deal possibly 2, but I want 1 deal as my realistic goal. Thanks for all you do Dean!!!
Thanks Dean for another great weekly wisdom.Between now & 2012 I will be seriously streamlining out my incremental steps.Making the LIST.I know when you say you have big changes coming up,they are BIG.Looking forward to that as always.
GOD Bless you & your family.
Corpus Christi,Texas,USA
Great - thanks
2012 is going to be the best year of my life! Very encouraging stuff indeed! Thanks.
One Step at a Time
Hi Dean,
Thanks again for the encouragement. I've read your book once and now starting to go back over it and put things in place. It's always nice to get the inspiration every week to keep going. I know that this year is going to be better than last year as I've made a goal to add 1 million dollars of equity to my portfolio.
Looks like I'll have to make your blueprint work.
Thanks again