Dean's Weekly Blog

Dean Graziosi Weekly Wisdom #311 – Blatantly Transparent Truth…

In this week’s Weekly Wisdom Dean wants to share with you the blatantly transparent truth about his life.

So many people see Dean’s success and think “wow, his life must be perfect” and this week Dean wants to share how no matter where you are in life, there are going to be daily struggles. Daily struggles that Dean has had the ability to conquer over the years. And he wants to share with you just how he has overcome some of his hardest times.

Dean Graziosi Weekly Wisdom #310 - SMILE!!!

In this week's Weekly Wisdom "Dr. Dean" shares a scientifically proven "top-secret" strategy he learned to:

  • Boost your mood
  • Boost your immune system
  • Relieve Stress
  • Lower your Blood Pressure
  • Release natural pain killers and serotonin into your body
  • Help you get promoted
  • And MUCH MUCH more...

And what is this “top secret” strategy you might ask...?

SMILING! Laughing out loud (not so top secret, huh?)

So check out this video where Dean shares with you how studies have shown that SMILING (even when you’re not happy!) can absolutely help you live a better life.

Oh yeah, don't forget Dean is giving away a brand new iPhone 6 and $2,500! If you don’t want either of those that’s cool BUT if you do, then click the video above and find out how! This is the last week to enter for your chance to win!!!

Dean Graziosi Weekly Wisdom #309 - What is "Personal Power"?

This week Dean talks about the incredible importance that being in the right state of mind has on living a truly incredible life.

If you ever have been in a true state of joy or excitement... picture your life if you applied that feeling to your life every single day ... Would you be a better parent... a better spouse... a better employer or employee? Check out what Dean has to say...

He also wants to share with you how Brendon Burchard's new book Motivation Manifesto absolutely blew his mind... and how you can get it for free! And if you don't believe Dean, would you believe Paulo Coehlo?

Dean Graziosi Weekly Wisdom #308 - Stop Worrying!!!

This week Dean shares with you some secrets he has learned over the past few weeks on how to start worrying less and start living a happier life because of it.

Dean takes what he has learned from Dale Carnegie (yes, the late great writer!) and delivers that knowledge directly to you.

Hope you enjoy!

Oh! And don’t forget, there are THREE weeks left to submit a video describing how Dean has helped change your life!

And remember, if you do, you are automatically in the running to win an iPhone 6 and $2,500!

So don’t miss out!

Dean Graziosi Weekly Wisdom #307 - Do you think you could help me out?

This week, Dean offers up 2 scenarios, and wants to know what you would do..... It may leave you scratching your head for a couple days.

Oh, and Dean also may have an iPhone 6 and $2,500 cash he is trying to share with the DG family Smiling

Real Estate Investing Weekly Wisdom #306 - simple secret to kill overwhelm!

This week, Dean shares an incredible secret from Earl Nightingale. A secret that'll kill overwhelm, raise productivity and get your real estate rocking!! What more could you want?! You have to check out this weekly wisdom.

Real Estate Investing Weekly Wisdom #305 - Could people really be that negative?

Dean knows he shouldn't be shocked, but was.

There is a valuable lesson in everything, especially the one Dean shares in this weeks video...

Dean Graziosi's Ice Bucket Challenge!

Dean does the ALS Ice Bucket Challenge - With a Twist!

Head over to Dean's Facebook page to like and share his Make a Wish Foundation Ice Bucket Challenge video and while you're there you may as well like his page so you can see his daily wisdom delivered at the site...

Real Estate Investing Weekly Wisdom #304 - Whats your excuse?

Excuses not only creep in, they can DESTROY the life you DESERVE!!

But NEVER again after this week's video.

Last week Dean said "you can't afford to miss this video" and he was right, wasn't he?!

This week is no different... Don't miss this.

Real Estate Investing Weekly Wisdom #303 - What do you really want?

Do you think a few minute video can change your life? You bet it can!! There's a whole other level to life and Dean wants you to experience it! Take the time to watch this video, you can't afford to miss it. It's Dean's best one yet;-)

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