Dean's Weekly Blog

Dean Graziosi Weekly Wisdom #322 - Ready to profit?

If you don’t think 2015 is going to be your best year yet then you’re looking at it all wrong! Because it is Dean’s PERSONAL mission to make sure it IS your best year yet.

And if real estate investing is truly something you are excited about then this month is your month to make sure you don’t miss a SINGLE weekly wisdom. Because Dean and Matt are going to give out some awesome tips and tricks... if you don’t mind Eye-wink

So check out this week’s Weekly Wisdom and find out what Matt and Dean are so excited to share with you!

Dean Graziosi Weekly Wisdom #321 - You're doing it all wrong!

This time of year so many people across the country set new goals and new resolutions...

Goals they’re never going to reach because they set the WRONG goals.

This week Dean wants to share with you how to set goals, and how to set the RIGHT goals.

Dean Graziosi Weekly Wisdom #320 - Do you want More?

Do you want more?

More money? More happiness? More joy and excitement?

More vitality and passion and love for life?

Dean honestly knows he can help achieve all of that and more...

Check out this week’s Weekly Wisdom and see how...

Hope you had a great holiday!

Dean Graziosi Weekly Wisdom #319 - Push That Sh@t Down!

After spending 5 days at Tony Robbins event last week Dean came home with an energy that he hasn’t felt in a while. But he also came home asking himself so many questions because Tony just had Dean’s head spinning all week.

And Tony got Dean thinking so much about the “layers” of negativity and excuses in his life that he really needed to push down, and guess what… you have the same exact layers you need to push down.

in this Weekly Wisdom Dean wants to show you how...

Weekly Wisdom #318 - Time To Be Selfish

This past week Dean spent 5 days at a Tony Robbins event that absolutely blew his mind!
And while he was there something incredible happened, and he realized something so powerful he just had to share it with you.

Dean Graziosi Weekly Wisdom #317 – What is happiness?

In this week’s Weekly Wisdom Dean discusses why it’s SO important to find your purpose… to find your happiness.
Dean wants to discuss what drives you… what motivates you… what makes you want to be a better person… and ultimately how you can be THAT person.
So watch this week’s video, and listen to Dean’s very important message.

Dean Graziosi Weekly Wisdom #316 - Stop lying to yourself!

In this week’s Weekly Wisdom, Dean wants to discuss why he thinks it is TRULY time to stop lying to ourselves.
Yep, you heard that right… lying to ourselves.
And look, it’s something everyone does… many people unknowingly.
But it’s something we need to seriously work on, something we need to cut from our daily habits immediately…
So watch this week’s Weekly Wisdom and hear what Dean has to say about “Lying to ourselves"

Dean Graziosi Weekly Wisdom #314 - iPhone 6 Winner Announced!

Dean has some KILLER information to share with you this week! First off, find out who the lucky winner of the iPhone 6 is! You'll also find out how Dean is giving a hand UP to a few lucky military veterans.

Lastly Dean gives you a tool that can help get in a better state of mind, or get out of a funk, because let’s be honest, being in a funk sucks... So watch this week’s Weekly Wisdom, and start your week in the RIGHT state of mind.

You won’t regret it Smiling

Dean Graziosi Weekly Wisdom #313: What Is Your PERSONAL Mission Statement?

In this week’s Weekly Wisdom Dean discusses the importance of finding our own personal mission statement.

Because when we have the ability to find our own mission statement we then have our directions… we get our map to that dream person we want to be... our destination.

And when you hear what Dean has to say in this week’s Weekly Wisdom you will realize that there is a life out there that you are destined to live... a life intended for you specifically, and you don’t have to be pigeon toed or stuck in a life that feels just a little off or that you don’t love every second of.

If you want it... if you want that dream life... it is attainable, and in this week’s video Dean will share with you how.

Dean Graziosi Weekly Wisdom #312 - Tony Robbins does it for first time in 20 years!!

In this week’s Weekly Wisdom Dean wants to share with you an opportunity that not many people in the world are going to have. As you know a couple of weeks ago Dean shared with everyone how they could get Brendon Burchard’s new book Motivation Manifesto for FREE.

The only other person Dean has ever promoted and urged you to get their stuff has been Tony Robbins, and after 20 years Tony Robbins has written a new book! A new book that Dean thinks is going to take the world by storm and change the world.

A book that you are going to see on every book shelf, every news station, every talk show for months to come. And because Dean and Tony are so close, Tony agreed to let Dean give out Tony’s new book for free to any of his DG family members. So you now have the opportunity to get Tony’s book FOR FREE before it even comes out in store!

This is a book Dean absolutely loves, written by a person he absolutely loves, and a book he absolutely recommends.

Get your free copy today! CLICK HERE!

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