In this week's Weekly Wisdom "Dr. Dean" shares a scientifically proven "top-secret" strategy he learned to:
- Boost your mood
- Boost your immune system
- Relieve Stress
- Lower your Blood Pressure
- Release natural pain killers and serotonin into your body
- Help you get promoted
- And MUCH MUCH more...
And what is this “top secret” strategy you might ask...?
SMILING! (not so top secret, huh?)
So check out this video where Dean shares with you how studies have shown that SMILING (even when you’re not happy!) can absolutely help you live a better life.
Oh yeah, don't forget Dean is giving away a brand new iPhone 6 and $2,500! If you don’t want either of those that’s cool BUT if you do, then click the video above and find out how! This is the last week to enter for your chance to win!!!
You always make me Smile :)
You know, I've actually been accused more than once in my life of smiling too much. Nonsense! It's an immediate remedy direct from God for whatever ails us! I just went to youtube and I'm listening to Michael Jackson's version of "Smile" Such a classic! Yet, why is it written in a minor key? The words are smiling, but the melody is crying. Maybe that's the lesson.
Hope my video made you smile!
Great Weekly Wisdom
Dean thanks for the simple reminder. You are right, smiling does affect so many things for the better. I will focus more on smiling throughout the day to make myself a better person and it may help someone else feel better as well.
Dean, I know that a lot of times when I'm doing something where my mind is engaged in the moment I'll be looking around and just think of smiling to help out with the mood. It does help and if someone else sees it all the better.
Thanks for the WW
Smiles are contagious
Thanks Dean for reminding me what the power of just a simple smile can do and affect the people you come in contact with. I will focus on smiling more to better myself and to help someone else smile.
Thank You, Thank You, Thank You.
Thanks Dean. This comes at a perfect time in my life. I have been working on being more patience with many many things in life. It has been and continues to be a challenge, but I am making improvements, a little each day. I am a happy guy, just short on patience with others. This weekly wisdom really connects with me. Thanks again Dean!!!!
I do.
I smile a lot and most of the days I don't feel bad. My job calls for me to smile a lot, I work at a school and I see parents and children all day. since I've gotten older I had a lot of people tell me that I look like I'm mad all the time so I force myself to smile so I won't give the wrong impression. Problem is I feel sluggish and tired most of the time and I've started to take some extra vitamin C. I'll keep smiling and hopefully I will feel better.
Thanks for the WW though.
Dean, It is so simple to do. And if I do it enough I just may get in the habit of doing it without thinking about it. It sure beats frowning and worrying. Thank you for all your suggestions and for bringing the positive in my life. I need that.
Especially when I'm making those phone calls today!
So True!!!!
Thank you Dean!
week after week, you keep giving us reminders of small, simple changes that can have a huge impact on not only our lives but the lives of people around us as well!
Sorry I haven't done a video (yet)... I'm camera shy
but I am extremely grateful for the tools that you have provided me which helped me changed my life for the better, 14 fold! (haha! 14 is the number of rental properties I've purchased since I joined this amazing family!)
Thank you, thank you, thank you!
Great info. Who know a
Great info. Who know a simple smile could do so much?
Positive Outlook Positive Results
Thanks Dean,
The smile is one of the most powerful things that the human body does. It not only effects you but effects others around you. I have been teaching my children to smile at just any occasion weather it be a ton of home work, household chores, unhappy times, and of course all the good times. So if your smiling you should have happy thoughts with no worry and that famous quote come to mind "You are what you think about".
Thanks again for all the good advice
Thanks Dean : ))))
Thanks again for your weekly wisdom and committment to making us happy and fulfilled! I've been watching your videos now on a weekly basis since they started coming out and I just want to thank you for all you do for us!! Thanks again!! : )))
Hi Dean,
Nice Shot of Motivation to Start the Week......
"Laugh and the World Laughs with You.....Cry,and You Cry Alone "......
Thank You Dean, for All You Keep On Doing.....ox
You are a real pied piper Dean
I stay with you largely because of your smile and enthusiasm plus all the great ideas and wisdom that you share with everyone. You just don't know how important you are to me. I am growing and coming into the person I am suppose to be. I don't always smile especially when I go into deep thought trying to work thru things and coming up with solutions. I am told sometimes that it looks like I am mad which is not so. Life just isn't one big party for me and so many times I get the rug pulled out from under me. It happened again last Monday. I went to my journal and wrote "ok, now what are you gonna do Diane". Well, I prayed and considered my options and told myself I was going to move forward with my part-time energy business and REI. Yesterday is gone and I have no idea what tomorrow may bring but I have today and can start again. One step at a time, one phone call at a time, one person at a time to interview and ask ?'s, one more opportunity to achieve and accomplish something and overcome the challenges and obstacles. Thank you for being there Dean and I do mean it from the bottom of my heart. With you and the Lord is my shepherd I can't go wrong. Have a great week.
Thanks Dean for sharing, I think that you are such an inspiration. It is so true about smiling and I would like to add another thing... say something nice about yourself each day. Each and everyone of us needs to say something nice. I love the book The Magic of Thinking Big. If you haven't read it, please read it!
Tina Scott
my favorite thing is to smile
A cheerful heart does good like medicine. Proverbs
Thanks for a smile blog Dean.
Dean G.I really like this blog about how valuable a smile can be.I look forward to finding out whom the winners of the contest are.I also look forward to more of your future blogs.Thanks Dean.
ahhh, smile is a simple thing to do, but there is time we forget to do it. Thanks for the best medicine ever that you subscribe for me today. I was so stress out over things that I though I couldn't let go, but your message about smile relief my stress. Thank you
OMG!!! How true is that....a smile :---)))
A smile a day keeps the doctor away!!!!
It does a lot more than that Great Weekly Wisdom
/ Words to live by
HAVE A GREAT WEEK Dean and Staff
How true!
I was visiting my daughter in Toronto Canada over the weekend. She kept on telling me that Everyone walks with their head down and replies to no one. She does the same. The next morning, we went out for a walk on Young Street in the core of Toronto. 3 out of 4 people I said hello to responded and one even asked me how I was. It all depends on our attitude and facial expression.
What does your facial expression say about you?
Dean, Thanks for the WW!
Great Wisdom Dean!
Thanks, I needed that. Your Wisdom is so good and true!
"A cheerful heart is good medicine, but a broken spirit saps a person's strength." {Proverbs 17:22}
How true!
I was visiting my daughter in Toronto Canada over the weekend. She kept on telling me that Everyone walks with their head down and replies to no one. She does the same. The next morning, we went out for a walk on Young Street in the core of Toronto. 3 out of 4 people I said hello to responded and one even asked me how I was. It all depends on our attitude and facial expression.
What does your facial expression say about you?
Dean, Thanks for the WW!
They say that, whether you
They say that, whether you realize it or not, you are directly responsible for influencing no less than 250 people in your lifetime. And often times, all it takes is a warm friendly smile.
So start your day by asking yourself, "What kind of influence do I want to be to someone today, a positive or a negative?" It will absolutely change your life and the lives of others around you.
Besides smiles are free!
Humm You are the Bestest!
You are consistently the bestest! in real estate investing
for training that I have ever seen or heard.
You really know how to deliver!
Thank you always very much!
I am smiling
Thanks Dean,
I needed to be reminded to smile. Get serious at times and forget to smile. So glad you shared that with us. I know when I pass someone and they smile at me it makes me feel so-so good.
SMILE is something anyone and everyone can do.
Thanks so much
During my teen years growing up I heard the phrase " Smile, it makes people wonder what you're up to". That alone was enough to make me smile every time.
Thanks Dean for your continuous effort to inspire us and help us each become a better person
Smiling :)))
Hey Dean!
So true. Try to smile and feel bad its impossible! Anytime I start feeling bad I try and put a big goofy smile on my face and throw in some laughter too, the kiddos really help change my state too sometimes!
We really appreciate all that you have done for our lives. Healthy mind, healthy body and helping others! Submitted a video that I hope you enjoy. Its short, sweet, and full of gratitude! Thank you Dean for all you do! You make me want to be the best me I can be for others! Life's not about me its about WE!
Make it a great week!
Thom and Lisa
I do my best always to get people to smile, I think that it is one of the best ways to get rid of stress and improve your outlook, thank you for all of your weekly wisdom's they are always priceless Thanks Sharlee
smiling always has been my nature I lost it for a while. I had found it again. I have you to thank for it. since I found Dean I had come a long ways. thank you
Dear Dean, I could not agree more than your suggestion to smile. Sometime back either you
or someone suggested to brighten up anybody's
date with a smile and ask them "how's your day"?
It really makes there day because, someone cares! Thanks for all you do to remind us the
importance of a simple SMILE!!!!!
Huge Regards,
Having been on both sides of the smile........
I can definitely say it's better to smile than not be smiling. Today, not many can accuse me of not smiling. As my old friend keeps telling me, " I have the good life now". That makes me smile even more knowing where I was to seeing where I am now. Even my comments on the IE chats are filled with
s as are my conversations in person.
The song starts out:
As stated in a previous post, "Smile, it makes people wonder what you are up to" used to be thought of as a negative comment. That's how it was taught to me. I just choose to use it in a positive way.
The word "Smile" also brings to my mind the old Charlie Chaplin song Smile. I'm old enough to remember it but young enough to have not heard it in it's original form. I remember the Jimmy Durante version.
Smile though your heart is aching
Smile even though it's breaking.
When there are clouds in the sky
you'll get by.
If you smile through your fear and sorrow
Smile and maybe tomorrow
You'll see the sun come shining through
For you.
Then finishes with:
You'll find that life is still worthwhile-
If you just smile.
Smiling brings hope, cheer and a reason for tomorrow. There's no doubt that it can have so many medical pluses. It even takes less muscles to smile than to frown. So how can smiling be a bad thing?
Once again, Dr. Dean to the rescue with a wonderful WW.
Until next time, Have a great week.
Andy Sager

DG's AndyS
CFIC & IE member
2013 & 2014 EDGE Alumni