Do you think a few minute video can change your life? You bet it can!! There's a whole other level to life and Dean wants you to experience it! Take the time to watch this video, you can't afford to miss it. It's Dean's best one yet;-)
Your weekly wisdom has always been my courage and my motivator investing my real estate business. I'm so grateful to you for all the resources which you have provided for me on I know I am going to make billions in my real estate business and I already can see it and feel it for sure, its all a matter of time but I know God's time is the best.
I just have to stay focus and like you said on your facebook page If I am not doing something that help the universe or God or my family, or ME, is that something I should still be doing?.
One of the major things which I made a huge commitment today to stop doing is clubbin and going to the beach. These two things take up a huge part of my time in my business. I rather sacrifice all I have right now to achieve my goals then enjoy later for the rest of my life.
Here is what I did, I saved your quote which was my favorite today as my desktop background in my laptop. That way each time I see it, I will NEVER be tempted to do it
Thank you so much and God bless you!
My favorite Quote of Today: "If you are not doing something that help the universe or God or your family, or YOU, is that something you should still be doing?"-Dean Graziosi
For the longest time I've been stuck because I knew I needed have someone with me every day that is as excited as I am at getting my feet wet in real estate. I found that person. We'll say the wrong thing, and we know it, we'll turn some one off, and we know it, we'll lose a deal, and we'll have fun doing it because we're new and we know we're gonna make mistakes. We'll grow and learn, and as a result, our loved ones will have a better life. And we know it...
This Weekly is sooooo Powerful!!!!
You had me cracking up when you shared about your kids talking back to you about the best Sunday ever and loving them more than ever! Yep, sounds like a 7 year old
Tony Robbins is amazing! I learned so much at his event! Changing our state is within our control, and I love how you relate it to our real estate investing! So true! This is the law of attraction!
If we want to succeed, we have to think positively, and know what we want! Absolutely!
thank you again Dean! Looking forward to joining you on your journey!
I just got done posting some bandit signs around 20mins ago. It's 8:56pm mountain time as I write this. While I was posting the signs reflecting on life as I did. I was happy while doing it and was telling myself "gosh it's so nice out, I want to get some ice cream after this. Can't wait to see how many calls I get tomorrow for my next deal." And it went smoothly and fast and really was fun.
When I first started putting out signs I would say "I hope a cop doesn't pull me over. What if I get hassled or something tells me not to post my signs. That person that cut my signs in half is probably going to do it a-fricken-gain". And all other kinds of bad thoughts and it would go terribly. I would feel stressed out and would get hassled! Ha, who woulda knew.
I know I'm just talking about signs here. But imagine the stories I could tell you about deeper things in my life that changed when I focused on what I WANTED.
From a parking spot to a better lifestyle.
Love all you guys on this site. Pretty amazing that everything offered on here is free. Holy cow I'd pay for this info, please don't charge dean! lol just saying I would if I had to.
Oh Dean, this is what I've been waiting for! I'm so glad I checked the WW this week. I've been sort of depressed in the past few days because my life isn't getting any better. I thought I had a deal in the works and the seller isn't interested anymore. So I began to feel sorry for myself. You've renewed my attitude. From today on I will concentrate on what I REALLY want. I can't believe it! Thank you and thanks for never giving up on helping people. I will forever be grateful to you. May God continue to bless you and your wonderful family, you deserve all good things. You continue to give and you shall continue to receive.
At one time or another everyone has those moments hours days of the don't wants. We just have to get to the do wants to have a positive perspective on life. I have people in my life that are in the don't want side and trying to get them to the do want. Just reading 10 pages of a positive book is also a good way to get your mind on the do wants in life. Thanks for the great WW and look forward to the next one.
Outstanding WW! We get what we focus on and can be controlled by our old stories or limiting beliefs. I have been the driver of my life and not the passenger since I found you a couple years ago and the road has gone from foggy to blue skies. Looking forward to continuing on the journey with you! I truly an grateful and appreciative for all that you have helped me and my family achieve in life! Thank you!!
Dean, You spoke to my heart this morning and for that I thank you. I will write done my "Want List". My partner, who flew down from Maryland and I made many MAJOR decisions this weekend. 1-We are going to renovate our 1st Flip as a Spec home with added bells and whistles to launch our finished product to the community and get free publicity. We bought the kitchen, doors and windows. 2- We are going to launch our own General Contract Company to do first our own renovations but farm out work to other rehabbers. We have couple people that are going to get their RE License/Broker for complete access to the MLS and to unlimited properties and our own property mgmt company. We are not going to lose one dollar during the entire process.
Oh yea, my contractor friend who attempted suicide is doing much better and should be back to work very soon. Your info really hit home and I want to thank you very much. The Fire is Burning in my very Soul.Thanks again.
AWESOME!!!!!!! Sometimes the simplest message is the most powerful. Going through so much right now. This video, or shall I say , this message was greatly needed.
This is good, the what I want list vs the what I don't want. And the what I want can not have any of the what I don't want things on it. I always feel guilty with thinking of a what I want, or of making a dream board and stay with the what I don't want in my head, I guess its time to pull out some pics and thoughts of what I do want and put them up around me. THANKS DEAN!
Thanks for letting us tag along on your journey. I've been a seeker my whole life. Searching for the same things you are. I've learned a great deal from your weekly wisdoms.
My problem is in applying what I learn. If I'm reading a book, or watching your blogs, as soon as I close the book or shut off the computer, there I am, back in my life that seems like I will never lift up out of. I must have it deeply ingrained in me that I don't deserve to have a good life. That is why I want to thank you. I'm beginning to feel that I can get out of this rut. Thanks to your motivational blogs and constant positive reinforcement.
I left my job because I was robbed and became too scared to work there and I've been denied unemployment so things are pretty bad but I do believe it will turn around. I have a lot to be thankful for and you are one of them.
Thanks for sharing that powerful thought today! Being a pastor myself, I realized what you stated today is a "Biblical Principle." Proverbs 23:7a (King James Version)says: "for as he thinketh in his heart, so is he:" Additionally, Proverbs 18:21 says: "Death and life are in the power of the tongue: and they that love it shall eat the fruit thereof." Our tongue has the ability to create what we say, whether it is positive or negative.
Power thoughts always move you forward if you focus on what you want it will be an work in progress and continue to move you into the future rather than living in the past. Always Dean hitting home once again keep doing what you do!!!
I Plan to start writing my "do want list" Everyday! I love when you share Tony's Tips! I am so happy for that man, and hope he can find an abundant life! God speed to him!
I opened up my document that has the list of "My Big WHYs". It answers the "What do I want?" question with a big list of the things I want, and could have, once I start making money as a real estate wholesaler. I'm keeping this document open so I can review it frequently.
Thanks Dean,positive message...I've made my 'want' lists many times...I'm a procrastinator,it's a definite roadblock. Always enjoy your commentary. June
So, you just have to know what you want. Once you know what you want you then need to have vision and see it happen for you. You have to believe that what you want will happen. Life's disappointments can impede that for some leaving them feeling helpless and without hope. Keep trying and never quit but never making it. Just not good enough. I make lists of things I want and sometimes I get to cross things of the list but not always. Now I have a spiral 3 x5 index card book that I have put my why and my goals, wants, and desires in. It is a start and better than nothing. I had to laugh yesterday on my way to Costco to eat samples (not much to choose from)and I suddenly realized I have spent time with the wealthy via REI events and online and I have spent time with the poor finding myself in the middle all by myself. What a reality! Don't know if I am making any sense. Suicide is not an option. Gia Allemond ended her life a year ago at 29 when she had everything going for her but could not see it. Robin Williams decided he could not live with the future illness that had been diagnosed and his loneliness among other things. Such tragedies! Yea though I walk thru the valley - 23rd Psalm - Start with the first step and take one step at a time and little by little making progress. I just want to feel valued and respected and loved and leave the world a better place because I was able to make a difference in the lives of those I touched and as I go thru life I won't always know who I have touched.
I am close to tears of a breaking heart. Struggling to break my patterns of what is/was. This really will be my morning reminder message. Like the guy described in this message I have lived someone else's life plan. I have been chipping away at a snail pace to the freedom being a REI can do for my new destiny. Thank you for not giving up. My new list of what I really DO WANT IS MY 24 HOUR PRIORITY. I will then do a 7 levels deep plan on each want. Thank you Dean.!!!
Thanks Dean; I needed to hear that!
I appreciate all you do, and this weeks words of wisdom was something that many of us I'm sure don't always want to admit we need to hear. thanks for sharing this experience. Sometimes I think we all need a little push to focus on the right things. In this weeks wisdom, you have showed us how to do that by focusing on what we want and not on what we don't want.
Thank you Dean! - and thanks to Tony Robbins also!
Wow!!! Dean this hit home a lot....I'm fine were struggling like you know from what I have told everyone from the last two Edge Events on the Microphone....I'm going to share this with my sister because she needs this an amazing information you shared.... I can relate a little to the gentlemen on stage....I have never had a girl friend or a date and I definatley don't wan to be alone.....have been picked on all my life and to this day still getting same treatmentI always get turned down from real estate deals !!!! But I never give up!!!!!! Jimmy Valvono Never give up!!!! My friends laugh at me all the time!!!!! But now after Matt Larsons class I'm completely confident and ready!!!! and when I move back in my house I will find that perfect lady in my life....thanks for sharing this video...Jimmy
Just getting thur the busy work.My realator gave over 100 properties paid cash in 30 days. did the map and looked up all the ownwers and now to the next step to find a telephone # and get buyers in my bucket. Way to go Tony Robbins and dean always!!
Dean, you are such an awesome coach! Thank you for how much you care about our success in all areas of life. Your sincerity is written all over your face when you deliver these nuggets of wisdom to us. Thank you for all you do to equip us for success!
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Dean has FREE webcasts and conference calls every so often! Be sure to register with us to stay updated and save your spot for future broadcasts and calls.
Any time a new conference call has been scheduled we will email everyone registered the special access information and put a reminder on the front page of the site.
Thanks Dean for Sharing
Your weekly wisdom has always been my courage and my motivator investing my real estate business. I'm so grateful to you for all the resources which you have provided for me on I know I am going to make billions in my real estate business and I already can see it and feel it for sure, its all a matter of time but I know God's time is the best.
I just have to stay focus and like you said on your facebook page If I am not doing something that help the universe or God or my family, or ME, is that something I should still be doing?.
One of the major things which I made a huge commitment today to stop doing is clubbin and going to the beach. These two things take up a huge part of my time in my business. I rather sacrifice all I have right now to achieve my goals then enjoy later for the rest of my life.
Here is what I did, I saved your quote which was my favorite today as my desktop background in my laptop. That way each time I see it, I will NEVER be tempted to do it
Thank you so much and God bless you!
My favorite Quote of Today: "If you are not doing something that help the universe or God or your family, or YOU, is that something you should still be doing?"-Dean Graziosi
Miami Beach, FL
incredible Dean!
Incredible Dean ......
You always over deliver wether in training, mindset or motivation
This One Hit Home
For the longest time I've been stuck because I knew I needed have someone with me every day that is as excited as I am at getting my feet wet in real estate. I found that person. We'll say the wrong thing, and we know it, we'll turn some one off, and we know it, we'll lose a deal, and we'll have fun doing it because we're new and we know we're gonna make mistakes. We'll grow and learn, and as a result, our loved ones will have a better life. And we know it...
Thank You Dean
One of your best, Dean!
This Weekly is sooooo Powerful!!!!
You had me cracking up when you shared about your kids talking back to you about the best Sunday ever and loving them more than ever! Yep, sounds like a 7 year old
Tony Robbins is amazing! I learned so much at his event! Changing our state is within our control, and I love how you relate it to our real estate investing! So true! This is the law of attraction!
If we want to succeed, we have to think positively, and know what we want! Absolutely!
thank you again Dean! Looking forward to joining you on your journey!
As always thank you mucho much
Thank you so very much that was wow what a story
form Tony Robbins event wow.
Dean you are ahead of your years the most positive guy in real estate
I have seen and heard.
You help a lot of people out there get to where
they need to go in real estate investing.
Yes Focus On Want We Want This Is A Powerful Thought It Really Is
when you sit down and think about it for a few minutes.
Thank you.
What a coincidence.
I just got done posting some bandit signs around 20mins ago. It's 8:56pm mountain time as I write this. While I was posting the signs reflecting on life as I did. I was happy while doing it and was telling myself "gosh it's so nice out, I want to get some ice cream after this. Can't wait to see how many calls I get tomorrow for my next deal." And it went smoothly and fast and really was fun.
When I first started putting out signs I would say "I hope a cop doesn't pull me over. What if I get hassled or something tells me not to post my signs. That person that cut my signs in half is probably going to do it a-fricken-gain". And all other kinds of bad thoughts and it would go terribly. I would feel stressed out and would get hassled! Ha, who woulda knew.
I know I'm just talking about signs here. But imagine the stories I could tell you about deeper things in my life that changed when I focused on what I WANTED.
From a parking spot to a better lifestyle.
Love all you guys on this site. Pretty amazing that everything offered on here is free. Holy cow I'd pay for this info, please don't charge dean! lol just saying I would if I had to.
You're the best!
Oh Dean, this is what I've been waiting for! I'm so glad I checked the WW this week. I've been sort of depressed in the past few days because my life isn't getting any better. I thought I had a deal in the works and the seller isn't interested anymore. So I began to feel sorry for myself. You've renewed my attitude. From today on I will concentrate on what I REALLY want. I can't believe it! Thank you and thanks for never giving up on helping people. I will forever be grateful to you. May God continue to bless you and your wonderful family, you deserve all good things. You continue to give and you shall continue to receive.
The Power of Positive Thinking
At one time or another everyone has those moments hours days of the don't wants. We just have to get to the do wants to have a positive perspective on life. I have people in my life that are in the don't want side and trying to get them to the do want. Just reading 10 pages of a positive book is also a good way to get your mind on the do wants in life. Thanks for the great WW and look forward to the next one.
Hey Dean!
Outstanding WW! We get what we focus on and can be controlled by our old stories or limiting beliefs. I have been the driver of my life and not the passenger since I found you a couple years ago and the road has gone from foggy to blue skies. Looking forward to continuing on the journey with you! I truly an grateful and appreciative for all that you have helped me and my family achieve in life! Thank you!!
Make it a great week!
Absolutely Fantabulous!!!!!
Dean, You spoke to my heart this morning and for that I thank you. I will write done my "Want List". My partner, who flew down from Maryland and I made many MAJOR decisions this weekend. 1-We are going to renovate our 1st Flip as a Spec home with added bells and whistles to launch our finished product to the community and get free publicity. We bought the kitchen, doors and windows. 2- We are going to launch our own General Contract Company to do first our own renovations but farm out work to other rehabbers. We have couple people that are going to get their RE License/Broker for complete access to the MLS and to unlimited properties and our own property mgmt company. We are not going to lose one dollar during the entire process.
Oh yea, my contractor friend who attempted suicide is doing much better and should be back to work very soon. Your info really hit home and I want to thank you very much. The Fire is Burning in my very Soul.Thanks again.
AWESOME!!!!!!! Sometimes the
AWESOME!!!!!!! Sometimes the simplest message is the most powerful. Going through so much right now. This video, or shall I say , this message was greatly needed.
Hey Dean,
This is good, the what I want list vs the what I don't want. And the what I want can not have any of the what I don't want things on it. I always feel guilty with thinking of a what I want, or of making a dream board and stay with the what I don't want in my head, I guess its time to pull out some pics and thoughts of what I do want and put them up around me. THANKS DEAN!
Wake up call!
Thank you Dean
Very powerful and yet simple.
OMG That was so good and a
That was so good and a very powerful message. Thanks so Much!
PS: We have the same initials!
What do you Want?
I think that was very coooooool way to reach negative thinking people!!!!!! Great Dean
Thank you
Thanks for letting us tag along on your journey. I've been a seeker my whole life. Searching for the same things you are. I've learned a great deal from your weekly wisdoms.
My problem is in applying what I learn. If I'm reading a book, or watching your blogs, as soon as I close the book or shut off the computer, there I am, back in my life that seems like I will never lift up out of. I must have it deeply ingrained in me that I don't deserve to have a good life. That is why I want to thank you. I'm beginning to feel that I can get out of this rut. Thanks to your motivational blogs and constant positive reinforcement.
I left my job because I was robbed and became too scared to work there and I've been denied unemployment so things are pretty bad but I do believe it will turn around. I have a lot to be thankful for and you are one of them.
It's a Biblical Principle
Hello Dean!
Thanks for sharing that powerful thought today! Being a pastor myself, I realized what you stated today is a "Biblical Principle." Proverbs 23:7a (King James Version)says: "for as he thinketh in his heart, so is he:" Additionally, Proverbs 18:21 says: "Death and life are in the power of the tongue: and they that love it shall eat the fruit thereof." Our tongue has the ability to create what we say, whether it is positive or negative.
Thanks again for sharing.
What do you really want?
Hi Dean,
Another great weekly wisdom.......
You motivate us every week to be the best we can be....Thank You.......
" If we fail to dream, to believe, we fail to achieve.
What do you want? Find out what motivates you, find out what you want the most.
Don't stop working towards those goals, even if right now those obstacles seems too high.
Do not allow a simple pleasure right now to take away from what you want the most.
Find your mountain and climb it daily.... if you stop climbing you will never reach the top."
It doesn't matter how we get there, just as long as we get there......
Peace Be the Journey.....
What do you want
Power thoughts always move you forward if you focus on what you want it will be an work in progress and continue to move you into the future rather than living in the past. Always Dean hitting home once again keep doing what you do!!!
I Plan to start writing my "do want list" Everyday! I love when you share Tony's Tips! I am so happy for that man, and hope he can find an abundant life! God speed to him!
Where your focus goes, energy flows! Shifting my focus big time with everything I'm learning.
Thanks for the reminder
I opened up my document that has the list of "My Big WHYs". It answers the "What do I want?" question with a big list of the things I want, and could have, once I start making money as a real estate wholesaler. I'm keeping this document open so I can review it frequently.
Great story!!! Thank You for sharing. I am going to sit down today and write out an "I want" list and read it every day to make sure I stay focus.
Thanks again Dean!!!
I want...
Thanks Dean,positive message...I've made my 'want' lists many times...I'm a procrastinator,it's a definite roadblock. Always enjoy your commentary. June
The message sounds simple enough.
So, you just have to know what you want. Once you know what you want you then need to have vision and see it happen for you. You have to believe that what you want will happen. Life's disappointments can impede that for some leaving them feeling helpless and without hope. Keep trying and never quit but never making it. Just not good enough. I make lists of things I want and sometimes I get to cross things of the list but not always. Now I have a spiral 3 x5 index card book that I have put my why and my goals, wants, and desires in. It is a start and better than nothing. I had to laugh yesterday on my way to Costco to eat samples (not much to choose from)and I suddenly realized I have spent time with the wealthy via REI events and online and I have spent time with the poor finding myself in the middle all by myself. What a reality! Don't know if I am making any sense. Suicide is not an option. Gia Allemond ended her life a year ago at 29 when she had everything going for her but could not see it. Robin Williams decided he could not live with the future illness that had been diagnosed and his loneliness among other things. Such tragedies! Yea though I walk thru the valley - 23rd Psalm - Start with the first step and take one step at a time and little by little making progress. I just want to feel valued and respected and loved and leave the world a better place because I was able to make a difference in the lives of those I touched and as I go thru life I won't always know who I have touched.
do want? DO WANT!
I am close to tears of a breaking heart. Struggling to break my patterns of what is/was. This really will be my morning reminder message. Like the guy described in this message I have lived someone else's life plan. I have been chipping away at a snail pace to the freedom being a REI can do for my new destiny. Thank you for not giving up. My new list of what I really DO WANT IS MY 24 HOUR PRIORITY. I will then do a 7 levels deep plan on each want. Thank you Dean.!!!
Thanks Dean (& Tony !)
Thanks Dean; I needed to hear that!
I appreciate all you do, and this weeks words of wisdom was something that many of us I'm sure don't always want to admit we need to hear. thanks for sharing this experience. Sometimes I think we all need a little push to focus on the right things. In this weeks wisdom, you have showed us how to do that by focusing on what we want and not on what we don't want.
Thank you Dean! - and thanks to Tony Robbins also!
Jimmy from V.I.P Group Edge Event
Wow!!! Dean this hit home a lot....I'm fine were struggling like you know from what I have told everyone from the last two Edge Events on the Microphone....I'm going to share this with my sister because she needs this an amazing information you shared.... I can relate a little to the gentlemen on stage....I have never had a girl friend or a date and I definatley don't wan to be alone.....have been picked on all my life and to this day still getting same treatmentI always get turned down from real estate deals !!!! But I never give up!!!!!! Jimmy Valvono Never give up!!!! My friends laugh at me all the time!!!!! But now after Matt Larsons class I'm completely confident and ready!!!! and when I move back in my house I will find that perfect lady in my life....thanks for sharing this video...Jimmy
I want my first deal!!
Just getting thur the busy work.My realator gave over 100 properties paid cash in 30 days. did the map and looked up all the ownwers and now to the next step to find a telephone # and get buyers in my bucket. Way to go Tony Robbins and dean always!!
Dean, you are such an awesome coach! Thank you for how much you care about our success in all areas of life. Your sincerity is written all over your face when you deliver these nuggets of wisdom to us. Thank you for all you do to equip us for success!