Jon's First Month, 2 offers in (one accepted!!)

Boy, what a turbulent Month...In the one Month since joining the DG Family, I have done the following:

1. 1-800 # with 4 extensions up and running
2. Flyers designed, copied, distributed.
3. Bandit Signs (They look GREAT!!!) designed, produced.
4. Free Website completed (Thanks Dean!!), and new, updated version is under development!
5. 2 Offers with one accepted! Now, I just have to find the buyers, right?? That's why I'm writing, already done! Smiling

I have been fortunate enough to meet 4 very key people to help me get my deals moved. Here's how I did it, I sure hope it helps someone...

Real Estate Investing is like hunting for the Gold and Silver Eggs!

.....This is the time of year that takes me back to when I was young and would go to the Easter egg hunt at our local school's football field. We would all line up on the goal line and eggs were placed all over the 100 yard field. If you were on the field and ready to go chances were good you might get something. As you navigated your way through the over grown grass you would see very colorful eggs through-out the field. There were plenty of blue, red, yellow, orange, pink and purple eggs but the eggs that you wanted to get were the GOLD and SILVER eggs. These were the best eggs because they had the best prizes.


Took a while to piece it all together but after you have done it you realize its a PIECE OF CAKE !


To All The Ones That Supported and Gave Advice I Say


Amy’s Story: the #1 Dean Graziosi Supporter

In life we face many problems and some are more bearable than others. Each day can have new challenges but we usually find a way to make it through the day. There are some days where some people face a challenge they need to overcome each and every day. How we deal with those challenges may define us as who we are or who we are destined to become.

On a recent visit to the Boston, Massachusetts area, I was mentoring three real estate students. The three days passed quickly with the students very satisfied about the material we covered. It was near the end of the final day when one of the students approached me to speak privately.

Another Short Sale Closes Friday! $4,500

We don't do short sales ourselves! We come across hundreds of unlisted short sale leads every month however. We actively chase pre foreclosure leads daily, looking for ones with enough equity to constitute a deal. When we contact people that are unlisted and upside down on their mortgage we simply ask if our short sale specialist can call them and go over their options. We supply these unlisted leads to our short sale specialist. He does everything else! He pays us 25% of his net profit at closing.
We are set to collect $4500 Friday. I would give the exact details of the deal but I don't know the exact details!! All's we did was supply the lead. What they negotiated with the lender I have no idea! What they sold it for, I have no idea!! Makes me laugh!!

17 deals in two yrs !!!

I just closed my 17th deal in two yrs after joining the success academy !!
I am super pumped to tell you that all the free knowledge on here,the success academy deans books and programs including the set for life is what I dedicate to using thus far.i Am not posting to brag by any means!!! I am just proving that someone with a FULLLLLLLL time job can make this work if YOU r willing to put forth the FOCUS,DRIVE AND DETERMINATION to make your life what you want and DESERVE it to be !!!! I am also super pumped to be attending the edge 2011 coming up fast in may.I hope to network with many past and present dgers.IF you see me there...come up and introduce yourself and lets sit down and talk about how we can make some win/win situations.

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