I wanted to post this thread in hopes that the people that need some inspiration may find some and those that are already motivated can share what they do or how they stay motivated and inspired.
I love to read and listen to inspirational books and cds... so since I needed my credit boosted a little I applied and received one of those orchard bank credit cards and a couple times a month I will be buying a book or cd on rei, self motivation or something relative.
Hey Mark,
There are a few ways I motivate myself about REI.
1. Watch any video that Dean posts lol
2. I think about what life would be like if every goal of mine was accomplished.
3. I keep myself organized,take steps on improving my life, and getting further in REI.
4. My partner and I offered 19k on a 120k FMV home and it got accepted but we are still waiting on the bank for approval. We also are in the process of buying a 30k home for 4k and wholesaling it for 12k.
There are many ways to motivate yourself, just let your imagination do all the work! Hope this helps!
Best of Luck,
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have to pay my bills
have to put groceries in the fridge
have to provide a roof over my families head
need to have NFL game package on DirecTV
love to smoke cigars when I have the time
those are my motivations
These two help me tremendously. I think I am no longer the same since I learned them.
FAILURES ALWAYS SEEM TO ACT AS IF THEY HAD 1000 TO LIVE BECAUSE THEY HAVE NO CONFIDENCE AT ALL THAT THEY CAN HANDLE TODAY'S CHALLENGES TODAY. (OG MADINO) I do not want be a failure by procrastinating so I do not wait any more. I do what needs to be done NOW because I know I have all I need to do it. If I don't I ask for help.
The opposite of COURAGE is not COWARDICE but CONFORMITY. The game played today is follow the follower. If you want to succeed look around you and do the opposite of what everybody else is doing. Earl Nightingale.
I hope this helps.
When the going gets tough, the tough gets going.
I motivate myself by listening to rei tapes and self help tapes EVERY DAY on the way to work.I mean every day i dont have riders.most of the time i am working out of town so a min of 1-3 hrs driving per day.This is the time i believe that gives me the motivating MINDSET to strive to get deals done and think positive thoughts.
DEF deans blogs ,relentless emails,dg.com,networking with other successful students,reading all i can on real estate and hanging with like minded real estate wannabees and successful business people.CHECK to see who your 5 closest friends you hang with now and this will tell you what you will experience for success if you spend all your time with them.I believe dean said this too !!and it is positively true !!. good luck and lets hear more!!!! it is motivating to hear what others are doing to stay motivated.. great thread mark !!!!!!!!!!
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I didn't start this thread because I need motivation, more so to help those that need it.
I do the same as you Jay, I constantly listen to rei cd's and motivational or self help cd's. Most people think I'm crazy or obsessed and they're right, I'm both! I try to never be like the norm, to me it's boring and easy, I love a challenge and becoming a great investor is a great challenge! 5 months ago I had zero net worth, today I'm pushing 300k! I love it!
Also I like exclamation marks!!!
I have 2 pictures of the most negative know-it-all nay sayers I know stuck on my wall by my desk.
You have a pic of my hubby?
My motivation lies in the focus of the future for my family and I and the freedom that RE brings.
While everyone's motivation and goals differ , I am looking for a better lifestyle !
I want to become debt free and be independent !
Pretty straight forward.
Randy S.
Elkton MD
I look at the future, what it would be like to be debt free. To be able to pay my student loans off. I'm trying to get myself a Droid 2 phone, and heck I can get my entire family one with Real Estate and then some.
The main motivation is that I watch Dean's videos and his student's success videos. I know that I will be successful soon!
Together, we can be successful!
Hi we are bob sandy,we started in the academy 15 months ago and due to are own fault still don't have deal #1.Have gotten burned out twice but kept coming back cause what else can you do to be set for life.When dean started the SFL campaign it light a fire under me and i will not stop,ever,this time we will make this work.All i have do, to motivate myself is to look in sandy s eyes as she leaves for work and it brakes my heart!!!And when i'm at work for 50 hrs a week i miss her so much,so the only way to stop this is through real-estate.I make 100k a year and she makes 40k but think of what they, make on our efforts!!At least 10+ times.So i figure that when we work together on this and it takes off all that will be ours and we will be together doing it!!
Well that's my motivation best of luck to everyone but you have to do something to get something and we are doing it.
please look at the thread we started and please participate.
Bob & Sandy
robert a sanfilippo
Perhaps if a person needs to be motivated, they don't know why they're really doing this.
My suggestion is to go through the "7 Levels Deep" exercise on this website. it will help you personally understand the "Core" reasons you want to be a successful investor.
I personal found this exercise VERY helpful!
Wish You Well
If you would like the chance to work with me or one of my fellow real estate investor coaches and our advanced training programs, give us a call anytime to see if Dean's Real Estate Success Academy and our customized curriculum is a fit for you. Call us at 1-877-219-1474 ext. 125
find another profession
If you have to ask another adult on how to get motivated to better your life, this is the one thing you need to stay away from
I have to say that there are time when you are not constantly motivated to do things. We have our challenges in life. When those challenges appear that is when we need to review our motivation for why we are doing what we are doing.
Motivation for me:
My children, my family, my burning desire to have a better life. My absolute goal to be happy.
Fear is also a motivator for me. Fear of living on the street, not having food for my children. I have been there and never want to be there again. This highly motivates me.
When you say thank you, you are telling the world that you want more. Say thank you every day! It will bring joy, and it will bring so much more.
If you have to ask how to get motivated then you need to go back to a 40 hr per wk job. Everyday I get up at 5 am and see my wife have to get up at 7 to go to work that's motivation to me to get her retired. When I see the bills come in the mail that's motivation to me. But maybe I want more out of life than just a minimal paycheck....
"Nothing can stop the man with the right mental attitude from achieving his goal; nothing on earth can help the man with the wrong mental attitude."
Shaun Omar
DSD Investor Group Inc
One of my favorite quotes is...
"Success requires clarity around what’s at stake and what it is that you are committed to doing. Then, whether you feel like it or not, you do it anyway."
In other words, you must keep your "WHY" (the reason you're doing this) in front of you at all times. Additionally, you need to make sure that "WHY" is big enough. If you are content with your life and don't have a Huge need to change and commit, chances are you wont. Make your "WHY" so emotionally personal that you simply MUST change. It's not enough to just want to change.
I have a rally big "WHY" and her name is Mom
"You gain strength, courage, and confidence by every experience in which you stop and look fear in the face. Do the things you think you cannot do. Tough times never last, but tough people do"
Look at the posts on known successful people on this site. Not many (if any) ask "How do I motivate myself?" even when they were brand new. They knew what motivated them and they took action to see that it happened!
My response to that question is "Put your head down and get it done, no one can do it for you! Its not easy or every one would do it. Some people are destined to work the old 9 to 5 and there is nothing wrong with that. The world would not turn with out 9 to 5ers!
Michael Mangham
MD Home Acquisitions LLC
Knowledge is power, but execution trumps knowledge. Tony Robbins
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You have to know your "WHY". If you dont know your "why" then it is really hard to build motivation.
Ask yourself what your motivation is. Do you really want it? How BAD do you want it. If you dont succeed with this what will be your outcome/destiny?
What is your dream?
What is your "Why"?
Say this to yourself "If not Real Estate now, then what and when?"
Have your really wanted something really really bad recently and had to walk away in misery, disgusted that you couldn't have it or buy it. You all know that feeling of disappointment and disgust and sadness almost like you want to cry but dont.
If you have not then....can you pay for your childs college when that time comes or will you feel like what I described above?
If you have not, are you living in your custom dream house with the materials that you adore like oak floors, granite counter tops, stainless steel appliances, and that, oh sooo awesome, jacuzzi tub that you dream about drinking a glass of champaign in???
Do you have a legacy??????????? to leave behind to your children? If you died would your familiy be financially able to stay together without further loss and longing? (dont even consider answering this with your life insurance in mind, thats just an excuse)
I can go way deeper in this but I have work to do cause I know what my "why" is and I know what my life will look like if I dont do this.
What is boils down to is MOTIVATIONS. Once you unlock your MOTIVATIONS all of the rest will follow. Once you stop lying to yourself and making excuses, the rest will follow.
If you do the same thing today as you did yesterday then tomorrow will be the same as today. When will YOU BREAK THE CYCLE? Its all up to you. Its all based on WHEN you will accept your life and your position as your RESPONSIBILITY and stop blaming other things and other people. "Man up" and say "Its my fault why I am where I am! Now HOW DO I CHANGE IT?!" When you answer that question, then go out and do whatever your answer was. You have to take action. The UPS guy is not on his way to your house with a million dollar check. Get up, get out, and go for it! You create your own destiny!
Mental picture, If you were lying on your death bed and could see the ghosts of all of your hopes, dreams, abilities and talents floating around the room and looking down on you, would they be thanking you for the gift of life or would they be angry with you and asking "Why do we have to die with you?"
Food for thought.
SKY Real Estate Services, Inc.
"Money Doesn't Grow On Trees, But It Does Fall From The SKY!"
I started this thread because I have seen some negativity or uncertainty from some members and I wanted some input from others to help lift them up. I'm not asking for motivation so don't direct it at me. I've seen this stuff a few times on here lately where people don't read the whole post and just jump on and throw their two cents worth out there. Be considerate and read the whole post before replying.
I think everyone on here, myself included, read correctly and answered in the best manner posible.
While some may seem harsh, they are in fact mostly adult level replies and the most realistic replies you are going to receive.
What you asked was a two-ply question:
"How do you stay motivated???"
"What would you say to someone to get or stay motivated???"
If i'm wrong I apologize and please correct me. A few of us, myself included, aren't into the 'ra ra sis boom ba' way of life; either you want to do it or you don't. The main thing is to me is andi'll say it again, is if you need motivation to do this, you're in the wrong business. If you expect to succeed, but understand you're going to hit ALOT of potholes, you'll be ok.
If you think every deal or house you write a contract on will get accepted, expect heart and nervous issues down the road. I understand your intentions were meant to be good and I commend you for it, but motivating yourself should be a no-brainer if you want anything in life, instead of relying on a bunch of strangers to do it for you.
Very well said Elix!!!
"Nothing can stop the man with the right mental attitude from achieving his goal; nothing on earth can help the man with the wrong mental attitude."
Shaun Omar
DSD Investor Group Inc