World vs. You: World 100--You 0

World vs. You: World 100--You 0

Everyday you get up only to go out into the world to get knocked down. You're getting beat every single day. You give up every single day. Your so used to getting beat that you don't even know how to win anymore. Winning is too much work. It's easy to get beat. It's ok to get beat because everybody you hang out with gets beat as well. Getting beat is totally ok and you feel comfortable getting beat. You think it will get better--well it won't. You can't wish yourself into a winner. You can't read a book and become a winner. It's halftime in your life and here is what the scoreboard says:

World-100 You-0

You haven't even scored a single point.

Then one day something happens to you that changes everything. This was me 6 years ago. I was down 100 to 0 and I didn't care because it was comfortable and easy to be loser. Then one day I woke up and my girlfriend left me because she got tired of being on the losing team. I was devastated. She told me I was lazy, poor, and had no future. I felt sorry for myself for a while. Then I got so mad I can't even describe the depth of my anger. I woke up one day and said "that's it's!" "I am tired of being a loser! I will never let anyone call me a loser again!" I decided right then and there that things were going to change. I was going to knock the world out! I'm going to beat the world! And I have never slowed down since because I'm never going back. I'm all in. I dont just talk about being successful I'm making it happen!

Stop telling me what your going to accomplish and start showing me! I want you be on my team! My team is called The World Beaters. It isn't easy making the team I will tell you that. Don't ever wish for easy, just get stronger and hard becomes easy!

Go take action and beat the world! The world is weak!

I get up every morning and say this "9 out of 10 times the world will beat me, but not today. The world can't beat me today. I can't be denied today!!!"

I hope one day something happens to you like it did to me and you find the fire it's going to take to beat the world.

Because it feels good to kick the worlds a$$!!!!!


You've got to find your obstacles and call them out! Unsheath the sword, and do battle with whatever it is that holds you back!


I agree 100%. So many are sad little VICTIMS of the world and Victims of their stinking thinking. They need to forget that stuff, get mad and kick the worlds a$$!!

Michael Mangham
Mentoring/Team Building Nationwide
MD Home Acquisitions LLC


Knowledge is power, but execution trumps knowledge. Tony Robbins Seller site Buyer site Bird Dog Site Tenant/Buyer site

Great message MATT!

I know a few people who will definitely benefit from this. Smiling

All inclusive...

I think we can ALL benefit from this!


"You're never too old to be what you were meant to be!"

"Shining Like a Star & Dancing on Sunshine"

"Shoot for the moon! Even if you fall short, you'll still land among the stars!"

true very TRUE!!!

Very true Matt! We all need to fight back!!! And stop getting beaten! Success to all our DG family!!!!!!!!!
Let's beat the worlds a$$!!! Lol


yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery, but today is a gift. That is why it is called the "present."

"Be not afraid of growing slowly; be afraid only of standing still"


cbrpower wrote:
I was going to knock the world out! I'm going to beat the world! And I have never slowed down since because I'm never going back. I'm all in. I dont just talk about being successful I'm making it happen!

Stop telling me what your going to accomplish and start showing me! I want you be on my team! My team is called The World Beaters. It isn't easy making the team I will tell you that. Don't ever wish for easy, just get stronger and hard becomes easy!

Go take action and beat the world! The world is weak!

I get up every morning and say this "9 out of 10 times the world will beat me, but not today. The world can't beat me today. I can't be denied today!!!"

I hope one day something happens to you like it did to me and you find the fire it's going to take to beat the world.

Because it feels good to kick the worlds a$$!!!!!

thought this could use a bump, think it got buried to quickly and not enough people saw this!! Even though I haven't commented on this post, I bookmarked and saved to my iPhone home screen as well as printed and it's hanging taped to the wall over my monitor. I have read it every single morning with my coffee along with the 03/09/12 post of 1k deals. As a self check for me that I haven't gone soft! lol That I can ALWAYS be doing more!
I LOVE the "don't ever wish for easy, just get stronger and hard becomes easy!"

Hey Matt, do we get cool little team shirts too?!?! SWEET! Smiling (I vote for the color RED! It's my fav color & represents all blood shed!) HA!

God bless,

Nuff Said!!!

Thanks for bringing this back up Jen. I missed it originally - a great motivator!...and bookmarked
, too.



Quitters NEVER win - Winners NEVER quit!

"P.U.S.H. = Persevere Until Something Happens" Dean

“Opportunity is missed by most people because it is dressed in overalls and looks like work.” Thomas A. Edison
Check out my Road to Redemption journal:


I will be on the team too, its just taking me a little longer!


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"In order for me to think outside the box, that would require me to acknowledge that the box actually exists. In my world, there is no box."
~Matt Larson~

This is the 2012 theme right here!

I interned at a DC law firm many moons ago. One of the most rewarding and difficult parts of my college education. Everything I'd learned about the law up until that point was going to be put to the test that summer. On my own. In the nation's capital. I was one of 6 students picked from 9,500 to represent my college in this program. It was the last credit necessary to finish my bachelor's degree. Even though it was a graded course, "You'll either get an 'A' or an 'F'" was our department head's only warning. I was the 1st kid in our family to go to college. 1st to see DC, 1st to win a scholarship to intern in DC, 1st to etc., etc., etc. No pressure, right? Riiiiight...

One night, sweating in my sleep because DC has the same climate as South Vietnam (without the rainy season), and I'm from northern MI, I had this dream. An army of warriors charged over a hill towards me. Each one had a different weapon in his hand: swords, spears, guns, slingshots, clubs, you name it, at least one guy wielded it. There were at least a hundred bloodthirsty madmen I could see, with a blurry mass of more killers behind them. They all wanted me for lunch, and I stood alone. Unarmed. Not even a shield or piece of armor. Not even anything I could grab nearby to fight with. Running away meant certain death, it was obvious, but the impulse never even crossed my mind. What I did instead was 100% martial warrior spirit-induced. I spread my arms in a welcoming gesture and laughed hysterically. The mass of men stopped running, but continued advancing.

THEN, I STARTED RUNNING AT THEM. ALL OF THEM. The attackers stopped and started looking at each other in disbelief. One at a time, I was going to TEAR this group APART, and that's exactly what I started doing. Keep in mind, there was no reason for this dream at all. I hadn't read, watched, or heard anything that would feed my subconscious enough to create this dream. But my reaction was more natural than even breathing.

Moral of the dream: When the "ish" truly hits the fan, what will you do? Now just set your mind as if it has hit the fan. If you have what it takes, beating this world's A$$ will be time-consuming and VERY messy, but NOT impossible. Matt's post reminded me of this, so I had to share it with everyone. I hope all this typing does not go to waste. I can be very longwinded behind the keyboard. I hope you guys can forgive that, because it's always with correct information and the best intentions. I hope my novel here inspires at least one DG family member to tackle their challenges the way I did that night.

I told an old high school buddy this dream a few years later. He laughed and said, "Right on, man! You would've made a good Marine." Definitely the best compliment he ever gave me.

"What if your enemy was 3 inches in front of you? Do you cower like a dog, or do you PUT YOUR FIST THROUGH HIM?!!!" - Pai Mei from "Kill Bill, Vol. 2."


Paul: "I must not fear. Fear is the mind-killer. Fear is the little-death that brings total obliteration. I will face my fear. I will permit it to pass over me and through me. And when my fear is gone I will turn and face fear's path, and only I will remain."

Duke Leto: "I'll miss the sea, but a person needs new experiences. They jar something deep inside, allowing him to grow. Without change something sleeps inside us, and seldom awakens. The sleeper must awaken." - "Dune."

world beaters !!!!!

i love the a$$ beatin sign and yes i want in on the team matt !!!! i KNOW the fire in me isnt even begun to collect oxygen and when it REALLY does ...YOU will be proud say what am i waiting for cause i know how you think ???
just being patient and getting my ducks in a row .love your fire and admire every step you take!! im with jen on the red !!!! Lane your doin it
go world beaters !!!! thanks matt for all your encouragement and experience shared !!!!


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Finish Well

had to bump this for all. To good to keep it buried!

It's half-time!! It only matters that you finish well!

It's not over til you win! Put forth your VERY BEST everyday! Decide success!

Make it an incredible day guys!
God bless,

Thank you Jen for bumping this again

I had missed it before, and obviously missed something good. I am going to make that team, and red is cool with me! LOL!!

David I liked your story!

Struggle, struggle, struggle is the motto of many on the losing team, that motto is not okay with me! REady to go kick some A$$!

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Being a Winner

I have a friend that has cerebral palsy. He was an usher at my wedding. He is a guy that graduated from college with a perfect 4.0 GPA. His brain is great, but his body is a struggle for him. He falls often. He ALWAYS gets back up.

My friend is a winner. He has had great career as a mechanical engineer. When he falls he gets up.

We will at times face struggles too. GET BACK UP.


Roy Voeks
Official RE Coach


I will accept nothing less than absolute victory! I was a born fighter, I refuse to give quarter to the thoughts of defeat or being a "loser". I say push back! Burn the white flag and trample the olive branch under foot. When it is time for war, come with wrath and fell determination. That is the only way you will achieve absolute victory! After all this is you against the world, has it shown you any mercy? Keep striving keep believing! I will see you all at the top no matter how long it takes!


I refuse to accept nothing less than absolute victory!! I completly agree. You must wage war! When in doubt, push back! Burn the white flag and trample the olive branch under foot. When it is time for war, come with wrath and fell determination. That is the only to victory. After all this is the world we're up against. Has it shown us any mercy? Keep striving, keep believing! Like Rocky Balboa says "One more round!"

A Shot in the Arm

Thanks, Jen and Matt, for a great reminder.

I herby vow to embrace the struggle, embrace the obstacles. As it says in A Course in Miracles, " There are no limits on his strength, his peace, his joy, nor any attributes his Father have in his creation." We are limitless.

But, you don't really know it or really feel it until you take action. The knowing and believing come from the doing.


what I needed

Doesn't matter at which stage of the game your never stops happening.

Today -- just one of those times I've had to dig deep, put on my big girls pants and Toughen Up!

Just revising some posts that give me what I needed.

Woman Up! Smiling

Will NOT be denied!

Thx ML!


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