Success Academy Help!

Success Academy Help!

For those of you who have been successful with Dean's Success Academy, what is the secret of your success? Who did you guys work with? (If you have names it would be great). I'm a student myself but i haven't gotten the kind of help most of you post on this site. I've probably given up too early however i did everything i was told to do. Can someone really help me with this.
Thank you



hang in their

take a few minutes and reed my journal I have just stared it. it took me almost 9 months to close my first deal then 18 in6 months. after you read it get back with me and see if i can help.Its title is randy 1st runner up deans send me away contest.



I know how you feel. I am in the Success Academy as well. All of the information that has been given to me is great/overwhelming. I would be more then happy to assist you with any information and hopefully we can work together to overcome any obstacles. I have not made my first deal yet but an working diligently on understanding one aspect of real estate, making some deals with that single aspect and branching out from there. Lets correspond with oneanother and help each other out.


I sent you a PM Bariafl.


Todd S


Thank you guys so much. I will hang in there but i really want to work with someone who is really helping you. If you guys provide me the name it would be great. I was woking with someone who is not as helpful as i would like him to be. That is why i gave up too soon.
I really appreciate you kindness and encouraging words all of you.

Bafl real estate investment LLC



I tryed to pm you

I have trouble getting my pm to work but i get bsck with you.




Thank you so much!



Hi Barria

I joined the Success Academy as well about a month ago now. I'm experiencing the same thing you are in regards to the peesonal coaching but I figured I'd get over it and keep plowing ahead. I encourage you to do the same, I know it'll pay-off for those of us that stick to it and stay committed. If it may help, I suggest you read articles or books by other authors as well in regards to rreeal estate investing. I've done so and have come across more ideas and techniques not mentioned by Dean-but don't stray too far from the teachings of the Success Academy and try not to become overwhelmed by all the info which can be scary and discouraging as well. The best of luck to you!


--Happiness is not the absence of conflict, but the ability to cope with it.--
--It is good to laugh at yourself. Why let everyone else have all the fun.--
--The main thing in life is to keep the MAIN thing the MAIN thing.--
--We are not made happy by the things we aquire but by what we appreciate. --

On the academy and investing

I am tina and have been in the academy one year Feb 26th. I felt the same way, like i really didn't need the academy, but could do it with the website, calls, books, etc. But it was nice and the coaches were encouraging, and I found that I had a lot of drive because I was determined to do the five deal money back thing, and now guess what?? I DID IT!! I am sooo excited, and suddenly somehow I had a breakthru and real estate doesn't seem as hard anymore. I can't wait to get up everyday and do some kind of action step. I bought another mobile home today, and an offer was accepted (after like 25 or 30 offerslol) It was so much work, I was actually shocked when an offer was accepted. I just have to submit it to my investors with all the documentation and I may have an assignment for up to 13K. I sure hope so. It has been a long year full of ups and downs, but worth it. I would encourage you guys to go ahead with the coaching and use it as one of many tools of learning and doing. Don't give up, and get those five deals done, it was not as hard as it seems like at first. We refied our home to pull 30K out to buy a cute little cottage, then sold it for 37K, it's funny, we bought it two weeks after joining in Feb 09, and did not sell it til Jan 2010. In the meantime, I pulled 17K off a credit card with low interest for a down on a 2nd house, which is leased. Then we were stuck, seemed like nothing worked and roadblocks everywhere. But did not give up and learned A LOT. Now that the cottage sold, we had 35K in the bank to invest, bought two mobiles and now have a 133K home locked up to assign to an investor, and more offers out. I can see now this can and will set us free from our financial bondage we have been in for years. And I love what I'm doing!! It's all coming together. Just had a realtor quit who I really liked, but he got tired of no's I guess, or ??? Anyway, just typed a letter to realtors from Dean's You can make money now, and sent it out to about 6 realtors in the last two days. Got some great responses so far. Very excited about 2010.

Michael and Tina

Jesus is Lord of our life

Congrats Tina!

Thanks for sharing Tina. I put out an ofer on a mobile home the other day but got it rejected. The owner simply wants more than its worth. No worries though, there are plenty more deals out there. Hey by the way, which coach from the Academy do you talk to Tina? I need someone to push me and hold me accountable, otherwise I get off track.


--Happiness is not the absence of conflict, but the ability to cope with it.--
--It is good to laugh at yourself. Why let everyone else have all the fun.--
--The main thing in life is to keep the MAIN thing the MAIN thing.--
--We are not made happy by the things we aquire but by what we appreciate. --

Way to hang in there Tina!

Thank you! I needed to hear that. It helped a lot.


"I've learned that success is to be measured not so much by the position one has reached in life as by the obstacles overcome while trying to succeed."Booker T. Washington


i have join the success team also and not getting no where help please. my email is tellajoe@**** Thomas Lewis TKS



Success Academy Help

Hi Randy,

Your journal is inspiring and you've done a great job. Unfortunately, I don't think your story quite applies to the situation of me and the other posters in this topic. It sounds like you paid out ~20K for a personal trip from Matt and help from Drew, so had a relationship with two proven investors that worked with you. We paid ~9K for 'the success academy' where we call in and never speak with the same person twice and the people I talk to don't seem to have much experience in investing and don't seem to be able to answer my questions. It has been frustrating and has not lived up to what I expected from the description of the program. Perhaps I should have done what you did, though I'm not sure I knew it was available when I signed up. Anyway, thanks for your story and I'll just keep plugging away on my own and trying to get my questions answered elsewhere.

My Thoughts

I joined the academy back in April '08. I didnt rely heavily on the coaches - mostly because I was shy and thought my questions were dumb!!! But dont do them and KEEP calling them until you get answers. Thats part of what you paid for and what they are there for. Every one of them are experienced investors. And of course you need to set you goals -VERY IMPORTANT - do the online lessons, read the books, and on and on. I remember well the information overload feeling - but you need to really look at your position - money/no money - no time/lots of time - etc...and those are what help you focus in on the right strategy for you. Again, these are the things the coaches are there to help you with. But ultimately it is all up to you to take the information and put it into action. That is the gigantic part of the success formula that you and you alone are responsible for! Start driving around and checking your target areas. Look for vacant houses, FSBO houses, etc etc. There are so many action steps to get you started and build your foundation. I just cant stress enough to utilize all your resources. Honestly, if not for the academy and the support of this site I would never be where I am today. There truly is a strategy there for everyone to make money in real estate. Just remember its the small steps that get you to the end goal! I hope this encourages you all to take a deep breath, and organize your thoughts and your goals! Dont let anyone steal your dream - especially YOURSELF! Stay positive and know that all the success stories on this site are real, by real people who started out just where you are!

Success Academy Students

Don't despair..I am a student as well and yes it can be overwhelming. I started my classroom work in January 2010 and have completed Section 4 so far. I've spoken with coaches about 5 times now, but don't worry. It's funny, once you get going it will all fall into place. Yesterday, I secured my first deal with a contract of $1k as a finder's fee. It is really exciting. Continue to read and do your classroom work, patience is a virtue.

What really worked for me was to do the "Action Items" and follow it to the letter. Dean's strategies have been tried and are true so stick to it and you will soon see some results.

Peace and Blessings,


“Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light not our darkness that frightens us. Actually, who are you not to be? You are a child of God. Your playing small doesn’t serve the world. There’s nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people won’t feel insecure around you. We were born to make manifest the glory of God that is within us.”

- Nelson Mandela

Success academy

I did have Matt for three days but I did not close a deal. It was 9 months after that. I got to know several of the coaches though the process. The reason was I used the hot line a lot. Drew was the one that did do my coursework with me . each time you call the hot line they can go on the computer to see what was going on. I just took the attitude that they were their to use and I paid to use them so I did, when Matt spent the weekend with me he also said he used the hot line all the time sometimes several times a day. One thing I do know if you use them it will work . KEEP CALLING, KEEP STUDYING. YOU WILL GET THEIR>



Positive Thoughts/Reality is in your perception/Thanks Laura

Thanks, Laura J. for your encouraging post. And thanks to wealthy blessings, too. Action and patience to gain knowledge and success. I'm a new success academy student too. While working long hours at my corp. job and squeezing in a much time as I can to my real estate investment I have to fight fear. This is the best lesson in patience and persistence ever. I will not give up and I hope to have my first deal done by the time I meet Dean in May at the EDGE event.
Jo Gibson, Right Time Enterprises, Inc

I'm getting kind of

I'm getting kind of frustrated with lesson two because I don't feel comfortable calling up real estate investors and asking them scripted questions. I also dont know what the hell I will be buying or selling so I'm really confused as to what to do next.


When we started talking to investors I felt REALLY uncomfortable (and afraid) too, believe me that feeling is short lived. I was up front with them and let them know we were new. As far as you not knowing what you will be buying or selling (I'm assuming you are assigning properties) use your buyers list to tell you that. Example ALL of our cash buyers prefer 3/2 SFH's but some also want bigger properties and a couple will take 2/2's.

Make the call(s) and you will be happily surprised. Remember they want properties and you can help them.

SPR Property Solutions, LLC


I have talked to alot of coaches for a year and a half and still have not found the help I'm looking for,but I will never give up,so you dont either,good luck.



Thanks for your input I will

Thanks for your input I will be making the calls soon and I'll make sure to be upfront and honest when I call them.

dont give up

hi folk's, im also a sucess-academy newbie, but i know i'll sucsead, because since the day i joined, the acadamy has checked up on my progress very frequently. when you talk to the coaches , pay close attintion,and ask them to e-mail detailed class assignment's, and guess what:) you will find that all of the coaches realy care "and" want to help you sucsead. and i know we will. dean has coverd all the bases, let's make a home run.

Hey All

Glad to see the positive posts here! It takes patience, persistence, sacrifice, hard work and action to be successful in real estate. It wont happen overnight (at least not for most of us Smiling) keep focused on your goals, and focused on what drove you to get started in the first place. Remember your small, daily goals too! Ones you can check off and feel proud of yourself every day. It doesnt matter how small! Its the small steps that get us to the top!!! And I'm not there yet but it has been and continues to be a great journey of learning, challenges, growth and one deal after the other! Just keep at it!

Talking to other Investors

The interesting thing here is that talking to Investors is WAY different than talking to a Realtor. Investors understand where you're coming from because at one time they were new to the business. Investors are always willing to teach other as I have found out. Of course, you'll run into those few who have inflated ego's but for the most part, other investors gladly offer their help to you. I've met 5 millionaire investors who I call on a regular basis when I run into a situation that I need clarified. There is no need to be intimidated by them, they're going to be your lifeline and best friends in this business.


BRE #01956371


Practice makes perfect. That just happens to be one of those cliches grounded in fact.

Spend some time with your script. Read it at least a couple of times a day. It would be best if you read it out loud. Much like an actor learns her lines, there is something about hearing the words that make them stick in your head that much better. Then, even though you should have the script in front of you when making your calls, you will find that you actually have most of it memorized which will make your flow of conversation much more natural, which in turn will make you more comfortable.

Also, if you have anyone around you for support, talk RE to them as much as possible. It is amazing the words you will hear coming out of your mouth in no time. Even without support (friends, relatives, etc) you do get to talk RE with your instructors and with us here at I really have no one around me that I can bounce stuff off of, but just by reading the books, being on Dean's calls, watching his blogs, and spending time here, I found all the necessary words coming much easier to me. I once found myself saying something in a conversation to someone and then kinda looking around and saying to myself, "Who said that?" It had sounded so...right. I didn't even realize I had kept all that stuff in my head and yet there it was, right on cue.

Also, just an observation, but it seems that most of the people here thinking they aren't getting what they need from the Academy have only been at it a matter of months. Give it all time to sink in and start making sense. It is overwhelming at first. It seems the more you learn, the more you discover you need to learn. Just focus and you'll get through it.

I also agree with what DJMario said about investors. The vast majority want to work with you and want you to succeed, because if you succeed, they succeed. Put your buyer's list together. You might want to organize it as investors looking for 4+2s, 3+2s, or willing to go smaller (2+2s or 2+1s). Find out from each of your investors what they want and put them into the appropriate category. Then when you lock up a property, go to your list and and you will instantly see which investors are interested in the property you have to shop.

Keep learning, take action, don't worry. You will succeed.



Life isn’t about waiting for the storm to pass…
It’s about learning to dance in the rain.

The most difficult thing is the decision to act, the rest is merely tenacity. The fears are paper tigers. You can do anything you decide to do. You can act to change and control your life; and the procedure, the process is its own reward. - Amelia Earhart

"The greatest mistake you can make in life is to continually be afraid you will make one." - Elbert Hubbard

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