OK Guys I am going to call it like I see it. Dean Gives you all the tools you need to succeed. You cannot change the curves life give you. But you can change what you do. It so easy to blame what life has throw in front of you. My spouse is sick, I have no money. My credit is shot. Been their done that. Been on the top and I have seen the bottom. The only thing I could change was my self. and If I really loved the people around me and take care of what cards were dealt me I had to take action, and be responsible for my action. If you want to whine and cry please don't PM me. I only want positive people in my life. If you want to succeed I am more than willing to help. If this post hurts your feelings I am truly sorry, But I think its time you take a look in the mirror. My Journal explains were I come from and what I have done. And yes I an sure their is people worse off than me. But bottom line is I choose to succeed. Last thursday I had a bad encounter with A Pitt Bull. She got me dead in the nuts. The ambulance wanted me to go to the hospital. I choose not to because i had appointments set up. And I made everyone. WHY. Because I want to be successful. So Just take a moment and decide to you really want it, Are to you want to set around an blame someone else. I truly wish you all the best of luck. And Dean think you for the success academy and all your great staff. And everything you do to help people that want a better life.
is a choice!
Well put...and, btw....*OUCH!*
"Make it an AWESOME day! (Who else is going to do it for you?)" - Mike Spillman
"As long as there is breath there is hope!" - Mike Spillman
A part of me felt bad about this post. But then again the only thing I have that no body can take away from me is my word. So i had to tell it like it is. But in no way did I mean to hurt anybody feelings.
But than again if it makes a 100 people mad But one succeeds I guess it worth it. I wish you all the best, And I hope its more than one that makes it,
You ought to live to 100 years with your great view of life... Maybe 105 like
Dean! We all owe it to ourselves to handle lifes' ups and downs with a
positive attitude. I think your blogs are some of the best here.
Great-- Randy!
"Life is a Daring Adventure or Nothing!"
Helen Keller
Comments like yours is what keeps me posting. I just luv to here from positive people. And believe it are not that is what keeps me going. I truly hope ever thing work out for you'
Don't apologize for telling it like it is, if people are offended then they aren't ready yet. Now go to sleep.
Cathy B
Follow my progress at:
I think I will take your advise. 4am is not far away' Hope all is going well for you.
The problem is most people want success handed to them. This job requires hard work just like any other job. I have yet to have a successful deal myself and although I do get frustrated I know that if I give up it will be all for nothing. So anyway I agree with everything you posted Randy. Good rant.
Man, I think that's just NUTS! (no pun intended) to not get checked out.
(Sorry, couldn't resist) I hope everything is all... err... umm... in tact!
Great 'in your face' advice.
Hey, btw, I've PMed you a few times and never got a response. I know I wasn't negative!
*sniff* Waaaaaa! *cry* *sob**
*blowing nose* *frown* *tears*
(Sorry, I can get a little sarcastic sometimes
It is CERTAIN we will SUCCEED!
**DISCLAIMER** No part of this message should be taken seriously except the 'Great 'in your face' advice. and the affirmation of success sentence. Oh, and I really do hope you heal and its not Bobbit like! (Didn't he become a porn star? (just thinking out loud))
I agree with ya Randy. Success is a choice and like anything in life, obstacles do come in our way. However, failure is not an option! Every time I do REI my mind forms an excuse to just procrastinate and do it later. I say now is the time!! It's either now or never. I agree with sphony, it takes a huge commitment to get the work done and laziness equals no action.
Having been associated with Randy for about 6 months now, I can tell you all that he speaks comes from the heart. Jeremy and I are very proud to call him our friend.
Like many on this site, Jeremy and I have had our share of curve balls thrown at us, and we are in the middle of a big battle right now on a property we own. Those of you that know us, know that we are very agressive investors and we don't ever take the time for self pity, it is not in our blood. We get beat up on a daily basis, but that has never and will never stop us from our trip to the top.
Those that want a pity party should probably look to another career.
Had to get that off my chest. Sorry.
Randy, my cell phone is back from Alaska. I saw u called about 100 times.
Hope your nu-- are healing!!!!
Thats why I like you Randy, Your straight up and I appreciate that. Your 100% right on this post, I hit probably every obstical I could but never sat and sighed I cant do this. I just figured out different ways to make things work for me. I think all of us that have done deals and those who will do deals,have the desire to get it done and change our lives for the better. Some people may think by reading deans books they will get rich quick. But if you dont put the effort into working with the knowledge you gain from Deans books and this site,then it will never happen for you. If your lazy, it will never happen for you, If you dont over come fear ,it will never happen for you. It takes alot of hard work and desire to be successful.
great post my friend!!
Randy- I hope you attain tons of success in your investing career.
Keep the posts coming!
If you cant take rejection,If you cant PUSH YOURSELF, IF you cant tell your own mind what to do,IF you cant quit being negative,IF you can answer I can do all these and then some then you CAN be successful.Randy is a poster child for DESIRE,DETERMINATION,POSITIVE MINDSET,NEVER GIVE UP ATTITUDE.HE IS AND WILL succeed because he has trained his mind to succeed ,thats why he doesnt want negative people around him and i agree .I want and AM GOING TO succeed and i myself do not want to be around negative people.Listen to what dean teaches about being positive and shutting out neg thoughts and surroundings....its for a reason...and that is negative people are not on the path to better themslves,they r the ones pulling on our coat tails and slowing you down from succcess.I hear u randy when u feel bad for saying this truth but sometimes its called TOUGH LOVE !! congratulations on your journey to the top and just like when dean says whos going with him...i know u r and i know i am coming toooo !!!
ps: dont stop telling it like it is !! and hope u heal up quick AND U KNOW U R GETTING a few pitt bull jokes coming your way !!
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CHECK OUT MY JOURNAL http://www.deangraziosi.com/real-estate-forums/investing-journals/20063/...
Anyone that has been on the DG Site for any time, knows Randy say's it like it is.He is very positive , I always enjoy his posts, and every few weeks I will re-read his journal, just to get me motivated.
Thanks for sharing Randy,(always enjoy it)
Take care
Curtis Fillers
I reading the post And it hit me. Jan, Jay, Richie, Cathy. I met all these people at the edge last year. And yes they are all positive people, And yes they have all had their struggles. And yes anyone of these people can help you. And I can't forget Curtis, All his post and comments are positive. If I was starting out I would do anything to be able to associate with a group like this. But the whole key is if it wasn't for Dean and the success academy we would not have ever met. The best 20k I have ever spent in my life. It was even worth my wife being mad at me for a year. And remember when I did this it was ever dime we had and me with no job. PS Eating cat food was not really that bad.lol
IF I missed your PM I am truly sorry, And yes you always have so much positive info on this site. Hope to get to meet you at this years edge.
So glad to here from you. I thought you had dropped of the face of the earth. I was trying to get a team together to come look for you. But when we goggled bars around you with poles for short people. Their was to many to search. So we decided to wait till you popped back up. lol Give me a call. HOPE ALL IS GOING WELL
the "ouch" in my first reply was in connection to the DOG BITE....*LOL*
No hurt feelings here!
"Make it an AWESOME day! (Who else is going to do it for you?)" - Mike Spillman
"As long as there is breath there is hope!" - Mike Spillman
I relly enjoy reading your posts because they are always honest and straight forward. The fact that you don't pull any punches and always speak your mind really helps keep me on track and not feeling sorry for myself. You really have overcome a lot and worked hard to get where you are. It shows me I can also reach my goals and then set new ones.
(I hope you got checked out after your appointments.)
am glad to here from you, And hope all is going well. An yes this is possible for anyone that is willing to do what it takes.
Thank you randy for the boost. I was wondering; the success academy you refered to. Is PMI the one? I,m having problems with there lessons. Some of the counselors have been short with me when I,ve had questions. I do not hesitate to call them when I get lost. (I hope there is no minimum IQ needed to succeed.) When I call in with a question I get... "just read the lessons" Apparently my questions must meet some minimum requirement. Very disappointing. Am I the only one? I promise not to cry.
Thank you, mark
Having to choose between having your *jewels* looked after or making it to an appointment!!
But your point is well taken. I just lost my job last week and instead of being bummed, I saw it as an opportunity to get out there and work this system full time. So, I have an appointment tomorrow at 10 am with an investor to see a property. If it suits him, he'll buy it and I'll make a couple thousand for bird dogging it. Better than Unemployment checks either way it goes.
The point is, this will be my first attempt at working Dean's system after almost 12 months of being scared to make the call.
just DO it!
Their is no dumb question for the success academy. I did use them a lot. I am not sure what type of questions you are asking. But if they are telling you to go back to the lesson their is a reason. Maybe it so you will learn to do research. That is a big part of succeeding. Now if you go back to the lesson they referred you to and you read it read it again. Know your lesson. I promise you they will help you. And if they don't let me know and I will personal find who you need to talk to. When I was in Utah a couple of weeks ago I got to meet the CEO of PMI. And wow I was impressed. He is all about helping and making things better. And for me to be impressed that's saying alot.
Thanks for the encouragement. I feel like a part of the family. The only thing to top this would be spell check.
At least in this part you are ahead of the game. You know what spell check is. But then again I know how to buy house and at least they pay.
I want to apologize for my comment.It wasn't meant in a bad way. I just don't have no computer skills. I guess ti OK to admit you are dumb in some aspects of life. but I do wish you the best of luck, And yes you are family'
Its those big fingers Randy has, they always get in the way and are only good for counting money
I know your busy, I do appreciate the fact that you are willing to let me try it here.
Randy you are too much my friend, keep going, I am amazed at what your doing in KC.
And dont forget to ask Julie to send me your packet
I owe you a free dinner when we get to AZ this yr
Thanks for this awesome post. Its so easy sometimes to get sucked into the old way our brains were trained to work before getting into RE and 'thinking outside the box'. Even the most seasoned investors need reminders now and then! So thanks for the look in the mirror and reminding all of us to stay on the power of the positive path!!! It reminds me of one of my new favorite sayings "You can make excuses - or you can make money"! We all need to eliminate those excuses we make that keep us moving forward - our attitude being the biggest one of all!
my story:
I have had a good day and in some ways a bad day. I have some stuff here in MO that I am working on, And the upside everybody said it couldn't be done. I called Julie early today to get some paper work together for me. and all I heard was why this, This is not their. this want work. An I finally got mad and said send me the paper work and I will take care of it, I have heard all the dumb questions I can take today of why this want work. If you really don't think it will work and truly believe this. Put your money were your mouth is and I will show you. NO is not a option today. wish you all the best of luck'
Please check out the thread we started, and please share on it.
Thank you
Bob & Sandy
robert a sanfilippo