We all need to stay POSITIVE; as much as possible, anyway. I am sure most of us have moments or even a day when we kind of let that positivity slip away, but you have to pick it right back up again. Honestly, I think I feel negativity when I let myself feel overwhelmed with all we are trying to do. Just remember, baby steps! Plan a couple things to do every day, and make sure you put in the time to work on them.
There are many other ways to get back into being positive, too.
1) Spending time with the positive people in your life
2) Coming to this website to visit the positive DG family and the people on here whom you have connected with
3) Having a book of positive quotations (I've had one for years, read some of it while I was depressed and have not looked at it for ages. Dusted it off the other day!
4) Having an inspirational book you love. What inspires you? Have you read anything that inspires you that you could read more about? Get it!
5) Watching favorite video blogs of Dean's that go far to encouraging us to stay positive and keep trying (like the last three of them have!)
6) And our first way was by setting a very small goal and reaching it; then setting another very small goal and reaching that. It snowballs, believe me! These may not even be in real estate investing. I get inspired to work on REI sometimes after I force myself to do the other things that are sitting in my life, the things I don’t want to do but things that must be done. This includes dishes, sweep the patio, run errands, etc. etc. and when I get all that done or as I am doing it, I feel really good because I am not just laying lazily around the house. Then I feel like doing something more and it clicks...I need to work on that buyers list or I need to do this or to do that. And then I do it.
Does anyone want to share how they stay positive or turn a day of negativity around? What do you do when you get overwhelmed? Anybody might benefit from your suggestions, so throw'em into the ring
Kevin A Goldman
Goldman's Gardens Real Estate, LLC
Wholesale Real Estate Investing
Great Success to Us All!
My Journal: http://www.deangraziosi.com/real-estate-forums/investing-journals/62066/...
Why do I deserve this? Because everyone should be able to enjoy their life, not struggle through an existence.
You have posted some great tips, thanks!
Here are some things that help me.
1. GOD and MEDITATION: For me prayer and meditation is important in keeping balance. Being close to God brings me peace and help clears my mind. He can help us with everything and if anything ever feels to overwhelming I put it in God's hands. Taking the time to count my blessings shows me how many wonderful things I have right now!
2. LEARN, GROW and TAKE ACTION: As you said coming to this website for inspiration and education in REI. Have a plan and do something for your business every day. I've discovered if I do my least favorite thing first it helps to build my confidence and clears way for the other things that are fun. As we learn more and take action this makes us more confident. It is more difficult to 'bring down' a confident person with negativity when they have proven to themselves what they are capable of accomplishing. For example my least favorite REI thing a year ago was cold calling. Over time I've become more confident with this and even come to enjoy it at times.
The first cold call I ever made was to a landlord that had a for rent sign in the front yard in an effort to build my buyers list or find a motivated seller. I was unsure of myself (and nervous) and he knew it. He blasted me and I just about fell off my chair. I don't know how to describe the difference now other than to say I feel more confident and it helps. Face the fear and overcome it.
3. NEGATIVITY and BOUNDARIES: When it comes to local investors the majority of them are very positive, upbeat problem solver types. The one negative person in my life is a family member. She doesn't like or trust people. She called last weekend and as soon as I answered the phone she started nagging me for 5 minutes about not answering the phone (I have my personal phone off during the work day and this makes her angry.) The rest of the brief conversation went downhill (pretty much one sided she blabbed I listened.) After we hung I felt totally drained. I reminded myself how important boundaries are. Nobody can walk all over you unless you allow them too.
4. HEALTHIER EATING and EXERCISE: Often easier said than done but it does raise our energy levels. Exercise creates endorphins making us feel good and helping us to keep a more positive attitude.
And last but not least
5. HUMOR: It is the best medicine and I've learned we can find it in any situation. Humor helps us emotionally and physically. Negativity loses its power when we find it amusing.
It also helps that I'm married to the most positive person I've ever met
Putting your faith into any higher power, whatever you believe, is helpful to sooo many people.
ABSOLUTELY love this segment! Doing the least favorite things first is a great way to be able to move on. I remember a blog of Dean's that suggests setting one day during the week where you do all the things you like doing the least. This would be another way to handle it, but I think I would do as you suggest (and have already done so on occasion) to not get to overwhelmed by the amount of negative/boring/unpleasant things that have to be dealt with all at once!
ABSOLUTELY right. I was nervous talking with my parents about what I am doing but instead of it being negative, it helped me to gather my thoughts and even ended up making me think of things I had not yet thought of. Having a family member who is negative is a difficult thing to get around, but perhaps it simply need to be added to the list f things we don't like to do so we have it planned and can just get past it!
(I never even thought about that until just now!)
BIG FAN of this!!
Even bigger fan of this.!! I often have trouble letting go of things that are really bothering me and I found the one thing that most relieves my tension and at least puts me into a happier state in the shortest amount of time, it's humor!!!
Thanks for adding these!!!I'll be sure to employ them
Kevin A Goldman
Goldman's Gardens Real Estate, LLC
Wholesale Real Estate Investing
Great Success to Us All!
My Journal: http://www.deangraziosi.com/real-estate-forums/investing-journals/62066/...
Why do I deserve this? Because everyone should be able to enjoy their life, not struggle through an existence.
Ya never know what life will give you.. Staying away from negative people is inevitable, but I have to say eating right and exercising is something I need to adjust on. Humor is one heck of a way to be positive as I love to make people laugh. I went to church today and I felt truely blessed to have God on my side to help me be more joyful towards other people and always be positive!
If you can always keep that positivity, you are SO ahead of the game!! That's great!
Kevin A Goldman
Goldman's Gardens Real Estate, LLC
Wholesale Real Estate Investing
Great Success to Us All!
My Journal: http://www.deangraziosi.com/real-estate-forums/investing-journals/62066/...
Why do I deserve this? Because everyone should be able to enjoy their life, not struggle through an existence.
I do alot of what you do Kevin. But a few things I do is listen to the Success Stories in Deans "Think alittle different " course.Also go back and watch DVD'S from the edge event.I keep CD'S in the car, they are Dean's CD'S or something Motivational, like Brian Tracy etc;
Lately, what has helped is not watching the news, I cant believe how that helps, because 95% of it is negative.
Thanks for the post Kevin
Curtis Fillers
Lately, what has helped is not watching the news, I cant believe how that helps, because 95% of it is negative.
Thanks for the post Kevin
Curtis Fillers
You're welcome. And you're right, listening to those CDs is great. I have put those on at times when I ma doing tedious work I don't like and try to listen to them at the same time. It has the effect of getting me motivated, and being motivated very quickly tuns into a path to positivity. And of course, yes, avoiding the negative news and the negative people will always help. Thank you, Curtis!
Kevin A Goldman
Goldman's Gardens Real Estate, LLC
Wholesale Real Estate Investing
Great Success to Us All!
My Journal: http://www.deangraziosi.com/real-estate-forums/investing-journals/62066/...
Why do I deserve this? Because everyone should be able to enjoy their life, not struggle through an existence.
When you find people who care about you and they want to know what's going on with your real estate investing, especially in some detail, lay it out for them. Not only will this bring things together in your head and tell you where you think your strengths or weaknesses are (in your plans or your understanding of what your doing), but if they understand what you explain you can really give yourself a pat on the back because you have explained a complicated concept to a layman (even if you still feel you are one!) and it will show you HOW MUCH you have learned!
Kevin A Goldman
Goldman's Gardens Real Estate, LLC
Wholesale Real Estate Investing
Great Success to Us All!
My Journal: http://www.deangraziosi.com/real-estate-forums/investing-journals/62066/...
Why do I deserve this? Because everyone should be able to enjoy their life, not struggle through an existence.
Great defense mechanism!
Also, one time the negative person even said 'nothing positive happened today' so I told him that it looks like he can't say what he's going to say then. Shut him up and he walked away.
Kevin A Goldman
Goldman's Gardens Real Estate, LLC
Wholesale Real Estate Investing
Great Success to Us All!
My Journal: http://www.deangraziosi.com/real-estate-forums/investing-journals/62066/...
Why do I deserve this? Because everyone should be able to enjoy their life, not struggle through an existence.
Whether it is your own, your spouse's, or the DG family (or another), family is a powerful thing. We often may have moments or days where we feel alone, but a simple message from a friend or even an acquaintance can be a powerful thing and can lift spirits and remind you that there are people you can talk to who are doing the same things you are. I received several messages today that reminded me I am not alone here. I am very grateful to those members of the DG family who reached out.
Maybe there is someone whose spirits you can lift if you reach out to them today!
Kevin A Goldman
Goldman's Gardens Real Estate, LLC
Wholesale Real Estate Investing
Great Success to Us All!
My Journal: http://www.deangraziosi.com/real-estate-forums/investing-journals/62066/...
Why do I deserve this? Because everyone should be able to enjoy their life, not struggle through an existence.
On my list of things to do this week is the following:
1) Get some "life details" in order to keep them in check so their interference in with my time for my business will be MINIMAL and I can stay FOCUSED on my daily/weekly real estate goals!!!
I find that a lot of things that are just laying around the house gathering dust for years often bring me down because I want them to be done! I want them out of the way, but dealt with; not shoved into a pile.
I have far too many "piles" of "life details" that I need to get under control. I notice that when they are under control, I can stay FOCUSED on my business. What could make you feel better about your business than knowing that you are making progress cuz "life details" are not bogging you down? Time to GET'EM DONE!!!
Another way to stay positive is to know you are continuing to network. To those of you in AZ, the AZREIA meeting in Phoenix is next Monday! Go to it! Meet with people. It could be the best thing you do!
Kevin A Goldman
Goldman's Gardens Real Estate, LLC
Wholesale Real Estate Investing
Great Success to Us All!
My Journal: http://www.deangraziosi.com/real-estate-forums/investing-journals/62066/...
Why do I deserve this? Because everyone should be able to enjoy their life, not struggle through an existence.
Couldn't have said it better myself! I always find myself teaching people how to do this, and I love doing it! I realized how much I have learned and love to help others.
And I LOVE talking to people about it, especially the negative one haha. I just explain to them that I'll prove them wrong. And I did! We are about to make 8k on our first deal very soon! Got the buyer under contract.
The main thing that cheers me up is looking ahead to a better future.
Are you new? Check out my NEW and IMPROVED Guide for Beginners! http://deangraziosi.com/real-estate-forums/everything-else/128413/domini...
I so swear I posted to this thread! I remember reading it and I thought I posted... well, anyways, this is a great thread Kevin! I have been trying to stay positive lately. Whenever anything negative creeps in, I make it a point to put it out of my mind. It gets easier the more you try it. I've gotten good at it, but sometimes I slip and then I catch myself and shape back up again. Of course, praying and meditating also helps tremendously.
"Persistence Pays, Procrastination Delays!" - smurfy
"I can do ALL things through Christ who strengthens me." - Philippians 4:13
"He will keep in perfect peace whose mind is stayed on thee" Isaiah 26:3
"Those who wait on the LORD Shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings like eagles, they shall run and not be weary, they shall walk and not faint." Isaiah 40:31
View my journal here: http://www.deangraziosi.com/real-estate-forums/investing-journals/59850/...
Going to your local REIA not only can give you a chance to network, but it sure can help fire you up again if you have lost steam, motivation, or confidence. We constantly are taught to talk to those who are like-minded and it is such great advice because of the POSITIVE effects it can have on us. I went to the local meeting a couple nights ago and even met some DGers by arrangement AND by chance! Funny what a small world it is. Let's stay connected and stay POSITIVE with the REI world by visiting our local REIA!
Kevin A Goldman
Goldman's Gardens Real Estate, LLC
Wholesale Real Estate Investing
Great Success to Us All!
My Journal: http://www.deangraziosi.com/real-estate-forums/investing-journals/62066/...
Why do I deserve this? Because everyone should be able to enjoy their life, not struggle through an existence.
If you ever need a reason to get POSITIVE again, check out this post by one of the true superstars!
Kevin A Goldman
Goldman's Gardens Real Estate, LLC
Wholesale Real Estate Investing
Great Success to Us All!
My Journal: http://www.deangraziosi.com/real-estate-forums/investing-journals/62066/...
Why do I deserve this? Because everyone should be able to enjoy their life, not struggle through an existence.
Where are you, Kevin? We miss you around here and wonder how you are doing. I hope you are doing ok and have not been around here simply because you are busy!
"Persistence Pays, Procrastination Delays!" - smurfy
"I can do ALL things through Christ who strengthens me." - Philippians 4:13
"He will keep in perfect peace whose mind is stayed on thee" Isaiah 26:3
"Those who wait on the LORD Shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings like eagles, they shall run and not be weary, they shall walk and not faint." Isaiah 40:31
View my journal here: http://www.deangraziosi.com/real-estate-forums/investing-journals/59850/...
This is a Wonderful Post!
DC Terry,Sr.
Hi Lisa!
(And DC, thanks for the compliment)
Yes, I have been extremely busy. Since Oct I have been working a big involved job for my current employer. Thankfully, the job is almost completed. It has been a good one and much has come from it, but VERY time consuming. In addition, I was reminded in the last few months there are other things I wanted to try in the geology field and also that real estate is still out there, is not going away anytime soon, and I'm still into itI
The last few months I was a bit down; I let my job get to me a bit and temporarily lost some of my ambition, but I have been back at it for about a month now. I did purchase one of the programs from that Wealth Summit and I have a training event that I am going to this weekend in Vegas for that program (on wholesaling land).
It seems a bit easier than wholesaling properties because there are fewer people you need to connect with. In the end, I think wholesaling properties will not be all that dissimilar; I just want to give this a try because I may be able to purchase a property or two on my own and I feel that it will be easier to get an income stream going. When that happens and I have a bit of a system in place for that, I will devote time once again to techniques for wholesaling properties.
It was good to see I'm still thought of, as you and the whole DG family are, and I am not gone...just ghostly
Kevin A Goldman
P.S. I have simply chosen a different path for the time being(land wholesaling)...
"Most people are stubborn in the path they have chosen, few in pursuit of the goal." - Friedrich Nietzsche
Kevin A Goldman
Goldman's Gardens Real Estate, LLC
Wholesale Real Estate Investing
Great Success to Us All!
My Journal: http://www.deangraziosi.com/real-estate-forums/investing-journals/62066/...
Why do I deserve this? Because everyone should be able to enjoy their life, not struggle through an existence.
Well, Casper; we are SO glad that you are not gone! Like Lisa, I too, have missed having you around and been wondering what had become of you.
I completely understand the loss of ambition, as I've been through something similar myself recently, but am back on track. It looks as if you got your plan and working it to best suit "your" needs. That's what it's all about.
Here's to your success with land wholesaling. We here at the DG family will be here if you need us. Just holla!
BTW, thanks for the nod on linkedin. I'll be getting in touch soon.
Quitters NEVER win - Winners NEVER quit!
"P.U.S.H. = Persevere Until Something Happens" Dean
“Opportunity is missed by most people because it is dressed in overalls and looks like work.” Thomas A. Edison
Check out my Road to Redemption journal: http://www.deangraziosi.com/real-estate-forums/investing-journals/88171/...
thank you Lisa for bringing it back, and of course you Kevin for starting it; I went back to read te first post, and it is very inspiring.
Staying positive... yes, that is the reason I like to visit this site so much, because the good energy here is awesome!
I also started doing Yoga about a year ago; it helps to clear my mind, and the breathing exercises help me stay calm and focused.
wishing everyone success, and positive energy,
“And will you succeed? Yes indeed, yes indeed! Ninety-eight and three-quarters percent guaranteed!” ― Dr. Seuss
"I believe in angels, the kind that heaven sends; I am surrounded by angels, but I call them friends" - Unknown
My journal: http://www.deangraziosi.com/real-estate-forums/investing-journals/59110/...
I think that having a positive attitude will bring about abundance and success quicker than anything else. This is one of the things that attracted me to Dean and his program, hes always so darn happy, and confident! it says alot, i have a couple links and books ill try to find to post on here.
Michael Starzec
Behold NOW is the accepted time, behold, NOW is the day of salvation
Having someone to whom you are accountable can be a big help. You may find someone who is like-minded and they will be just as enthused about their chosen path in REI as you are in yours. They will ask you waht your next goal is; and they will make sure you stick to it! I have someone like that and I am thankful for her. She has helped keep me in the right mindset. I am encouraged by the fact that I have not yet been so discouraged to give it up. And fiends like John and Lisa remind me I am not alone in this. PErhaps it is time to write in my journal again. I know I was doing well while I did that...until this last job cut into all my time. Time for another change!
Kevin A Goldman
Goldman's Gardens Real Estate, LLC
Wholesale Real Estate Investing
Great Success to Us All!
My Journal: http://www.deangraziosi.com/real-estate-forums/investing-journals/62066/...
Why do I deserve this? Because everyone should be able to enjoy their life, not struggle through an existence.
Good to see you back. Keep on going and keep us updated.
https://tvallc.isrefer.com/go/RehabLite/renvestr/ Free tools
It would be nice to see this thread active again. Some very good tips in here!
"Persistence Pays, Procrastination Delays!" - smurfy
"I can do ALL things through Christ who strengthens me." - Philippians 4:13
"He will keep in perfect peace whose mind is stayed on thee" Isaiah 26:3
"Those who wait on the LORD Shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings like eagles, they shall run and not be weary, they shall walk and not faint." Isaiah 40:31
View my journal here: http://www.deangraziosi.com/real-estate-forums/investing-journals/59850/...
Such great advise on this thread. A positive mindset is the most important part of having a successful business in my opinion. without it, your business will be short lived. "learn, grow and take action" and surrounding yourself with positive people are such big helps.
your timing is impecceable!
today i felt the negative energy start to rise once more especially when i can not accomplish something i have in mind and set a goal towards.
i also start to feel the negativity rise when people easily dismiss me and my honest efforts..... and then enter my counter balance to this unhelpful energy
Coming to this website to visit the positive DG family and the people on here whom you have connected with
as you have previously mentioned. and i then take it the next step forward
and remind myself that people may not understand what i am trying to express to them because it is foreign or they allow the fear respond for them. and as we all know fear is nothing more then False Evidence Appearing Real
then my intial push even further as you also mentioned i:
Watching favorite video blogs of Dean's that go far to encouraging us to stay positive and keep trying (like the last three of them have!)
helps me counter balance as well....
then i find a quite place so that i may relax and recharge my batteries
and remind myself i accomplished a great deal on my own by going againsted the nay sayers and their persuit to derail my objective i remember the long process it took me and remembered my learning experiences and that reminds me that where i am today is not where i have to remain and the lyrics to a particular song about ambition and the persons journey along the way
further more i reflect was the advice given weather it was negative with good intentions added any benefit to me to better guide me? if so i then research again.
my last way of redirecting my energy is to remember two things:
1) you get what you pay for
2) this is an investment in myself and if i want to succeed the way i do i must remember that only i will unfortunately since many will try to shelter me instead of teach me.....
Watch your thoughts, for they become words.
Watch your words, for they become actions.
Watch your actions, for they become habits.
Watch your habits, for they become character.
Watch your character, for it becomes your destiny.
Our Heart's Desire must be nurtured by our mind,to give birth to common sense, that will enable us to seek out the path less traveled, with the greatest Personal Growth. -J.R.-