Very Disappointed

Very Disappointed

I found a house yesterday I wanted to put an offer on asap. A source I use to help me put the offer in no longer works with my state. With the academy closed, I private messaged several successful students and do you think I could get anyone to respond?

I know everyone is busy, but when I see people have posted stuff after I have sent the message and to completely ignore me.... not cool.

All I can say is that this will make my strive even harder to get my first deal done, and will always remember how I was treated the day we meet.

Have a great week


Scott I don't know who you

Scott I don't know who you are or what you need, But if you tell us maybe we can help or point you in the right direction.

Your offer

I do know that disappointment, as when I did my first real deal, I couldn't get help right away. And found the weekends and Friday a hard time to get help. And I sent a few PM to people from my state and they are on the site but won't answer. I finally just kept posting until I got answers.
But what state are you from that would help because someone could give you a better answer.
Did you post the question on here, I am not the strongest on deals, but I know enough to get the offers in.
Is it FSBO or with an agent. And what do you need help with?
I have done up contracts without agents, so can I help?

Very Disappointed

Hi how are you doing, for what you wrote in your message I can see and everybody
I think, that you are kind of upset, I don't know how much you know about
computers, but I forget to check my INBOX have you tried checking it and see
if there is a message for you or go to some other part of the list that is at
your left, hopefully somebody did see your message and answered.
I can understand that you wanted to possible close the deal, but must of
the USA was on a very bad weather trend, that is including us in the Tip of
Texas, I couldn't drive my husband to the hospital to have his CT because it
was very slippery and my 2 sons and daughter were not able to go to work, 2 of
them work at the School District, they had to shot dawn schools, and believe me they seldom do this.
I don't know where you are located, and hope that you didn't have this kind of
weather, but I think everybody did.
I wish for you the best, and I hope that coming Monday you will be able to do
something about it.
I hope you won't be upset with me for sending this message to you.
BEST OF LUCK your friend Adamina

To very dissappointed

By the way, today of all days that I have some time to study, I couldn't get
to the PMI education center, because according to this, my password expired and
there is not anybody that could help, because of course is Sunday, I am going to
have to wait till tomorrow and see how can they help!!!!!sorry my friend....

Post a forum with your

question maybe we can help. If you did what was the post? I know it's tough to get answers sometimes but I don't think it's fair to be disappointed when you didn't exhaust all of your avenues. Let us try to help you with your problem.


"Nothing can stop the man with the right mental attitude from achieving his goal; nothing on earth can help the man with the wrong mental attitude."

Shaun Omar
DSD Investor Group Inc

Hey Scott, I thought I would

Hey Scott, I thought I would chime in on your post.
You shouldn't get mad at the successful students that don't answer your im's. Most of them have thousands sent to them daily. They do not work for Dean on this site but choose to give their free advice when they can. The best way to go about getting an answer is to post it on the site and you will get a lot of replies and some great suggestions to your question.
Keep working towards your goal and taking action.
Never EVER give up!!

Thanks everyone for the kind

Thanks everyone for the kind responses. As a member of the Success Academy
I was given a couple sites where I could get a Pre-Approval letter for Hard Money. I do not want to use one of the sources because of the fees are a bit high. The other one no longer does business in Michigan. I am looking for a site where I can get myself a letter and my offer put in.

Thanks again and hope that helps.


Try to send a pm to michaelmangham, he has a website he puts out for some funding. Maybe he can help.
Good luck

Remember Also

With pre-approval Hard Money, there is a short span of time for turn around transaction. Make sure you understand their rules and policies before committing. With enough profit and quick sale, it could be a done deal. Also consider, other peoples money (OPM) (family and friends) as another option. That was the way I did my second deal.



"You can never get to the top, if you are not willing to climb. Do not look at the difficulty of the climb, only anticipate the view from the top."
"Can't even walk without you holding my hand." (Song)
"Is anything too hard for the Lord ..." Genesis 19:14
"In all things, wait on the Lord."
"Think not of your own deliverance, but trust in God who will give in abundance."
"When you are down to nothing, God is up to something." Unknown
"Our lives begin to end, the day we become silent about those things that really matters." Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.

don't give up

Scott, don't give up on the site. There's a lot of good people here that will help you get to the answers you need. Stay strong things will work out.

Proof of Funds

Hey Scott,

Try or

Best of luck!
~Chip and Andrea


Chip & Andrea Weule
AC Investment Group, Inc.

Best of Luck

Keep trying and follow the previous posts, I have learned a lot by reading their posts. Keep smiling and moving forward

A general post may be best...

for getting responses as others have said. I try to check new posts a couple times a day and offer a response if I can. Sometimes I don't check pm's because unless I sign in, the system doesn't recognize me immediately and let me know I have a message. I use coatal funding for proof of funds.
So - let us know what you need, K?


Blessings & Favor,
Follow my Blog:

I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me. Phil 4:13

Psalm 1:1-3

Gena this is what I was

Gena this is what I was talking about,Thank you.


Scott it is because you do not have much information about you and the like in your profile. An empty profile says a lot about some people on here as know one knows who they are dealing with or even if this person is serious about what he is doing. One does not have to write a book about themselves maybe but you could if you wanted to though. This way every one on the site has a way to get to know each other in some way at the beginning before contacting each other or you just did not get the answers even though some one had tried to contact you, which is possible too. Just post it here the problems you have run into and such and no doubt more than one person will try and help as quick as they can and like it was mentioned earlier even some of the busiest experienced people on here do take the time to post on your blog in due time and then do a lot of research also.


Use one of the letters from

Use one of the letters from a transactional lender, like Chip and Andrea mentioned above. That is a great way to get your offers in. You are not bound to use them just because you used their letter. That is what we use. Also, if you have an immediate question, search the forums and you will probably get your question answered but if not, try messaging those who are online at that time, lists of online users are to the right>>>>>> on your homepage.



"If God is for us, who can ever be against us?" Romans 8:31 NLT

You will find

Sometimes if you are truthful to the point in your PM's, others may choose not to deal with or help you, which can be kinda sad. But, then again there are great people out there who will put their arm around you, and will help you - so it could be to your advantage. I on the other hand don't care if you're just starting out, tried to start out but for some reason or other didn't know enough or couldn't make things work right, of if you're cream-of-the-crop experienced. If I can help somebody with a problem (personal or business), I will because it's by my nature. Everyone has a great purpose on this earth, and if we would all help each other & not get scared of others, we will become better people for it. At some point in our lives, we all probably started out at the bottom & worked our way to the top. So, I know how is to get ignored - trust me on that. My advice on that would be to be careful what you say, and how you communicate with others. Smiling

The most success I have with getting responses to questions or problems, I post msgs on the board like you have with this one. Sometimes I get lucky and great people on this wonderful website will send me a pm every once in a while. Other than that, I haven't really pm'ed anybody on here unless I get one 1st, or I feel the need to pm somebody.

What type of source do you have? Is it a bank asset manager or a realtor? If it's a realtor, then go find another to work with. I'm sure if you go through the same company your old source was with, somebody there will help you. It can be tough getting used to new business contacts and it's not easy, but it'll be worth it. Smiling I hope this helps you.


ScottsRealEstate wrote:
I found a house yesterday I wanted to put an offer on asap. A source I use to help me put the offer in no longer works with my state. With the academy closed, I private messaged several successful students and do you think I could get anyone to respond?

I know everyone is busy, but when I see people have posted stuff after I have sent the message and to completely ignore me.... not cool.

All I can say is that this will make my strive even harder to get my first deal done, and will always remember how I was treated the day we meet.

Have a great week

thank you everyone for the

thank you everyone for the responses. 1 quick call to the academy and got my answer in 5 seconds.

as for my private messages, they were on fb, and have interacted with them several times.

i will have to spend some time and update my profile here as i am quite impressed with the outreach from all of you.

now its time to low ball the bank and snatch this house up Smiling

talk to ya soon,

Don't blame others.....

contrary t what is believed no one owes anyone anything on here and that includes free advice, help, assistance or whatever you call it.

People help because they want to, not because they have to. If you can't get your answers on here that require you to be successful, then find them elsewhere.

It is what it is