March the 3rd will be my 2 year anniversary when I closed my first deal. Thinks Dean Matt Drew and all the other great coaches at the success acamandy. You have not only change Julie and Randy live, But our family to. And yes guys I have been kick around laugh at, Told I was stupid. This couldn,t be done. Almost thrown out of banks because I kelpt going back. And let fear keep me up all hours of the night. But the one thing I did do was kelpt taking action and moving foward. And the one thing i did do was start with nothing. I now have deals in 5 states. And two great partners, With each having their own strength to bring to the team. And with this team the sky is the LIMIT.All that I am saying is if I can do this you can to. Thinks everyone that has been a part in changing a family's life that will go on for decades. No more weekly pay checks. What a strand to break. Dean said it could be done. Guess what i am living proof.




Randy that a great post, and

Randy that's a great post, and it show others that it can be done. Now some peoples journey me be easier than others,based on the location or type of investing they chose but the out come is the same if you get up and go for it things will happen.


I agree to some extent. Due to a bankruptcy from a fortune 50 company that I was a GC with I got burnt. now I had nothing and this is what took me so long to do my first deal. I had to get creative, and due to that i still use o of my money. I could actuary set down and write a book about this, LOL I think I would name it NO. The reason for that is i got so many of them. But one day I woke up and said no is OK. This means I am one step closer to a yes. It was the biggest roller coaster I have ever been on in my life. I am sure glad when I got sick and tired of the ride I stuck it out. Its amazing how many jump off.




Let me say this one more time....

Randy, you are one bad mutha@#$%

Congrats on all your deserved success


Randy that is amazing!! I hope to be able to stop the weekly paychecks someday! I am getting alot of "NO's" also but like they say if it doesnt kill you it will only make you stronger!! Maybe we could team up someday on some deals....when I get that far!! Congrats again and God bless!!


You can never eliminate fear, but you can use your fear and turn it into your strength!!!!

"Faith is taking the first step even when you don't see the whole staircase."
-Dr. Martin Luther King


Hope things are going well. I have got out of the habit of not posting. I am going to make myself take sometime to do this. I have to remember were I come from and how hard it was to get stared. Man their is so many new names on here ever time I post. But your the man and i know you are keeping them in line. Hope all is going well for you.





Thanks for stopping by. I went to your profile to see what was going on. It empty except for your name. Take a little time and fill it out. A lot of people check them out. Good luck in the rei world.




You are one inspirational down-to-earth guy - thank you

Randy, nice to hear from you. It was so great to be able to spend some time with you at the PMI class last month. When I get discouraged I think of things you said and what you have done and continue to do. See you at the Edge.
Seriously gang, this can be done in any location from any economic situation. Randy is right - don't get off the roller coaster when you start feeling sick - victory is around the corner.


Blessings & Favor,
Follow my Blog: www.genahoriatis.com

I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me. Phil 4:13

Psalm 1:1-3

Thanks Randy

Im just starting out and its stories like yours that keep me motivated and positive. Loved your testimonial videos too. Perserverance and patience, thats what I keep tellin myself.


Michael Starzec

Behold NOW is the accepted time, behold, NOW is the day of salvation


Glad to here from you, Hope you are moving foward, If i can ever help let me know.





Glad to see you join the success acamandy, Just make sure you use them. That is what they are their for . Hope all is going well.





You are an inspiration to us all. You do walk the walk and talk the talk with no B.S. We wish you a lot more success.

Looking forward to meeting you in person at the Edge event.


Glad you're posting again

Hi Randy,

It is very motivating when experienced DGers like yourself come back to this site and post; it futhers strengthens the belief that DGs teachings do work!

So, keep posting, we enjoy reading them and learning from you.




“And will you succeed? Yes indeed, yes indeed! Ninety-eight and three-quarters percent guaranteed!” ― Dr. Seuss

"I believe in angels, the kind that heaven sends; I am surrounded by angels, but I call them friends" - Unknown

My journal: http://www.deangraziosi.com/real-estate-forums/investing-journals/59110/...


I updated my profile, didnt really think about being on here this often when I initially signed up, so I didnt think it mattered? But anyway congrats again!
God Bless

My journal: http://www.deangraziosi.com/real-estate-forums/investing-journals/72416/...


You can never eliminate fear, but you can use your fear and turn it into your strength!!!!

"Faith is taking the first step even when you don't see the whole staircase."
-Dr. Martin Luther King


If their was any one mistake that I made when i started out was that i didn't use this site. Not really sure why.except I couldn't type and didn't know much about a computer. Today i really believe if I had used it, It probably would have help me overcome the fear. Are at least let me know that I wasn't alone.





How are things going. Well setting around playing a waiting game. My partners and I are waiting on a little more info on a 95 unit and a 100 acre trailer park. We have got the owner fi work out. Just doing our home work to make sure we get a great deal. Today we try to stay away from good deals and go for the great ones. If someone had told me 2 years ago I would be trying to do deals this big I would have laugh at myself to. But today they are just numbers if we can get them to work. The sky is the limit as long as a person keeps taking action.




Steve and Veronica

Glad to here from you two, I see at least you two are all over the site trying to answer questions. It took me a long time to get to that point. i was aways afraid I would mislead someone. And that is the last thing I would do. Hope all is going well for you guys.




Great post, you deserve it, you worked very hard to be where you are.

Thanks for all your input in these forums and these posts.

Take care

Curtis Fillers


Great to here from you. Was in your neck of the woods a couple of weeks ago. and yes their are a lot of good deals out their. Hope all is going well for you.





I'm blessed.

Just working smart and doing anything when asked to help out others. And like yourself will not hesitate to call bs when I see it.


Always proud to call you my friend...Jan

Great Message

Hello Randy,

Thanks for the motivation that you have given us that are just starting out in the real estate business. I am a person that had a lot, great jobs, great savings, and everything. I lost a lot in the restaurant business, and now am trying to rebuild. I feel a bit discouraged, as I always thought that I had to save first and then invest to build my business. You and Julie said that you built from nothing and made a success. There is hope for me starting over.

God bless you both, as you are truly about the Lord's work.

Thanks again,



Yesterday is history, Tomorrow is a mystery, and Today is a gift...

Ethel Griffin

...So don't throw away a gift, do it today as tomorrow is not promised.


Hey whats up, Always glad to here from you. Get that timber work out and lets go logging. Hope all is going well.





Glad you stopped by. I wish you the best of luck. But then again its not luck. Its just were you want to be a year or two from now. The first step is taking action. Hope all-is going well.




One more Thing

When i started all of this it was one of the biggest roller coaster rides that i have ever been on in my life. And it had a lot more bottoms than tops. It was a really deform roller coaster lol. And threw all of the bottoms and truly being sick, I did see a lot of people jump off. But with the help of the coaching staff made it to the end. Now my roller coaster has a lot more tops than bottoms. And when I was on this long ride. The only thing I had to change about me was everything. Thanks coaching staff.




Great Post Randy

Thank you for sharing. It is great to hear about the steps you took to get to where you are. I look forward to being there soon as a successful investor! Keep on keepn on..


John Trivett


Thinks for stopping by, Like i have said before. I can never give back what was given to me. But I will keep trying.





Congratulations! Thank you for sharing your story. You are a true inspiration.


Randy I think you did more

Randy I think you did more typing today then I have seen post from you in 5 months, don't be a stranger.

Thanks Randy!

For sharing your thoughts and motivation with us. It really helps to see successful people on here giving back to the community. You are the REAL DEAL!

And just to let others know, Randy answers back on PM's!

Thanks Man - and may you continued success!



(I was not meant for a cookie cutter life!-KO)



Great to see you dropped by. Hope things are going well for you.




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