How flipping goes bad

How flipping goes bad

As reported in a local Florida newspaper, 14 individuals were indicted on Federal charges in a Sarasota real estate flipping scheme. Who was involved? The usual suspects.

Conspiracy ring

Fraudulent flipping schemes cannot work without the skulduggery of a conspiracy ring. According to the grand jury indictment, all of these individuals knew exactly what they were doing.

•2 real estate agents
•1 mortgage broker
•1 title agent
•1 escrow officer
•1 real estate appraiser
•3 family members who bought homes
•5 investors who bought homes

How a fraudulent real estate flipping scheme works

•Innocent seller puts house on market with conspiracy-ring real estate agent.
•Conspiracy-ring buyer puts in an offer for $25,000 more than asking price provided the $25,000 is paid back to buyer at closing.
•Mortgage broker approves mortgage for no-money down.
•Appraiser appraises house at inflated price.
•Title agent and escrow officer process closing.
•Conspiracy ring divvy up profit after excluding legitimate closing costs.
•Conspiracy-ring buyer puts house on market at price slightly above purchase price.
•Innocent real estate agent and her buyer purchase house at the new current market value.
•Market value for entire neighborhood goes up.
•Homeowners rush in, afraid prices will get away from them.
•Conspiracy ring plays con game again.
•House values inexplicably continue to skyrocket.
•Bubble bursts.
•Recent homeowners who purchased at inflated prices will be the first to succumb to foreclosure crisis.
•Home prices go down for everybody else.

Who paid for the flipping scheme? We did! And pretty soon the Sarasota 14!!

Of course, in our justice system, everyone is innocent until proven guilty. But there are many more flipping conspiracy rings to be indicted, and hopefully and justifiably, to be convicted.

Just make sure YOU"RE not caught up in a scheme like this simply because you are chasing dollars.


Always Looking to Acquire Houses | Always Looking to Amaze Investors

Great post Bill

You always seem to out do yourself with these posts. Being down here in FL I know of that scheme well. Thanks for looking out for us all.


"Nothing can stop the man with the right mental attitude from achieving his goal; nothing on earth can help the man with the wrong mental attitude."

Shaun Omar
DSD Investor Group Inc


Good info. Clearly to define what illegal flipping REALLY is. I know the info will answer alot of question new investors have on flipping. Legal or illegal? Thanks for the post.


To get something you've NEVER HAD
DO something you've NEVER DONE.


As always Bill another good post.


Wow Thanks

thanks & you know what , Just to tell something I had A RE Agent in FL that seemed strange & I'm the type I like to Learn & know whats going on So for some reason something told me to wait & see what the hell was going on with the Agent He wanted me to Buy the Homes Right then & there & I was like NO! cause i want more Detail Of what i'm getting into i'm not just jumping into something , Right after I told him to Provide me more Info , He fleed I never Heard from his ever & i'm like something just did not seem Normal about this RE Agent then the Normal RE Agents I've dealt with before he seems inpatient & kinda Creepy .......LOL .
& after then I never heard from him again .

So I'm like After reading this Post It brought more light on Maybe my six senses were telling me something wasn't right .

all I have to say is Luckly whatever He was trying to Pull I didn't Fall for it & Now It makes me Be more Careful Of how I Do Business & whom I do it with .

Bill Pohl....

If thats your real name lol

Don't let us find out you being the ring leader of any upcoming stings

Playing Devils Advocate, other than doing these illegal things, no one on here can claim these guys didn't know what they were doing

I jokey joke......kind of

They all new what they were

They all new what they were doing. We had a whole family here doing that with brand new houses. The guy was a builder for years and got greedy. They started using banks in Ca. They got over 52 million before they got caught and sent to jail.

good info


thanks for another great post


Great post!

Appreciate the info Bill, never would have thought of something like that so good to open my eyes to the criminal mind a bit more. Im always looking at houses in the S. Florida market so I will be more careful now and really listen to what others are saying. Sometimes it is not all cut and dry and you need to "read between the lines"



Interesting post!


"You're never too old to be what you were meant to be!"

"Shining Like a Star & Dancing on Sunshine"

"Shoot for the moon! Even if you fall short, you'll still land among the stars!"


I don't remember reading that strategy in Deans book! lol


SKY Real Estate Services, Inc.

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Once again,

thanks, Bill. and, of course, peace,


Dana w/ Crossroads Solutions LLC
I am direct to the VP of a $100 million dollar open-ended debt and equity fund which actively writes checks to fund businesses with an EBITDA of at least $1 million a year. We fund also have access to up to $500,000,000 for the purchase of distressed real estate, specially commercial $7,500,000 and up.

Once again,

thanks, Bill. and, of course, peace,

oops Eye-wink


Dana w/ Crossroads Solutions LLC
I am direct to the VP of a $100 million dollar open-ended debt and equity fund which actively writes checks to fund businesses with an EBITDA of at least $1 million a year. We fund also have access to up to $500,000,000 for the purchase of distressed real estate, specially commercial $7,500,000 and up.

what a scam!

thanks Bill,

I didn' t know about the Sarasota scheme...

but I did know about some developer in Pensacola that was taking money from buyers in Cali with the promise of newly built homes, set up with Property Managers, Realtors, Lenders... the whole deal...but apparently the funds were not put in an escrow account, but in his instead, and then... poof! the developer was nowhere to be found, nor the money, nor the houses... nothing.

So, yes.. due dilligence...

Wishing everyone success,




“And will you succeed? Yes indeed, yes indeed! Ninety-eight and three-quarters percent guaranteed!” ― Dr. Seuss

"I believe in angels, the kind that heaven sends; I am surrounded by angels, but I call them friends" - Unknown

My journal:

Thank you Bill

Thank you Bill. You really do have GREAT post!

God Bless,


That was deeeeep!!!! A real eyeopener Thank you for that!!


Interesting article

Reminds me of something I read a while back: Why work so hard to make money illegally when you can do it right legally and get to keep it?

Mark K


Mark K. Cool

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This happens everywhere

Several years ago some one approached me about a real estate investment. I went and looked at the property and lissened to the plan of how it was supposed to work. It looked very fishy and a lot like the deals Bill outlined above. Needless to say I did not move on the "great Deal". Six months later I saw on the news the guy that was showing me the home getting hauled away in hadcuffs, and the news talking about a illegal real estate ring.


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Flipping scheme

The first key for me in this market would be a broker that could find me a loan with no money down.
I remember when that was possible, but lately they are as rare as hen's teeth. Sorry about that comaparison it's an old local saying.
If anyone knows of one of these mythical creatures in Louisiana I would love to see it.


"Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic"
Arthur C. Clarke

Gives us all a bad name

Thanks for sharing Bill! As usual, more great info. How they got away with it in this market is surprising.

James Kendrick wrote:
They all new what they were doing. We had a whole family here doing that with brand new houses. The guy was a builder for years and got greedy. They started using banks in Ca. They got over 52 million before they got caught and sent to jail.

Oh, great, here in CA, no wonder I can't get a loan out here! What banks was he using?

thanks trustpoint

thanks for all that u share with us,here on the site to keep us on our toes and eyes open to the REI and wht everelse that try to slow us down,thanks again


keep on truck!!!!keep reading!!!!keep finding!!!!keep sharing!!!keep responding!!!keep help keep-up the good work!!! but,don't keep it to yourself!!!

Nothing wrong with flipping

if its done right

I did three closings this week. All flips. All from investors. All legal.

Like death and taxes, flipping will always be around and there will always be new ways to work around it. They recently had to change the law back to allow flipping because it was greatly hindering the housing market.

Flipping is a necessity in the RE market. Without it, this business will go further in the toilet.

Everyone on this site is a flipper whether they want to admit it or not. Embrace it and accept it, but just do it the right way and walk away if a fraud one comes your way.

Elix hit the nail on the head

Everybody on this site is striving for a flip. It's what we do. Just don't be in collusion with anybody to make a profit and you will be fine. Unfortunately, it is stories like the one above that makes people think flipping is a bad word. It's not. Perhaps a better word for what we do is arbitrage. Buying low and selling high. Making money on the spread between what we buy it for and what we sell it for. It's what stock market traders do. It's what commodity traders do. So NEVER feel bad about flipping.


Always Looking to Acquire Houses | Always Looking to Amaze Investors

Thank You

Thank you for a great post and also for sharing with all of us