Hello everyone. Im somewhat new to the DG world of investors. I purchased Dean's books about 2 months ago. Ive been reading and building my knowledge so far. I want my knowledge to be very strong. I ordered the edge kit and have been getting my wife envolved Today I passed out 200 fliers on cars that were parked outside of apartment complexes. Im just focused on building my buyers list at this time. I will doing assignment of contracts to build capital. I just cant wait until REI is a piece of cake to me. I know if I dont give up that will be the ultimate turn out. thats how it is with anything you do for the first time. It seems hard or confusing at first until you do it enough times to get the hang of it. Well this is pretty much the intro my "FIGHT for the FIRSt..... as we take this journey we will see what the first will be.
Leh We Go!!!!
"People Build People"
Hey whats going on Man!! Thanks for stopping by to check me out. Its nice to know that you got REI buddies who got your back. I know its seems like we have such trouble making connection but our day will come. I know how it feels to be out of the swing of things but hurry up and get back because that life you are striving is out there waiting for you, its just that time is not.
Best Regards,
"People Build People"
Hey whats going on DG Family. Yes Im still here alive and well. I have not submitted journal entry in the past 6 days but honestly it seems like longer than that. There has not been much going on in the Front of REI for me as of late, but I do not like to use that terminology because I figure the person who can fix their mouth to say that is not fixing their action steps to make things happen. Well...it is what it is.
Well I have been keeping up with my CL ads. I got a caller who left a message last night for a property they are trying to sale in Florida. I could not help but to think about Lea & Denny who are based our of Florida, Richie Rich who just closed on a deal in Fl, and of course Laura who is all over the country buying property. I was thinking if this deal is worth it I could maybe make something happen from afar. Well I called the call back number and got a gentleman who called me for his girlfriend, so instead of beating around the bush I got connected directly to his girlfriend and she gave me the whole rundown according to the Seller's question so graciously provided by Dean. Long story short she sounds like she is motivated but the price she is asking is too high for what an investor like myself would be willing to pay, she has it listed with an agent down there in FL, so with all of that said done I think i will leave that alone. The positive out of it all I got a chance to practice asking questions, and it is a sign that my marketing tactics are working. I still feel like I need to multipy the amount of calls that are coming in none the less.
-On my way to work my phone alerted me that I got another message at my 1-800# and I would check it while Im at work but the computers here have no sound, so first thing when I get home in the morning I will see what I got.
-I made some calls from some of the ads I saw on CL today. A lot of these properties were already under renovation and being sold by other investors. Im really looking for properties that are distressed, but these type of homes that are ready to move in could come in handy when I have a sufficient end buyer's list. Thats still one of my goals is to get a nice end buyer's list(people looking to move in with a mortgage) then I could show them foreclosure properties and give them an after renovation price for the property and work with them through the whole renovation process. I already have an agent who is connected to the resources for funding of the purchase and renovation. I also have a mortgage broker eager to work with me, so its just a matter of marketing for what I want.
-On another note I have been creating ways of earning income on the streets of NY by building a team of sellers or hustlers as we call it. You may have read in previous post that I use to sale everything from clothes to cologne on these NYC streets from the lights of Time Square to the Dark corners of Brownsville. Well now I have about 3 people who sale these products for me, so with this money I am making I hope to get my debts out of the way a little bit faster so I can consider applying for a mortgage myself or just saving my money and buying a home out of state ALL CASH for about $5K-$10K and creating some passive income. I have also looked into selling some products on EBAY which could also create another line of income for me to boost up the operations. Wish me Success as you know I will for you....!
Until the next time..............!!
Best Regards,
Shane Gore
"People Build People"
Hi Shane.
Man so sorry I have not stopped by in a very very long time. I didn't really get caught up on your journal but since the last few journals have mentioned this one word and I think it belongs to all of us is perseverance my friend and I'm sure that is what you're doing. Keep it up! I've not had much time at all on the computer other than quick emails.
Blessings to you and your family,
CAthy L
Checking in on you friend...I've been away for a bit and not online. As always its good to see you posting, and keeping your positive attitude and amazing work ethics. I like that you are combining other income sources to help you reach your goals - whatever it takes, right! Keep hanging tough
my story:
Shane stop lying to these good peopel like you aint busy and you ain't lookin to buy entire blocks in Wyandanch
Get at me I may have BK and Queens props for you to buy from me
Hey whats going on DG Family. What a pleasure it is to hear from you guys.
Cathy it has been a while since we have made contact, but I can totally understand from the looks of your production. I hear you just got another accepted offer and that is whats up. Keep up the good work you are well on your way.
Laura Laura....The REI machine. When you set up your own Success Academy I will be the first one to sign up. I got one word for what you are accomplishing out there in the field. AWESOME!! THanks for stopping in to check me out. Hopefully I will be able to do a dance of my own sometime soon. I know I dont have to tell you this but keep on keeping because you are a true inspiration to me.
Elix LOL LOL. You are a funny guy man. Nah I am focus back in Queens and BK now. I did listen to you. Stepping up my marketing to basically drive more leads to my 1-800#. I will definately contact in regards to any deals you my have in the area. Thanks for everything!!
Best Regards,
"People Build People"
I just finished reading your whole journal. From start to finish it took me just over a week around my schedule. I was marking my place and eager to get back to read your next post. Even now I am waiting to hear about your next pursuit to "Shane's Fight for the FIRST......!!! "
Best Wishes and keep us in the loop.
Check out my journal:
My free website from Dean:
The Sky's the Limit!
AMAZING determination on your part!!when you do get a deal or two in the books you will look back on your journal and and be proud,actually u dont need a deal to do that u should be proud now !! Shane if u r thinking of doing a deal out of your area let me know and maybe we can find a deal here for u to nail down.Iknow there r a pile of deals here and if your interested we can combine thoughts to make a deal happen !! pm me if that is something u may be interested in.keep up the momentum shane,your first is just around the corner
Click Here For homepage www.jaysthilaire.com
need to sell ? http://www.jayhousebuyers.com
Need me to FINANCE a home ? http://www.jaysrenttoown.com
CHECK OUT MY JOURNAL http://www.deangraziosi.com/real-estate-forums/investing-journals/20063/...
Just wanted to pop in and say hi. Leave it to you and your determination to find news ways to get income (smart move having others help
) Hey if you are ever looking for properties in SE FL give me a shout. 
Very interesting about you working with folks to purchase and fix up foreclosures. You'll be good at this.
....got to meet the one and only Shane Dinero yesterday afternoon
had a great talk and showed him a property and hopefully got in his mind to stop messing with Long Island
I see big things in your future
Elix, we all love Shane on this sight. Glad you two could connect.
Cathy B
Follow my progress at:
Hi DG Family. Coming off of a great with weekend with the Wife and got a chance to meet Elix the Great this Sunday at a property he showed me. First of all I would like to thank Kathyworkeasy, Jay, Lea, Elix, and CathyB for the positive words of encouragement that you left in my journal over the past couple of days.
Kathy hopefully you were able to find something in my journey that you can put in your toolbox as you work easily towards the goals you have set for yourself in your real estate state of mind. I wish you all of the best and look forward to seeing you at the TOP!
Hey whats up Jay. As soon as I think Im am in a position to purchase and hold some property, I will be alerting you. I think up-state is a good start for me because its in a radius that I can drive and still maintain the life I live down here in the city.
Lea whats up my friend. Its always a pleasure to hear from you. I thank you for always stopping by to blow positive energy my way. Looking at your interactions with others on this sight, I see it comes naturally for you. Thanks
Elix whats up my man. Well I was so happy I got my A** out of the bed Sunday morning to meet you at the property which was not in Long Island. lol I mean after that, the day just fell into place so nicely. The weather was nice, I got a car wash, I made a big pot of crabs and clams, and watched my Giants beat the sh** out of the Seahawks 41-7. WooWee. I will be in touch in regards to that property you showed me and I look forward to the bright future in store for us.
Hey whats up CathyB. And you know we Love you too!!
Well on the plate as of right now is a property that Elix showed me. The initial pricing he gave me would be more geared for an end buyer but I will pitch the property to my CASH investors and see what types of offers they make. At the same time I can also use this property to market to end buyers and help build my list for this area.
I did get an email from an agent of a few properties in BK and Queens that seemed to be priced right. I must give her a call tomorrow to feel her out and let her know what I could to help get these off of her hands. She boldly stated in the email that she wanted 6% comm. from the buyer, so I will have to let her know my position to make this transaction happen smoothly.
It would be nice to have about 3-4 properties to present to my buyers at the same time. In this way instead of asking them: "Do you want to buy this one?" I can ask "Which one do you want to buy?" Just a little something I picked up from Elix.
Until the Next time...........!
Best Regards,
"People Build People"
Shane again it was great us talking and running ideas and strategy on how to work things
You know the # so if something else comes up, I gotcha back
Good Morning DG Family. Yesterday was a pretty good day for me. After I reached home and made a scrumptious breakfast for the family consisting of Buttermilk Pancakes, Eggs, and oven simmered bacon, I got my day off to a good start. I simply was heading back to Queens to grab shots of the home that I visited this weekend. I slowly cruised the neighborhood which happens to be within the radius of my job, but it happens to look different during the day.
On my way home I got a call from an agent alerting me to 2 homes that his office has trying to sale. I actually just finished looking these homes up online. I am working on putting together a package of at least 3 homes to present to my CASH Investors. Especially since its been a lil while since I have presented them anything. I prefer to deal with FSBO properties but these happen to be good ole fashion REO's. I must take advantage of these types of deals also because there are so many out there. I know once I get a couple under my belt the people that I meet in exchange will naturally propell me to higher heights in that area.
Tomorrow I have a day lined up to visit homes and take pics. I still have the list from the young lady who emailed them to me. I did not do it today, but I must call her tomorrow to see what we can work out. If things go well I will also ride by her properties and take pics. It will be some day moving from house to house but I feel it is very important for me to establish a positive and upbeat rhythm to this real estate tune I want to dance too. The biggest challenge at this point is working the 12 hour shift overnight and still finding enough energy during the day to make things happen. When I get out there in the field the time just goes by and its like its already time to go back to my J-O-B but I did not get any sleep. None the less I will "Make it do what it do Baby!!"
Until the next time.....!
Best Regards,
Shane Gore
"People Build People"
I will send you a PM.
Check out my journal:
My free website from Dean:
The Sky's the Limit!
Hey whats up DG family. Just stopping by to drop the news. I feel pretty good.
-I just sent off the listings to three properties to a select group of buyers that I work with. I got these properties from an agent that I have started to network with, and I must admit there were some pretty good deals I mean out of six that he sent me I selected 3 to work with. So we will see how that goes. I mean traditionally I would love to get the contract before I alert my buyers to the nitty gritty of the deal but its not that easy to get an agent or a bank per say, to accept the type of POF that I would present, but the positive is that the agent Im working with at least has some type of control over the deals. So again we will see how that goes.
-I got an email today from a seller with a property in Queens that sounds intersting. Tomorrow the top of my agenda will be to call this guy and see how motivated he is to sale.
I feel pretty good like I said before. Im still somewhat in touch with some of my invesotors; speaking of that: if you have ever mistakenly call someone because something in your pocket pressed the talk button; well that happen to me and at 2:30am I got a call from on investor on my buyers list and he said, "Shane, why are you calling me at this time of the morning?" Once I realized what it was I explained it to him and he immediately asked me what do I have for him. Its been awhile since I have dealt with this guy, and he has been on the edge of a couple of the deals I was working on, so it felt good that at 2:30am he is still motivated about the potential that we have to make things happen.
So in return I sent him and a couple other investors 3 properties tonight........
Until the next time...................!
Best Regards,
Shane Gore
"People Build People"
How embarrassing to do the middle of the night call! LOL But maybe it will work out well!
"You're never too old to be what you were meant to be!"
"Shining Like a Star & Dancing on Sunshine"
"Shoot for the moon! Even if you fall short, you'll still land among the stars!"
I see you are networking with the man of the hour. Happy deal making. It is so good to see you posting again. Now back to to drawing board and that first deal. God bless.
"You can never get to the top, if you are not willing to climb. Do not look at the difficulty of the climb, only anticipate the view from the top."
"Can't even walk without you holding my hand." (Song)
"Is anything too hard for the Lord ..." Genesis 19:14
"In all things, wait on the Lord."
"Think not of your own deliverance, but trust in God who will give in abundance."
"When you are down to nothing, God is up to something." Unknown
"Our lives begin to end, the day we become silent about those things that really matters." Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.
Hey whats going on Family......
-Karen that was embarassing but it worked out for the best because it kinda of gave me a kick in a step towards making things happen. Im sure Sandra wound agree with me when I say "God works in mysterious ways"
-Hey Sandra what a pleasure to hear from my very own spiritual advisor right here on the DG site. lol Just from the annoitance of your words I can feel positive energy coming my way. Thanks a Million
Best Regards,
"People Build People"
Great to see a post from you. I was Jones-ing. Yes, see you at the TOP!
Check out my journal:
My free website from Dean:
The Sky's the Limit!
I quickly skimmed through your journal and a few hours later...lol, I am speechless with your hard work, determination and dedication. I admire your perserverance and the only suggestion I have for you is to change your post title to "Shane Conquers his First! Next!...It's all a mindset. You dream, believe, have faith, ask god and it'll come to pass....
All the Best,
Glad to hear about the 3 properties. I laughed about you accidently calling one of your investors at 2:30 am LOL!
Glad it turned into a great conversation for you both. It's always good to keep in touch with your buyers.
Hey whats going on DG Family. Been a little while buy Im here. I think Im going to go back to working during the day hours because for some reason I felt more productive when I moved in that compacity. The most obvious reflection is the amount of times I post in my journal in comparison.
I really dont want to work for anyone but myself so I got to hurry up and make something happen. My daughter is only getting older becuase "Time Keeps on Ticking...!!"
(Just had to get that off my chest)
-Well I just listened to Dean's blog of the week and it was right on time. Its like I said in the blog....basically I got to get back to the basics of real estate investing. Dont worry about closing deals and making alot of money, but focus on principles of success like overcoming fear, exuding confidence, staying focused and consistent......If I concern myself with the basics of investing I will naturally inherit the more advanced position. When I first started this journey there was a different type of fire in my eyes and I have to get it back because the life of my family and I depends on it.
-I told you guys about 3 properties that I got from a local agent. I do have one investor that is interested in one of the properties. Im waiting to hear back from the agent on a couple of queries he had. The agent did go on to tell me that he was not sure if the property was still available, so we will see how that goes. "Just my luck" lol The investor seems to be motivated and said he is looking to buy 2-3 homes this month, so if at least feels good to know that the money is there. I just got to get them the product.
-Hey whats up Kathy, Joseph, and Lea. As always thanks for stopping by. Im glad my life experince in the world of real estate investing can be worth you stopping by to take a read. I hear what you saying Joseph about the "mindset" and everything but Im going to leave it as it is until it is time to change it. Its a cross that Im willing to carry until the time is right.
What a way to stay in touch uh Lea..! lo
I wish everybody a merry Holidays. How nice would it be to close a deal in the month of December!!!
Until the next time...........!
Best Regards,
Shane Gore
"People Build People"
Just stay motivated! You are one of the people on here I can see going as far as dean has. You have the drive to get it done. Just keep doing something small every day to stay on track! Go through all of deans videos if thats what motivates you!
Check out this thread I wrote on getting started:
Also I wrote our journal to help inspire people and keep track of my success:
Hope these posts can help motivate you and push you in the right direction!
Remember, take one thing at a time. Don't get overwhelmed by everything. Dean talks about Kaizen in one of his videos. It has helped me ALOT!
Are you new? Check out my NEW and IMPROVED Guide for Beginners! http://deangraziosi.com/real-estate-forums/everything-else/128413/domini...
It's been a while since I've had the chance to stop by and read your journal. I see you're still doin yo thang! Keep it up and we'll be rading the details of your deals and saying "There goes Shane with another great deal!"
Just thinking about you and your family during this season.
Did you go back on days?
Happy Holidays and we're gonna kick some *$$ in the new year. It's our time.
"You're never too old to be what you were meant to be!"
"Shining Like a Star & Dancing on Sunshine"
"Shoot for the moon! Even if you fall short, you'll still land among the stars!"
a fighter and I respect that! 2011 is yours, mines and the entire DG Family because we believe, take action and we're going to make it happen! Although I had signed up here last year, I just started to take this serious 2 months ago and I've had my ups and downs so far, but things are going to start to fall in place with the right strategies I need to just focus on 1 or 2 instead of trying to do them all as I have and not really having my ducks in a row and being effective. I'm also going to go back to the fundamentals before the best buying season of the year approaches us the next several months.
See you at the top and enjoy the rest of the holidays!
Just wanted to stop in and wish you & your family a Merry Christmas. Also wishing you a happy, healthy and prosperous new year filled with lots of love, joy and laughter all year long.
Merry Christmas and the Happiest of New Years!
"You're never too old to be what you were meant to be!"
"Shining Like a Star & Dancing on Sunshine"
"Shoot for the moon! Even if you fall short, you'll still land among the stars!"
Oh Shane! You always make me laugh. Couple things I do believe in God's divine appts so that 2:30 am call was no way an accident in the mind of God, Haha! I can relate to your above post #504 about getting back to basics and getting the fire back. It's great that you and Elix were able to meet. We all believe in you and you will get it done. I wish you the best on these properties. Keep at it Shane. God has a plan for us all! Jeremiah 29:11 'For I know the plans I have for you declares the Lord, plans to PROSPER you and not to harm you; plans to give you hope and a future'
Just wanted you to know I was thinking of you and your family!
Wishing you and your family a very Merry Christmas and a Joyful, Prosperous New Year!
Cathy L