$57,000 Total wholesale profits in 30 days!

$57,000 Total wholesale profits in 30 days!

I haven't been posting as much as I have wanted to lately, but I have been insanely busy out there in the trenches of my real estate market. I have met some new partners and we are totally taking the Philadelphia area by storm!

I had my biggest month ever in wholesaling recently and I wanted to share it with all the DG members to show them what is possible. My story is on deansmedia.com (dean's testimonial website) so you can check it out to see where I came from and how hard it was for me to get to where I am now. I am very sick with Ulcerative Colitis and Crohn's Disease, but I did not let that stop me from my accomplishing my goals and dreams.

I now have a goal to gross $500,000 in total profits by the end of this year!!

On another note, I cashed my first check on Sept 15, 2010 when I closed my first deal. I just added up all of my wholesale profits since then and so far my company has been able to gross $117,770.13 in my first year of real estate investing and wholesaling! I have more deals in the works that may even close before Sept 15, 2011 so hopefully that number goes even higher!! =D

You can check out proof and copies of checks at my blog site listed below. I really hope this gives everyone more hope and inspires you to go out there and take action TOMORROW! The most important thing I learned is that no one is going to do this for you. In Fact, people are going to doubt you all along the way! Dig Deep and remember why you are doing this and you will make it happen! Do whatever it takes! Make 10 offers a day, knock on 10 doors a day, hand out 10 business cards a day, send out 10 letters a day, etc!!!

To your success!!

Larry F
The Flip Kid


Check Out my blog at: http://www.theflipkid.com

"We succeed because we pay our dues to meet our goals, and in doing so we expand our personal genius"

Larry F.
The Flip Kid


You are an inspiration to all of us scardy-cats. Wow, good job!



Thank you

I just wanted to say thanks to everyone who commented and I am glad I am able to inspire you guys to take action and get moving.

I am very busy, but if you guys have any questions feel free to post them here or private message me and I will do my best to answer them as soon as I can. I try and check this website at least once every week. I am always posting good stuff on my blog so make sure to check that out as well. The link is below in my comment.


Larry F
The Flip Kid


Check Out my blog at: http://www.theflipkid.com

"We succeed because we pay our dues to meet our goals, and in doing so we expand our personal genius"

Larry F.
The Flip Kid


I am thrilled for you! Keep making it happen.



"You're never too old to be what you were meant to be!"


"Shining Like a Star & Dancing on Sunshine"

"Shoot for the moon! Even if you fall short, you'll still land among the stars!"


Awe inspiring! Plus, great words of wisdom! Let's partner up!


Congrats!!! Soon one day soon I'll have some great news to post. Working on my first deal. I have a few buyers in the Philly area. Would love to work with you. PM if interested.



"The best is yet to come."

"Never let someones opinion become your reality"

Woo Woo Woo!!!

Way to go Larry!!

You are an inspiration to all of us here! I know you will reach your goal by the end of this year because you believe in yourself and you are making it happen!!

Thanks for sharing!



“And will you succeed? Yes indeed, yes indeed! Ninety-eight and three-quarters percent guaranteed!” ― Dr. Seuss

"I believe in angels, the kind that heaven sends; I am surrounded by angels, but I call them friends" - Unknown

My journal: http://www.deangraziosi.com/real-estate-forums/investing-journals/59110/...

Congratulations on your

Congratulations on your continued success!! These types of blogs are encouraging!!


Perseverance is pushing through despite difficulties.

Rolling, rolling, rolling....

Larry your story is very uplifting, and a picture of what committment and work can accomplish. Keep us informed brother. And BTW, keep them deals a moving...



We seldom get what we want, but we will always get what we expect.

Great Inspiration !

Congrats! And thanks for the inspiration ! Let us know when you hit $500,000 ! ! ! ~Bob

Google Voice and Business Email

It was suggested by DG family that I should invest in Google Voice and a business email. The google voice is understandable and I will do this, but there were so many business email ads on line I just don't know which ones are valuable and does the job as it should be done. Can someone help me in choosing the right business email. I have heard that Hotmail and Yahoo are not the best to choose from.

I am setting up. I don't want my personal numbers on bandit signs. I have also looked into business cards and this makes sense to have when I go to a real estate clubs to find investors. If I am going about it wrong, please let me know.




Kat Turney


Looks like you are on your way Larry! Look forward to hearing many more success stories. Stay focused and be blessed!





~Act successful! And you'll draw it to you.~
~Every achievement, big or small, begins in your mind. It starts as a thought.~

Great Stuff...

Flip Kid...You the MAN!!

Thats serious

Wow Flip Kid, I need more details, how u doing it? Give us some step by steps. How do you find your buyers and sellers? U going after REO's Can you get a Bank owned property on contract b4 u try to sell it? U using an Agent? Are ur buyers financing or cashin u out? I want to duplicate ur methods, but I need details. Thanks Rando1




you da man! awesome job!


Don't Wish the Past, Create the Future! - DH

You are really an

You are really an inspiration to me. It is definately time for me to push harder. Keep up the good work.


Seeking overall prosperity in life,


This is fantastic. It's always good to celebrate another's success. Keep up the good work. May you have many more. Again, like another said, let us know when you reach that 500,000 mark.