KEB'S later years

KEB'S later years

Well, I guess I should start at the begining. After spending six years in the military and marrying a great Korean lady (25 years and counting). I went to work for the DOJ even though I had a burning drive to do my own thing (several small start ups). After several years (13) I had the honor (haa) of meeting a well how do we say, bad inmate that gave me a wake up call. Yea I lost the fight,lost some vision in one eye and had brain surgery (shunt placed in head) and retired medically. Present times: Bought a metal recycling company right before the 2004 olympics and made really good money for several years. Took the money and bought several homes free and clear in Ohio and California (can you say cash flow and ROI). I found that I love teaching what I know to others, that want to learn and to work with them on what I teach them. After I found this site looking around the web one day on vaction in HI when it was raining (12/10) and having read all of dean's books it was time to put it to good use. I have helped a few on the site with my insight on trust deeds, tax leins and others. I teach and invest until i am dead or can't hold my head up. This journal will be a log of what I do every week with real estate. Here we go boys and girls....

What a day

Had to go to a auction in santa barbara for a tax sale of all things. Went for 158k after starting at 53k..people were nuts to pay that... Had lots of calls from people looking for money at PMBI and made a great contact with a guy in HI. Tina1 texted and said the house in BH is still a go...Just the way the day went all day...NOW GO GET SOME...

Thank You!


Thank You again for your help with the Santa Barbara auction. Your knowledge, insight and leadership are appreciated!

Committed to You Multiplying Business,



Nice people

It is my honor to have helped you move forward in Real Estate. I look for the day that I see your post here about your first deal...NOW GO GET SOME

Taft trip

Just got in from taft and wanted to get this done before I forgot anything. Was to have a meeting with a guy that wanted to do a subject too on his property but I called him about 20 miles out and he told me he was going to keep the house...Oh well...
Drove for dollars and got some addresses to send out yellow letters too. Worked on the trailer that we stay in so that we are ready for the next project that is coming up in a few weeks (duplex). NOW GO GET SOME..

Hi Keith, Im just stopping

Hi Keith, Im just stopping by to see what you are up to. Busy I see. Me to. How was taft?


"Don't tell me I can't, Tell me how I can."


Girl it is getting very warm. I think it was 96.


Hi all I have been blocked from the site for the last three weeks because of the anti spamming software... Not because I have been bad....Well ok just alittle..I will update all info which is alot this week...Have fires to put out right now...

Broken still

Well all I didn't go awol. The site seems to have picked me as well as several others (8 ) too lock out. The spam softwear that they have been trying to get fixed had a bug..A big one..All my journal and everything on my account went into space. The big J at DGadmin has been working to fix the issue. All is good but my journal entries are still floating in space...So with that let me catch you all up for the last three weeks.

Houses, houses and still more houses

I am still working on the bank on the house in Lompoc. I bought a house in ohio for 7.5k and have started the fix up (4k) with my handyman there. Will make it turnkey and put it under contract (lease to own) and sell it to an investor. The house will have a property manager free for one year, home warranty and will have a contract for sale at 2x what they paid for it while they are making 20% from rents...Nice one

Bought a house in taft for 40 with OPM. Tenant wanted to buy so we will carry at 6% for 7 years. Sale price is 52k with 2k down...Vet so we are helping...Goes around comes around..

One for the books

The crap that happens to me: The following is 100% true:

Here's one for the books.
Guy calls me off my suv sign and he wants to short sale his house. Owes 385k worth 120k. I ask him for the deed and a limited power of attorney. He agrees and we make small talk about what happened to me at my old job (DOJ prison). I guess the story about the surgery was too much because he passed out right in front of me. Trust me I can't make this **** up. Hit his head hard before I could grab him.. So, here I am with paperwork on the table for what we are talking about and he is out on the floor not breathing. I rib him and nothing so I smack him in the face hard and he says ouch i think i was about to pass out there....No kidding you did. Here i am trying to get his house and I smack the crap out of the guy in his kitchen.....unreal and yes I am still getting the house....I am still laughing my butt off two hours later....

One for the books

I can't make this up:

Here's one for the books.
Guy calls me off my suv sign and he wants to short sale his house. Owes 385k worth 120k. I ask him for the deed and a limited power of attorney. He agrees and we make small talk about what happened to me at my old job (DOJ prison). I guess the story about the surgery was too much because he passed out right in front of me. Trust me I can't make this **** up. Hit his head hard before I could grab him.. So, here I am with paperwork on the table for what we are talking about and he is out on the floor not breathing. I rib him and nothing so I smack him in the face hard and he says ouch i think i was about to pass out there....No kidding you did. Here i am trying to get his house and I smack the crap out of the guy in his kitchen.....unreal and yes I am still getting the house....I am still laughing my butt off two hours later....

Welcome Back Keith

I hope you are completely restored on here soon. Good that you can post and update everyone!

__________________ website FREE SOFTWARE FOR WHOLESALERS, REHABBERS AND AGENTS! Present professional looking deals to buyers and lenders as well as run your numbers and get the ROI.


Poor J..I have been sending email after email trying to get this fixed. All my post in my journal are just not there and it was tons of work..Funny stuff too..


The house in ohio closed last week for 7,500. Yes that is right 7.5k and when done we will sell it for 23k to an investor ? It will be done on the 2nd.. Had 2k in repairs and it will rent for 600 per month. Will do a lease to own for 43k in three years. Everyone wins..NOW GO GET SOME

The Score

OMG did I hit a homerun this week in several ways. Monday I got up and did my morning run/walk around my home. I use to own a recycling company before going full time in RE so I still have the bug in me.. I saw a man cleaning out his garage so I stopped and ask if he was getting rid of all the dryers and washers he had in his driveway. He told me only one was bad and that I could come back and get it. He ask if I wanted any of the other stuff (nine unopened boxes of wood flooring with padding,8 boxes of kitchen flooring unopened, two new lights, one new ceiling fan in box and so on) which I took it all for the duplex under construction in taft.
Short sale company called and my offer was accepted on the taft house for 77k on a 180k home all day long. They also told me that the other short sale was moving forward as well (110k on a 160k turnkey home that I have already sold for 140k). These are double dips because I get paid on the short sale as well. If I knew how to post pics here you would not believe this house. It is 4/3 with 2,900 sft on 2.5 acres in a moblehome development. One of only three homes in the area all the rest are mobles. NOW GO GET SOME


You are smoking!!!Good job!....and good deals, good marketing, and good PR!



Everything works out in the end. If it hasn't worked out, it's not the end.

You have not lived a perfect day, unless you have done something for someone who will never be able to repay you. Ruth Smeltzer

It is what it is 'til you change it.

How's my girl

How you been lady? I am so glad to see your post on here about your deals...It is well deserved...Keep up the good fight..

Edge event

I went to the DG event in santa maria last night to help give them a push and to get new members to my club. There were 83 people there and they gave me a plug after I told them who I was on the dg site. Talked with lots of new people and they said that they would be at the next meeting which is great because I will be offering three homes for sale at that meeting. NOW GO GET SOME

getting ready for the next level

Well, I have been working with a great lady for all my website info and help putting me out there on cyberspace. Guy she is one to call for help in setting up your business on the web!! Anyway, I posted the deal in taft on CL and got a few calls. I stated in my post that I was doing this before escrow to give a lucky buyer the chance to get this great deal and that this is the reason (escrow part) as to why there are no pics of the house.I don't want to cause a problem with the bank in escrow if some how they saw the house on the web so I didn't post any pics or address. Well, the nuts came out as I thought would happen as well as one couple that wants the house. I will work with them but they are already telling be that it will be a loan and that they want to walk it with there realtor....NO,NO,NO...The bank will pay the agent but this deal is not on the market because I made it happen. My short sale company called and told me that they had it for some time and it come up in a file they found. No one knows about it and there is no agent involved...Not on market....So, I don't want this lady to mess it up but I would like to sell it to them if they have the funds (25k to me and I assign them my contract). I will see what happens here...NOW GO GET SOME

Funny post # 200

I just summited an offer on a house in ohio two doors down from the one I just sold for 35k. My offer was for 10.5k because it needed about 4-5k in repairs....Burn it up...make offers...move forward or move on....NOW GO GET SOME

Yellow letters

Did my yellow letter mailings today and will do some everyday this weekend. Looked at a few short sale deals from the company I use. Locked up this one in Taft:
List Pr BD BA Sq Ft Lot Sz Yr Type
$75,000 4 0 2859 112787sf(GIS (approx.)) 1985 Sgl Fa
Taft 93268

This was posted today so I feel good about this one. Will make 20k on the flip to a family that wants it real bad.

Monday is coming

Monday is only a few hours away..So, what have you done in your real estate business to get ready for the new week? I hear you....But that is not going to cut it... Did you talk to people this weekend, put up signs, hand out cards, look at houses, make offers, send out yellow letters, look at the new listings on CL, the MLS....If you didn't do one or any of these items...GO BACK TO BED BECAUSE YOUR not working this like you want to win it... I can say that I did.......six of the seven things I just pulled off the top of my head....Found three houses in a nice area on my walk this morning....Go get it because it will not come to you....NOW GO GET SOME..

Yellow Letter call

This a record..Two days after I mailed some yellow letters to cash buyer in my area one called back. His sister did the call because she is a broker with an open mind and she helps her brother out on his deals? We talked for a few and she is on board with what I am doing. Wanted to know if I had any thing up for sale right now in my area because they are buying for cash right now..Hello she said to like that... We will meet up next weekend for lunch to talk about what i have for sale and what her company wants to buy...NOW GO GET SOME

Hey Keith!

Man, are you on fire or what?? I can tell you I stayed on C/L about all weekend. I have posted ads and answered ads and got calls from ads.. all that and looking for an apartment and trying to pack.... WHEW!!!But I AM going to bed now...Hey, can you let me(us) know what you say in your yellow letters. I sent out about 50 a couple months ago and did not get one call so I'm wondering if I need to revise it.


Everything works out in the end. If it hasn't worked out, it's not the end.

You have not lived a perfect day, unless you have done something for someone who will never be able to repay you. Ruth Smeltzer

It is what it is 'til you change it.


Yellow letters:
hi ?
My name is ? and my wife and I would like to buy your home located at &&*^****or any other that you are interested in selling. Please use the enclosed card to contact me back..Thanks and sign...Short and sweet... There is a company out there that is selling software that will do all this for you..It is your hand writing and all. Just put yellow paper in and hit color...Bamm done...NOW GO GET SOME...

Taft day

Holly crap it is hot in taft!! Showed the house to two people that had down payments. The house is a 4/3 that I got from the short sale company for 75k and that I am selling (assigning) for 110k. The first ones that showed up had 10k down and wanted to get a loan for the balance. I told them that we would carry with 35k down at 6% for five years. Great deal and they would be debt free in five to six years. They will try to get the 25k differance. Second ones had money for down but were confused about the carry part so the ask to put down more for a lower price...way lower!! I explained to them the differance between a bank loan and a loan with PM. Time time and the interest paid. They offered 50k down and a carry of 50k. They are trying to save 10k but will not have funds to fix the house up...Put 35k down and we will carry the rest...... The hunt continues...NOW GO GET SOME

lompoc house

The house in lompoc (short sale) that I was working on fell apart because of aa CPA. The CPA told him that he was going to have to pay taxes on the differance between the two prices (what's owed and what sells for). Not true if you used the money to fix the property up. I can only tell them what I know and if they are scared then I just let it go. NOW GO GET SOME...

The good days are here again

I summited an offer on a house in my target area of Ohio. The house is a really nice 3/1 near a hospital with hard wood floors and real 2x4 contruction. The house needs about 3k in repairs (handyman walked it) according to my team there. So, they were asking 9.7k for it and I offered 9k which they took in one hour. I know you are saying why didn't you do the 65% deal. Well this is a hud in a hot spot and I have a buyer for 30k right now after I finish it. This works for me and if it's not broken I am not going to fix it (the deals that is).
Guys and Gals there are deals everywhere today so don't say that there are none in my area. I had someone I thought was doing good tell me that last night and I could have choked him. They are everywhere if you can think outside the box. Go to my journal and read some of the crazy deals that I have put together. I will be posting a real good one in the next few days that will be my highest paying wholesale to date. Quite feeling like there are no deals out there for you in your area. That's Horse c%%#^, they are there but U are the one that has to locate them and get them to close. So, stop reading my good luck and let's go make some for you..........NOW GO GET SOME


Not having a goal is worse than not setting one..

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Been busy

I have been away for awhile (shame on me). The house in my target was a big hit..Got it for 9k and will have my guy do the work of about 3k. Have it sold for 25k to an investor that has pulled his money out of the stock market and wants 4 homes instead...Working on five short sales (in my money pipeline) where I just turn them over to the company and if I don't buy them I get paid and if I do buy them I get paid
On Friday I will head to San Jose to the real estate expo which is an all day event with 300+ vendors and tons of investors. Can you say buyers list...Lots of cards and breath

In film

Well I was in the video that dean just aired (video #3) with tammy and others. Boy the change in tammy has been great to see and she hit the 20 mark as well. I have started my send me away video and it will be a great one this year so get ready for it. Deals that were crazy to put together and get closed..They closed and the profit was great.. Turn that deal this way and that way....Watch for it....NOW GO GET SOME