What are good Average Bird Dog Fees?

What are good Average Bird Dog Fees?

Entering the arena of Bird Dogging and am finding some different perceptions on the topic.
Any comments?

I Bird Dog
and Sellers.
I am led to believe that a Buyer have more value than Seller as a solid contact.
Vern Bird


Vern Coot Bird
Winnipeg, Manitoba


Is there a question here? I'm not understanding.



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Findings deals

Living in Hampton Roads ....anyone wants to team up with wholesaler.....find deals together and work them

good to me

Sounds good to me


Vern Coot Bird
Winnipeg, Manitoba

Birddog fee

$500-$1000 depending on deal


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I am aware that the Bird Dog fee for finding a property is $500- $1000.
What is a good average if I Bird Dog a Buyer?


Vern Coot Bird
Winnipeg, Manitoba

I would agree with what Mike

I would agree with what Mike said on the back end as well. Unless anither amount is agreed upon, I would say $500-1500 is the norm where I live...and thats providing seller or buyer.




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I have seen websites
where they are offering $2000 per deal when you bring the BUYER.
One that offers $5000 for a buyer.


Vern Coot Bird
Winnipeg, Manitoba

Bird dog fee

Looks like the next step is for you to decide by picking a number between $200 & 5000 or
Choose a percentage of the deal (3%-8% for example)

You're in charge.


Best Regards,
(Licensed Realtor-Military Vet-9/11Vet)
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I was,
looking for the voice of EXPERIENCE.


Vern Coot Bird
Winnipeg, Manitoba

Bird Dog question

Here in Texas (Houston), Bird Dogs bring deals (sorry, generally speaking hardly ever a Buyer) and the fee is $500 bucks *IF* one (i.e. the Wholesaler or Rehab-er) is able to get the house under contract. Nothing at all if no deal and in my REI, I have not heard of a Bird Dog getting a percent of the deal.

P.S. A regular poster on these forum routinely splits the profits 50 / 50 if someone brings him a deal that he in turn feeds to his buyers. As stated earlier, never really heard of the term 'Bird Dog' being applied to bringing a 'Buyer', but I guess Michael's example is as good as it gets.....you split the profits 50 / 50 if someone brings a Buyer to your deal.

If it is to be, it is up to me. -unk

Thank you

I see the fee around the net at $500 - $1000 per property if you bring the property and they close, of course.

I feel that when a person brings the buyer....that is a much different value...HARDER to find...
Property deals are in every corner of United States,
Buyers have to be developed by relationship.

if there is no money for that service and no appreciation of it.

We can ALL keep our buyers to ourselves...and THAT does not help anyone...

So, come on!
There has to be someone that knows the value of a Bird Dog that brings a buyer with CASH in hand...???
Vern Bird


Vern Coot Bird
Winnipeg, Manitoba


It runs $500-1000 here where I'm at, too, but keep in mine that real estate agents are not allowed to pay fees to any unlicensed person above $50.00. I have a guy that I take deals to, and he pays me $1000, and he also promises to list the house for me with resell, if he does not choose to buy and hold.


Rick Allison, Realtor
Amarillo, Texas USA

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Vern, Everything in real


Everything in real estate is negotiable. You are asking a question that doesn't have a defined answer. This is between you and whoever you are partnering up with.

But to give you an idea, this is my company's typical setup:

1. If we have a deal, and someone brings us a buyer, we usually split half of the wholesale profits with the person who brought us the buyer.

2. If we have a buyer, and someone has a deal, we usually split half of the wholesale profits with the person who brought us the deal.

I wouldn't even call that bird dogging. I think you are getting bird dogging confused with wholesaling.

From my experience, bird dogs are people who find investor's and/or wholesalers good deals, for a flat fee (either a set dollar amount or a percentage) agreed by both parties BEFORE a deal is in the works. Giving bird dogs no control of how much profit they make on each deal.

Wholesalers, on the other hand, find good deals then lock them up under contract, and assign (sell the rights to) the contract to their end buyer. Wholesalers have control of how much profit they make on each deal.

If that makes sense.



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We have a comprehensive program

that pays $500 - $2000 for a property

It pays for finding a tenant for our lease/option property

It pays for bringing us a buyer for one of our properties

It pays for introducing us to possible investors

It pays for other interactions that help develop any business that benefits TrustPoint

But our program is a little different than others. We charge $250 to be asociated with us as a property locator. We return half of it on the first successful transaction and the other half on the second successful transaction. It weeds out the ppeople who dream of being a birddog but really are full of hot air. We can't waste our time with mere dreamers; we need people that are going to take action. We figure if someone can't invest $250 in themselves, then we can't invest the time.

A better explanation of the program is at: www.birddogprogram.com


Always Looking to Acquire Houses | Always Looking to Amaze Investors

$500 is the normal fee paid

$500 is the normal fee paid to a bird dog when the deal closes and some investors pay $20 for telephone numbers of sellers and $150 is the deal closes. There are so many ways to work out a fee for bird dogs.


Bird Dog Training We have free webinars on Bird Dog Training. Sign up now to get trained on becoming a successful bird dog.
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Thank you all so MUCH!

Very helpful comments.

I know how to do and I do contract assignments.

What I am seeking is the VOICE of Experience that knows what a buyer is worth when the one you had lined up gets sick
and some one BIRD DOGS...just the buyer...no other work..nothing, did not see the property...nothing...
just said "Oh, you need a buyer...I HAVE one...how much is it worth" ...if you had 2 days to close,,,or three,,,or five..?

This what I'm talking about....just the buyer.
Thank you all so much.
This is why we all joined Dean...helpful.


Vern Coot Bird
Winnipeg, Manitoba

Teaming up

I would like to team up my pm is jjf thanks

It Depends

Doing some bird god deals is a great way to get your feet wet. I would say on average, you would be looking at $500-$1000 on a deal that you do. however, if the deal has a lot of wiggle room, you can ask alot more. The key is to make sure that the deal still fits within your buyers criteria. If it does, and you can get $3,000 for example, why settle for less?


Birddogs find deals and other resources for investors, So for that as an Investor I pay my Birddogs 10% of whatever I make on a deal. That could be $50 bucks it could be $5000 - But like someone else said its is negotiable and $1000 is most common.

The value in it for the Birddog is that you get to profit from real estate with the least amount of risk involved. I don't have my Birddogs pay anything to get started with me. However I do agree that you should value your time as an investor and they should be willing to invest in their real estate education.

So if you want to learn how to find deals with little to no money check out www.birddogfactory.com - register as a birddog to get access to free training, tips, and resources. Any State

Gerald Price
Foreclosure Specialist
www.rescuehomebuyers.com - ad me to your buyers list please

Lead On

Bird wrote:
I have seen websites
where they are offering $2000 per deal when you bring the BUYER.
One that offers $5000 for a buyer.

These are just lead ons. They will give that amount only under some strict deal conditions. Just another form of deceptive advertising.


P.S. - Everything else is immaterial, irrelevant, and unnecessary.

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