Rock Bottom or Success Academy?????????????

Rock Bottom or Success Academy?????????????

so, what course should I do? If I want to learn this stuff hands on, what is better? The rock bottom blueprint or the success academy? how much is the success academy? that might make my decision easier! LOL I really need to pick one so please help! this is a lot of money for me to spend so i need to make an informed decsion and I figured the DG Family would be helpful! Thanks


I did the SA and although I

I did the SA and although I find it a good resource. The rock bottom looks amazing. One thing I didn't like about the SA is the video are a boring power point. This new set looks to be AWESOME! Dean's energy always helps makes even toughest material fun and easy to digest. I if I had the option I would have picked RBP.

I am doind the success academy

I am doind the SA but I think I should have waited for the RBP.

It looks like it will be made for the current market but I can't say 100% because I haven't seen anything about the RBP other than the marketing dean is doing and he is very good at that...


I think the RBBP would be more up to date plus you get the same access to trainers and then some like the Mentor program Dean ADDED so I say RBBP!!!!! Hope this helps!!!



Here is what I think. First off you will not go wrong with ether one. I think the rock bottom blueprint is a great way to get started in REI. However the Success Academy can be free for you. It may cost more at first but if you complete 5 deals in less than one year you will get your investment back. Dean will give you all your money back. All of the successful students that are trainers now have been in the Success Academy.

If you only have the money that the Blueprint cost to invest in your education then I do not think you will go wrong. It is a great program.

The bottom line here is this. If you do not take action with any program nothing will work for you. You have to be ready to take action. There is work that you need to do with any program. Real Estate Investing is a job it is not for lazy people.

If you understand REI and need just a little help getting to your goals then I would get the Blueprint. If you do not know anything about REI then I would go with the Academy. The academy is also a long term program. I joined back in 09 and still use the coaches today and watch the classes over and over.

I hope this helps

Kitty; I have done the S.

Kitty; I have done the S. Academy and they have mentors you can reach 8am-7pm
every day also. Rock Bottom is the latest though.

Andrew S

I too am doing Success Academy!!

If you are a semantic learner then the SA if for YOU! and if you're NOT then the Success Academy is for you TOO, since hitting the rewind button is and Added plus!! Enjoy! Set a goal to learn more and invest in your future at a later date, Dean will always have something AMAZING as you progress!

Succeed with Doing!!


"Cut not the wings of your dreams,
for they are the heartbeat and the freedom of your soul." ~ Flavia

Kathy Wholesales TX
KM WholeSale Properties LLC

thanks everyone!

i am leaning towards RBB but still wonder if it will be what i am hoping it will be. I guess if it is not, I can get my money back. I need hands on action steps with someone physically next to me showing me what contract to use and what exactly to say to a seller or how to handle a buyer or a title company or a closing or a lawyer or a tenant or a hard money lender or another investor or whatever!!! I read ALL the books! I just need the hands on teaching. is this what i will be getting or will it just be more info for me to add to my brain? I want this sooo bad!!!


I really like the S A. The reason i say this is because I did it and this is wha i contribute my success to. But by all means this new blue print will be good to.




I am one of the real estate coaches and thought I would weigh in.

I am amazed by the Rock Bottom program. It seems to be a very good package and in a perfect world you would get both. Maybe I’m bias but I would say the coaching with the Success Academy is great choice.
With the Success Academy you will get some coaching, which means you always have someone to talk to. So if you are working on a deal or just doing advertising you will have a partner to talk to with all of your questions, concerns or even just to bounce ideas off of.

Obviously the decision is yours but, I would say to weigh all the options and make an educated decision
Best of luck either way.


If you would like the chance to work with me or one of my fellow real estate investor coaches and our advanced training programs, give us a call anytime to see if Dean's Real Estate Success Academy and our customized curriculum is a fit for you. Call us at 1-877-219-1474 ext. 125


since the RBBP includes coaching from some of DG's top students, I would go with that!
With the SA you do not get a coach to hold your hand; you have to do the assignments on your own, go out and find the deals on your own, and if you have any questions you can call the SA coaches (M-F 8am-7pm. Sat 8am-1pm)and they will answer any specific questions you may have.

Steve and Veronica make a good point about the SA reimbursing you if you get five deals done within 12 months.
With that said, I would still do the RBBP, learn the stuff, take action, and with money you make from your deals join the SA. It would pay for itself from the beginning, and you would have a better chance of completing the five deals-a win/win deal.

Wishing you success,



“And will you succeed? Yes indeed, yes indeed! Ninety-eight and three-quarters percent guaranteed!” ― Dr. Seuss

"I believe in angels, the kind that heaven sends; I am surrounded by angels, but I call them friends" - Unknown

My journal:

Let Me Say

Let me say.

I am also one of the coaches. You have two options that are given to you right now.
1) Rock-Bottom-Real Estate
2) Coaching / Success Academy

They both offer great information. You can become successful from both of the methods. Here is the situation though: If you get just the Rock-Bottom-Real estate you get great information but once the information and phone seminars are finished you are done. If you get the coaching you get great information and a consultant that will work with you, answer your questions and teach their little nuggets of information to propel you to the next level.

Here is the deal. My suggestion is that you pick both. Coaching and Rock-Bottom-Real estate would be great complements to each other and we would Love to work with you.


If you would like the chance to work with me or one of my fellow real estate investor coaches and our advanced training programs, give us a call anytime to see if Dean's Real Estate Success Academy and our customized curriculum is a fit for you. Call us at 1-877-219-1474 ext. 125

Hello kittylover500 and

Hello kittylover500 and others,

Dean's RBB is amazing and if you lean that way due to finances or your preference, then you can make money investing in real estate and the RBB program. If it is hand holding you want and specialized training and weekly phone seminars and help from 15 coaches that are available to you 8:00am-7:00pm MDT Monday through Friday and did I mention hand holding? Then the Success Academy was created and made for you. As Steve and Veronica mentioned above:

"It may cost more at first but if you complete 5 deals in less than one year you will get your investment back. Dean will give you all your money back".

The coaches are investors themselves, with many years of investing to each of their names. They feel privileged to work with Dean and his students. They can, will and want to help anyone in the program to achieve their goals if they apply what they are taught. If you know about real estate and investing and the current market then the RBB can give you the information and boost you need. The Success Academy is for those that want to learn, invest and share their successes with other students so that others can learn, invest and share. We are here to help you.


Kitty,save your $$$$ as an EX-SA student i would go with RBBP for sure! Between the RBBP, and all the GREAT advice from the DG family its a winning combination...

Rock Bottom Blueprint vs. Success Academy

As one of the coaches at the Success Academy I may come across as a little bias, but in my experience with students there is just no substitute for what the Success Academy has to offer. Every coach at the Success Academy has different approaches to problems, but for myself I take an active participation in the success of our students. As coaches we can talk with students directly and get an idea of exactly where they need help, and create a custom script that will help them accomplish their goals.
I have created several very simple scripts for clients that have been highly successful in helping them:
1. Get cash buyers to tell them exactly what kind of properties they want and what they are willing to do to get them.
2. Getting a real estate agent to not only be willing to submit 5 offers a day for you on REO’s, but also giving them step by step instructions on how they can get that accomplished and what is in it for them.

The theory that the Rock Bottom Blue Print program offers is great stuff, no doubt, but if you don't get the results you were looking for the first time around what are you going to do?



If you would like the chance to work with me or one of my fellow real estate investor coaches and our advanced training programs, give us a call anytime to see if Dean's Real Estate Success Academy and our customized curriculum is a fit for you. Call us at 1-877-219-1474 ext. 125

Success Academy

As I have read through some of the post I would like to chime in here. The information the the success academy teaches will always follow and market and give you the best strategies for the current market. We do training several times a week to make sure we are current with what we teach our students. The RBBP is a great program and in a perfect world you would be able to do both. When you are a part of the success academy you will be able to call the and speak to a coach as long as you need help. For example we had a student that was very successful in real estate with the help of the success academy. About 2 years later he need help moving into the commercial market. He was still able to call the coaches and get help in moving into his new adventure.
Just a few things to think about, either way you go you will get the knowledge you need to be successful in real estate.


If you would like the chance to work with me or one of my fellow real estate investor coaches and our advanced training programs, give us a call anytime to see if Dean's Real Estate Success Academy and our customized curriculum is a fit for you. Call us at 1-877-219-1474 ext. 125


I agree with a lot of the comments here. RBB has great info and like Nathan said the best would be to use both. They really do compliment each other. One of the great things about the SA is that you have the opportunity to have 1 on 1 coaching which is incredibly valuable. It allows you to have access to 14 advisors for around 60 hours a week Monday through Saturday. I hope to see you there.

Should I Invest in RBBP or NOT??

Lately I have been asked by my students……..should I invest in the RBBP or NOT??
I love what the RBBP has to offer and in some ways students may understand things easier, because of the way material is explained.
The SA has the same info, plus you get the input and the hand holding that most students love to enjoy. The RBBP does not have the hand holding and assistance that the SA has and for this reason I like the thought of enjoying the benefits of both and gaining the extra help that the SA comes with.
I will admit…..the RBBP is wonderful for the price and what you can learn from it, but you can’t beat the insight the coaches have to offer each week and on the advisory line.
If you still can’t make your mind up……get them both and your results will be priceless.
Wishing You Success,


If you would like the chance to work with me or one of my fellow real estate investor coaches and our advanced training programs, give us a call anytime to see if Dean's Real Estate Success Academy and our customized curriculum is a fit for you. Call us at 1-877-219-1474 ext. 125

Rock Bottom Blueprint!

I would say the RBP. If you are a hands-on learner then the RBP may meet your needs. You would be learning from mentors who are sharing their techniques which brought them success. This program may be more condensed and for today than the S.A.I have been mentored through the Success Academy and still struggled. I think it really depends on the person and how they learn best. I personally don't like the classroom feel and I got that feeling with the S.A. Because the Edge is from a conference setting and you get to see someone up there speaking giving his/her techniques, I think I would have immersed myself in that more so than I have with the S.A. Also, my background is in the Event Field so I like people, crowds, conferences etc. That works for me. Whichever one you go with, it will take work on your part as Dean says.

Much Success To Us All!Smiling



Together WE can make a difference! Smiling


Hello kittylover500 and

Hello kittylover500 and others,

This comment board must be burring up! I had the privileged of getting numerous student on the call from Dean on Monday. Dean is fantastic and always finding ways to increase the availability to Real Estate information! I have had the opportunity to work with several of his programs. With the newest program it can get you started. However the Success Academy would be my choice. Success Academy is Deans premier program. Included is your own Classroom, selected with your input as to the direction you want to go. You are then in the Academy and can proceed at your own pace. It gives you a proven pattern for success. These lessons are available 24 hours a day 7 days a week (no limits) - A Goals page - Phone Seminars every day, with Question and answers at the end of each - Any of Deans programs give you great information but the Success Academy takes you step by step through making your offers and will also review your contracts.


If you would like the chance to work with me or one of my fellow real estate investor coaches and our advanced training programs, give us a call anytime to see if Dean's Real Estate Success Academy and our customized curriculum is a fit for you. Call us at 1-877-219-1474 ext. 125


Dean mentioned today that on Saturday he was going to announce that the RBB will include the 800 number to call for help from the coaches. He said it was going to be a "surprise" .......


SKY Real Estate Services, Inc.

"Money Doesn't Grow On Trees, But It Does Fall From The SKY!"

Success Academy without a doubt.


I think the RBB is a great supplement to the Academy. But there is no way you can receive the same amount of coaching or training in 5 weeks vs 12 months. All the classroom material and action steps provided by the academy are great. If you DO what you are taught and TAKE THE ACTION STEPS as they teach, you will do deals period, the end. If you do it half way than you won't.
If you HAVE to chose between the two, I would chose the academy. Do your 5 deals and it is free! I got my full refund and still have all the material.

Good luck whichever route you take, Dean's stuff is the best!

Michael Mangham
MD Home Acquisitions LLC


Knowledge is power, but execution trumps knowledge. Tony Robbins Seller site Buyer site Bird Dog Site Tenant/Buyer site

Being a consumer of both, if

Being a consumer of both, if I had to go back in time and pick one of the two, I would pick the Success Academy. They provide you with a go-to phone number for ANY questions you have, making you more confident with your decisions right off the bat.

Although I must say, if you already have alot of education and confidence, then the Rock Bottom Blueprint is the way to go! It gives you everything up front, clearly written and in list form.

Either way, you can't miss, but in my opinion it all comes down to if you want people to talk to or not.

Just remember, whichever one you pick, USE THE HELL OUT OF IT! Smiling



Are you new? Check out my NEW and IMPROVED Guide for Beginners!


Hi KittyLover500!!!

We invested in the RBBP yesterday...AND LOVE IT!!

Ron and Ingrid


"I'm discovering the best way to predict our future is to create it!"

This Is Only My Opinion!!!!!

If Carol Stinson succeeded with a $30 book, then surely you and I would be fine with the RBBP, which I've purchased and received just today. Believe in yourself....and if you want it badly enough, you too will accomplish great things. Of course, as I type this, I am reading out loud for personal reenforcement. Good Luck to you Kittlover5000

Program vs. program

All these comments are great and valuable but no one answered your question on cost(s). You know the cost of the Blueprint. So here is the bare bones cost of the Success Academy. Approximately $3,250 and UP. You can hit one of the levels in the S.A. that is over 10k . If you have to pick based on your financial condition any one of the for-mentioned ways you learn . The website if you have the time and you seek out in it you will learn . The Academy has provided me with quick info and materials even though I still am stuck without a buyers list. Next you will ONLY get your money back on that 5 deal arrangement IF you pay for your S.A. package in FULL up front not on the payment plan, unless that has changed since April. The payment plan program stretches the monthly payments to 18 months so they wouldn't be able to give the money back on that 5 in a year deal. So as Dean says , if any of this will take food off your table don't do it! I didn't heed that warning, didn't look at the what if obstacles, didn't look at what ifs on other things ! So to you please do ! You are in a system now that will allow you to learn. It is more time consuming. But if your mind is locked on making the payments none of them will do you any good. First hand experience. All my best on your decision. Seriously!

Program vs program

aloha again

Kittylover500 with success academy they show you how to set up a business not just doing Realestate. It's a little overwhelming at times. In my course I've been showed how to set up a business before even knowing Realestate, llc, c-Corp , etc. They show you step by step on best ways to advertise and step by step to fit your needs.

I watched rock bottom from start to finish and I believe it's more on how already success students did it. They share there experience which is awesome. But I dont believe there going to show you step by step on setting up a business and then doing business.


I'm not in the SA, so I can't speak for that. I really didn't know much about until I was reading these posts, so thanks for the question and to those of you who answered.

I have bought the RBBP. It looks fantastic! I've watched the Edge 10, and was on information overload-good and bad I guess. I haven't read any of the books so far. I can't say enough about RBBP. One of the reasons I bought it, was for the step by step 30 days quick cash. I thought it was going to good, but not this good!! He gives you homework assignments for each week. You can even check mark them off if you print it out. I'm visual, so I'll probably do that. Smiling

Dean keeps adding things to the blueprint. You can now purchase it for under $300 and make the rest in about 9 payments. That might be your chance to do both of them if that's your desire. If your really hungry, and you're going to take action, you can always buy the blueprint, do the 30 day system, make some money on your 1st deal, and then decide what to do from there. It is true about the hotline for RBBP, but from what I caught you have to do the 30 day system, and go through the 5 week course to use it.

It was mentioned with SA that you can't get your refund unless you pay in full. I hope that's not how it is with the blueprint, but Dean has extended out the refund to a year I believe. Who knows what else he'll add during this Sat. webcast!

Good luck in your decision. I hope all our comments helped.


The easy payments are true. Down payment of $297 and nine payments of $199.90.
Go to

Good luck Smiling


The successful students are not just telling their stories they are your mentors walking you through step by step as they did. It depends on the strategies you want to use. You also have access to the others or can actually learn for them all. The difference is RBBP is a way to go fast. The SA has great value also but longer term and goes into business set up and other stuff Reality is all the info is available in the books and on but not as laid out
step by step.


you can always sign up for Success Academy

later if you decide to join; on the other hand, RBBP is available only until midnight today; after midnight you won't be able to buy it anymore.
If you don't succeed with the RBBP on its own, you can still sign up for the Success Academy!

Wishing you success,




“And will you succeed? Yes indeed, yes indeed! Ninety-eight and three-quarters percent guaranteed!” ― Dr. Seuss

"I believe in angels, the kind that heaven sends; I am surrounded by angels, but I call them friends" - Unknown

My journal: