Doing the financials is something I used to do regularly, but since things have gone crazy with the real estate, I've kind of neglected them. Actually, I HATE doing taxes. DESPISE them. Just getting everything ready for them is about as enjoyable as taking a bath in acid. And I have been working the REI business hard since last September and have been HORRIBLE at keeping up my books. (I know, I really need a bookkeeper but am afraid of the whole embezzlement thing (excuse... found one now
) And I found out today that I have surpassed a couple of my goals. Time to make new ones!
I have increased my networth FIVE times my original net worth from when I first saw Dean's commercial! (My goal was to double original net worth (which included my primary residence) in 18 months, triple in 30 and quadruple in 48 months)... fastforward 3 1/2 years (40 months)... after I was told I would have to close the business and that I would NEVER buy any more properties with where the business had been.
Well, I SURPASSED my 4 year goal already WITHOUT MY PRIMARY RESIDENCE (my goal included my primary residence) or the very first deal I did using other people's 'credit'... the cabin I bought to tell myself I'm going to make it (before I did)!!!!! And its been 3 1/2 years!!!! I've also surpassed another goal of bringing my total assets for the business alone (no personal) over $2M. That was supposed to take 60 months. Well, I surpassed that one already too. AND, I have also increased my cashflow from a whopping $300/mo to over $7000 net cashflow per month ... RESIDUAL (I sit back and do nothing now for that money. Every now and then I have to put in a new tenant)!!! (Goal was to have $5K within 3 years....) That's TWENTY THREE times what it was when I started my journey here! When I get a fire under my butt, I DON'T GIVE UP! I usually adjust my goals, but didn't realized I needed to adjust these yet because I haven't been looking at the numbers. I had reached another goal to acquire my first commercial building (over 4 units) early in July of this year as well.
It has NOT been easy! I have felt like giving up on many occasions. I have gone through the ups and downs and life has gotten in the way all the time, but it is STILL POSSIBLE everyone! Persist, be determined, FOCUS ON YOUR WHY, NEVER GIVE UP no matter how you FEEL (keep your emotions in check and do NOT let them guide your direction!) Remember, after the plateau, there's a whole 'nother level to reach; and remember, that if you were to STOP now; you may be stopping RIGHT BEFORE your breakthrough or first deal. KEEP ON GOING THROUGH EVERY FAILURE AND MISTAKE AND LOOK AT THEM AS STEPPING STONES TO YOUR SUCCESS!! If this is your PASSION, you're going to appear CRAZY to everyone else, but WHO CARES. You KNOW this works. And you know if a stay at home mom with 4 kids (now 5,6 and the ....crazy, trying, drive you absolutely nut... years of 13 and 14 starting HIGH SCHOOL), and a husband who was a HUGE naysayer (which has changed in a DIFFERENT direction now, he now KNOWS there's NO STOPPING me)that you CAN do this! WITHOUT ANY OF YOUR OWN MONEY!
Do what Dean and Matt teach; don't try to invent your own system. You may need to tweak a little (or in my case A LOT in Southern CA) to adjust to where you are investing. Just DO it! I tweaked for almost 2 1/2 years bit by bit to see how I could make it happen here. I was so determined, I had also found out that a certain someone said he could NOT do it here in Southern CA because it was too hard, so that was REALLY a major motivator to show, OH YEAH? IT CAN BE DONE HERE. And, ALWAYS have SMART goals to attain! Adjust them regularly!!!
KEEP ON LEARNING. I KNOW there is A LOT I need to learn. I continue to learn all the time STILL. There is no such thing as 'knowing it all'. You NEVER will, so put that thought out of your mind. Keep your mind open and go out and KICK SOME ARSE!
PS: I also asked for God's assistance daily! Don't know if you have the faith in Jesus, but I attribute all my abilities to God, and I KNOW he is behind my success and never give up attitude!
Hopefully you will have time to help me now in Arkansas! Waiting to hear from you! website FREE SOFTWARE FOR WHOLESALERS, REHABBERS AND AGENTS! Present professional looking deals to buyers and lenders as well as run your numbers and get the ROI.
This is wonderful news Tammy! So glad for you, congrats
Its pretty cool that you were able to make your husband a supporter and do all of this while raising 4 kids! You are incredibly AWESOME!
~Act successful! And you'll draw it to you.~
~Every achievement, big or small, begins in your mind. It starts as a thought.~
So happy for you! Congratulations, what a great post. Thanks for improving my day.
Cathy B
Follow my progress at:
Thanks for sharing. You are awesome. Such a great motivation to me. ITS ALL ABOUT TALKING ACTION!! YUP!
You just made my day haha
TC Igwilo
Miami, FL
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CHECK OUT MY JOURNAL (Welcome to my World):
Miami Florida
"If you are not doing something that help the universe or God or your family, or YOU, is that something you should still be doing?"-Dean Graziosi
"Each day do one thing to get you closer to your dreams because if you do today what others are not willing to do, then tomorrow you can do those things that others are only dreaming about doing!"- Joe Jurek
Follow me on my road to being a BILLIONAIRE
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A great message for those of us who are following the road you have travelled....
so proud of you and so happy for you. that is wonderful. very cool that you got so caught up in doing it you flew by a couple. CONGRATULATIONS TAMMY !!!!!!!!!
What great motivation! Good points about keeping an eye on numbers and progress as you go.
Thank you for your post!
The sky is not the limit; there are no limits. There is no box.
doesn't surprise me to read that you've surpassed many of your goals, both personal and business! you are definitely a determined person who does not know the meaning of the word "NO". So proud of what you've accomplished so far, and looking forward to hearing many more of your success stories!
Yeah for You!!!!
“And will you succeed? Yes indeed, yes indeed! Ninety-eight and three-quarters percent guaranteed!” ― Dr. Seuss
"I believe in angels, the kind that heaven sends; I am surrounded by angels, but I call them friends" - Unknown
My journal:
Loved your post!
College Station, TX
"Declare that you will prosper despite every difficulty that may come your way. Don't just survive; thrive!"
-Joel Osteen
Way to go Tammy and to have done all of this in the southern Cali market place... You are an inspiration to everyone on this site and we appreciate you sharing your successes!!!
It's all in your mindset. I can't stress enough that if you go forward and don't get your mind focused on your outcomes that you will have a much harde time. It is necessary to have a destination in mind before you leave on the trip. You'll be able to plan for all the mountains and valleys on your destination by preparing for the obstacles you may encounter.
Thanks for sharing your accomplishments with us Tammy, this post is very motivating. I remember watching one of your videos on IE on how you were shy to to talk on the phone and how you over came that. Well look how far you came and your rocking the real estate business. Great job and keep up the good work.
Reynold Orozco
Tammy you just keep doing great things. You should be so proud!!! Nay sayers and all. Your story fives us all incentive to be our best. Thank you for sharing.
"Don't tell me I can't, Tell me how I can."
I love reading about all the successes that Dean's students are accomplishing. And you have accomplished soooo much with a husband and children to take care of! way to go!!
Mary Ann O.
I was VERY close to giving up, thinking maybe this just won't work for me. You've given me new motivation.
Keep them stories coming. What an amazing story. Hearing
stories like this keeps me going and motivated.
Please, never give up. Find another investor to work with to mentor you closely. That is one of the best ways to keep you active. One of your good buyers will usually train you and take you under their wing if they see value there. Networking is the key.
Do at least one or two things everyday towards your goals. If you haven't revisited your goals, redo them and reflect on your why for EACH of your goals. Then work backwards from that goal and write down EVERYTHING you will need to do to accomplish that goal. Those are now your daily and weekly goals.. Keep them in front of you or make phone reminders to pop those goals in front of you daily, hourly if needed. DO that with affirmations too.
What you fill your head with is what your destination is. Focus your energies on them and repeatedly say things that is your desired outcome. Remember to ask yourself 'what have I failed at today'. If you haven't failed, then you may not be doing enough.
How do you get siri to send you a daily voice message, or is that not what you get? I googled this but haven't quite mastered it. website FREE SOFTWARE FOR WHOLESALERS, REHABBERS AND AGENTS! Present professional looking deals to buyers and lenders as well as run your numbers and get the ROI.
Great job thanks for the info. and God bless!
"With God All Things Are Possible Matt. 19:26"
"Give a Man a Dollar he's Rich For The Day, Teach a Man To Make a Dollar
He's Rich For Life" - T. Grant
Tammy you're such an inspirational fireball! Gratz on your accomplishments so far and beyond!
Btw, do you mind sharing a few examples of what you've tweaked to fit your investing strategies in SoCal? I'm investing in NYC and would love to learn since the home prices are on the higher end.
Again, love your post!!!
Real Estate Investor, if you would like the chance to work with me in the US East Coast, send me a PM (Private Message) anytime to see if we are a good fit for each other.
Wishing you abundance,
Ken Siew
Thank you for sharing! You are making some serious moves and truly are an inspiration to many! Keep attacking those goals and keep sharing your success with us, its motivational!!
John Trivett
Oh, I didn't mean Siri, but I put it in my calendar as a reminder and put 'repeat daily' and remind me in 1 hour before and 2 hours before. Then I have positive affirmations and things I need to do pop up on my phone several times a day.
I always have my phone with me, so there is no way I miss reading them. 
Getting back into the swing of things. September is my January. Its when the kids go back to school, I do a major overhaul on my goals and refocus all my efforts.
I do hope you are so busy that you do need a book keeper.
I know about the taxes we don't like doing them ether.
Steve and Veronica
Steve and Veronica's Journal.
Tammy , I am super glad for you .. Your results reflect the hard work and never say die attitude towards real estate investing ..
Thanks so much for sharing your triumphs with everyone !!
Randy Sherman
Elkton , MD
Even though this sounds impressive it took me a lot of resources to being me out of the hole I started in. But it only gets better from here on up!
Just closed another one.
Wow Tammy,
You just keep going! Congrats on accomplishing great things this year! Now it's on to the next challange to be conquered. Keep it up!
"Faith is the eternal elixir which gives life, power, and action to the impulse of thought.
"Faith is the starting point of all accumulation of riches!"
- Napoleon Hill, Think and Grow Rich
So nice to 'see' you here. This year (my year starts September) is the year I focus on training and helping other people achieve their dreams. Currently doing a fix and flip in the mountains. Did my first appeance in front of over 40 people at a REIC. I'm taking Deans techniques to a new level and helping a great buyer of mine. This is the year I surround myself with more like minded individuals a lot more often and I am working on a team environment. Totally a step outside my boundries. I love it!
I finally got my first purchase agreement signed for $170,000 with $20 down. Seller owes $109,000 on the first with $22,000 in back payments. Seller put $5,000 down on a new home in PA. Very Motivated Now. Originally found on Realty back in May 2013. This property requires less than $1000 rehab with hardwood floors throughout, 4BR, 2.5Bath, 2080 sq ft, with a swimming pool on a 2 acre lot. Includes a 1400 sq ft double wide at the back of the property. The 8 comps range from $290,000 - $320,000. This will be my home, since I'm living in a mobile home, getting divorced and want to complete a really important Patent. To my surprise the Option To Purchase Agreement is simple, only 1 page long.
So refreshing to hear you are rocking it, always love to hear about your journey Tammy. Being a So Cal-San Diego resident, a fellow Southern Californian gives me more ammunition when I hear about you doing more deals. IT CAN be done in So Cal & anywhere! Wish I coulda gone to that meeting, one of these days. You are an inspiration Tammy, keep posting & remember that your journal when I first starting reading it inspired me sooo much and made me laugh so hard in some parts, LOL so thanks for sharing girl. God bless & see YOU at the Edge coming up! Any word on this next yrs Edge being opened up for more attendees?
Go faster do more! GFDM!
Hi Tammy,
Thank you for posting it's very motivating for those of us that have not closed our 1st deal.
Congrats to all your success!
Ms. Monique
Charlotte, NC
~thoughts become things along with taking action~
{*when Life, Fear, Excuses get in the way- it's about showing up and doing it anyway!}