I would like to make a suggestion. I know the knowledge on this site and in all the books and seminars and so forth we study,we tend to get burnt out with multiple tips and strategies.
If you have not done a deal yet try this...
#1 find a for sale by owner
#2 talk extensively and listen to find their MAGIC BUTTONS
#3 ask for a lease option or subject to or seller financing..................keep looking until you find this MOTIVATED fsbo ORRRRR find a vacant house with the owner of this vacant house and proceed to #2
#3 ask the owner what they need for a down payment...ex 1000 and mnthly pymnts ex 300 per mnth and sale price ex.40,000
#4 now use your craigslist ad or free trader ad or website ad or networking abilities and more to FIND A BUYER. EX. SFL system,FACEBOOK,friends,family,edge event,real estate agents,attorneys,business cards,......'................THE BUYER NEEDS TO HAVE 5000 down...........can afford 600 per mnth plus other expenses such as insurance,utilities,taxes,etc.......all the other expenses that go with home ownership now,and be willing to pay you a balloon payment of at least 60,000 in preferably one yr but up to five yrs if you want.
#5 now use the right contracts as suggested in many posts on dg.com or have your attorney give you them..note...you do not have to be a whiz at contracts,just go to your attorney and tell him or her what you want to do and the numbers and they will draw up the contracts,do not be afraid of contracts just leave it to the attorney,thats their job buutttt do read it and ask any questions!!!! ..............................this will let you collect 4,000 profit from the down or option consideration..............300 per mnth cashflow...............and 20,000 on the end for profit...........not to mention interest you can add in the payment as if you were the bank !!!! Also you can specify if ALL of the 600 per mnth goes towards the total price or half of it or whatever you may want to negotiate........
Keep in mind all these options or ideas or numbers I am suggesting is the result of their MAGIC BUTTONS that you listen too and solve through your thinking a little different !!!!
I have read gregs experiences and many others on this awesome site and there is an abundance of knowledge here. My suggestion again is to find and work on one buyer.....find that house and situation for them and make it a win.win.focus on finding that one buyer what he wants and DONT STOP TILL YOU COMPLETE THAT FIRST DEAL.
I love to have many irons in the fire now but I believe until you get that first deal you need to FOCUS on that one buyer who has the down payment and the mnthly pmnt and do WHATEVER it takes to lock up,assign,or buy the fsbo or vacant house to fill their NEED !!!!!!!!! Good luck !! And if I can help in any way JUST ASK !!
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You are hit it right on the nail. People tend to try to do every idea they read about, instead of focusing on one or two methods and making them work. Jumping around from idea to idea never allows time to master any idea.
Yes one needs to focus on the first deal.I DID EXACTLY what many are doing now that have invested time and money in this rei game.so much info and not enough time to learn it all at once,believe me I was going in 100directions when I first started studying deans books .I hear the exact same words I said on my first posts......."i wish there were more hrs in the day"........."boy I am going to try that" "that sounds what I M going to study".....then a new post or new strategy is mentioned so there I go in another direction....
After that first second or third deal you can think about going FAST as matt teaches but I know for myself when just starting,i would have shaved mnths off my crazy unorganized way of learning
...focus on finding that one or two buyers and be 100% determined to find the deal for them.zfocus on them and YOUR PROFIT WILL,FOLLOW !!
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Nice post with some straight forward advice .
Randy S.
Elkton Maryland
I like this idea. How do you eat an elephant? One bite at a time.
If you have not done a deal yet try this...
#1 find a for sale by owner
#2 talk extensively and listen to find their MAGIC BUTTONS
#3 ask for a lease option or subject to or seller financing..................keep looking until you find this MOTIVATED fsbo ORRRRR find a vacant house with the owner of this vacant house and proceed to #2
#3 ask the owner what they need for a down payment...ex 1000 and mnthly pymnts ex 300 per mnth and sale price ex.40,000
#4 now use your craigslist ad or free trader ad or website ad or networking abilities and more to FIND A BUYER. EX. SFL system,FACEBOOK,friends,family,edge event,real estate agents,attorneys,business cards,......'................THE BUYER NEEDS TO HAVE 5000 down...........can afford 600 per mnth plus other expenses such as insurance,utilities,taxes,etc.......all the other expenses that go with home ownership now,and be willing to pay you a balloon payment of at least 60,000 in preferably one yr but up to five yrs if you want.
#5 now use the right contracts as suggested in many posts on dg.com or have your attorney give you them..note...you do not have to be a whiz at contracts,just go to your attorney and tell him or her what you want to do and the numbers and they will draw up the contracts,do not be afraid of contracts just leave it to the attorney,thats their job buutttt do read it and ask any questions!!!! ..............................this will let you collect 4,000 profit from the down or option consideration..............300 per mnth cashflow...............and 20,000 on the end for profit...........not to mention interest you can add in the payment as if you were the bank !!!! Also you can specify if ALL of the 600 per mnth goes towards the total price or half of it or whatever you may want to negotiate........
Keep in mind all these options or ideas or numbers I am suggesting is the result of their MAGIC BUTTONS that you listen too and solve through your thinking a little different !!!!
I have read gregs experiences and many others on this awesome site and there is an abundance of knowledge here. My suggestion again is to find and work on one buyer.....find that house and situation for them and make it a win.win.focus on finding that one buyer what he wants and DONT STOP TILL YOU COMPLETE THAT FIRST DEAL.
I love to have many irons in the fire now but I believe until you get that first deal you need to FOCUS on that one buyer who has the down payment and the mnthly pmnt and do WHATEVER it takes to lock up,assign,or buy the fsbo or vacant house to fill their NEED !!!!!!!!! Good luck !! And if I can help in any way JUST ASK !!
Jay great post, I think we need to dig up that blog where Dean tells the story about eating the frog. That would fit in this thread nicely.
I went back and checked EAT THAT FROG story is on Dean's weekly blog 8/8/10
I' don't know how to do what ever that is you young guys do cut/paste so you have to go watch it or maybe someone else will get the story and post it,because I think it fits in well with Jay's post here.
You just pretty much described what I am doing right NOW, in your first comment, I mean almost word for word!!! It gets crazy sometimes and I believe that's what is slowing my progress to get my first deal. I'm glad I read this. Now if only I can STICK to this advice I'll be just fine. I can only imagine the possibilities once I take a breather and slow down a little bit! But I am just so used to going full blast that it's not even funny!!
You gain strength, courage, and confidence by every experience in which you stop and look fear in the face. Do things you think you cannot do. Tough times never last, but tough people do.
See Where The Journey Never Ends At: http://www.deangraziosi.com/real-estate-forums/investing-journals/69250/...
Chase Brooks
How did you know what I was thinking? I have so much "head knowledge" I feel like the woodpecker that had two bills....he didnt know which way to point his pecker.
We waste so much time thinking and planning and trying not to look or act stupid, we forget that just doing it shortens our learning curve a bunch. We will make mistakes and so what, that is part of learning.
Great job, and I thought the title of this thread was a Johnny Cash song. Lol
We seldom get what we want, but we will always get what we expect.
because i did the same thing and i believe many more are doing it.we have no choice but to be excited because we have found this awesome site with massive knowledge and we want to soak it all in before the market goes up.Our heads are spinning every post we read at the beginning as we know this info is gonna get us up the ladder.I started this post because i KNOW the majority has felt this in the beginning.I think if some that havent done their first deal will use this strategy then the first and most important deal will come much faster.I say most important because when you do get the first then it gets easier and you gain MORE confidence than ever before ,Then the SO CALLED LUCK begins to show up around every corner,then your networking starts to snowball,then things fall into place one after the other.
chase....STICK TO IT PAL and you will conquer the first sooner,i promise
steve.... cut one of those p-----s off and point the other straight to focus on the one or two buyers and find that seller for them
jim.... thanks pal and i will look up that frog blog and try to cut and paste
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Great post.
Couldnt find the post on frogs you were talking about.I checked 8/8/10 and pic was blank for some reason and nothin on frogs????? If you happen to find let me know and I will cut and paste......thanks
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Reading some posts today I noticed that if someone is stuck or in a slump what do they do ??? Well a few would write out on paper the questions that need to be answered and allow their mind to come up with the answers. .....others would jump in and take action and learn from trial and error,yet some post here on dg.com and ask for advice.....
if you have a problem or r stuck on something please ask on here because not only are you learning something but I am sure hundreds of people reading this and not responding r learning too. Today my ONE BITE AT A TIME consisted of reading many posts and not responding BUT learning .AND responding to posts and STILL learning.
What bite did you take today ???????
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Great post Jay. A lot of great information.
Steve and Veronica
Steve and Veronica's Journal.
I get on here feeling a little or ALOT frustrated, there is someone who has posted motivation and/or GREAT ADVICE!! Thanks for the post Jay and I am seeing multiple properties and I am busy getting my buyers list together but having a little trouble!! But that is the "bite" I have taking today! Thanks again to the DG family for the support!
Chase keep it up we will get there, every now and then pump the brakes and enjoy the scenery!!
You can never eliminate fear, but you can use your fear and turn it into your strength!!!!
"Faith is taking the first step even when you don't see the whole staircase."
-Dr. Martin Luther King
Good post! Makes it clear and simple!
Some people get so over whelmed thinking too much of what direction to go, that they don't go any direction at all.
Thanks for the post.
When you work out the amount going towards the total purchase price, is this money you will have to set aside, or would you simply be saying they already paid xxxxx of money towards the purchase of the home.
Thanks and I am getting as excited as you guys on attending the edge !! Getting closer and closer.
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glad you are staying motivated and taking action.the more time you spend on here,the more motivation and drive you will have.THERE are so many giving indivuals on here to learn from it is amazing.I too get motivated every time I get on dg.com.esp seeing someone such as yourself taking action,learning and then sharing what you learn.keep taking one bite at a time and soon you will be living your dreams.stay the course.
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For posting this...
I will be calling a buyer tomorrow that I know has a down payment and wants to "rent to own". We've been emailing a little, but haven't done anything concrete yet. Then I'm going to focus on finding her the right place!
Then, I'll find the next L/O buyer and repeat
Thanks, Nadine
** Realtor/Investor in Lancaster County, PA
His Hope Enterprises LLC
Creative real estate solutions --> www.GetMeOutFromUnder.com
Traditional real estate help --> www.LancasterHomeHelp.com
Jay, this is exactly what I needed. I have been spinning my wheels trying to get started. I tend to be one of those people that thinks I need to know everything before I can take action. I have all of the books and courses and am in the success academy and am even going to the Edge event in May, but I have just felt over whelmed by all of the information. I just needed the steps to be set out like that and without any other info in there to distract me.
I'll update tomorrow on what I have done.
yeah,i was one who went in many directions at first...and to be honest sometimes I am like steveguy with two bill facing dif directions every now and again.just have to take a step back refocus and get going again.I sometimes have to take my own advice .lol
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Go get um.............you are focused and can see the end result.....and even know you will repeat this over and over....isnt it great to know you just have to do the same things and get the same result??? In this case positive profitable results !!!! Thats exactly as simple as that !!!!
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Bump it up
your welcome !! i was the same way......have to learn everything before i thought i could do it.It IS over whelming to learn it ALL but the phrase(nike) just DO IT ... comes into play here sometimes.After making a simple plan and following it NO MATTER WHAT............like finding tHE BUYER and go get what they want.........
you know what they want ------------------GO FIND IT
YOU KNOW -----what they have for a down payment....NEGOTIATE A LOWER DOWN...if working on lease option/sandwich lease
YOU KNOW ..what they can afford for a monthly payment..........NEGOTIATE A LOWER MNTHLY.......if working the l/o sandwich strategy.
then NEGOTIATE the final sale price FOR 10,000 - 30,000 MORE THAN YOU BUY on a BALLOON PAYMENT ..........................
CONGRATULATIONS Jayme on attending the edge this yr and for learning all you can .IT IS TIME TO START USING THE KNOWLEDGE YOU HAVE INSIDE.you cant know it all from books,tapes,seminars,etc, you have to take that simple plan and take ACTION !!! good luck my friend and cant wait to hear your progress.
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thanks .....your the best !!
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what better time to start taking one bite at a time finding that buyer.Have you found your buyer yet.IF NOT DO IT TODAY.......THEN GO FIND THST MOTIVATED SELLER.
I have two buyers right now that have 5000 down and can pay 5-600 per mnth.
i am now working 1 bite at a time to find EXACTLY what they r looking for.its hard with a full time job and many other things/obstacles but i am doing it patiently and ONE BITE AT A TIME !!
what bite have you taken TODAY ??
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For as lonmg as I can remember and please someone correct me if I'm wrong but I see REAL ESTATE all over this site. I did NOT know poker or any other type of gamblimng was talked about on DG or that anyone was interested making money with poker on this site??
I guess I'm just stating the obvious here....
You gain strength, courage, and confidence by every experience in which you stop and look fear in the face. Do things you think you cannot do. Tough times never last, but tough people do.
See Where The Journey Never Ends At: http://www.deangraziosi.com/real-estate-forums/investing-journals/69250/...
Chase Brooks
thank you Jay,
it's so comforting to hear that others have the same feelings... when you first start as an investor it is pretty overwhelming, to say the least; when I first visited this site, like many of you, my head was spinning with information overload.
I would also suggest to try to keep a journal, not only because when you go back to your first posts you can see that day by day you have learned quite a bit, but because it also helps you stay focused.
wishing everyone great success,
“And will you succeed? Yes indeed, yes indeed! Ninety-eight and three-quarters percent guaranteed!” ― Dr. Seuss
"I believe in angels, the kind that heaven sends; I am surrounded by angels, but I call them friends" - Unknown
My journal: http://www.deangraziosi.com/real-estate-forums/investing-journals/59110/...
valerie ,yes the very first thing to do is create a journal.so often i have looked back and wished i had documented things i have done.also a you say it is great to see how far one has gone since starting out,Time goes by so fast and to look back at the very beginning and re read all your mistakes or learning process is a teaching piece all in itself !!
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