Well Id like to start by saying this is amazing.
I have been reading everything on the site and now it`s time to take action. Just bought three of deans books now i ask myself now what? I guess I`ll start with his latest book and work my way threw it all.No nothing about real estate but Im diving in head first.Meaning I will start with building a buyers list.then read some more. Is this a bad move?
Connecting with people and Changing Lives
"Instead of using your words to describe your situation, use your words to change your situation" Joel Osteen
There is no bad place to start your reading, just read and read. Stay on this site and read all the posts also. Do your studying at your own pace, this is not a race. The more you read and learn gets you closer to making your first deal. At some point in your studying you might want to consider joining Dean's success academy. This step will fast-trac your RE education and it is well worth the investment. Read, study and stay on this site. Those are the 3 keys. Welcome to the DG family and your new life....Jan
See you must really be interested, You did buy all 3 books,I Just wanted to throw in my two cents on the sucess acamady. What they have to offer is so much more than the books, All the material is really in dept. The coaches at the success acamady or some of the best in the country. They are actually investors themselves which is a big plus. Even though I have 20 deals under my belt I still use them today. And in closing welcome and good luck
Take your time
Read, then read some more,....and then some more
Make getting a buyers list the last thing on your mind for the time being until you understand at the very least the basics of RE. Even then, don't think about clients and buying and selling until you feel comfortable knowing what you're doing. This profession burns people who don't know out very quickly. Just because you play b-ball at the rec center on weekends doesn't mean you're ready for the NBA.
After you've read this go back to reading some more. If you can't have questions answered on the spot, write them down for when you come back on here and then ask.
After you've had those questions answered, read some more. And then some more.
Once you've gotten the hang of things and can understand terms and have an extensive knowledge of the biz,.........read some more.
Hope it helps.
It honestly took me a couple minutes to even remember a "New Kid's On the Block" Song. But you are taking action by getting involved with the DG family so you are already proving to have the Right Stuff
Welcome to the family....since you are feeling brand new the books will be great, but we have couple other suggestions:
- Look at RE ads in your news paper and on craigs list (get familiar with what is going on in your market
- Look at rentals in your area, what do they rent for and what do you get for that rent.
*These will give you a good feel for pricing, etc which will help you obsorb the information in the books as you read them. Like having a base to compare too in the examples.
- Also when you feel a little more confident call on some of the rentals. Find out who the owners are and if they are interested in any more properties. Find out their criteria (location, #beds, #baths, parking?, condition, price). If they are this is a great way to get stated and generate some income. Find what they are looking for and ask for a bird dog fee.
Good luck to you and we'll look forward to hearing about your successes!
Chip & Andrea Weule
AC Investment Group, Inc.
love the books and have read parts everyday. The part a love the most is the stories of other peoples succes! How do i found out how david for ex got a mortgage w all that debt and was able to buy the second house since that must have pit him over his income ratio? have already put in a bid for a house.!
Welcome to the DG website family. The DG website is filled with a tremendous amount of information and inspiration. It is a really good start to build your buyer's list for future potential deals that you discover.
You may want to check out these other awesome forum posts and information on-line on the DG website for building a Buyer's List:
Dean's Success Academy Coach Jeff Jenson Building Buyer's List Tips:
Video by Dean on Building a Buyer's List:
Conference Call with Dean and Jeff Jenson on Building a Buyer's List:
DG Success Fest link to download (Chapter 1) a FREE Guide to Building a Buyer’s List:
Good luck with real estate investing. You can do it! Believe and Achieve!
- Joe
YOU TUBE CHANNEL - Follow me on my You Tube Channel at Joe Jurek Real Estate Investing Adventures
TWITTER - Follow me on Twitter at Joe Jurek CPA
Joe Jurek CPA
Read the books from start to finish, you will learn a lot of great info. Stick around here on the site, it is an amazing place and you might even find a partner on here like I did. Indiana Joe posted some great links for building a buyers list so check them out. We look forward to seeing you progress.
This train, Dreams will not be thwarted
This train, Faith will be rewarded
Big wheel roll through fields where sunlight streams
Meet me in the Land Of Hope And Dreams
Bruce Springsteen
Hello everyone. I am very excited about starting my path to do what many of you have accompished already. It is quite encouraging to see the success of so many people. But, quote "not all men and women are created equal" End quote. A little about me. I have an Associate Brokers NYS Real Estate Lic. since 2004. I have worked for a Real Estate broker until april of 2009. During that tenure, I have listed, sold, rented Real Estate from residential, commercial, raw and shovel ready land, and rentals. The industry that I am about to embark on, like all of you, is so different than my past experience was. This is almost radical. I am starting chapter 10 of "YOUR TOWN and have just read chapter 3 and 4 of "RIGHT NOW" These books are loaded and inudated with massive amounts of information. I am a bit confused at this point on which way to turn. I am a very logical thinking person,which I feel is possibly making my wheels spin some. Here is what I have done so far.
1. Visited 2 local banks that I am members of and let them know what I am doing. They took my name and number and email address. I live in a small town and REO and forclosures are basically non-existent in my town. I talked asset management with both banks and need to follow that up.
2. I have made a connection with the local mom and pop realtor and informed her of my intent. She was receptive and is currently running a CMA on a FSBO that is available for 66,000 in the village.
3. I have contacted the local village attorney and he referred me to a prominent attorney that he recommended. I called and left a message with this attorney. No call back yet.
4. I have emailed a Broker on his commercial listing in the village the is listed for 69,900. 2 store fronts (one occupied for 600 a mth) the other vacant. 2 floors up stairs that need extensive work. taxes are 2000 a year.
It looks like a possibility but I need more due dilegence.
5. I found what looks like to be a decent and inexpensive Real Estate Investment group that I have not called yet but plan to do that today. 35.00 a year.
6. I have been on craigs list and want to run a classified ad but am not sure if I am pre-mature in doing so.
I am being hit with Deans programs (fast start) and (foreclosure).
So you see, I have done some things and have taken some action, but I am confused. Is the buyers and sellers list imperative at this stage or is classified ads and marketing take precedent? Should I sign up for the fast start deal that Dean is promoting?
In my current financial situation, I am in a position that many of you were at a point in your life too. My credit is shot, I just claimed Bankrupcy a few months ago, I have no cash.
Based on this, I have to do what I think is the most difficult deals to do.
Lease options, being a middle man working with a seller and buyer on both ends. For my first deal, I would like to gain control of the property (of course after my due diligence is done) and end up owning it with a monthly cash flow. That is where I see myself right now. I need to create cash flow and of course equity.
Any suggestions and input would be appreciated.
P.S. If there anyone that is looking for a business partner, I am certainly open for discussion.
Thank you all.
John A Musco -
You see, in life, lots of people know what to do, but few people actually do what they know. Knowing is not enough! You must take action.
Tony Robbins
Hi To Everyone! I have Dean's books, but it's taking a little bit longer to get started...I lost my husband, a little while back, and I just lost my Dad, October 21. So, we're having a very hard time, to say the least. Now, my kids and I are getting way too close to losing our home, and everything else. I am interested, at this time, in Bird-Dogging. I would really appreciate it, if I could work with an experienced person, in this particular area, so I could get some help to get started. If anyone is interested, please contact me! Thank you, so much!
What is your location? I would suggest you update your profile.
Everytime you repeat the words "I CAN DO IT" with conviction, you cancel or override your fear and increase your confidence. By repeating this affirmation over and over, you can eventually build your courage and confidence to the point where you are unafraid. -Brian Tracy-