
All About randy428

randy428's picture
Terry (Randy) & Julie Vaughan
Clarksville TN
About Me: 

Honest, hard working man who loves the challenges of real estate investing.Past city inspector,have been a licenses contractor in the states of TN & KY. I have done land home deals and set manufactured houses in four states. Through the years I have had many successful and unsuccessful ventures. The positive side of this is I met my current wife while working out of state! Since buying Deans book and haveing the on-site mentor, Matt Larson, while living in nortern Missouri, I have moved back to Clarksville TN, to put all of the strategies to work in my home town, where I felt there is more oportunity.

Hunting, Fishing

Topics I've Participated In

Ask Matt Larson A Question cbrpower4737 years 41 weeks ago
Louisa's Journal - The Sky is the Limit!!! louisajhc5087 years 44 weeks ago
ACTUAL - Purchase Agreement/Offer Anitarny758 years 5 weeks ago
Steve and Veronica's Journal steve and veronica4718 years 12 weeks ago
Blank bandit signs are expensive thishousebuyer258 years 17 weeks ago

Basic Info

Full time real estate investor
Have Child(ren)
Completed High School

Sites I Visit


Hello from Rydal,Ga

oposit's picture

Hello again,Mr. Randy. I sent you a pm with a question earlier and was checking out your profile. I think we are almost neighbors. I live in Nrth,Ga just south of Dalton. My daughter was born in Urlanger Hospital in Chattanooga. How far is Clarksville from there. I would LOVE to chat possibly if you have time,You look very busy and popular. Do you have skype? Thanks again for your inspiration. Look forward to chating

if your willing to pay

if your willing to pay 416.00 they will coach you.. spend the money it worth it..

wholesaling --------finders fee

hi I,m new to this and am excited abnout getting starting in my area there are plenty of property for sale and or for rent. I have listed a couple on my page. my question would be to you . is whole saling and finders fee are they the same and if not what's the different in the two. like so many other 'm a house wife on a budget n o money to spare . and very little help most people here are tight lip about giving any in formation and the bank won t look a me without any money to help out. with the purcharse of property . and the $10.00 up front for enerst fee exam. well the bank here will not con sider it.like everyone else I have read about on this blog m y credit is shot to the dogs too. help any advice would help break the ice here in my small community.how did you do it with no money down where did you start at. thank you

Hi Randy, Just wanted to

agh615's picture

Hi Randy,

Just wanted to drop you a line and let you know we are moving forward. We now have 4 cash buyers and 1 house under contract. No buyer for the house yet though. We're working on it. Not giving up.

Your #1 couple will have deals before Edge 2012.


How you doing Big Fella?

The Flying Scotsman's picture

Again I just wanted to thank you for your help and advice when both Glenn and I were at the edge 11 event. FYI my son has just got his interview date at the US Embassy so it want be long now!!!!!yes, yes, yes. If you have time I would like to keep in contact with you. I both know and appreciate how busy you are these days with everything that’s going on in your own life, what with family, business and training matters but your friendship is something I cherish dearly. Exciting things are happening right now and would love to share them with you. The last time we spoke there were issues with your wife’s health; I sincerely hope these issues are under control and things are for the better now. Yours graciously Martin.

General Partners

Valiant's picture

I know that this doesn't pertain to you, but who do you know that wants to make 10-40% ROI on their investments in 6 months or less, and the investment is secured by real estate?

Please have them PM me. If we agree that we have a fit, I will provide them a copy of the purchase agreement, contractor estimates, project plan as well as a link to recent photos/video of the subject project.

Please note that general partnerships will project specific and the expected ROI is dependent on said project and investment amount.

Thanks and please forward to anyone interested.

Remember to have all general partners to PM me and I will either call them, email them, or PM them in return.


pdmoua's picture

I hope your wife and family is doing well. Laughing out loud God Bless.

Courage to change...

stevehunter's picture

Hello Randy. I am in the PMI coaching program and as a part of that training I was sent a video of you talking about your initial results - and where you ended up at today.

I can definitely identify with what you had to say about how in the beginning fear affected your progress.

I have been a bit slow out of the gate, and it has basically been the fear factor. Thanks for what you had to say about overcoming that. It was just what I needed to hear at the time.

If it is okay with you, I would like to PM you.

Steve Hunter

Randy you got the right help without a doubt

I'm a little crushed right now and I've made alot mistakes that are still costing me. I've took alot of action and I'm a member of success academy. I know your story and Matts story. Got scammed not knowing computers or marketing but what is done is done. Mad yes but not willing to give up. I'm in the hole broke and a little shakened. I was disabled in a car wreck 10 years ago and I live on disability. Barely can eat. I want to make it and screwed up about 4 deals by not having the right buyers in place. I have edge 2010 and watch you and many others grow. I got the map for success but still made some bad decisions. I saw you at your lowest lows and now you're on top of the world. I fill reponsable for my failures, just feel the need to regroup and maybe get some encouraging words.

First Deal is underway

Hey Randy,

Just thought I'd let you know we have our first deal underway, ( I was so worried it would take us 9 months like you!- but it didn't- Thanks for the BOG training in Houston!).
Merry Christmas, and what an awesome gift you are giving someone!


Randy the Lease Op King

Tina1's picture

Hi Randy,
At the Edge last year, I was very impressed with you-- you are amazing!
Lease options is not my strategy quite yet, but I have finally completed 5 deals and have 3 more locked up, and doing 2 rehabs--- very exciting!
A fellow DG-er asked me to find a house to lease-op for someone she knows moving to Reno--- an automatic tenant. The tenants loved one of the houses we had them tour and I feel confident I will strike a deal with the seller any moment.
I have looked and looked for someone who wants to partner with me or do this deal in Reno. Would you be interested in Reno or do you by chance know anyone? I am in Las Vegas-- if I can do ANYTHING for you, please let me know.
The deal is move-in ready. It will lock at about $160K, current comp is $206K. Tenants are willing and able to pay $1200/mo plus $10K in a year.
Thank you! You the "lease-op" man!

Talk to me big fella

The Flying Scotsman's picture

Hey Randy do you remember us from last year’s Edge event? Simply contact me as I want to thank you personally. We have just plugged into the full Insiders training with Steve Libman etc. and I would like to stay in touch no BS.

Bandit Signs

dsanderson's picture

Randy, I saw your video a while back. Looked like you were in your garage. On how to make your bandit signs. What gauge wire did you use..??
I saw on a bl;og some where that someone had gone to Lowes andHome Depot and didnt find it. You said you got yours at Walmart and ther poster board. I really enjoy your videos. I saw you at Deans Edge event and never got to meet you.. I bought te PMI coaches and I only have called them 2x. Iwas always worried about a stupid ?. I know thats dumb. I called a while back and they said they would still work with me being that I on ly called 2x.
Thank you and sorry this is so long...
Oh and I am a member of Deans Elite program also. Hope to see more of your videos..


Bandit Signs

dsanderson's picture

Randy, I saw your video a while back. Looked like you were in your garage. On how to make your bandit signs. What gauge wire did you use..??
I saw on a bl;og some where that someone had gone to Lowes andHome Depot and didnt find it. You said you got yours at Walmart and ther poster board. I really enjoy your videos. I saw you at Deans Edge event and never got to meet you.. I bought te PMI coaches and I only have called them 2x. Iwas always worried about a stupid ?. I know thats dumb. I called a while back and they said they would still work with me being that I on ly called 2x.
Thank you and sorry this is so long...
Oh and I am a member of Deans Elite program also. Hope to see more of your videos..
