
All About BaileyMeadows

BaileyMeadows's picture
Shiela Meadows-Bailey
About Me: 

I am a seasoned California Real Estate Broker. With over 10 years in the real estate and mortgage business under my belt, I have successfully helped over 980 families with their real estate needs, that's an average of 98 families per year.

I have been a REI since the age of 19. Within the 12 months into the business, I quit my full time job and have been a full-time real estate investor since then and created a great Real Estate TEAM that provided RESULTS! At the age of 20, I owned 4 homes, drove a brand new Mercedez Benz S500, and averaged between $20K-$35K per month.

Today, I am 30 years old. I own my own real estate firm and own 2 mall strips, 6 apartment buildings, 23 homes, and average between $80K-$120K per month. Thanks to DG, I haven't missed a single field trip with my 4 children because through his techniques I am one word: "EVIDENCE"

You can do it too! Believe in yourself and dream big dreams -- the bigger the dream, the bigger the struggle, the bigger the victory! Don't you dare quit!

I am interested in anything about real estate, family, and tropical vacationing.

Topics I've Participated In

assigning a deal D-HI6309 years 50 weeks ago
Short Sales Ali30510 years 16 weeks ago
*** SHIELA's BRAIN DUMP *** BaileyMeadows1312 years 10 weeks ago
How to Retire In Your 30's Part 1 cbrpower3612 years 23 weeks ago
AND/OR ASSIGNS - How to Use It and Get It Accepted! Anitarny24413 years 25 weeks ago

Basic Info

Real Estate Broker/CFO of BaileyMeadows Inc., and a Super Mommy
Have Child(ren)
Some College

Sites I Visit


Oh, Shiela!

Rina's picture

CONGRATULATIONS on everything!
You've been so graciously humble since you joined the site, and now we get to learn of the amazing things you've accomplished. It's wonderful to hear of your success; pure motivation. Smiling
Thank you for being an inspiration to all the Super Mommies out there, and I hope you will have time to share much wisdom with your DG family.

God bless,



Congrats on your huge success. Now, you can pass down some of that wisdom to us newbies. See You at the Top!


HI Shiela,

Angie's picture

I was reading a comment from CBR to you and had to go look at your bio. WOW what an inspiration! I left my masters program in Eastern medicine at the end of last year to turn my attention to REI. After doing our financial statement and making a business plan I put together my team. I now invest out of state and I'm using a buy and hold statagy at the moment. I have succsessfully completed my second transaction (triplex) and I am ending the year on a high note. I look forward to next year with the goals of purchasing between 6-12 more investment properties. Your story is truly motivating and how you did all of it so early in life is awesome! It's amazing one could be so motivated so young...I was way to busy being a So Cal beach bum back Congrates on your story and your beautiful outlook on all life has to offer!

Angie Novigrod

Aloha Sheila

Aloha Sheila,

If you ever come to Kauai to visit, I would love to meet you. I live in Princeville on the North Shore... I sell real estate here on this gorgeous tropical island.

Being a newbie to Dean's program, I am certainly anxious to figure out how to use my real estate license to maximize the income potential. I am still waiting on Dean's book to arrive... I think it fell into the ocean on the way over... Shocked)

If you have any tips for me as far as taking advantage of being a realtor here, please let me know. I guess I would have to start with the Assigning method since funds are minimal.

Congratulations on getting a great start at such a young age. I wish I had all of Dean's methods mastered already so I could teach my son... He sells real estate in Colorado.

Since you love tropical vacations you should come visit Kauai if you haven't already... It's the best!

Wishing you many more blessings...

Aloha for now,


Starting from scratch!!!!

Hello I'm just getting started and i read your profile, To me it sounds like you know what your doing. I was wondering if there are any brokers in Arizona you may know that would be willing to help someone get started? And i do mean from scratch!

thank you,


Hi Bailey!!

nickwalters13's picture

I was just reading your posts on your successful short sales. I live in NYC and am getting into short sales in 2009. I need an experienced and successful realtor to assist in my acquisition and closing of short sale deals. Do you have any contacts in the Metro NYC area who could help me out.
To your success,
Nick Walters

Thanks Rina

BaileyMeadows's picture

I am back, and I sure did miss you all!


BaileyMeadows's picture

I am still a newbie as well. I am also learning a lot on here.

Hi Debbie

BaileyMeadows's picture

The biggest advantage we have as brokers/realtors is that we have access to seeing all the good deals out there at the touch of a button thru our MLS system.

I have been to Kauai and I enjoyed it each time. I can't wait to go back this summer! We should meet -- that would be awesome!


BaileyMeadows's picture

I don't have any particular connection in AZ, however, I will do some research and refer you to the best one I find. Can't wait to hear about your success stories!

Hi Nick

BaileyMeadows's picture

I don't have a connection with the short sales in NYC. However, the contracts and procedure for short sales I imagine should be uniform. Let me do come research and let you know what I find.


Wow!! That's an amazing resume! Making an average of $80K-$120K per month is everybody's dream. I'm glad you're on our team and looking forward to learn from your experiences.


Hi Bailey, I hope its ok to write you. Im new to all this :0)

First let me say, Ive been reading your post on Short sales, and you are doing an AWESOME job. Congratulations!!! I am writing to ask a question, I am working on my first deal which terms out to be a short sale. I spoke to Rina who was giving me great direction as to what I should be doing in getting this deal going. My question is: my realtor of whom I've known for 3 yrs is also a real estate investor. Per Rina I want to ask him to do some comps in the area of the property that I will be closing on (being optimistic). What I dont want to happen is for him to tell me one thing and go behind my back and tell someone else of my great find and take it from under me, me being a newbie. He is a great person but then again this is business. I dont want to give him another address in the same location only to have to bring him in on the deal later. What should I do?

Hi Shiela

It's so nice to here from you again. I see you haven't slowed down. Keep up the good work and teach us all.


Hi Baily

What an inspiring story! Congratulations on everything! If you know of anyone that wants to network in the Las Vegas area I would love to hear about them. Thanks for your input and good luck with all your work.

Great job

DJMario's picture

I hope to achieve those same results here on the Central Coast.

Short Sale Partnering

branman's picture

Hey Sheilia,

Hey how are you? I saw your post and am in the short sale part of REI as well. I work with high end property of $500K and above and in CA it is $1M and upward. I am looking for a JV partner in CA and wondering if you would partner with me. I have a team already in place to do the loss mitigation, selling and financing. Please do get back in contact with me so we can start making even more money together. Looking for your email. You can email me at branman055@****
Bryant & Marie Barbee

Very Very Impressive!!!!!

corat711's picture

Wow,that's all i could say and you have been blessed. I admire you to the fullest and would love to be at your level of experience and knowledge. I al working on it though. I have been in the real estate game for about 9 years now but i am still learning and striving to become a rei. I would love your help and insight of things and see if you can help me over come my hurdels or what ever its is holding me back. I am highly inspired by you and what are doing, have done and yet to come. I am very happy u are apart of the dg family and i look forward from hearing from you. I think Rina had asked you for short sales in the NYC ares becuase i had put a post on there about it. I am currebtly working with 2 cash buyer and 3 regular buyer but they all want short sale properties but i am having a diificult time locating other properties other thsn the ones listed on the mls. oh yeah i am a realtor as well that's how i have acess to the mls but most of those are already tied to an agent although that does not mean anything but i would rather find deals that are not tied to an agent do you have any suggestion? But overall i would like to have you in my circle becuase the way you are i would love to be that is what i am aiming for before i came across your post and reading it just inspired me more wow I AM CERTAIN I CAN DO IT AS WELL WITH THE RIGHT MENTOR IN YOUR CORNER AND I LOOK AT YOU AS THAT Smiling WOULD LOVE TO HEAR YOUR FEED BACK WISH YOU AND YOUR FAMILY ALL THE BEST!!!!

short sale offer

hi Baily,
question, if i may; i have placed through my re agent an offer on a ss house. its first listing on mls was at 270k, then 149k, i placed an offer of 129k cash the day after the 149 reduction, seven months ago. there are no comparables as it is out in the country. surrounding homes are in default but not on market yet. in 1998 the home i am interested in sold for 110k, it is upside down around 475k due to 2nd mort i think.
Q? How do i figure what to offer, and if my offer is too high (can't afford more than 129k) or could it be too low and the bank will not answer us?
Also, can I reduce my offer (if too high)without having to start all over, from the beginning, again? or should I just walk away?
Thanks in advance, your info I believe is some of the best on Dean's site.
Thank you, David

Very Impressive to say the least

That is the success that I'am after! I'm speechless. I can't believe you owned all of that stuff at the young age of 20! Most 20 year olds have bad credit, but i guess you didnt! I'am simply amazed, you and your husband should right a book about your success! Great website by the way!

Short Sales & Foreclosures

bert16's picture

Hello I am trying to find listings in
Los Angeles county for a client that wants to purchase a house From 150,000-
175,000 who can i resourse to other than the MLS.

You Rock!

Yeayus's picture

Hey Sheila:

I just opened Dean's new book last night "PFRE Right Now" - I re-opened it today, I jumped ahead to chapt 10 and found that I should create my own website -so I did that, and in Dean's book someone said to visit the forum and I did. Then somehow or other I found your response just now.

I just happened to click on the first Bio ever and it was yours- I have no clue why I clicked - well you looked sharp in the photo but anyway, I feel so grateful to you because you have set the bar so very high for me. So much so that my eyes got stuck in the wide-open position while reading about you - after a few more minutes of thinking -wow this is incredible, I noticed that my eyes became chronically dry because they were bugged out for so long reading over your accomplishments/ portfolio.

So on my very first venture into the forum. You have rocked me. I am truly happy for you. As a note, would please pray for me and my family as I am so new and green, (two days green) re: real estate. I desire to have a portfolio very similar to yours one day. It has come to my mind that I have let my recent financial losses lock me mentally into a holding pattern for far too long. I truly want to get back on my feet and then in the near future join you guys for lunch some day. God Bless!

Chris W

Kudos Sheila!!

BurnOutRising's picture

I found your comments on Ali's Short Sale blog, and just had to check you out. I was so impressed reading your bio that I would go as far as to say that I was Star Struck - "closed 42 short sale transactions within the last 7 months (and counting)" - That's straight Bonkers!! And the info - Wow!! I wish you could personally mentor me, as I'm green as can be here in the ATL.

I talked to my first seller today while building my buyers list. He has a triplex that's been rehabbed and is fully rented out. At first read, hearing that a S.S. takes so long, I bailed out of the idea for this property, since my intentions now are quick reassignments. But after reading your input, I've decided to at least go through the process, while continuing with reassignments. Like you said, "One thing I learned about these short sales is that we cannot just play the waiting game with 1 property [and] to move on the the next. As an REI, instead of waiting, I look for other properties I can invest in/or assign."

I knew nothing about a S.S. before tonight - now I get it. Thanks for your expertise. And thanks to all others who contributed as well. DG family - YOU ALL ROCK!!

Shiela, maybe you can help!

Elevatingproperties's picture

Hello Shiela.

My name is Michelle and I am a new investor in Bakersfield, Ca. I am on a mission to find a super star real estate agent that gets the concept of investing and is not afraid to work with me. Do you have any agent contacts in Bakersfield? I have been contacting agents here with very limited success. I am going to keep at it until I find that right one but if you do know someone, that would be a great help. I am attending a local REI club meeting in the next few weeks and hopefully someone there can also point me in the right direction.

Any help and/or advice would be greatly appreciated!

Thank you and congratulations on all of your success!
