Great exercise, has me at about 85 or 90. Everyone should live in the moment and be always grateful. Don't put off something until later on down the road, that which you can do today, this week or perhaps this year. Enjoy Life even tho cautious. Enjoy Family and Friends even if they have negativity. Look Past all the negativity and towards your positive future. Do not continue drowning yourself in something that is not rewarding. Above all, surround yourselves with positive and happy people.
A year after Jill & I bought our 1st income
property in N.J. I decided to retire at the age of 45. I owned a home heating oil company for 23 years & was burned out from all the long hours.We
had a extremely great life, lived in a million $
house, had new cars, all the toys, even a $ 300K
motorhome. We sold off all the properties, traveled the country, moved to Fl. & have been full time real estate investors since 2000.
We wanted to enjoy our life, our son, & do whatever we wanted. Real Estate gave us this freedom. Besides I figured even the worst case scenario was we would be broke after 10 yrs & we could always to back to work. Well, to date I have not needed to back to fixing oil burners.
One thing that Dean & I discussed when he was at our home(doing the commercial & book Profit-Your Town) was having the proper tools gives you the knowledge on how to always make money. Even if you do go broke, using those RE tools will get you back on track again.
dean I really love you blog. It seems here lately they hit me right on the head. That is the reason i am working so hard to make up for lost time. I know this will work and yes i have done over 30 deals, but I am in no way able to retire. My goal is to be able to do that in the next 3 years. And then slow down and enjoy life. And yes when I retire I will never quiet investing in real estate because this is fun. But I hope to have the financial freedom. to do as I like and spend time with my kids and grand kids which in the past I have not been able to because of always working. Thanks again for the great blog that reminds me that i am headed in the right direction.
Balboa Island!!! That's one of my favorite places. I take my kids down there all the time.
We like to cross the bridge onto Little Balboa and walk arond looking @ all the beautiful houses and the yachts parked in their docks. Each one of my kids has a house picked out they call "theirs." It's so beautiful there.
Tell your wife there's a little dress shop on the main drag. It's the last one as you go to cross the bridge to Jamboree. The place next to it has cute things also. My 16 yr old and I love to shop those stores.
I am really glad you are taking time to be with your family. Yes, I want to be free to take a vacation and in my case it is to travel the west and visit all the wonderful national parks. I expect to live to be close to 100 and my hope is that I will be vibrant, bright and still happy. Thank you for the reminder. I long to be free too.
I guess you are doing it now, enjoying the time with your family. That is one of my goals, to have more time to spend with my family. Right now I work a full time job, travel 45min each way to work and spend my nights and weekends working on real estate investing. My goal is to work myself out of a job so I have more time to be with my family and do some traveling to places like Balboa Island which sounds like a great place.
This week's blog is a reminder to me to continuously add to my "book of Possibilities" and to take time to enjoy family and friends while on this journey.
It's also a reminder that "if you're not living, you're dying." Continuously add bigger, better, and more challenges to your journey and help all along the way.
Treat EVERYONE with the respect and dignity they so deserve regardless of your position and stature in life.
Life. Be a part of it and don't let it pass you by.
Really appreciate you taking the time to send a blog from vacation! I do consider myself truly blessed to have found real estate through you - and look forward to the great freedom of time and money in the future - but I am definitely 'enjoying the journey' along the way. Reaching my goals keeps me motivated through the frustrations of not getting there fast enough too As far as the exercise...mortality is a tough subject to approach. It took me years to make a will because I dont like thinking about death - but eventually realized it was necessary for the sake of my sons and those left behind. While I didnt put it on paper - doing this blogs exercise mentally as you spoke was very enlightening and a great reminder to not look so far ahead that we miss the joys of the here and now! Thanks again Dean - by the way - Brody was so darn cute in your last blog - I am really happy you are focusing on great family time - as a mom of two grown sons, I can assure you the old saying is true - they grow up SO fast - so enjoy every moment! Have a wonderful vacation!
Hello Dean thanks for this weeks blog. Thanks for the motivation. Have fun in New Port...If you have time.. Drive North on PCH for about twenty miles. On the right is a restaurant called Captain Jacks. They have the best Sea Food anywhere at the beach.. Have fun with your family..
Thanks for the Video Blog and thanks to all the fellow DG'ers that are on here everyday sharing their ideas, obstacles and wisdom! I love getting your emails and although I may not respond to the email itself but I am defiantely watching every video or email I receive because I believe this is my path, my way to overcome and it is the path to my success. Thanks Dean and I hope everyone had a fun and safe happy 4th!
The days keep going and once in a lifetime we can sometimes afford to walk the beach of life. And once in a lifetime we may be lucky enough to find a bottle washed up on shore with a message inside that has been written by another soul. Sometimes the message is easily understood and sometimes it is hidden by another meaning or language. Sometimes in life we are given many opportunities in life...mine are running out depending upon perspective. My grandfather passed from heart failure at 53, my father at 54, I'm next at 55? With reduced stress, good diet, and proper exercise I can extend my life, especially since I had surgery to remove what we thought was cancer. The message is to accept the power of the universe by living each day as if it were your last. Don't procrastinate and put off what you know needs to be done, TAKE ACTION! God wants you to succeed, Dean wants you to succeed, and the whole support of the DG Family want you to succeed - what are you waiting for? Dean is doing what we all should be doing, helping - pass it forward and help others. Thank you so much Dean! AND LIVE LIFE!
can anyone assist?
it takes 25 minutes to try to lesten to Dean's videos. it starts, it stops, it starts, it stops. for 25 minutes (for a 4 minute video).
i do lesten to other videos and with most of them i do not have that problem
(some i do)
i love Dean's videos but not this way!!!
what can i do?
I started with some thing else,but after reading it ,it sounded like i was wineing,mostly about my self, and it souned so funny reading it back to my self i scrapt it ,the blog was great i for get some times that time for my self is a good thing,if for nothing else just to reflet on why im doing thing...alone or not...Thanks again..
The only thing that goes faster then money is time.
The saddest life would be to feel as if you had not live. And I am not talking about be adventurous I am talking about being involved in my life
Today I talked to my Realtor (number six still looking for a match) to look at a number of properties. I had to juggle some calls as my stepmother passed away last night. IT IS A GOOD THING as it is what she wanted. My Realtor thought I would be out the rest of the week, but to me I want to succeed in RE and since I can't do anything for my father until he makes some decisions I decided to keep things moving towards my goals. For me, everyday comes with struggles, but equality is filled with joy all I have to do is remember to see it. I don't think I am particularly unique. I am grateful to you Dean in all you give encouraging us all to succeed today.
So let us all look up and be who we are and love it!
Jesus said He has come so we may have Life and Have it more abundantly. Seek first the Kingdom of God and His righteousness and All these things shall be added to you. God makes it possible for man to acquire wealth. May He give us all the eyes to see.
and love your generous heart and spirit; I REALLY connected when you said, "its tough, I find myself wanting to work all the time.. even sneaking a little work in...but I'm loving it; I'm on a quest, You and RE investing has changed my life, now we're going into commercial, got a contract on our first one last week!!!And, Laura is right as well, I get impatient, a little bummed out when it's not happening fast enough...we are 2 1/2years into our 5 year plan...time is zipping by in great acellerative leaps for never before and I get fearful, that I will have lost forever the easy and not-stressed life I'd created for myself years ago. Yet somehow, this is different; and I am making a difference in the lives of others as well..
many, many thanks Grady
Hello Dean,
Great blog, as always. This video hit me right between the eyes. It reminded me what I really already know, If you have the chance to sit it out or dance, DANCE. Even if its in the rain, work hard....then be good to yourself, cool your jets.
This is a lesson my family says I have never learned, but at age 60 and the hope you have given me I think I'll learn to DANCE.
Thank you and God bless your family and all your endeavors.
Sometimes when thigs are not going your way and you are ready to give up u push yourself a little harder. Dean u r the reason why I have bought your book and have made up my mind that RE can work for me. U are always giving us something to work on, to look forward to, and most of you try to help ANYONE that wants help. I trully do believe that you are the one for all people to follow. It is hard when you are trying everything to make it and you just need one break to make it. I do believe that if I read your books and follow what you say that I will live till I am 100 and also be just like you, bringing people along for the ride. Thanks for all of your Blogs. I do believe and I will take action.
Dean, thanks as always for taking the time to keep us in check. We do appreciate. To the other DG members who posted, I enjoyed every posts and will take that knowledge and wisdom with me on my daily journeys. Theresa, my condolences on the loss of your step-mother, but as you said, she wanted to go. May God make peace with her soul and I prayed for strength for your family during this difficult time. God Bless.
What a great lesson to pass on to others! Life is short and comes with no guarantees, so why not live in the moment? Let the ones close to you, know how you feel. Don't forget the I love you, thank you, please, a smile and hugs. Lots and lots of hugs, because they are the best medicine in the whole world. Daddy had the best hugs ever, and even though we lost him 3 years ago, when I close my eyes, I can still feel his loving arms around me. Never forget the little things that can mean so much to another person and never forget your dreams. My dream is to be a real estate investor, I'm not quite sure yet exactly how to do that, but I will never give up on my dream.
Thank you for taking the time to do another weekly video blog for all of us, especially since you're on vacation. Sometimes no matter how hard we try, we can't get 100% totally away from the things we enjoy and have a passion for doing. Thanks for continuing to motivate us by not only passing on lessons about real estate investing but also "life's lessons".
A point you made at the Gain the EDGE 2009 still sticks with me today. You stated when you say "Yes" to one thing, we say "No" to something else. This is so true for work, business, family, friends and life. Thanks for sharing all these lessons with us because time is the most valuable of any commodity. The more "moments" we can leverage the more we can live our life to the fullest! We wish you continued success in all you do! Believe and Achieve! - Joe and Stacey
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Free Periodic Webcasts
Dean has FREE webcasts and conference calls every so often! Be sure to register with us to stay updated and save your spot for future broadcasts and calls.
Any time a new conference call has been scheduled we will email everyone registered the special access information and put a reminder on the front page of the site.
Not So Hidden Message
Great exercise, has me at about 85 or 90. Everyone should live in the moment and be always grateful. Don't put off something until later on down the road, that which you can do today, this week or perhaps this year. Enjoy Life even tho cautious. Enjoy Family and Friends even if they have negativity. Look Past all the negativity and towards your positive future. Do not continue drowning yourself in something that is not rewarding. Above all, surround yourselves with positive and happy people.
Excellent Idea Jason
A year after Jill & I bought our 1st income
property in N.J. I decided to retire at the age of 45. I owned a home heating oil company for 23 years & was burned out from all the long hours.We
had a extremely great life, lived in a million $
house, had new cars, all the toys, even a $ 300K
motorhome. We sold off all the properties, traveled the country, moved to Fl. & have been full time real estate investors since 2000.
We wanted to enjoy our life, our son, & do whatever we wanted. Real Estate gave us this freedom. Besides I figured even the worst case scenario was we would be broke after 10 yrs & we could always to back to work. Well, to date I have not needed to back to fixing oil burners.
One thing that Dean & I discussed when he was at our home(doing the commercial & book Profit-Your Town) was having the proper tools gives you the knowledge on how to always make money. Even if you do go broke, using those RE tools will get you back on track again.
Smell the roses
Take time to smell the roses and drink in all life has to offer. Unfortunately, so many only see the thorns snf fail to enjoy the beauty of the roses.
With the freedom offered here, we should be able to enjoy life and live it too its fullest.
Great blog
dean I really love you blog. It seems here lately they hit me right on the head. That is the reason i am working so hard to make up for lost time. I know this will work and yes i have done over 30 deals, but I am in no way able to retire. My goal is to be able to do that in the next 3 years. And then slow down and enjoy life. And yes when I retire I will never quiet investing in real estate because this is fun. But I hope to have the financial freedom. to do as I like and spend time with my kids and grand kids which in the past I have not been able to because of always working. Thanks again for the great blog that reminds me that i am headed in the right direction.
i have such admiration for you because you are truly dedicated to making sure we stay motivated!! Have a great vacation and stop working so much!!!
god bless,
Gorgeous Frazier
Happy 4th!
Balboa Island!!! That's one of my favorite places. I take my kids down there all the time.
We like to cross the bridge onto Little Balboa and walk arond looking @ all the beautiful houses and the yachts parked in their docks. Each one of my kids has a house picked out they call "theirs." It's so beautiful there.
Tell your wife there's a little dress shop on the main drag. It's the last one as you go to cross the bridge to Jamboree. The place next to it has cute things also. My 16 yr old and I love to shop those stores.
Have a wonderful vacation!!!
Patty Johnson
Great Reminder to do it NOW
I am really glad you are taking time to be with your family. Yes, I want to be free to take a vacation and in my case it is to travel the west and visit all the wonderful national parks. I expect to live to be close to 100 and my hope is that I will be vibrant, bright and still happy. Thank you for the reminder. I long to be free too.
Enjoy the Time with Your Family
I guess you are doing it now, enjoying the time with your family. That is one of my goals, to have more time to spend with my family. Right now I work a full time job, travel 45min each way to work and spend my nights and weekends working on real estate investing. My goal is to work myself out of a job so I have more time to be with my family and do some traveling to places like Balboa Island which sounds like a great place.
Thanks again Dean!
"Life's a journey, Not a destination"
This week's blog is a reminder to me to continuously add to my "book of Possibilities" and to take time to enjoy family and friends while on this journey.
It's also a reminder that "if you're not living, you're dying." Continuously add bigger, better, and more challenges to your journey and help all along the way.
Treat EVERYONE with the respect and dignity they so deserve regardless of your position and stature in life.
Life. Be a part of it and don't let it pass you by.
Hope everyone had a Happy 4th.
Hey Dean!
Really appreciate you taking the time to send a blog from vacation! I do consider myself truly blessed to have found real estate through you - and look forward to the great freedom of time and money in the future - but I am definitely 'enjoying the journey' along the way. Reaching my goals keeps me motivated through the frustrations of not getting there fast enough too
As far as the exercise...mortality is a tough subject to approach. It took me years to make a will because I dont like thinking about death - but eventually realized it was necessary for the sake of my sons and those left behind. While I didnt put it on paper - doing this blogs exercise mentally as you spoke was very enlightening and a great reminder to not look so far ahead that we miss the joys of the here and now! Thanks again Dean - by the way - Brody was so darn cute in your last blog - I am really happy you are focusing on great family time - as a mom of two grown sons, I can assure you the old saying is true - they grow up SO fast - so enjoy every moment! Have a wonderful vacation!
Hello Dean thanks for this weeks blog. Thanks for the motivation. Have fun in New Port...If you have time.. Drive North on PCH for about twenty miles. On the right is a restaurant called Captain Jacks. They have the best Sea Food anywhere at the beach.. Have fun with your family..
Dean, Thanks for the Video
Thanks for the Video Blog and thanks to all the fellow DG'ers that are on here everyday sharing their ideas, obstacles and wisdom! I love getting your emails and although I may not respond to the email itself but I am defiantely watching every video or email I receive because I believe this is my path, my way to overcome and it is the path to my success. Thanks Dean and I hope everyone had a fun and safe happy 4th!
Message in a bottle
The days keep going and once in a lifetime we can sometimes afford to walk the beach of life. And once in a lifetime we may be lucky enough to find a bottle washed up on shore with a message inside that has been written by another soul. Sometimes the message is easily understood and sometimes it is hidden by another meaning or language. Sometimes in life we are given many opportunities in life...mine are running out depending upon perspective. My grandfather passed from heart failure at 53, my father at 54, I'm next at 55? With reduced stress, good diet, and proper exercise I can extend my life, especially since I had surgery to remove what we thought was cancer. The message is to accept the power of the universe by living each day as if it were your last. Don't procrastinate and put off what you know needs to be done, TAKE ACTION! God wants you to succeed, Dean wants you to succeed, and the whole support of the DG Family want you to succeed - what are you waiting for? Dean is doing what we all should be doing, helping - pass it forward and help others. Thank you so much Dean! AND LIVE LIFE!
God Bless
video buffering
can anyone assist?
it takes 25 minutes to try to lesten to Dean's videos. it starts, it stops, it starts, it stops. for 25 minutes (for a 4 minute video).
i do lesten to other videos and with most of them i do not have that problem
(some i do)
i love Dean's videos but not this way!!!
what can i do?
Wow what an eye opener!
Really puts alot into perspective. Thanks for the words of wisdom. Hope everyone had a safe an fun 4th!
I started with some thing else,but after reading it ,it sounded like i was wineing,mostly about my self, and it souned so funny reading it back to my self i scrapt it ,the blog was great i for get some times that time for my self is a good thing,if for nothing else just to reflet on why im doing thing...alone or not...Thanks again..
... I have to stop taking it
... I have to stop taking it all to seriously,and get on with it
Smell the rose
Dean, That why I'm here to learn to close some deal so I'm not 100 years I want it now and also for later for my grand and great grand baby.
The only thing that goes faster then money is time.
The saddest life would be to feel as if you had not live. And I am not talking about be adventurous I am talking about being involved in my life
Today I talked to my Realtor (number six still looking for a match) to look at a number of properties. I had to juggle some calls as my stepmother passed away last night. IT IS A GOOD THING as it is what she wanted. My Realtor thought I would be out the rest of the week, but to me I want to succeed in RE and since I can't do anything for my father until he makes some decisions I decided to keep things moving towards my goals. For me, everyday comes with struggles, but equality is filled with joy all I have to do is remember to see it. I don't think I am particularly unique. I am grateful to you Dean in all you give encouraging us all to succeed today.
So let us all look up and be who we are and love it!
Whats missing or not
Jesus said He has come so we may have Life and Have it more abundantly. Seek first the Kingdom of God and His righteousness and All these things shall be added to you. God makes it possible for man to acquire wealth. May He give us all the eyes to see.
Enjoy your vacation.
Sincerely: Martin & Lina Rockafellow
Dean, I've been saying the same thing for years!
Yesterday is a cancelled check.
Tomorrow is a promissory note.
TODAY is CASH-IN-HAND! How am I going to invest it?
love the advice, Dean
and love your generous heart and spirit; I REALLY connected when you said, "its tough, I find myself wanting to work all the time.. even sneaking a little work in...but I'm loving it; I'm on a quest, You and RE investing has changed my life, now we're going into commercial, got a contract on our first one last week!!!And, Laura is right as well, I get impatient, a little bummed out when it's not happening fast enough...we are 2 1/2years into our 5 year plan...time is zipping by in great acellerative leaps for never before and I get fearful, that I will have lost forever the easy and not-stressed life I'd created for myself years ago. Yet somehow, this is different; and I am making a difference in the lives of others as well..
many, many thanks Grady
Balboa Island vacation
Hello Dean,
Great blog, as always. This video hit me right between the eyes. It reminded me what I really already know, If you have the chance to sit it out or dance, DANCE. Even if its in the rain, work hard....then be good to yourself, cool your jets.
This is a lesson my family says I have never learned, but at age 60 and the hope you have given me I think I'll learn to DANCE.
Thank you and God bless your family and all your endeavors.
Thank U
Sometimes when thigs are not going your way and you are ready to give up u push yourself a little harder. Dean u r the reason why I have bought your book and have made up my mind that RE can work for me. U are always giving us something to work on, to look forward to, and most of you try to help ANYONE that wants help. I trully do believe that you are the one for all people to follow. It is hard when you are trying everything to make it and you just need one break to make it. I do believe that if I read your books and follow what you say that I will live till I am 100 and also be just like you, bringing people along for the ride. Thanks for all of your Blogs. I do believe and I will take action.
I love this blog D. but you're on vacation. Stop worrying about us and relax a little with your family. You are awesome as always.
Thank you much
A Laborer's Work Is Never Done
Dean, thanks as always for taking the time to keep us in check. We do appreciate. To the other DG members who posted, I enjoyed every posts and will take that knowledge and wisdom with me on my daily journeys. Theresa, my condolences on the loss of your step-mother, but as you said, she wanted to go. May God make peace with her soul and I prayed for strength for your family during this difficult time. God Bless.
Thanks Dean
I hope you and you family are having a good time.
I hope that everyone remembers you work to live not live to work. Enjoy life. Go to work and make RE deals but enjoy life.
Steve and Veronica.
Great Lesson!
What a great lesson to pass on to others! Life is short and comes with no guarantees, so why not live in the moment? Let the ones close to you, know how you feel. Don't forget the I love you, thank you, please, a smile and hugs. Lots and lots of hugs, because they are the best medicine in the whole world. Daddy had the best hugs ever, and even though we lost him 3 years ago, when I close my eyes, I can still feel his loving arms around me. Never forget the little things that can mean so much to another person and never forget your dreams. My dream is to be a real estate investor, I'm not quite sure yet exactly how to do that, but I will never give up on my dream.
Believe In God, HE Believes In YOU!
Thank you for taking the time to do another weekly video blog for all of us, especially since you're on vacation. Sometimes no matter how hard we try, we can't get 100% totally away from the things we enjoy and have a passion for doing. Thanks for continuing to motivate us by not only passing on lessons about real estate investing but also "life's lessons".
A point you made at the Gain the EDGE 2009 still sticks with me today. You stated when you say "Yes" to one thing, we say "No" to something else. This is so true for work, business, family, friends and life. Thanks for sharing all these lessons with us because time is the most valuable of any commodity. The more "moments" we can leverage the more we can live our life to the fullest! We wish you continued success in all you do! Believe and Achieve!
- Joe and Stacey
Have a Great Vacation
Thanks, this was very helpful.