
All About seagarden

seagarden's picture

Topics I've Participated In

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No info provided.

Sites I Visit

Mainly Just This One


Welcome to the DG family

MJlooking4RealEstate's picture

Welcome to the DG family


sistreat's picture

Welcome to Deans board. I know you will find lots of valuable information right here to start your investing career. All my best to you.


This site rocks!! Welcome you here

Thanks Dean

seagarden's picture

This was without question the most useful blog thus far for me. I'm learning and building on many levels and sometimes frustrated at slow pace. It's good to be reminded to look back occasionally to see past accomplishments. Thanks for the reminder.

Question for tonight's rockbottomblueprint live call

seagarden's picture

After describing to a realtor friend the kind of real estate investing I've been learning about through you, I was advised that in NYS it's illegal without a license. Do you have an answer to that?
Thanks, Dean.

Being Part of Larger Community

seagarden's picture

Been hanging back the past year since the 2011 EDGE (a great event). Went another direction - back to school to study
integrative nutrition - my form of health insurance. While I haven't worked at REI in the interim, I've enjoyed dropping in on Dean's blog. Good to hear everybody's heart beating. I've been stuck in the fear that I will do something stupidly illegal (my state is touchy about practicing real estate w/o a license) or otherwise dangerous in my ignorance. I'm enjoying cocooning awhile and riding the wave of everyone else's successes. Congrats, everybody! Soon I gotta get ME some o' them clams!


Mighty1 Real Estate's picture

I have been watching the edge live event since 8:30 and I've seen you on the chat window, I thought you were also watching the edge live event. Aren't you?


seagarden's picture

Yes, I am watching the live event.Not through this website, though. Is this where you have been looking for me all this time?