Last week Dean talked about being the best “you” you can be. This week there is a challenge. Pick one thing you want to improve, something you can take action on this week. Write that thing below and then follow up with what you did to accomplish that at the end of the week. Also, the cute factor is heavily present in this video with the guest appearances of the Graziosi munchkins. Enjoy.
Dean, I had to watch your video twice because I couldn't concentrate on what you were saying...your kids' expressions were so funny!
Thanks for including them in your weekly wisdom. My goal for this week is to get a new real estate agent. I had one but I had to let her go. Have an awesome week!

Dean,thanks for sharing the children that was great just watching them be funny,now to what you asked , my challenge to myself is to study more and get my second deal.
so cute!
your kids are so cute! thank you for doing a weekly wisdom for us, with distractions and all...
my challenge for this week is to get back into going to the gym 3 times per week; it may sound like a simple thing to do, but it really is a challenge for me! I'm always looking for excuses to not go, and then at the end of the day I feel so tired and with zero motivation to do anything. On the other hand, when I do go to the gym I feel energized, fit, and happier all around. So, no more excuses for me! I'm ready for your challenge!
I see You and Matt are logged in while I'm typing this. cool. thanks for being you. I love real estate so much. I know I will make $100mill because I believe I can. Thanks to your teachings. I want to help people and make people happy like me. So many people feel "oh I could never do that". That is so disheartening to think that someone thinks they can't better there life. If you think you can't do it how can you ever expect to change your circumstances. Dean thanks so much. loved the kids. have a great week.
Make it Happen!!!
I've found several interesting properties so my goal for the week to is find a real estate agent and start working on my first deal. Cute kids!
Thanks for doing another weekly wisdom for all of us. This week I am going to work on more networking with more positive like-minded real estate investors and not worry about other negative naysayers that are complaining about the economy, the market or just life in general. We wish you continued success in all you do. Believe and Achieve!
- Joe and Stacey
Hey Dean
Thanks for sharing a great weekly wisdom with us and including your kids!
I'm going to work more on getting back to the gym. I have gotten out of the routine of going as much as I should and so this week I will get started again in the morning and go everyday this week. I'll treat working out like my morning coffee, a great way to start the day! Thom
Hey Dean
Thanks for sharing the kids with us. They were awesome. My goal for this week is to find an agent.
Cute kids! I remember those days. As you know my youngest is almost 19 now. Enjoy every minute of their youth. They will be grown before you know it. What fun! Now we get to spoil our grand kids and then turn them back over to mom and dad.
My goal this week is to increase my daily power hour to my daily power hour and a half!
On to the Next One!
Oh my gosh!
Breana and Brody are going to be a couple of really brilliant people when they become adults. Great job Dean and kids. Well, ever since the last EDGE event I have steered clear of the news. I see headlines when I sign on to my computer but that is about it. I have also limited myself to about four shows or programs to watch. The thing that I am going to do is re-evaluate my goals and timeline since today is the last day of the first half of 2013. It is going quick and I still have much to accomplish. One thing is very clear and that is I need more income. I have been in an awful squeeze and have 11 months to go until I will be able to earn any amount of money without it effecting my soc sec benefits. I don't know of any other way to make the kind of money I need and want to make other than REI. Thank you Dean for being my go to mentor. You are the best. Diane
Good Morning!
Gotta work on avoiding the negative people in our lives-unfortunatly some of them are close family members! Should be interesting!
Have a great week & Happy 4th to all!!
P.S. Beautiful kids-wish you all the best!
Improve One Thing
Hi Dean,
I love these challenges.....Keeps us thinking about where we are, and where we want to go...
I will be looking forward to the 3 part video
Thank You for all you do......
You have a Beautiful Family......God Bless......
One thing
Thanks for more motivation this week. I'm going to sit down every night for a few minutes to plan out my next day. Keep me from being all over the place. GREAT being able to take the kids to work with you right?!! My three year old has been going to showings with me and is pretty tough to negotiate with when he comes with me to make offers in person:)
thanx for sharing both this time. kids are beyond description. challenge to just keep making offers and working on past nd new projects
have a refi to complete so its not centrally one but I can concentrate to get one done. thanx again. your kids made this incredible. holding their heads at the end, what actors. r brownstone
Establishing New Habits...
Excellent idea! One week can help to establish new habits...
Habit #1: Communicate with at least 5 Cash Buyers by phone or email and talk to a local developer about his criteria!
Habit #2: going to the gym at least 2x a week.
Habit #3: When using Facebook, get in, and get out... and only check it 2x a day max.
Thanks for sharing your family! I love the changes that your program and other recordings (Jim Rohn, Brian Tracey, and others) are making in my life and my immediate family's life... and looking forward to more!
Hearing your weekly wisdom after just returning from visiting some old friends in Colorado really struck a "cord." Four of us had not been together in 26 years, since being stationed in Germany. We went out to visit and encourage a friend that had a serious accident last fall and wish him well on his recovery. We vowed to keep in touch and gather together again next year. So my goal is to keep connections with friends and form deeper connections with family.
Thanks Dean!
I love my family too
Dean, thanks for the video. I'm focused on making offers sticking to the 25:1 Rule. Training has been great!!! I will also focus on the positive things in my life and business.
Hi Dean Than You ,for all that you do for us.
Today I am going to the county tax office, to get a list of cash buyers.
Get Crakin'!
For the next week, "fine tune" my ads, post on craigslist and postlets.com
Gotta start hitting the Gym at least 3x times a week.
Write down my goals and review them often.
Your kids are to cute!!! Hey Dean, 4 months ago I went to your seminar here in NY. I've been reading up on Real Estate and TLC while also watching your weekly wisdoms for inspiration and to get started ASAP. Well I took the first step and started with TLC. I told a few friends and Wow... Dream killers to the max.
My task for this week will be to stay focus. I have every little support from friend and family so your weekly wisdom and reading everyones comment are the only motivation I have now to keep me in the road to success in real estate.
Thanks so much.
Thanks Dean and kids.....I am going to challange myself to take some action (make offers and put out some marketing)
Do Something!!!!
Hey Dean,
I've been workin up courage to post here again. I used to a little. Now; I've decided IT IS Time to do REI. Your little sweethearts are soooo cute. I bet they are busy little munchkins. Tee Hee!!! Anyway; I decided while taking little steps last week on IE w/DW and leaving comments on most; that this week IS the week to get a new non traceable phone # and order my bandit signs. I have a REA in my old home town but not here where I live. Will be working on DOING that too. Here's to Success!!!! Oh; I have always "Believed" that REI IS what I am supposed to be doing. Thanks Dean and Team for all you do for me and ALL the others.
Karin Galgano 50kgal
You are SOOO blessed. Beautyful kids. Back to business. My challenge tjis week is to walk further. It may sound a bit trite for those who take wlking for granted. My busines is on auto-pilot making it easier to work on other concerns. Much continued success to you and all my DG family.
Cute kids! My goal is simply
Cute kids! My goal is simply to contact more realtors and build more relationships with them. I have had some good and bad experiences with realtors, and I admit I have let the bad experiences get to me a little, so this week I am going to let go of those bad experiences and find some good realtors and not hold against them what happened with the bad ones.ST9
Oh those kids... lol
Dean, those kids of yours are just precious. :)Remember what I told you, time with them goes quickly. Dropping Breanna off for her first day of first grade will be imprinted on your brain. The clock will have started
Now that the hectic April thru June schedule of mine has ended ( for now), my goal is to start getting buyers again then start calling agents. Today is Monday, challenge is on!!!
Andy Sager
DG's AndyS
CFIC and IE member
Hi Dean:
Thanks for sharing your positive energy with us;
Your little Angels are Adorable, they brought a smile to my face as I watched and listened. This week I will be focused on "following through" on
whatever I start.
As always, Thanks Dean; Enjoy your week.
Adorable kids! My goal is
Adorable kids! My goal is to write down goals! It's been something I know I need to do but, have put off for years! Thank you.
nothing better
They are too cool. Great weekly wisdow as always but when you add the kids to the mix it is priceless..
My challenge for this week
Hi Dean. It was cool to meet you at The Summit this month. I am looking at our picture and it is my inspiration when I am not feeling motivated to get working on my investments and offers. Your children are too cute and your son looks just like you. I need to get more organized. I have offers to make, buyers to find and continuing education. I am going to make an effort to prioritize and schedule time in the day for each task.