
Doing It Wrong!!!

Well, I did put up signs all right and it did take me 10 hours to get 70 up (I was so tired when I got in last night or was that this morning.....I may have posted that I put all 100 was only 70).

Why doing it wrong "Title"?

I just reviewed my Edge 2011 material; where bandit signs were reviewed and....yes, I knew yellow signs with hand written receives twice as many responses....

and then Matt said, "Don't deviate from this verbiage.....its proven to generate the most calls".....

So, now I had to put out twice as many signs than recommended to make-up for color and then for verbiage then.......this is the bad part.....I hope none of the DG team won't be reading this next section...but.....

Doing It!

A few weeks back I put out bandit signs....hand written but I had the foam Dollar store 20x30 sheets and Lowels garden stakes (get stakes at home depot instead.....come in a variety of lengths).

I received a couple dozen calls about the 4 ghost and they where all on the same intersection (probably added credibility from all the other non ghost ads surrounding the area).

I had another 20 out there (non 3b/2b ghost ads) they were "I Buy Houses" , "I buy fast, close fast", "Want a fast sell.....CLOSED" etc.... I mixed it up a bit and took pictures of every sign.

Well, DON'T BUY FOAM !!!!

it begins to warp in the heat and twist in at the corners and I was foolish enough to use 2 deck screws. ....then the wind blew most of them down and away.

I am very new to foreclosures...

hi my name is Tina and, i am looking for a smart,engertic, knows about real estates foreclosures. tax liens cert, deed liens cert,tax sales overages. i have the funds but looking for a seriuos partner. I reside in Delaware. Thank u, please help!

Day 23

Today was a better day. While I feel like I didn't get many things done today, I did spend most of my day on RE chores.
After posting yesterday's blog entry first thing this morning, I checked my emails and answered my PMs.
I posted to 3 journals (I think) and read a few more.

I taught my partner the wonderful word of Google Earth
and showed him how to pin the areas of cash sales to look for trends and pockets. (This took much longer than it should have.)It's tough to do quickly when you have to do it over the phone.

I posted my ad to have RE agents find me for a change and passed that knowledge onto another DGer.


My name is Sheikh Peters. I'm from Staten Island, New York. I'm new to but not new to his philosophy. I have a great investment deal to offer anyone interested.

Day 25:

This is getting more exciting moving forward! Now have a real estate agent who sent us 181 listings of home that sold in last 45 days and cash buyers list, have magic jack number, have 2 inspectors, found a title company, and plan on having 2 attorneys by Monday!

... and Dean's Pre-Auction Real Estate event is coming to our town Sept 1. We will be there!

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