REPLAYING NOW! Conference Call on August 17th, 2010 @ 9PM ET - Most Important of The Year!

Listen To The Replay

We had a very special conference call take place Tuesday, August 17th, 2010 @ 9PM ET. Be sure to listen to the replay!

Let down in Florida

Wow, what a disappointment. I have been listening to you, Dean, since I bought your books about six months ago. I love your enthusiasm and positive outlook. I was so sad I couldn't listen last night and was happy to see I could listen today. Only thing is I feel I just got the wind knocked out of me. I am sure your new system is great but no way can I afford that. I know you said if it would take food off your table to hang up. I guess I am always an optimist myself and was thinking there was still hope. Anyway I listened for an hour..whew! and
now know it was only a marketing ploy. Sorry, I guess I will try to get by on what I have. Good luck to any of you that buy this, I hope you will let the rest of us know how it goes. Wishing you all well and sending you positive thoughts for your successes!


Dean, I finally received your books and I am very excited. Thank you. I wanted to tell you a little about myself. I lost my job in Nov. 2009 and lost everything. Lost my apartment, my car, and even my health insurance. I am at the bottom. I want to be free of the worry of wondering how I am going to live. I have no money and bad credit. I hope that your books will show me the way to a more secure future. I have faith that I can do this and so far I am really feeling good about it and feel that a weight has been lifted. So I hope that your techniques will help me through to a more successful stable future. Thank you.

conference call

dgadmin wrote:
Listen To The Replay

We had a very special conference call take place TONIGHT - Tuesday, August 17th, 2010 @ 9PM ET. Be sure to listen to the replay!

Thank you Dean for showing your students and us the passion and love of your work. It's obvious by your followers. You are committing your time, along with your successful students, to produce material that YOU know works and for this I thank you and your staff. See you at the top!!!

Let down in Florida has it right

Where was the participation of callers getting their questions responded to? I heard no one but the SALES team talking!

Conf Call

The recording is awful.Maybe you can stop the drag and re-send it.It sounds like a nest of rats being killed!

update from Dean

deangraziosi's picture

Hey Guys,

Wanted to take a minute and share a few thoughts. First of all, thank you all for following my video series, being on the call last night, those who got involved with the set For Life system and those who did not. Each and every dg student is extremely important to us.

As you can probably see as a company owner and also a person with a true desire to serve and help others, I have to find a balance. Of course I want people to buy my new system because of all the thought, energy and effort that went into it combined with the fact I know it can get people making money if they follow it. But also unlike any other company or person in our space - we give away great capabilities to every student. From never a charge for all the great information here at, to, to weekly support videos and much more all throughout the year.

Hands down NO ONE puts the time, energy, effort and even money behind supporting his students like I do. My student's results are what drives me everyday;-) So at the end of the day, I would love to have all my students get involved with the Set For Life system and use all the powerful features and benefits we created - BUT if money just simply does not allow, you still have so much of what you need right at your fingertips. So don't dare get even a tiny bit discouraged, continue on your mission, educate yourself and take action.

Lastly, This Set For Life series, for those who could see the whole process from the big picture view, can see that I gave away more wisdom and tools than any of my competition charge thousands for.

I am sorry that some of you can't see behind the scenes and see the man power, the countless hours of brainstorming to try and help our students, the hundreds of thousands of dollars we have spent on sites like this one and totalview, the weekly videos we do and the thought behind them.

I make no excuses for offering an amazing product at a huge discount compared to anyone in our space. I wish someone would have sold me something that amazing when I was first starting.

Our set for life system is amazing and for those who got involved I say congrats and for those who could not at this time, I say use all the capabilities at your fingertips and together lets make it happen.

I appreciate all of my students, even the ones who may not agree with us. That's what makes this site and this family so awesome.

To your success,


Yes, the Real-Flow3 system is included in the system.


Dean and DG Admin,
Thank you for the e-mail reminder. Yes, I was one of the fortunate ones to be able to listen to the tele-seminar and was so impressed that I listened two more times on the internet.
Thanks again.


jasuia's picture

Thats all I can say I mean I have been waiting untill the right time the right combination of information and all i can say is here it is I am so excited I can barely sit still!!!

Just seen the follow up video and listened to the call!!! WOWO!

SKY Real Estate Services Inc.'s picture

Man, I wish I could afford this!!!! I am in the middle of "flipping" a Duplex I picked up at wholesale and my money is tied up in this project. I really really could use this to profit on properties that are being offered to me DAILY buy I cannot afford to purchase right now. I would cut off a finger or two to have access to some of the tools being offered here!!!! I kind of wish I never watched this cause now it is going to be ON MY BRAIN IN THE DISAPPOINTMENT SECTION FOR A LONG TIME. GUESS I'M GOING TO MISS OUT ON THIS ONE :'( Darn I really wish I could get this, cause I know people who will not even use it or people that will want their money back or people that complain and don't take action will buy this and someone like me that is ALREADY INVOLVED TAKING ACTION AND HAS TOLD EVERYONE NEGATIVE TO NOT GET IN MY WAY AND THAT I CAN DO IT, and I have no way to get access to such great tools. I even moved 15 hours from home to get into a better market and to get away from the negativity and distractions so that I could be successful!!!! GOOD LUCK AND BEST WISHES TO ALL THAT HAVE THE OPPORTUNITY TO CLIMB ABOARD AND TAKE ACTION. THANKS DEAN!, JUST BAD TIMING FOR ME.....ugh

Taking Action

Chris DC's picture

I've read Dean's book, Profit From Real Estate, and never took action. I was one of those people that Dean was talking about. I was the one who read his book, gained the knowledge but didn't put it to work.

I know the Set for Life system is pretty expensive and even the monthly installments are quite hefty, heck that's a car payment for me. But at the end of the day, I'm tired of living paycheck to paycheck and waking up early in the morning to get to work. I want to enjoy my work and that is my goal this year.

I honestly don't know how I'm going to find the money to pay the system each month for the next five months but I am taking action and I am getting off my butt and make my dream come true. I hope to receive my system soon so I can put it to work already.

Thanks Dean for everything you have done so far. Till next time...

Thanks Dean

John A's picture

Great call as always.....your the man!!!

I am so pumped up!!!

This was my first conference call and I started crying at the begining because I was so excited and could hear the excitment in Dean's voice as he spoke.
Dean you are awesome!! You care so much for people and your I am so excited to be a part of your team.

Canadian Friendly?

Hi Dean, I have been following all of your videos and training. I am also a recent student of yours in the academy. I am extremely excited about the "Set for Life" program,however,must ask you if this is set up for Canadian residence? As much as I want it right now...I am hesitant because of this. Hope to hear from you soon. Thanks, Stan

I wish I had 1500 right now

GBU Ventures HQ's picture

Man I feel like the door to success is passing me by If only I had the enough to make this happened, I went to apply for a Credit Card but I was not successful:{...

I need to make this work for me some how. what can I do? It's Me agaist Time. and time is running out. what to do?

Just Finished Listening!

JJD's picture

Set For Life................Great Stuff, I am just THAT much more enthusiastic than I was originally Smiling....As Always, Great Testimonials, Great Tools, Techniques and Teachings!!!!!


Thanks Dean

steve and veronica's picture

We were some of the fortunate ones to get the set for life. We thank Dean for puting this out. We hope to be success full with this program.

I don't want the ones that can not buy this program now to be hard on them selfs. You can still make money doing bird dog jobs for investors.

I see a lot of younger ones on this site and I do not want to offend anyone but here is what I did 30 years ago when I was younger. There were no jobs in the area I grew up in the Danville Ill. area so I joined the Marines it was a good way to make money serve my country. It has helped open so many doors for me when you can tell some one that you have served.

I hope you can make money in real estate but if you are young and you can serve in the military with the knowledge you get from Dean think about all the towns with military bases you will be able to work deals along with your military pay. To be young again.

I ran on long enough.


Set for life

Okay, I missed the call yesterday but I listened to the conference call this evening after work. I was ready to go. I tried to purchase the program but had problems. The third time I tried, I got a blank screen at the end that said done. Nothing else happened. I am wondering if I am set for life or not. I was hoping to be able to check it out tonight.

I called my credit card company and they said it did not go through. I guess I will call them back in a little while. Bummer.


steve and veronica's picture

Try to use this


Kevin A Goldman's picture

Nobody gets that positive vibe going like you do Dean. We would find this immensely more difficult were it not for that.

I'm thrilled I finally am taking action. I just spent the last 6 to 8 hours reviewing all the videos that I had been putting aside to watch "later" instead of when I got'em. I'm gonna be tired at work tomorrow, but it's worth it.

By the end of this weekend, I am planning to have many pieces in place so that I can make my first deal using SFL before September.

I hope to meet you at the EDGE event next year, Dean. Meanwhile, I have a lot of work to do!


Thank you Dean

Shellsell's picture

HI Dean,

What a great opportunity we have through the set for life system. As we watch the total view videos we are getting more excited about what is to come with the new system. The combination of your books, success academy,total view, and set for life system; we have it all and there are no excuses left. We know your secret Dean, it is persistence, persistence, persistence to get the job done. My husband and I sat down this morning with total view listening to the videos it just seems to bring it all to life and is making more sense to us about the no money deals you can do. Thanks so much to your top students and you for sharing your secrets and helping others make their dreams come true too. We are forever greatful. So glad we took the next step in buying the set for life system, just think what we would have missed if we hadn't taken action. Big blessing to you all. Shellsell

Great call, the Set For Life product, is exceptional!

Kim R's picture

Thank you Dean for creating an even more efficient and profitable tool to help us build our REI businesses. I look forward to investing in it, as soon as I'm able.

It's definitely worth it!


Ok I'm over it!

jackyorrick's picture

I posted here yesterday about how disappointed I was about not being able to afford SFL after WEEKS of anticipation and I think someone flagged it 'cos it's not here anymore! Anyway, I picked myself up off the floor and dusted myself off and am ready to get back on the horse and get going again! Thanks to Dean and all the DG family, you can't be sad and depressed for long as there are so many of you ready and willing to help and motivate us into action that it makes me feel guilty to not get off the pity pot and get to work! So, I am feverishly working on building my ivestor/buyers list so I can get some deals going. My husband keeps asking me "aren't you tired of that yet?". Absolutely not and I can't wait to show him why!


steve and veronica's picture

We have been in your shoes about the cost of things.

The people that tell their storys over and over are real people like you and me, I have talked to them. The reason they have success is they work at this all the time. No one has claimed that this is a get rich quick program.

You can make money using Dean theaching from his books if you take action.

The set for life is a lot more than just the Edge event CDs, that you will not be able to get off of E-Bay. The CDs sure you will be able to get them on E- Bay at some time.

Don't give up on REI and this site there is a lot of people willing to help others out here on this site.


hey dean

In a couple of month I will be 18 and I will be getting into realestate I kinda feel like ya book and this bad economy is a blessing properties are so cheap and easy 2 find I love deans book I can't wait into I turn 18 and start making money in realstate with the no money down plan

Sorry, couldn't delete

Moved to under "An Open Message..."

Computer For Angel In Touch

Captain777's picture

I read your message in the blog comments and noted that you said you don't have a computer at home and you must go to the library to get on line. I don't know where you live and that may make this suggestion prohibitive. If you have a way to make it happen and if you can get connected to the Internet at home, I will give you a computer and monitor and keyboard and maybe a mouse. The problem is the cost of shipping. Let me know if we can work it out. I will put Centos v5 (Linux)on it for an operating system and you will have FireFox as your web browser. Let me know what you think we can do.


Missed something

Dean I listened to the replay to the point where I almost fell asleep and I must have missed something, because all I got was the website at the end. Maybe I missed the information on the replay. Please help, did I miss some important information I was suppose to hear besides the motivation and website of