Dean Graziosi Weekly Video Blog #103 - Breakfast With The Family!

Dean Graziosi Weekly Video Blog

So this week Dean films the blog with one hand, while trying to keep his beautiful kiddo's from stealing his thunder. It's another chance to see that not only is Dean a real guy, he also has real big plans for you!

You'll here an update on the progress towards getting you private money loans as well as some tips on how to carry yourself as an investor. Watch and enjoy! Oh, and don't forget to leave a TON of comments on how cute Dean's kids are!

Dean you have an Amazing Family!

tangoprince's picture

Dean, thank you for your inspiration every week.

I'd like to have a family like you in the very near future. That's my goal and that's why I am chasing my dream in real estate investing.

I'll follow you and learn from you more! Have a nice week!!!

Oh, I consider myself a DG family! I am a part of it! It's been awesome! YEAH!!!!!


chickx729's picture

Thanks for the advise. I'll fake it til I make it cuz I haven't made my first deal. Great idea!
Peggy in Wisconsin

great blog

Great blog, keep 'em coming. We are listening and taking note. Looking forward to the next offer about lending.
Enjoy your family. Kids change so quickly from little ones to ones with little ones.
Thanks for all your efforts to help us succeed.

Cheryl in Missouri

Great to see the Kids :)

Thanks for sharing your family.
Makes you more real.
Life is happier and healthier with family to love and care for.
Great when you grow old to have them check on you & see if you need anything.
We become blessings to them and they indeed are blessings to us.
May everyone who needs someone first seek John 3:16 and then ask Jesus to bring that special mate into their lives.
Miracles happen when we combine faith and expectancy.
If you say it with 'LOVE' there is a better chance you will be happier with the results.

Hello from Texas

PEYTON875's picture

Hi Dean,

I recently purchased your books in October and have read them both (Profits in Real Estate & Be a Real Estate Millionaire). I too am still looking for my first deal and am trying to grasp the way this works. Not having any real estate experience at all, it is a total new way of thinking for me...I know it can be done and I have seen all of the testimonials to prove it....I really do appreciate the way you explain things in makes it a little easier to comprehend..I just need that first deal to get under my belt and I know that I too will become one of your "success stories" in the not too distant future.!!!...So if anyone out there has any suggestions or encouragement...By all means, I am here to soak it in...Thanks and take care from the great State of Texas..!!

We can all do it. Lets get moving

Hi Dean and all,
We are around the same age and it is nice to show us that you share the same motivations as many of us with regards to family and our kids. Help us to help all of them and that will be something to be fulfilling.

I have a sign that I have hanging on my wall which says "Life at best is a series of challenges. A big enough challenge will bring about strengths and abilities you never knew you had. Take on challenges and you will bring yourself to life."

I'm new to Success Academy, still in training, building buyers list. Anyone interested in being added to my buyers list, feel free to contact me. Looking forward to moving forward to face the challenges ahead to get deals going.

Also reading books like "Yes You Can! from Sam Deep and also "You Can Do It!" from Tom Haggai and I'm also in the process of reading your book "Totally Fulfilled" which has been amazing.

Lets make this momentum happen and get us moving in a positive direction that will change our lives and the lives of our kids.

"Focus on the Future"

Dean thank you for all that you do. You are a great visonary spirit. By surrounding yourself with other great minds to forage new ideas, is steel sharping steel. Then you "pay it foward" to your DG family. When we take action or (fake til we make it) you have helped to give more families a secure future. This nation will be so strong when more of us are following your great example.

Seeing you with your children is just one more dream or reason to secure our future.

Your rewards for what you do will always be ten fold.

May God Bless You.

Family Time

RightChoiceToday's picture

Dean, If you are tired I am surprised. I only wish I could look as good as you being tired.
Having confidence is so important in this and anything. I have had to lay this aside for a bit, I lost most of my income which wasn't much to begin with, but now that is gone. My stress level was so high I could not concentrate on this right now. I am blessed to say I have been offered a chance to build professional web sites from a man of 20 years background in the field. I will have my own business from home and he will walk me through everything at no charge to me. Now I am truly blessed to have this and I must take it. I am not finish here, oh no, as soon as I get some regular income coming in so I can concentrate more with investing I will be back on tract once again.
I have invested a lot of time already in this and I wont let that go to waste. I will keep checking in as not to lose my direction here.
I will look forward to more of you weekly blogs.
Blessings and enjoy your family time.

hello the kids are so cute.


the kids are so cute. God richly bless you in all your endeavors.


Thanks! Dean

I can't wait to get a private money loans, and hard money loans can't cut it but is okay for Repairs for it, and one day funded will not cut too. Thanks for your support Dean.

David B

All American dad!

Greetings Dean,

You are truly a trooper with your priorities in place. It takes a lot of patience, love and understanding to still be in tuned with family & still work like you do. And it shows in the kids, their joy and smile!


RTMynard's picture

Hi Dean & kids,

They grow up fast don't they.

Than's for the tip on "Fake it Till You Make it." That saying is one that I need to wrk on more. Each day I get madder at things that is going by us.

The harder I'm wrking on that big change. Thank you again ,to keep some of us on track.

Looking forward to getting more info on the private money and all.

Say a big hi to the family from the us.

Sorry it spelling is not to great Miss Snowball(our cat)is wanting to try her hand on typing this morning.

Take Care,

Theresa M. /Miss Snowball too.

Hi Dean, thanks for the tips

Hi Dean, thanks for the tips on how to use what inspires me to, just know that the positioning that I have been doing has not been in vain, I have definitely been talking the talk, now is the time to walk the walk thanks again Dean, and your children are very beautiful... Take care God bless.

You are the "Dean"

I always hear you refer to your successors as students. But what they really are is graduates of the success academy. And that says alot more than student, because they have achieved success.

They are the by-product of your program. Not saying that they aren't still learning, but they have reached a plateau which should be recognized because its a complement to what you have put together.

You are the "Dean" of DGU Dean Graziosi University
Maybe you should have them in cap and gown at the next edge event. Just a thought ... but isn't it great to see all the proof around you with all the successful graduates from your academy.

Saturday Morning

santafegal's picture

How do you do it? Keep your kids happy and be so dedicated and active on helping us. I have to come back to this site because I've been away and not putting the course to work. I have to commit. Thanks for keeping my emails and alerts coming at me.

Your 103

Jessie Dudley's picture

Great! You are real and
you show it with everything you
do. I hope I can participate
with real estate. It appears a


faygrad's picture

Hi Dean - I feel so blessed to be a part of the DG family! I love that you share your expertise, ideas and most of all that you're a down to earth guy and showing yourself in Dad Mode--that's what it's all about! I am looking forward to real estate investing! Thanks a million for all you do. This latest opportunity you're offering sounds wonderful...

Take it easy,

Hello Dean

WealthyBlessings's picture

You children are adorable, I remember back in the day when my two were little cuties! Well, I must say this video hit home for me. I've been faking it til I make it for so long in other ventures, it comes naturally, however this time, I'm gonna finally make it! LOling

Peace and Blessings,

Private financing and deals

Your children are so cute.....
I am impressed with your desire to help your students. I hope you can help us in Florida....
I am now ready to do some deals... I am now going over the EDGE DVDs very interesting. I call the success acdemy for advised at times.


Hi Dean Thank you for

Hi Dean
Thank you for sharing with us those special moments you share with your kids. We have a 10 yr.old grandson. That's why we want to invest in real state, and teach our grand son that anything
is posible, if you try hard. Looking forward for the private money lending.

Have a good day.


another great blog !!

Jay Sthilaire's picture

hello dean and thanks for another awesome blog !! say hi to Breana and Brody for karen and I .I sure wish i had all their energy !! i cant wait to see what you have in store for us with the private money project !! i have done a few pml deals and i sure love this avenue of investing and cant wait to learn more and more about it.I want to thank you and esp your family for supporting you in teaching us the ways to be financially free !!

when i hear the kids playing and yelling it reminds me of when i get home at night wife has 9 kids at her day care[home] and we love to hear every one of them playing !!
thanks again dean !!

Hi Dean,

Regina's picture

You have two beautiful kids. It's clear they know how important they are to you.

Like everyone else, I'm looking forward to the next thing. I do notice that when I'm talking to someone about real estate I know more than I think. I start to see how it all fits together and how it all works. Thank you for that because I am exposing myself to all the material you've provided.

Thank you

Family Man

LDCOOK55's picture

Hi Dean,

Just watched your blog. I appreciate that you made time to encourage us. It meant a lot to me to see you with your children, because you have a family too. With the joys comes time consuming everyday responsibilities. Yet you make time for us.
I need to make time for ME. It is hard to set aside time to study, watch webinars and interactive lessons. Somehow at the end of the day I haven't accomplished what needed to be done to help build my business.
Baby steps: I am so excited. I got my virtual office set up and purchased my business phone (both under my business name) so now I can order my business cards. It is hard with only $950 a month income. So, when I get my first sale I will be able to say "if I can do it, anyone can do it".
It has been a little harder this week because I have not been home. I am house sitting for my son. He is out of town. It seems every time I need something I left it at home.

Life happens.

Thanks Dean,

Lisa Eye-wink
Caribbean Blue, Inc.

Kids are adorable

Dean, your children are gorgeous, Kids are such a joy to be around,they keep you young. Children are so precious and full of energy. I have 4 grand daughters, 2yrs, 4yrs and a set of twins that is 9months old, and they keep me busy, the joys of being a grandmother. Continue to enjoy your precious jewels,

I can't wait to see what you came up with, I'm looking forward to it.

Enjoy your Holidays



hello dean this very good tool to use thank dean

Awesome Blog Dean!

Hi Dean,
I enjoy watching your weekly blogs, they keep in the game and motivated. It was great seeing you film with your kiddos playing in the background. They look so happy and full of energy. You are truly blessed. I have 2 kids of my own a 10 and 5 yr old girl and boy. They mean the world to me and they are my ispiration to do better in life, I want to be a great dad just like you and provide a life for them like they deserve. That was something I didnt get growing up and i dont want the same for them. Thank you for working so hard on trying to improve the lives of your students, and giving us the tools we need to succeed. I agree on the fake it till you make it. You can better position yourself by doing that. Thanks Dean have a great week.

thank you!

LLHIPPLER's picture

Thank you for sharing all that you do! Your books are amazing, We are starting on the second one, and doing the PMI schooling. We have learned so much and are so excited to be in this together!
It is so nice to see how much of a family man you are! Having kids makes your hard work so much more important. It is my a better future to my children!
And the Fake it till you Make it! Yup! I am soooo doing that!
Thanks Dean for even those few mins of encouragement! Every bit helps keep us on track!


Just a note of thanks

Dean and DG Family

Woke up this morning asking myself, "how on God's earth are we going to make this all work?"
Then I saw the vid and a sense of calm went through my body.
The Mrs. and I are not only new to the Real Estate world but new to our area. We moved from Huntington Beach California to the Tampa Bay area in September and signed up for the Academy in October.
We try to do a least a couple of things every day day to get us closer to that first deal.

I just wanted to thank everyone for all the advise and words of encouragement and we wish everyone a world of success.

Wes n Deb

Dean let me say thanks again

Dean let me say thanks again for your weekly blog. Fake it till you make it, I will definitely try this and hope everything goes well. You have beautiful children, and they appear very energetic so early in the morning. Everyone have a great week !

Children Are Blessing From God

Thanks for your inspiration.looking forward to hear your words,God bless.

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