Dean Graziosi Weekly Video Blog #103 - Breakfast With The Family!

Dean Graziosi Weekly Video Blog

So this week Dean films the blog with one hand, while trying to keep his beautiful kiddo's from stealing his thunder. It's another chance to see that not only is Dean a real guy, he also has real big plans for you!

You'll here an update on the progress towards getting you private money loans as well as some tips on how to carry yourself as an investor. Watch and enjoy! Oh, and don't forget to leave a TON of comments on how cute Dean's kids are!

Thanks Dean

steve and veronica's picture

For the weekly blog. Just remember the kids grow up fast. We can not believe our daughter is turning 21 next month. Thanks to you Dean she know more about REI than most 21 year old students.

We are looking forword to the deals you have coming for us. We are also looking forword for the 2011 Edge event we will be there this year.

Steve and Veronica.

I believe most people...

Mighty1 Real Estate's picture

Are trying to fake it till we make it.
The great thing is that you don't give up on your end to help get us there. I am so looking forward to working with you and your team. Only good things can come out of a partnership with someone like you. You have integrity and you are loyal. I can't wait.
Congrats on enjoying your kids, my youngest is six and I smother her with hugs and kisses all day, They do grow up fast though.
Very grateful Dean.


i think that its importent to show that your just not a money mekeing machine, but a family man as well.

RE: Positioning

Hi Dean,
Its true "Positioning" is very important in how people view you as a person. Every day you see it, for example if you walk into a store on 5th Ave in NY city, the sale people will attend to you based on your appearance. If you are well dressed you will get the gold spoon treatment even if you don't have any money to spend, however walking into the store wearing disheveled clothing they will snare at you and try to hurry you out of the store even though you have the money to buy the most expensive item in the store. Its all in Positioning. The way you are Seen by others

"Always Keep Your Chin Up and Walk Proudly".


Thank you so much Dean for the encouragement and I am looking forward to your next blog.
Oh and by the way your kids are soooooo cute. Now go enjoy them.

Fake It 'Til You Make It

Always enjoy seeing you with your children and yes they are very adorable. Enjoy every precious moment with them now because I can tell you that you never know what is in their future or yours. You are very fortunate that you were able to position yourself so that you can enjoy your children and family.. may this continue for you for years to come.
Thanks again for the great blog! Fake it til you make it is a great concept. I am definitely going to try this concept.. have to say I do a lot of investigating but get cold feet when it comes to taking the action. I am going to post this one up in very visible spots around my home, car and daily appointment book... Can't wait for more info on the hard money and some great deals.. Thank you again for all your hard work to help us become successful REI's.. Linda

thank you

James Cook's picture

Just want to thank you for your endless effort to help us all get where we want to go in this market.
I have just started following your blog and i am encouraged by it to go for my dream of becoming an investor.
I purchased your book about a year ago and i decided then that i was going to go for my succcess
using your system. I was going through some difficult times in my life which prevented me from moving forward with it, but you continued to send e-mails and keep me informed and interested. Your dedication is what has kept me interested.
Your blog today with your kids doing what they do best was outstanding for me because i have seven daughters and seeing you in this way just made you seem more real and my success more achievable.

Hey Dean, Thanks for the

Shawn SD's picture

Hey Dean,

Thanks for the great blog, and thank you for the reminder about positioning. I have used the fake it until you make it philosophy in other endeavors, and it worked quite well. The main thing I learned from that experience is that none of us have all of the answers for everything. Positioning yourself with conviction and committment is crucial even if you don't have all of the answers. The act of conveying yourself as genuine to other people is the primay goal. Once people see that your desire is authentic the doors of opportunity begin to open. Thanks again for the reinforcement. By the way, your children are very beautiful. You are truly blessed.



Thank you

Rolston Morrison's picture

Dean, looking forward for your new plan . Thank you


SuperBee's picture

Thank you for thanking me. Glad my burblings made some sense.

I find your REI interests to be rather interesting as well. Eye-wink

The good thing about Dean is that he empowers us with information that we need to accomplish any goals we might have in real estate. Now I know that if I do want to focus on notes 'down the road, if ever' (hee hee) I can actually make money with them! Gotta love Dean, huh?

Thanks Dean!

Adorable kids Dean! i have

MsEvans's picture

Adorable kids Dean! Smiling i have a one year old myself so i can kinda relate..looking forward to what u have instore.Thanks.

Waiting for your financing


As always, thanks much for your pep talks. Keep them coming -- also your financing.

Hopefully it can really help newbies like me.



Breakfast Blog

Great blog, beautiful kids, inspiring mentor.
There's nothing else to say - except have a wonderful and blessed week. Myra


aym's picture

Thanks, Dean for another great message! I will remember it in all that I do.

the next level !

dglloyd's picture

Yes, Dean, "fake it til you make it" works well in getting to the next level in Real Estate as well as in other situations in life ! I heard someone say once that if you are simply feeling unhappy for whatever reason, to "fake it" and just act happy and it really does work! Thanks for all your motivation !!!

Just what I needed to hear!

I can't tell you how much enery your video gave me. It's not just your words of advice (which are great) but to see you with your kids and knowing that they are your driving factor, makes me align myself even more with you. My success will be measured by how much I can do for my kids and others, and of course, money in the bank so that I don't have to worry about it and can enjoy my family!

Thanks a trillion!

Your children are so cute!

HatsyP's picture

Thank you Dean for another wonderful blog. I am looking forward for your new plans. Thank you again for your sincere interest in helping us getting ahead.

Next step

Sounds exciting. Can't wait to hear more.

this weeks blog

Valiant's picture

I wish you could bottle some of your kids energy and send it to me.

Great Kids. Great Blog.

What are you running on? Are you an 5 Hour Enery fan. How do you keep going, and going, ....

It's good to see how balanced your life is and that you do take time off to spend with the family. It's a must for those not doing so.

Any who...can't wait to see what's coming in the future.


learning your craft,positioning your self,

learning your craft, positioning your self and

enjoying your kids. with new horizons on the way.

spend all the time you can with them now.time goes

by so fast.thanks for your time with us.

I'm just pumped - Just saw Edge '10 this weekend on DVD

Hey Dean,
Another great blog that keeps me up and running. I just watched the DVD's this weekend, and as you told us in one of your introductions, I was just like Joe and Stacey in Edge '09, saying Yea, Yea Yea... and taking notes wildly. I had the luxury to back up, hold it there, because I can only write so fast. I got so many great ideas and have already started implementing them.

Please,please keep up the great work. Can't wait to see how you can help us DG'er's do the funding thing. Sometimes, I feel like Joe who said he's typing with only 2 or 3 fingers...I'm posting this so fast.

Remember... the Sky is the Limit.


Cute Kids

Looking forward to your amazing plan, once again. May god bless your entire family

Hey There Dean !!!

K. Clark- Rice's picture

Love the blog. I have positioned myself. So much I think I may have a touch of Grandeos Syndrom...LOL !! I haven't got my books yet, but Im still waiting and anxious to begin !


Hi Dean, It doesn't take lots of imagination to realize how important your children are in your plans and sucsess, I've got two grandchildern about the same age as your children. You are leading us to what may be OUR biggest sucsess, Hard Money & Privet Lenders is really the best way in this economy to make many people including me and my wife money. We are keeping our fingers crossed for your graet ideas. We'll keep you and your family in our thoughts please keep us in yours. EDGAR


Dean, keep the info.coming,I look forward to your
blogs,every Monday. You make me feel so much better about getting back on track with Real Estate. I am positioning myself to be ready,when you have the lenders available.Enjoy those sweet kid's because they grow so fast, my boy is 26 and I can't tell you where the time went.

Begin with the end in mine

ttjudge's picture

Hey Dean, you’re on the money. I read the book "Father Son & Co." by Thomas Watson, Jr. and Peter Petre back in 1991. Tom talked about when his father started IBM; he began with what he wanted the company to look like. He projected that image to his perspective customers. ...And now we know the rest of the story. I never thought about working this real estate business that way. You've given us time tested guidance. Thanks.

Oh yes, and we can see you have your hands full.


can't wait for the financing

Katie Taplin's picture

I am looking forward to your financing to come through for our projects. I did find a HLM who was willing to fund my project. Most don't want to help out a newbie. Also, was looking at the classifieds on and wondering if that's where you will list your properties? Can't wait.

Your children have grown to much since May. They are adorable.

I'd love to hear more about the 25K trip.

Katie and Conrad


pgwmsr's picture

The kids are growing so big, glad to see you spend time with them the are out of the house and on thier own way to fast it seems. Can't wait to see what you and you team come up with. Wish you and your family all the best for the holidays coming up.

Hi Dean

The kids are adorable by the way. You put just enough info to make me curious and can't wait for the next blog ! Thanks!


Captain777's picture

Thank you for the reminder to, "Fake it till you make it!" I do do that and I have always held my head up and I talk up the business. I did enjoy seeing and hearing your children. I have eight and I know what it is like to be with them and play with them. I hope you spent as much of the day with them as possible.

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