So this week Dean films the blog with one hand, while trying to keep his beautiful kiddo's from stealing his thunder. It's another chance to see that not only is Dean a real guy, he also has real big plans for you!
You'll here an update on the progress towards getting you private money loans as well as some tips on how to carry yourself as an investor. Watch and enjoy! Oh, and don't forget to leave a TON of comments on how cute Dean's kids are!
It's a lot of fun chasing kids around is it.It's been awhile for me, even my grandchildren are getting older. AND YOUR CHILDREN ARE VERY CHUTE. Well over six hundred and still coming is it great.
Just finished my second rehab, going to list it this week, All ready got two more foreclosures I'm looking at. Well waiting to see whats next.
Thanks again for all the encouragement.
Your Friend and Student
Jim Kendrick
Another great video , I love the expression "FAKE IT TILL YOU MAKE IT" I use that expression all the time.I have in the past done this and it works , I wanted something so bad that I almost really thought it had happened ,when actually it hadnt yet.That is how strong thinking and believing in something really is.
Take care and I am looking forward to getting more information on the Private Money ,etc .Thanks as always
Curtis Fillers
Thanks Dean....
You're children are so adorable! Cherish every precious moment with them, they grow up so fast.
Moving forward since the passing of my grandson has proven to be a difficult task. How did I get so attached to someone I never got to meet? The days I try to focus on real estate my grieving daughter will call or text me, why did this happen to me mom? Any answer I give sounds ridiculous, even to my ears, but I have to try to comfort her and focus on getting her healthy again. It's one day at a time for us, just trying to get through it and regain some type of normalcy.... Every precious moment with them is a gift.... Cherish it!
Your children are adorable !
One more thing Dean, I saw something on tv last night about cash flow notes. They say find the note + list the note + get paid. Do you know what this is? It is the the real estate note but i am missing something in the translation ? Have a great day and Happy Holidays.
Can't wait!
I am so anxious to see what happens in a couple weeks.
Though you've heard this before. You are so gracious with your time and energy and helping all of us. No one can ever match you and your training, because you do this to help us have a better life! And it is sincerely from your heart.
You are a blessing!
Hi, Dean. Your kids ARE cute...
Don't think I've ever seen you in a hat before buddy! Don't worry. I have a six-year-old. You just look like a parent.
So nice of you to work your tail off to help your students the way you do. Reading your books peps me up when I actually get a moment to myself. I've always had a passion for real estate. (You're the only person that's ever managed to teach me anything useful about it though.
) You and your successful students' videos really make me feel that I can do this.
I was wondering, do you know Preston Ely? He's a high-energy investor down in Tampa (I think). Just heard of him about a week ago. If you two did something together, I think it might be awesome. Just as long as you don't start going to his hair salon...
Hey Dean
The kids have grown so much. They are great. As always Jeremy and I have our ears open to the great info that you give out every week. Can't wait to hear about Private Money, this is without a doubt a huge step and we know it will be successful....Jan
Those cash flow notes they're talking about on late night TV are owner-financed mortgage notes. I think most of those guys teach you how to find sellers that are holding private mortgages that might be willing to sell their contract. Then they instruct you to post an ad about the note on a cheesy website and wait for buyers to call you to buy the note.
Most of these guys mainly focus on well-seasoned (paid-up) notes. Totally wrong for this market. I think in this economy, people are more likely to hold onto that kind of note. The real money is in DELINQUENT notes, like Dean and Tallmadge talk about in Dean's DVD.
At the moment, I'm ignoring notes all together. I'm focusing on deals that involve REAL PROPERTY. With assignments and lease options, you're still dealing with flip-flopping and buying and selling contracts, but in my opinion there are more people that really need to MOVE (sell) or MOVE INTO a property than NEED to sell-off their privately-held mortgages. (Especially the ones that are paid up.)
Hope this helps.
"The Real Deal Dean DAD"
Hey Dean,
I love seeing and watching you with your children in the "Real Deal Dad" mode !!
Your kids are SO CUTE and PRECIOUS!!
You definitely don't need to "Fake It Til' You Make It" as a Dad, Dean!!
The WAY you love your kids CAN'T be faked!
It's too obvious!
In fact, my husband is out now in our old 1988 Ford Truck
with my daughter and they are picking up firewood together for our woodstove.
You can't get much more "real" (down-to-earth) than that!
I can't believe my daughter is a teenager now!
I really miss when she was little like your kids.
I am enjoying this special time in her life too.
Keep enjoying EACH MOMENT with them as I know you are and will.
My daughter is definitely a "Daddy's Girl".
When my daughter was born, my husband cried with tears
and said her name and she stopped crying!
She remembered him talking to her by name before she was born!
The bond started then!!
It's SO nice to see guys who show their emotions.
It is so encouraging and comforting.
Seeing you in the "Dad" mode encourages me to keep coming back here.
Thank you SO much for being "real" and showing your emotions.
Thank you for all that you are planning
and for "taking such good care" of us too.
Deep Appreciation,
Great kids Dean!
Man..They are full of energy!I'm still working on my first deal but it's under contract so I just have to wait it out
Looking Forward... your new programs. It's nice to enjoy your kids now, because they grow up faster than you think!!
Its a great day to spend with the kids. Love the excitement of the new programs that are up and coming. I think the private lenders are the hardest to find. We have so many great deals here in AZ to be made. Our 1st offer should close next month and we have 3 deals in the works. So exciting & Scary all at the same time =) Have a great week !
Great balance of work and family
Dean please dont let us get in the way of you spending time with your immediate family.We DGers already know how much you care for us.Dont burn yourself out trying to help us.I know Im probably telling you something that you already know but I just had to say all this anyway.You've already given us more than enough tools and realestate knowledge to succeed so if you was to take a week,two weeks or a month away from us to spend time with your wife and children,the DGfamily would understand.I know I would.
They grow up fast, but still, it's all good
DARLING children!
So happy you do enjoy time with them. Mine are 14-24, and one even married. But ya know what? Every stage is wonderful!
Thank you. See you in Vegas with those deals!!
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So this week Dean films the blog with one hand, while trying to keep his beautiful kiddo's from stealing his thunder. It's another chance to see that not only is Dean a real guy, he also has real big plans for you!
You'll here an update on the progress towards getting you private money loans as well as some tips on how to carry yourself as an investor. Watch and enjoy! Oh, and don't forget to leave a TON of comments on how cute Dean's kids are!
thank you!
for this post! it is definitely on-time! I received an email on Thursday from the coordinator of my local REI club meeting and he asked if I would be willing to speak at our next meeting. (which is tomorrow at 6:00) I said absolutely! Over the past few months I've been attending, networking, chiming in on discussions (Q&A) during meetings about what I am doing and offering input on avenues I've discovered to help me and sharing with the group. It was obvious from my first meeting I had the biggest dream in the room (I thought silently) and was definitely the most active REI. He said he had a unanimous request to have me speak! I know it will create great exposure for my biz and have already prepared a 'nugget' to distribute to each that attend. (listing of about 40 HM/Private and Transitional lenders with my biz card stapled to each one) that they can use if they choose. So a few butterflies but know it's going to be incredible!!!
Thank you for being so giving and sharing! And stretching us, continual growth, propelling our biz forward through your wisdom and continual growth! Rising tide raises all ships!
btw: your babies are beautiful!
Thank you again!
A Revised Product of DG,
What You Say Becomes a Reality
I am new this program, Dean, I from the moment I started reading your book, I can tell I am in the right place at the right time. Recently, I actually tell people on the fly that I am learning about real estate investment and I don't get any debates about it. They don't know my situation, but, they can feel the energy to sense that I am serious. Because of the current real estate climate, no one can disagree that there is bottom and anyone that gets involve will prosper. However, what gives me more confidence is that with the tools in place, I expect to do well, even when the market is up. Thanks, Dean, for putting out this book and the tools. I really believe that I will make some deals because I plan on executing the program. Just like anything else, if you want to be a doctor you got to get the knowledge and apply the correct knowledge to cure. I can tell this is the same type of educational system. I believe what you say to yourself and other becomes a reality. The trick is to stay persistent, no matter how long it takes.
Hey Dean
I've been doing my best to position myself as a Real Estate Investor and really trying to play the game, but hopefully your site, success academy, and your blogs will pace me to keep me motivated!
cant wait
I am super excited. I love how you share this part of your life with us and showing us your children is just wonderful. They are super cute.
Thanks dean for helping us DGers on here and we are all waiting for the exciting news!
Looking forward to it
Hey Dean!
Looking forward to hearing everything you have to offer. Hope you had a great weekend!
Thanks for all the help!
Chad Provost
Hey Dean
Wow the kids sure have grown! Cute as ever and love seeing you in Dad mode
Your new plans are very exciting and as always, generous to your students. Hope you spent the rest of the day playing 
WOW Dean do you do it. You seem to be able to do more with your 24 hrs than I can. Whats your secret?
Sweet kids
Best to you in all your endeavors. You do a great job in all you do. God bless!!!
Your kids are soo cute! Your new plan sounds amazing. Looking forward to them.
High Energy
Hey Dean
Just watched your blog, I wish I had the energy that kids have, yours have a lot of it. Still trying to get the first deal done. Trying to find a r/e agent that is willing to work with me. Will keep you informed.
Ah Yes the "old fake it till you make" can apply to me!
Keep up the good work and the inspirational blogs, they really do help us all.
Until next time
Kids are a joy!
And the energy they have is never ending! It is so admirable that you make time for your children. It is by far the most important time you can spend!
Fake it till I make it... I do certainly try, but its still hard to sound professional with kids making noise in the background!
I can't wait for your Private money! I really could use that right now, I'm on pins and needles waiting to see if I'm going to qualify for this HML. My deal is awesome, enough profit to make a nice spread; and they're only loaning 80% of the purchase price, so they have a LOT of equity in the house. But, the waiting and not knowing is very nerve wracking since this is my first HML, and my last traditional loan was a nightmare!
PS, your kids are absolutely adorable!
So important
That is such an important thing to have good positioning. I look forward to you videos every week. Thanks for everything you do!
Thanks Dean looking forward to it!!
Thank you for the insight. I thought it sounded like what i saw Tallmadge discussing at the Edge events but he did not talk about listing them and these people in the cashflownotes just talk about making a phone call and getting the money - lots of money. I new it had to do with real estate but their delivery was very vague.
I am not into notes anyway. That is way down the road for me if ever. My interests are wholesaling and fsbo with seller financing. I would like to acquisition a small appt complex 6 or more units. I want to get a few buy and hold sfr and then also assignments. I am having trouble getting a start and am working on some creative destruction.
Thank you so much for your kind reply. Happy Holidays