Between just getting out of the pool and the sleepless nights during the launch, Dean's looking a little beat up but nonetheless he has a message to share with you. Please take a moment to watch this blog as Dean explains a bit more about the Rock Bottom Blueprint.
There You Go Again
You do NOT need to apologize to anyone out here in DGland, Dean. Wow you are always thinking of us and how to help us get to where you are with our lives. I am still working on getting 1 prop done but I believe in you and everything you tell us because I have tried so many other things and they did not work. I know this works and even though its been a couple years it will work for me and everyone out here who just keeps keeping on with all the amazing information you have available to us. I wish I had the coins for your RBBP but not now. Still paying for academy. But I will get there.
I appreciate every word you
give me,
Karen in Norfolk, Virginia
No apology needed here either!
although i am new to this site, i want you to know that you do not have to apologize to any of us. you have to sell what you put together as you said in the video in order to provide us all with so many free things! i believe that this will work and i am well on my way to success already! although i wasn't able to purchase the rbbp, i am planning that next year i will be able to purchase the next program you release! thanks for all you do for all of us!!!
Thank you Dean
Thanks for this blog Dean. I have been trying to tell people what you just said in this video. I think a lot of us forget that you employ a lot of people also and it takes money to run a business.
I thank you Dean for all that you have done for us. I can say that we have made more money back than what we have spent on your training Dean.
We are looking so forward to the next training date that we have with you Dean.
Thanks again for all that you do.
Everyone wants wealth without pain
Don't think you need to apologize either D. If people don't understand that what you offer is worth 100 times what you ask for it, they have some "growing" to do. I've known a LOT of trainers and educators in my career and NONE of them, and I mean NONE of them deliver the value you do. Who else offers to GIVE STUDENTS THEIR TUITION BACK ONCE THEY SUCCEED like you do for anyone who enrolls in the success Academy? No-one does that!
That's like a college refunding your tuition once you get a job in your field of study.
Not sucking up here, but it's a damn honor to work with you and see the kind of care and integrity you have in what you do for the folks that turn to the organization for guidance. It's one of the things I feel proud to be a part of. - Rock on Deano!
Dean, no apology needed.
You really need to take a break and enjoy the family time. The work will continue without you for two weeks. Relax and have fun. Still working on our first, but it will be here soon.
No apologies necessary
Hi Dean:
No apologies necessary. Serious investors know that what you offer is value as well as content. I've learned a lot more about investing in real estate through you than I did from my own Mother who was a real estate agent many years ago.
As for your appearance, I believe you said in an earlier blog that everyone needs to take a break at times to get recharged. If kicking back means being messy, so be it. Does how one looks negate what they say? Is the facade of a well dressed man more important than the words that come from his mouth? I'll take an intelligent "Bum" over a sharp dressed "sheister" any day
Finally, enjoy your family while you're recharging. I can tell you from experience that young kids grow up in the blink of an eye. If you're not careful, you'll miss it. Your DG family won't desert you while you're gone.
See you when you get back
Andy Sager
DG's AndyS
Thanks Dean! I can't wait
Thanks Dean! I can't wait to get the Rock Bottom Blue Print!! If I had the money to get the Set For Life System I would have gotten that too knowing how valuable it is. You give so much information away already, folks should know that you can't give everything away. I don't know of one successful/profitable business that gives away all of their merchandise. Thanks again for all that you do for us!
Relax and Enjoy
Hi Dean-
People who are in business know that you have to charge money for your products. And you do give away an amazing amount of information.
I hope you enjoy your family time. BTW, I'd love it if I looked that good when I got out of a pool.
It's me who who should apologize that I am not in a position to purchase such a great product but I am going to continue to follow your website and learn as much as I can. Also you have given me something to look forward. I'd just better hurry before I miss out. Thanks for everything. I will look forward to your next blog and great info!!. Enjoy your vacation and thanks for all the hard work!!Great success to you!!
No Problem
and no looking down from here. If we didn't understand we wouldn't be here (and we are in DROVES).
enjoy ur vac
You are the greatest. Appreciate all your info and assistance. Once I understand what I am doing I plan to get my daughters Debbie and Christina involved.
Thank you again for all of your help.
Enjoyed all four of the videos.
no discouragement here
I love...how Dean says at the end of this note, that if you can't participate in the Rock bottom program, don't you dare get discouraged,,, stay right here on DG and get informed and encouraged!
Thanks again Dean and all DG family!
No apology necessary
Dean, You need not apologize for your Rock Bottom program. Your students can truly do deals and create wealth just by participating in DG.com and by reading your books. You are offering an opportunity to move faster, and bypass the learning curve, and one should pay for that privilege. People pay tolls to drive in the HOV lane and by pass traffic to make their life easier, if the want to go faster in real estate there is a toll to pay. Don't feel obligated to explain yourself, we get it. Appreciate all that you do.
I'm not discouraged here at
I'm not discouraged here at all, in fact a lot of what you said makes perfect sense and I am on that path already. The bonus document you attached to Video 2 was worth the entire system if you ask me! Theres a lot of info in there that I can take and use to make me big profits.
I would love to obtain this system, but I cant afford it. That's okay because theres enough information here, the bonus document, and your books to get me to where I want to be. Thank you Dean and all of the DG family!
Thanks Dean, I am so jazzed
Thanks Dean, I am so jazzed and encouraged by you. Please don't feel like your a bother or need to apologise for these extra emails. I practically live for these updates. My husband and I have officially decided we are Dean junkies! Ha . Please slow dn and take care of youself and spend some r&r soon. We appreciate you and your positive energy. We certainly don't want you or your wife to burn out. Were being selfish here. Take care
Glad to hear that you took some time to enjoy the family.
Our first deal fell through; but we are pressing onward. Thanks!
It's about time!
It's about time you took a breather and a swim in the pool with the kids.
It's about time you created the next opportunity for people who are willing to work for what it is that can be had.
It's about time for other real estate trainers to recognize that you are on your way to helping a million people and that they better get on board or get out of the way.
It's about time that the man on the street realize that there is a once in a lifetime chance for riches in real estate, that there is a way, there is a blueprint, and like a recipe all you have to do is follow it.
It's about time that people who see you pay to put ads on TV, pay to publish books, and pay to design and deliver the biggest free training website on the Internet...it's about time for them to see that as much as you would like to, you just can't give it all away, especially when it involves the time and effort of your star students. They have to be compensated and you have to be reimbursed so that you can continue to put money back into the growth of this dynamically evolving opportunity that you offer.
It's about time. Time for those within your ear-shot to borrow the money if they believe in themselves, time to work extra hours and make the money to cover the monthly payments if they want to change their financial position in society, time to read your books-checked out of the library if necessary-to learn how to become a birddog and get into real estate investing enough to buy this or your next program.
And lastly, it's about time that I thanked you again for choosing to do all that you do for us.
Congratulations on creating the best training opportunity in Real Estate history.
Mike & Mary
No worries.......
First of all happy to hear you are enjoying the pool with your kids finally! No apologies are necessary as you do everything in your power to provide information without cost as well. I feel blessed to have had the cash on hand to take part and am happy to pay this minimal investment for a lifetime of prosperity. All the best to you Dean. You are AMAZING!!! Thanks again.
Lori Wagner
P.S. I am already going through the material and beyond excited and encouraged.
No Problem, Let's turn it On!!
No problem Dean, I appreciate you sharing your knowledge to to help other realize their dreams and experience themselves as successful. I got your package the very instant the live call was over. It was streaming over the internet and I went right on over to the page and purchased.
I am a spiritual writer and messenger a social media, internet, video and mobile marketing expert, trainer and consultant and was trained mostly Mike Koenigs. So I also want to thank Mike for the introduction and support he gave your promotion. That's how I knew.
I am on fire, real estate is in my view, I am ready to mastermind, make deals and take all of this to the next level. I love your genuine authenticity. It comes through your videos.
P.S. I hope to win the house and will create a video right away.
Hope to talk soon, God bless,
Robert Stewart
Hi Dean you seem like a nice down to earth guy who really does care about others. You don't have to apologize to anyone this is an extension to your education business. You give us tips and help us enough as it is. I just wish I could afford more than just your books but hey we all got to start somewhere right. The important thing is Perserverance !!!
DG Family member Mari
You probably think I am silly but it actually feels good to say that.
Great stuff Dean.Thanks for
Great stuff Dean.Thanks for the awesome video's.
Really working on the funds to buy the Rock Bottom Blue Print.Stephen.
Blog 141
Hey Dean - everyone should understand that there is a cost to running a business and I for one don't have a problem with that. I only wish that I learned about you before investing $13,000.00+ (that I really didn't have extra) in an ecommerce course. So don't give up on me because I really think what you have to offer is much more valuable than what you are asking, and anyone who can should jump on board with you. I have looked into many different areas to try to change my life and have come to the conclusion that you are doing it the right way. You care for your students and are bring them a means to take control of their lives by building on what you are teaching. Leading by example appears to be your style and for those of you who read this know that if you want what others have you need to do what they did and Dean is giving you a map through a mine field to lead you safely into your future. Thank you and God bless.
No complaints here!!!
I've already acquired the RBBP system in anticipation of making great strides and I have not even received the first book I ordered (Your Town RE Profits) but I've been watching as many videos and reading as many blogs as I can. I think you're amazing and can't wait to dig in.
Keep up the good work, Dean.
Newbie, Caroline
Dont apologize......where would we be without you????
For one I'm happy that you finally took time to enjoy your family because the third video had me worried
...lol...but there's no need to apologize for opening people mind and eyes. We should be the ones saying sorry for being soooo greedy...we cant get enough of the important information you give...I couldn't afford the RBBP but i have your books and all the ton of ''FREE'' info you have already provided us... I'm still encouraged and prayerful because you are a blessing to us all...''WHAT GOD HAS FOR ME...IS FOR ME''....keep up the awesome work (STL)
Your video
May the Lord bless the work that He has begun in you. Thank you!
No apologies necessary!
Dean, I wish I was in the position to buy into this program because I am SURE it's amazing! Right now is just not the time but hopefully you will offer it again (or something very similar!). I would love to learn how to buy below the bottom but just can't afford the program right now. I'm not giving up, though and can tell you that the information you share with your fans is so valuable that I hope it will be enough to at least get started in REI. Once I get moving on this I will definitely invest in some of your amazing educational programs! Thank you for all you do for all of us! It is appreciated!!!
Thanks Dean!
I needed to hear that...I am getting so much valuable info just using your website...I wish I had the money to invest, but I just don't. I do have my first property under contract and I have about 50 days to close. I have no money and I am trying to find an investor or hard money....boy am I scared. I am stepping out tho. I hope I can make this deal happen so I can buy the home study you offered.Joseph...see you at the top one day!
Enjoyed The Suspense
That is ok Dean I bought another one of your books until I can buy a program. I will not give up. Also I waste money on all kinds of programs in the past. At least I know you are the real thing, I have no complaints you are always giving more than any one I know. Just wish I could of afford the blueprint right now. Thanks for all you do:)
I guess I wasn't the only one.
Dean, I have to tell you that when I watched the rock bottom blue print videos It took the wind right out of my sail. I am in the success academy and I'm one of the ones who need EMERGENCY CASH. My first thought was, I can't afford this right now and, am I now in an obsolete program? After thinking about it for a while, the fact is I have more than enough tools to make things happen and I can carry on a conversation about real estate and actually know what I'm talking about. I could not do that 3 months ago. I just hope the program is still available when I get my first deal done and have the cash to buy it. It looks fantastic.
One more tool
I am a graduate fo your success acadamy, bought set for life, and this program too! I love this one the best! If you where only going to do one, this is the one to get!