Dean Graziosi Weekly Video Blog #147 - How Reality is Tied to Your Core Beliefs

Dean Graziosi Weekly Video Blog
You don’t always automatically identify what reality, fact or truth is. Your initial reaction to that statement might be “NONSENSE!”

But this week’s “Weekly Wisdom” reveals how accurate that statement is – AND what you can do to avoid letting false beliefs dictate and control your reality, success and happiness.

limitless & limiting belief

judithmuka's picture

Thanks Dean for this week's "Weekly Wsdom" video and your little boy is cute.

Our beliefs are Everything

wendydillard's picture

I so appreciate this week's message. As a Life Coach, I find limiting beliefs to be the biggest reason we often struggle to accomplish our goals. But with a bit of thoughtful introspective work, we can identify those pesky limiting beliefs. And the good news is, that now as grown adults, as we examine those beliefs, we see the "childlike" rationale used to come to those conclusions. And how it's been that childlike programming from which we've been operating ever since. So, with that new & more rational perspective, we can blow apart that limiting belief, allowing us to replace it with a more empowering belief that would better support our life and future situations.

I've wanted to do real estate since the early 90's, but I had many limiting beliefs that kept me from taking action. But since then, I've eliminated many of those limiting beliefs, and feel so much more confident in my ability to take the necessary actions, thus setting me up for success!

Dean - it was such an honor for me to shake your hand this past weekend at Brendon Burchard's Expert Academy. Your sincerity for helping others become successful is inspiring. And I sense how you are so very different from so many others because you lead with your heart, not your wallet -- and that comes across loud and clear. And it's most definitely what drew me to you and your programs.

I look forward to my journey toward financial independence. And I thank you for your loving and consistent nudging to influence me to live my best life.

Weekly Wisdom

Thank you for this week's "words of Wisdom". Just what I needed. I am going to pursue my dream - this time of becoming a financially successful real estate investor.

Handsome son - kinda looks like his dad.

Seeds of belief

chuckmc's picture

It's not what you are that holds you back, it's what you think your not. The most important three words you can say to your self: "Yes I can"

Good stuff

smurfy's picture

Thanks again, Dean, for your weekly tidbits.

Reality WOW

My belief should not be controlled by others. Thanks Dean for the reminder


thanks again and so good to see your son
sincerely a true delight

Words of Encouragement

Thanks Dean for the reminder that we are what we think and believe. You will be truly blessed as you continue to impart knowledge to us.

Brody is a great looking lad. I too know that you will have not have anything to worry about in terms of Brody's beliefs vs. reality, because of all that you are doing to teach him.

Again, thank you very much. Looking forward to Mondays.

Great one!

Angiec's picture

...and Brody is sooo cute!

Thank you,

Beliefs are your reality!!

femailceo's picture

Dean, Thank you again for another great video! Beliefs are your reality is so true! My husband grew up under strict parents and believes in a set way of doing things, and I see this holding him back all the time. I have other family members who blame others for everything and all their miseries, and I see how this also holds them back. It has opened my eyes, that I am the conductor of my life. Thank again for the great video!

Food for thought!

We all should pay attention!

This is So True

I have read this and realized this myself. I didn't want to have anything to do with real estate because both my father and my sister had bad experiences with it. So I never wanted to get involved with it or learn about it. Wish I had a long time ago.

Also I have noticed some other things in my life that I know my parents taught me that really are not true. You life is what you make of it and your choices. Not what happens to you. It is how you handle those things and what choices you make.

My life changed substantially when I changed my thinking. If more people would realize this maybe there wouldn't be so much poverty and unemployment today and our country would not be in such the state it is in now.

People blame everyone else for how their life is. I know I did.

Change your thinking and change your life.

planted in the subconcious mind>>

You are SOOOO correct > In analysing my behaviors I notice I am reprograming the "go to college get a good job" from Mom and Dad.
I create my own reality as thoughts virbrate into manifest success>>>
its comming I can feel it!
Thanks Dean

Too Cool and Too Cute!

SynysterAndre's picture

Haven't seen your Weekly Wisdom blogs in awhile since right before the Rock Bottom release, so I'm starting to catch up, starting with this one. I totally hear you loud and clear on what you're saying here, Dean. Too many times in life we're told a belief that is "supposedly" good for us and is the only necessary way to go about life. I've had a fair share of those instances myself growing up, being told that "If you don't work hard and go to college, you're never going to amount to anything in life" or "you can't be successful in that, you're wasting your time" and just other negative garbage. But I don't need to listen to those negative voices and I don't need to follow a certain belief....I can follow my own belief that I WILL succeed in Real Estate Investing and I WILL prosper to bigger and better things in my life because I believe in myself. Thanks again for this awesome message Dean, it really grabs hold on to what we see to be true for our own realities. And btw....Brody is just an absolutely adorable & cute child, he made me smile and laugh several times in this blog. He is truly a blessing in your life, just like you are truly a blessing to me and all of us in the DG family. Thanks Dean and look forward to hearing from you soon!



The encouragement, enthusiasm and truth of this blog/video is perfect and I am see where I have ecome so confined from life. Thank you

Thank you Dean

denaro's picture

The fact is I believe I can do this...and I like the purple car. Smiling

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