You don’t always automatically identify what reality, fact or truth is. Your initial reaction to that statement might be “NONSENSE!”
But this week’s “Weekly Wisdom” reveals how accurate that statement is – AND what you can do to avoid letting false beliefs dictate and control your reality, success and happiness.
THANKS, for giving us insight into ourselves from week to week. I am learning each week new things about myself. If I never get involved in real estate, I am a better person for following your blogs "Words of Wisdom" each week.
Reality... & Words of Wisdom
Thanks Dean for the Words of Wisdom and reality, which was a reminder. You are so right in all that you said in your blog.I started to see things differently three years ago when my Fiance pointed out to me my outrage towards a motorist who cut me off. I was furious, and he calmy said to me, you have no idea what is going on in that persons life or even at this moment. Maybe he didn't see me, who know? So rather than criticize, rant and rave I learned to be more patient and understanding. I learned to control my thoughts so that it has a positive outcome. It is funny how our thoughts can trigger a mind set for Success or Failure. My theory is if you fail,get up and try again using another strategy or tactic. It's taking a little time, but I will get there.
Your son Brody is a cutie, and looks identical to you.
So true...
I know that I limit myself everyday because of the life I have lived. I grew up poor white trash and unfortunately, I still have some of that mindset today.
When I've gone to REI meetings, I feel like I just don't belong with that class of people. I hold myself back from what I truly want out of life because I feel like I'm not worthy of the best that life has to offer.
Sometimes it's hard to keep pushing myself but I do it anyway. I feel like someday I will be able to forget all the negative in my life and just do what it takes to be successful.
I will keep trying and who knows, maybe I will get to where I want to be like you and your best students.
Thank you for your encouragement and teachings.
Best wishes to you and your adorable family.
Exactly what I needed to hear! That's the message my hubby tells me all the time too!
PS. Your son is adorable! My limiting belief is that I'd never be able to get my 2 year old son to sit there quietly for 3 whole minutes! ; )
You know Dean, you are so inspirational in every word you speak. So true to every word as well.
My problem is I not believe what you say, it is the doing part. My foot just will not take that initial step due to the fear of failing.
I can talk every step and believe in my heart what you say is correct.
Finding those buyers is the most frustrating part of your program. In the six months plus that I have been in your program I have not found but one or two buyers and they have not panned out. Everyone so far has been someone like me trying to find buyers they are not the investors.
Anyone out there interested in investing in Texas?
Thank You Dean for always being the rock and keeping us going.
Thank you
Thanks Dean for your words of wisdom, I will alwsay keep them in the back of my mind as I go thru my daily occupation.
True That!
Our thoughts are our reality, and some beliefs will stop our realities, This stuff is great, I am stronger in so many ways just by hanging out with you guys on the site, and actually listening too...thanks Dean
Thanks, Dean!
Such a great message, as always! It's so true that we are limited only by our own beliefs and overcoming our fears and ingrained beliefs is the key to success. Thanks for yet another inspiring message! Your son is adorable and it's wonderful to see that you are starting early to let him know anything is possible when you believe it is!
All our dreams can come true,
if we have the courage to pursue them.
~Walt Disney
Thanks Dean, I already knew
Thanks Dean, I already knew what you said but it is always good to hear it again and bring things to the fore front that might have gotten pushed to the back or forgotten over time. Thank you again for helping me remember and refocus and stay on track.
when i was young, my parents
when i was young, my parents always quoted scripture by saying, "money is the root of all evil." unfortunately i didn't read it for myself until many, many years later, and the scripture actually reads, "the LOVE of money is the root of all evil." HUGE difference, and it made all the difference in the world!!!
it's not what happens to you, it's how you look at it! thanks for a great blog!!!
weekly wisdon
Hansome little guy.
Your video this week is so true.
Are you Stuck With It?
I am taking a child development class right now. It is true that what happens to us as young children has a lasting impact. Having given birth to six children, I have tried my best to make early and lasting impressions. Albert Bandura, noted the interaction between person, environment, and behavior. One does not control the other, they all influence each other, just like you say, what happens around us affects our behavior because of what we believe about it. But then again, what we do affects what we believe, and what happens to us. We have so much more control over our own lives and experiences than people tend to believe--and that is why they are so powerless to change their own future. Thanks for reminding people that they do have the power to change--even if they didn't have a successful entrepreneurial father.
Thanks Dean
Good to see you with your son. Good message and true enough.
The way we think
Great video. Very mind opening and true.
Perception is Realty
Good points, we need to re-program ourself for success!
He is a cutie, you are right
He is a cutie, you are right Dean if you believe in something you can make it happen. When I was in Middle school in Turkey I do not want to learn English ( it was a private school and taught 30 hr. english,almost) and I ended up in US now I speak very good still I make mistakes , but I did tell myself I can learn this language and I did. All we need to do is follow our dreams and put some time. Thanks for all the info. By the way give your son a kiss from me , he is soooooo cute and handsome.
Have a wonderful day
this is great sir.........
Re Blog #147
I bought a duplex in May Lower moved out in June and upper moved out the 1st of August.. Did I think disaster.? on again off again yesterday rented lower and collected first and last month rent. tomorrow taxes installment due civered friday Electricity for both units due and Monday water bill for both units due. I kept saying the units will be rented and I still have Mtge payment for the 1st of October leftover from the rental deposit.. attitude is everything and next month I am counting on the upper being rented ..even if this does not happen ..what an excellent tax write off..It's all good. RGDs Dgld
Re Blog #147
I bought a duplex in May Lower moved out in June and upper moved out the 1st of August.. Did I think disaster.? on again off again yesterday rented lower and collected first and last month rent. tomorrow taxes installment due civered friday Electricity for both units due and Monday water bill for both units due. I kept saying the units will be rented and I still have Mtge payment for the 1st of October leftover from the rental deposit.. attitude is everything and next month I am counting on the upper being rented ..even if this does not happen ..what an excellent tax write off..It's all good. RGDs Dgld
Good afternoon Dean, Thank
Good afternoon Dean,
Thank you very much for your weekly wisdom video on reality and beliefs. It was very beneficial.
That is very cool that you took your son to work with you. I can see her likes cars.
Brian & Elsa
Great Blog Dean
Your achieve what you believe! Just ask Matt Larson!
p.s. You got a cute son there!
Brody is a cute little
Brody is a cute little button!!!
Great message thanks a bunch. I needed that message. I am a little afraid of the unknown. FEAR is holding me.
Thank you Dean, for this inspiring blog, reality vs
belief. This is so true, belief system can hold us in darkness!! Your son is very cute!!
Thanks Halina
Hi dean
Yes I have been getting neg. responses on every turn I make but I'm pushing through it just trying to get too some positve people to make this work for me & my family
Thanks for some possitve
Thank you DEAN for the reality check this week.Our thouhgts controll our entire life on an hourly basis, so if we do not focus on keeping our thoughts on positive thinking, then we will always be burdened by negativity, which does nothing but hinders us and prevents us from reaching our goals.YOU were blessed to be a father, at all times be uplifting, continue to speak favours, and blessings over his life.There is power in words.And yes he is a cute kid, that looks like his dad.
Words of Wisdom
Thanks Dean, as always for your words of wisdom.
Brody is really cute, didn't realize your son was
so young.
Wonderful reminder
Thanks Dean for reminding us of that. Brody is too cute. Another great one.
Thanks Dean,
My internet was dwn 1st time.
Good blog. and good ,well behave young man on ya lap. If I still had my daycare he be getting 4 gold stars.
Thankyou again for your great wisdom.
Theresa M.
I didn't listen to this blog until today but NOW is when I needed it. Thanks again, Dean
Weekly Wisdom
Video Blog ties into my current study. Thank You!
Reaction vs response can be planned. Reality can be responded to....
Your thoughts on "beliefs" tie into one's surrounding.
Thanks for your Weekly Wisdom.