You don’t always automatically identify what reality, fact or truth is. Your initial reaction to that statement might be “NONSENSE!”
But this week’s “Weekly Wisdom” reveals how accurate that statement is – AND what you can do to avoid letting false beliefs dictate and control your reality, success and happiness.
Great Topic
Thank's Dean
Brody is adorable
Thanks for another blog Dean,this helps someone like me to realize what belief and reality are. Thanks again! by the way your son Brody is so cute.
Real Wisdom!!
Thank you Dean. This was a great blog. I was just discussing this very fact with my daughters regarding their children. Your are who you are and are going to be by the time your five. If it isn't in you by that time, it will be more difficult! It is amazing what parents do, or do not do, to their children!! However, becoming aware of the real "realities" and working hard to redirect the way we think of reality, will help to correct how we look at ourselves and the world around us.
Love it. Your the greatest!
Needle in a HayStack But.....
Sorry Dean for the tacky subject title, but I just wanted to stand out from all the motivating comments to your AMAZING Post!! I am literally in awe listening to you every week and how much inspiration you bring with your consistence and knowledge you share, thanks for that because I really look forward to it and it actually pushes me to reach for great things and most importantly to reach inside of me and see what I am capable of doing.
I can see that you are a great father! and YES your little boy is darn CUTE!
Reality and the way we react.
This is so true and this is why we need to learn to think outside the BOX. The Box in this case is the way we precieve things.
This is the biggest challenge we have.
Great looking son, and nice to see you have taken him to work with you.
We Get What We Believe, Not What We Want!
Thanks Dean!
Belief vs Reality
thanks for the clarity you have talked about belief vs reality. this put us in control of our lives. fight, fight, fight for our success. it is self-destruct when we allow other people control our reality so when we realize that we can be the one behind the wheel we can take responsibility for our lives...good looking son you have there. thanks again.
********Make Sense********
I forget went I'm talking to a Agent that I'm on the Phone.I just have to ask them my criteria or my buyer criteria if they can't help me I'll just ask for a reference.If they can't I thank them for there time and move on.
Thanks Dean and good Boy you got there God Bless your Children.
Reality vs. Belief
Thanks Dean, for those pearls of wisdom.
The analogy with the parking spot hit very close to home. The important thing is really how one reacts when put in such a situation. Food for thought!
Your son is adorable and so well behaved. You and your wife are obviously doing something right.
Thanks again for all your inspiring words.
Reality Versus Perception
The message was concise, complete and fantastic. I think we left perception get in the way of reality daily.
But do you think that we could give you our complete attention with somebody so adorable and precious sitting right there with you? C'mon!
Enjoyed both the lesson and seeing part of your family. Brody is truly a mini-Dean and definitely eye candy. I hope to see more of him.
This is SO TRUE!
I am still to this day scared or anxious about things I know were instilled in me when I was a kid. I'm fighting to get around them, but I find they do slow me down. I know I will conquer them and make my real estate investing business get under way and grow with you constant and sincere encouragement.
Your little boy is so adorable!
Jo Ann
Hi Dean:
My beliefs were instilled by my parents. They taught me to take the word of the person as a truth, but this is not necessarily the reality. My point is your blog from last December stating that you are interested in "Private Money" for your students, but that is not the reality. When will you hold a webinar with Lee to talk about private money to your students? It is time for you to promote this topic for your clients.
Thank you Dean!
This is the case for me. I've heard so many times that most of our 'issues' or 'false beliefs' are stemmed to childhood. Thank you for exposing it again. I really appreciate all you and your staff do. I currently have a property under contract that I'm trying to assign. My daughter asked me today, when do you want to quit your job? I told her by the age of 45 which is only 1 1/2 years so I better pick up the pace! My real issue is I don't want her to go into college debt so my goal really is to pay cash for her education. I've really had to fight through some 'beliefs' but I will never give up!
Cathy L
Thanks for more words of
Thanks for more words of wisdom that will make us stop and think about our actions. Brody is adorable and I am so glad to see you spend more time with your family. I have a 10 month old granddaughter that I have devoted 2 days a week to. Both her parents have to work, but she doesn't have to be raised by a daycare. I want her to know that family is number one.
Yes, reality is what we make it to be.
Dean,I very much appreciate your wisdom reminder which one needs and can learn from every time.It is very helpful and necessary to keep oneself motivated specially in today´s world with so much negativity, depression and fear around that so many people seem to "enjoy" living in. Many thanks for being who you are and for what you do.We need many more of you around the world, for sure at least one in every town here in Slovakia where I live now...Do you think you could get yourself cloned??
Your cute little son looks like he is ignoring what is going on around him but don´t get me wrong, he is getting the right stuff in... I really miss my little grand daughter in Vancouver Canada.
I know a lot of people who need to read this blog! Are your thots limiting you or are your thots limitless? One thing I have learned in life (and you DG teach it every day) is this. If you think you are doing this to benefit yourself, then you are limiting yourself. Whatever you do it affects others, start looking at life thru others eyes, its a whole new beautiful world out there. for help me2: Get yourself a good title co. one with an attorney on board, they will be on yur side and steer you in the right direction! The crunkster, Janet
call an agent !
Thanks for the wisdom and encouragement, Dean ! Your son is adorable, and I know he is one of the reasons you do what you do ! What a good example you ARE to him ! Thanks again !
Deer in the headlights
Brody has the same expression on his face that I feel I did when I first started this new way of thinking. Trying to overcome the many years of being put in my place, told I can't do that and now trying, with your help to break free and live free. This is our new goal.
We adopted our 3 grandchildren and hope to teach them what you are teaching us and Brody. Live life to the fullest, Do what works and think possitive. You can do all things.
Terri Engel
Glad to see your son gets
Glad to see your son gets a day with Daddy.
In regards to Dean's blog today, let me take it a step further and simply explain how our mind works.
There are 4 sections to our mind regarding what Dean touched on. The 4 are:
Primitive Mind which is from conception to age 2. When we are born, we are born with only 2 fears: Fear of falling and loud noises. Also as written in another comment above, we do pick up what is happening while we are still in the womb.
Subconscious Mind: This is the area is so many words what Dean was speaking about. Between conception and say ages 8 or 9, whatever we hear or see is recorded in our subconscious mind and since we do not have the ability to ask why or question, our subconscious mind accepts whatever it is as the truth and that is why as we get older we run into personal problems or our reality is different than what is actual. So those formative years makes up our life unless we decide through therapy be it a psychologist or hypnotherapist for faster understanding and change, we continue to work off of what our subconscious believes is the truth from conception through age 8 or 9.
Critical Mind: This part of our mind decides what goes into the subconscious mind or not. Otherwise it is a filter that takes information from the Conscious Mind and can take up to 24 hours to decide what to do with that information, otherwise keep it or disregard it.
Conscious Mind: Our conscious mind handles the following: Logic, reasoning, will power, analysis and then makes a decision which goes into the Critical Mind which I explained above.
So that is a brief summary how our mind works and as a hypnotherapist, we have a saying, ready for change. That is when a person comes in and sees us to understand why they do or accept certain things in life, we find out through hypnosis and allow positive change to take place for a better and healthier life.
Hope this helps...Laspen
Beliefs vs Reality
Thanks for this weeks wisdom blog. You're right that beliefs can be reprogrammed.
Leon J.
Some Perspective
When I had to start calling buyers, I was really nervous because I felt like I was asking for money, intruding on their 'turf', all sorts of excuses. But I walked through my perception of the situation and now realize that when I call potential buyers that I'm actually looking for partners. They have something I need and I can provide something they may need, all I have to do is ask. I also realized that in these situations, there are 2 ways to get a 'NO' response and 1 way to get a 'YES' response. You get a 'NO' if you ask and they tell you 'NO', but you get an automatic 'NO' if you don't pick up the phone at all. If you make the calls and ask for what you want, you have a 50% chance to get a 'YES'. Which is much better than your 0% chance if you don't pick up the phone. Just keep pushing through your barriers and you will make it just like all of the other success stories on this site. Thanks Dean!
Hi Dean,
The timing on this blog couldn't have been better. I have been praying about what has been holding me back deep inside. What an answer to prayer! My parents were not the supportive type, quite the opposite. My dad was a big dreamer, but my mom was always negative and put him down for his dreams. After my dad left the family, we were bombarded with a barrage of "can't." "You can't do that" "That's too hard," "Don't be stupid, that's just a pipe dream." And so forth. When I got older, I asked her why she said those things, and she said she was only trying to protect us from the disappointment of failure. Even though I went on to be quite successful at my career as a sales professional, I still struggle with these "ghosts," but your blog reminded me that I can throw off the shackles of the past and be successful at this!!!
Your son is adorable. Someday he'll realize how blessed he is to have a dad like you.
Luv ya, Dean!
good curve
Yes, not everything is need to be going to school and get a job
I more like as hand on training i have no edu. but i love to work and be millionaire if i have money on my hand to investment
and i love your son that come to work with you today is tell distinct that you will be a best father as you can be
love this wisdom!!
Perfect timing
The words of Wisdom for today was just at the right time. I put in a call to a realestate agent friday and today he left a message for me to call him back. Now i can go over again what Matt says on finding that perfect agent to add to my team and get back to that agent with the right questions. Thanks for your wisdom. Fran
Hi Dean,
Good message on our Pychee. I would all mention that our belief in self is very powerful, e.g. if I don't think I deservce being fincially free because my mom told me before the age of 6 that I wouldn't amount to anything--this has a great hold on our future.
With God All things are possible.
#147 Perception
I think most people have perception issues.
Dean-how can I get started on your classes/courses. I have very little to no money live paycheck to paycheck,I have a family an am now divorced. Take care of my children, I rent now ''by the way I can't stand that''! My Children live with me too. HOW, HOW--- to get going, always wanted Real Estate, keep coming back to your weekly wisdom talks. Is there a program or an avenue to get going.....
Hope to hear from you.
Tony C. Nashua N.H.
Nailed It
You nailed it on the head! This was just what I needed to hear right now. I am also going to pick up your book, "Totally Fulfilled". Thank-you, again...you are a beautiful soul.
Thanks, Great stuff Dean. Very simple principle but
so powerful. BTW, your son stole the show!
God bless for your insight and encouragement.
How True
I think our beliefs ARE a tremendous stopper, and even though we know this, it's so subtle, it happens on a daily basis. Thanks for the eye opener and reminder. I'm going to try to constantly keep this in the front of my mind this week so it will become a habit to make sure my reality is on target moving positively and no longer subtly stopping me.
By the way, I think you're going to look back on this video someday and realize you have a future investor sitting on your lap - he's a cutie.