Dean Graziosi Weekly Wisdom #218 - Next Level Market Shift Revealed

Get ready for a revelation. In this Weekly Wisdom Dean illustrates the shift occurring in the market right now and shows you how and where to focus to make ridiculously huge amounts of money this year and beyond.

You'll also find out about an exciting opportunity to spend two days with Dean and his experts for some hands on education at the EDGE 2103 - AND hear the name of the lucky winner of the mini-iPad.

Click Here To Get One of The Last Seats at The Edge 2013. There's Even An Easy Payment Option, So Act Fast!

Last year I went to the EDGE

dominoafekt's picture

Last year I went to the EDGE for the first time. Let me tell you, it was worth EVERY PENNY! There are so many people that come from different parts of the country, and even out of the country. There are also so many people with different levels of experience you can connect with. If you haven't got your ticket yet, GET ONE and I'll see you there! Smiling

Life Changing

steinway024's picture

This will be my third EDGE. I have no doubt my life will be changed again, just as it was the first two times! In addition to the trememdous business boost, I'm looking forward to it like a cherished family reunion. I Can't Wait!

First year I was runner up in the Send me Away Dean Contest. I heard about building a remote team and went home and successfully did it. Second year I was an "alumni" and got to sit on stage and spread the good word. Plus I was extending the opportunity to travel North America and change lives with Boots on the Ground and One on One trainings.
Third year, well, let's just wait and see:)]
None of us will be disappointed!

EDGE 2010

JGREER's picture

2010 was the year I attended it. If your rolling your eyes about a "salespitch" well you need to straighten them out! I've been to other 3 day events that were specific to only one method of investing. One for Wholeselling, and another for Probate. Throughout the 3-day $4,500 class we were reminded to go to the back of the room and talk about more classes.

At the end of the EDGE Dean said he was going to offer more events, but he boldly stated this "This is NOT an emotional decision, if you can afford this with cash then this is not for you". He did not mean to single out anyone, he purely stated that what he was offering was not intended for a beginner.

He only had 30 minutes of "upselling" over the 2 days.


rob clay's picture

this will be my second edge event. it's funny but just out of those clips i was reminded of things said that i'd forgotten. great nuggets and that tells me i need to pull the edge dvd's out and go over it again. i will not miss an edge event. the people are amazing and the friendships can last a profitable lifetime.
keep moving forward, rob

Dean Is Real....

I am thrilled, blessed and speechless.
More of all I want to thank Dean for being so real as a Guru like you, you stay in touch and down to earth.
I am very proud that I follow my gut to buy your program and to be a student of yours.
I am humbly thankful for the iPod I am looking forward to become more than I am now with the knowledge and smart work.

I am forever thankful to you and l am looking to be on the stage too sometimes to give my testimony, for where I came from and where I am going, I am on the right path.
I also wanna thank my business partner Steven Barfield for keeping me going as well.

Success Conscious,
JR Joseph

Next Level Market Shift Revealed

SKL Properties's picture

Hi Dean,

More helpful information.....

I did notice that real estate prices are starting to climb.....

I would like to get to The least once.....I am sure it would be a great experience.....and a priceless learning tool.

I thank you......for sharing your knowledge with your DG family all year long......



Thanks for the motivation...put two offers in yesterday and can't wait until Monday morning to look for more properties...

Thanks Dean

steve and veronica's picture

Thanks again for another great weekly wisdom Dean.

We went to the 2011 EDGE event and it was great. I remember the first time I saw Dean at the meet and greet. I had goose bumps. I know Dean is only a man like everyone else but he is a great mentor. I shook Dean's hand and introduced myself and Dean told me he reads my posts. Man did that make me feel like part of a family. Every time I passed Dean in a hall way he would take the time to ask me how i liked the EDGE and if I was doing good. If you have not met Dean go to the EGDE you will love it.

It was also great to meet with Randy,Matt,Jay and Indiana Joe. So many more.

another edge

keb64's picture

Guys and gals..If you have ever wanted to come to a great event then this is the one to come to. I took second place in last years event so the cost was just food for the three days but I have bought the tickets at full price long before I was in the running. Make the trip it will be a real life changing weekend...The hotel is the best, the staff are great, the education is out of this world.. Hope to see you all there..

the edge

Even though I havent got that first nich on my belt yet I have not thrown in the towel I do have 2 that I am still trying to sell .. I watch and do something everyday and I might not be there live if I am not one of the lucky few I still hope to get hook to the link ,, I know that it will come and when it does smiles for all lol ( when asked what day it was and the reply was why today is TODAY and I said really did u know that TODAY is my favorite day of the week ) whinnie the pooh

FIRST edge

KRISTIN's picture

DGIE'er attending my first edge event and I am attending without my partner as we are also moving that weekend. Look forward to possibly seeing a few familiar faces (from BOG, Buying Summit) and meeting so many more!


Thanks so much for discussing the market shift but mostly for pointing out that it is still an amazing time to buy and that there are even more buyers out there!

Your discount offer for the Edge is amazing!

I am sorry I missed last week's opportunity on the blog and hope that I will be able to see some of the information left by others about their area prices.

2013 has started off for me with a new intensity for success and a new partner! So, bless everyone out there going for RE success - make it happen 2013!!!!


First Edge

dminlow's picture

This will be my first edge event.I have the Edge CDs for 2009, 2011, and 2012 they are what helps keeps me motivated , Looking forward to the live class and to meeting like minded people.

Edge 2012

Courtney's picture

I was so Excited to go last year and even MORE EXCITED this year!! There was so much I learned and so many great people that I met. I love being part of this Amazing DG Family!! I am making my travel arrangements now and I Can't Wait to see you all soon!!


thank you

hi there, not necessarily related to this weeks post, but just wanted to say thanks for all the uplifting weekly comments and goal achievement strategies. we have had many many hurdles to overcome but baby steps are leading the way. We are reaching small goals and large goals every month and year and soon will be able to jump into this with both feet!

Thanks Dean!!

Thanks Dean for another great inspirational video. Thanks for all that you do to help others!!

Great Blog

Thanks for the info on what's going on in the market and the diagram. Good to know and what to tackle first. Great reinforcement. Have a great week.


Thanks everyone for sharing

More good stuff

shinton's picture

Every time I watch the Weekly Wisdom I get motivated all over again. I wish I could go to the EDGE this year, but I'll definitely be there next year! 2013 is going to be a special year for a lot of people. It's great to have a whole year to look ahead and be successful.

What can i say

Saif Harbia1's picture

Thanks dean again,,, u still inspiring all of us all the time .

keep the good job straight

Edge 2013

NateArmstrong's picture

Dean and his students, now Coaches, are the best in the business - nuggets of knowledge from each of them have helped us move smarter and faster.

Edge brings a room full of superstars together for a weekend: Ali, Matt, Chad, Randy, Chip & Andrea, RG, Jeff, Joe, Gena, Rena, Jeff, The Wakefield's + more and of course Dean...

Edge also brings passionate people together.

Before Edge it took us four years to do 50. Since Edge 2012, our team has more than doubled that. Smarter & Faster - we can't wait to see Edge 2013!

I will be there

Donna Doo's picture

I can't wait to reconnect with everyone this year. I have learned so much and am moving forward. If you haven't bought your tickets you must RIGHT NOw. I so appreciate all Dean and his teams hard work to put this together

Another great blog

Thank you Dean: For all the great inspiration. You always share, and give us plenty of education. 2013 is going to be a great yr, for everyone. I ordered last year the home edge event. I learned so much from it. I have never been too live event,maybe one day I will be able too attend Thanks, I recommend the course. Thanks Carol in Texas9

Edge 2013

It's so motivating to read comments of those who have attended EDGE or who have watched the CDs. Can't imagine what happens during EDGE, but I'm looking forward to finding out!

First Workshop

TTRON's picture

I am finally taking the Plunge...
I am going to my FIRST workshop this weekend in Pensacola...

I guess... I'm scared!

Hopeful, but scared...

EDGE 2013

It's so motivating to read comments of those who have attended EDGE or who have watched the CDs. Can't imagine what happens during EDGE, but I'm looking forward to finding out!

(No subject)

Edge 2013

Dean, excellent info to target on.
For those thinking "The Edge" I would say you will be on such an overwheming high of shared skills,methods,and people successfully using them that you just have a wow moment,for a whole week-end Smiling
see u there
Enjoy & Until

It's Time!

jcwp's picture

Edge 2013 and only 27 tickets left...We have our tickets , you better get yours now! DO NOT MISS THIS EVENT. This is an amazing event that will pump you up,teach you strategies that you can take home and make more money. We have met so many great D.G. members here and have partnered with many from around the country. If you are in investor or want to learn Real Estate,than this is the place to be. We can't wait to see old friends and meet new ones. We are always looking to partner with the D.G family. This is going to be a great year for investing. Do not miss out.
Success to All!
John and Julie Wakefield

2013 get it done

Thanks Dean and DG family for a stronger approach toward my financial freedom. This will certainly be a better year for success.